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YX932D /YX930D /vX930D -1A

Operating Manual

. Read this nanual carefull-r befot'e use

. Keep it pernanent ly

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t.\91(¡ t) t'\9t0 I )..\912 t, t\1)iot) l! t.\.910s


( MODEL yX930D. yX930L. yX932D. yX930DlA. yx920s )
Operating Manual

Electric suction Appahatus model YX930D. Yx930L. Yx932D. Yx930DlA and yX920s
intended for extracting
va¡ious mucus such as purulertce ,blood and phlegm from bod! cavity or wound
in hospitals or cente. orsocial
medic¿l service a¡e mobile suction unitrvith a high floq high vacuum and a novet
styu rney -e noi i]rtended fo¡
the use in the case of inflammable and /or explosive ga. sxisting.
' The units shall work continually within 30 minutes with intoriittent loading. Their r¿tio of duration can reach
more than 50%.
. Electrical requirement: Class I and type B equipment.


An oil-less vacuum source with a high flow, double piston cylinder applied Electric Suctio-n ipparatus model
YX930D. YX930L. YX932D. YX930DIA and YX920S whose pumps need maintenance free and easy service.
No positive pressure to the applied part makes it safe and
reliable to operate. 5f, - i, v&uu.€&rr,or
. The overflow protection device is intended to prevent , i-,J ,r ,*,1 I,
liquid or solid particles from entering the intermediate *.ri- r L L ,il.¡ ---§.¡ia&.n.b
tubing. .'¡.,* i 't
","",- E ( l=r
. The vacuum regulator controls the level ofvacuum :
], n* .l:'.j",]'r ll l-,.,.,",-,,.
required in clinic by adjusting the regulator knob. il,;lil "'' t-J t-J
. The vacuum meter indicates the pressure ofapplied part.
. For model YX932D, the hose rack and the rinsing-cup are
fixed beside unit for placing catheter before o¡ after FiB.l operation principle diaEra!
operation; The fool-switch and power coid cari b€ put insido lhe accessoy-box for convenience during
or storage.


320x330x700 460x560x980 335 x 350 x 400 320x28i x 500 330x295x360

RFI U5 x 20l 0. 5A RFt 05x20t0.7 5 A RFI 05 x 20/ 0. 5A

wt a5 \20t2.5 A

-1t0v1t0.4/o, 60 z

unpack for inspecting the producr\ outward_before assembling
and adjusting. check up the accessories according
rhe packing list. prease contacr with the supplier or manutactuñ to
in time ir,r,i. r.
-y i.Lrñ-"
l cotrnect pipeline (see a¡so Fig..2a for Yx932D. yX930D; fiíg.2á for yX930L. yxg3oD-tA
Nok rhe inret oÍ air Jirter mar*ed geen dot shourd be conn¿cted
to t " "" " '
outlet o¡ storage ¡ot'ti"'
'r ¡¡ 2c for yX920s )
2.Assembly frame (yX930L applied)
See also Assembly Frame Diagram
3.Connect to mains
Y.\eta t) t'\etat t\'et. D t'\et,tt't't t'\'e20s
connecting the unit to power supply, the power lamp lights.
tyqming: The urrit ñains plug octs or a mai8 cuf itg-of d¿vice " The ,nains suke, ,,lust b grwnd¡ng rcliably.
4. VeriS pipeline
' Tum tightly the vacuum r€gulator k¡ob in clockwise , occlude the inlet with finger or fold up the hose and hold it
with fingbr.
' Run the unit by tuming on hand or foot switch, the readings shown on vacuum meter should rise up rapidly to more
üan 680mmHg; let the inlet fi€e and the rcadings should retum to less tl¡an l50mmHg.
Corresponding to the condition above indicates that the pipeline is coúected.corectly.
Iarted t5
lrotn dot
f-1/ )
l. Storage bott¡e

2. Suction hos€
#i. ff Inlel
3. Safcty guarding tube

4. bottle cap

5. Suction tubing
6. Air lilter

{rl l-
rl--- :$
I 7. Seal-ring

E. Ovcrflow protection devicc

l_ _I

Fig. 2 a. Pipeline Connection Diagram

ll¡ M /áFs*^



/ \\¡F ((5j ¡,I

IMJtrf Ȗt ll
ri I I -Itl

'- l--_.

I Stoñge bottle 2. Ovefllow proteqion dcvic€ I bonte cár, 4I 9utrf hfl! 2 Orcrflow prolecrron devrce J. Bufer bofl¡e cap
Sudrori ¡ubing - 5 Air filter ó Cap nrp 7. Bonle cap
4 Sucliori rubing s.Airfilter 6. Sucrion hc€ t il_il.- ü l uDtng guda 9 slor¡gc bof,.lr
8. Cap nip 9.lloot t0. splrsh b6rd 0 splash board
I ¡ Hoot 2. H¿rdle
I i Suction ho6e

Fig.2. b Pipeline Conncction Diagran Fig. 2 c,. PipelineConnection Diagr¿m

5. Adjust vacuum
Run the unit with occluded inlet, and adjust the vacuum regulator, üe readings shown on the vacuum meter
vary between l50mmHg and680mmHg, The level of vacuum required in clinic can be controlled by adjusting the
Turn aroünd the vacuum rcgulator clockt ise for on inoeare in vacuum.
ó. Inspect end test overflow protection device
' open the bottle cap with overflow protection device; clean the valve entranc€ and even the rubber valve vane
which should be connecled to the.float satisfactorily. check up whether bending
or rearing anJ oihe. defects ex¡sr.
The float should move flexibly without any obstruCtion.
' Hold the cap, make the float come into contact with water level vertically, the float should float up along the float
frame as moving the cap slowly downward.
' Press the cap tightly, connect suction hose 10 the inlet of the storage bottle, and nrn the equipment with the
regulator tighlened clockwise.
' lmmerse the suction hose into a_cleff water containet or suck liquid
into the slorage bottle simulating the
condirions in normal use unrir the shur-off mechanism ofrhe
ovtfow p.t*d;;?";;;';"iiru]Ll'*r,ir. ,r.tion
ceases auromar¡caly. Different appricarion in sucrion
' slacken down the vacuum regulatói shut offthe ,rit ,*irc'r,,
sharr resurt in variety oiih; i;"ü;d';;.
rr,e bottre cap then, and empty the
"ñ, storage bottre.

when fix the cap tightly once more, the float should be tocatcd ut t" rottorltl'l'Ji"';HÍ#;'itilii:::l:rt;""t
entrance opening.
coresponding to the condition above proves the overflow pmtection device to be effective.
Nole I:Two pos§ible cases in the follow shall lead to lhe liqtid level corrriruing to go upteards even ilthe shut-of mechanism of the
overflov protectíon hos activated.@ Owning lo lhe vacuum reside in the storage boule. @ The valve entrance has not
been <xcluded totally. In thc ¡rsl case, the liquid letel shall not arise any longer when lhe suctio¡ hose reñowd
liquid is re-insened. In lhe second case lhe liquid level sholl couinue to go ap. Specíal a ention must be paid to thl
from the
when the storage bottle is about to be lull, take lhe suction hose dvay fion the iiquid innediauly, turh ;f the unit
and J¡nd
out the reoson why the overflov protectio\ deúce lo§es eficacy.
Nole 2: Suction ceases when the shut-of mechanisd of the Wtec,ion da,ice aetivole§. the
flodt is probably sucked oñto the
volve enlrance because ol úe vacuum inside u ilemediate tubing. Undq this condition, slacken uacuum
regulotor or
shul down lhe equipmenl lo rcleose lhe vacuum inside lhe i empdiore tubing, ensurc the
lloat to latt doyln by grovity.
Do not pull dov/n lhe flool by force to protect it agaínst seporuliig fron rubber valw vai.
Nde 3: Do not open th. bottle cap until vacuun has releosed. by swirching oÍ the unit.
Nole 1: Do nol operate fhe apryralus vilh lhe overlow prolection detice and salety guad mbe utassembled.

7. $op working
When completing adjstrnent or operation, tum offthe switch on the unit, and then pull out the plug from the mains
socket to cut offthe electricity supply.

1. Operation
' Inspect th€ apparatu§ according to the procedurc ofassembly and adjusuTent. Ensure its performances are
satisfactory. Then connect üe disinf$ted suction hose and celiac catheter ready for operat¡on.
Note: Fo¡ madel YX932D, th. cdhet¿r can be ploccd inside the rirsing cap beÍorc or oiar operdion, qrrd in the sarne ,irrg
loc* the sacT¡on hote by thc hose racli
' During the period ofoperation, the required vacuum level can be controlled by adjusting vacuum regulator. Tum
on the hand or foot -switch by requirement and obs€rve the liquid level in the storage bottle.
' In normal condition, the collected liquid is not allowed to enlering the suction aid bottle. When the liquid level in
first storage bottle goes up to the stated capacity, stop operatin& empty and clean the storage bottle thin go on
'The second storagc bottle acting as a suction aid bottle prcvents the liquid from entering inro pump. Ifthe
collected volume is larger for one time and the liquid has to enter into the second bottle; empty the bottle in time
before the overflow protection device activates.
' If the liquid level continues to go upwards even ifthe ovellow device has activated, solve out the problem refer
to "Insp€ct rtrd test overflow pmtection device.
Nole : The asP¡ralor should be operated by prclessionol d&lor according to tlg directions of ñed¡cal science
dnd the instñrcrion
in the operating nanual strictly.
lfthere is any doubt about operation, please gel in touch with supplíer or monufacturer

2. Replácement for air filter

Ifsucked into foam or dir! the air filter diaphragms shall change its color fiom lightness to deepness.
Further lead to suction force in the inlet reducing even disappearing, but the reading shown on"vacuum
meter shall
increase to more than 300mmHg. Under this condition, repiace the air filter with thi one provided
Nole l:
Thot the shut-olJ mechanism ofoverflow protection del,ice octivates or the tubing hos
been occluded shall also cause the
suction forl:e reduc¡ng or disappearing as \aell os the úac1¿uñ incruasing( see
iin 2 in "ttoubleshooting. ).
Note 2: The ahfiher should be summed up to destroyed when replaced.

3. Replacement for fuses

' when the fuses fixed on the rear ofthe unit case ofmodel YX932D, yXg3oD, yxg30l, yXg3oD-lA
or the fuses
fixed at the bottom ofthe unit ofmodel YX920S need to be replaced,
tett" th" frra
sealing with a screw driver and tum a¡ound in counter-cloctwise ro w¡míraw "ror.-g.*u"-ofti,., inspect
"tign rtre r""tini.o""a
the fuses.
' The fuse for transformer inside the unit case (at the bottom ofthe unit for
model yXg20S) should be inspected or
replaced by professionals.

4. M¡intenance
' Before stop working, sucking a rinre crea¡ water wir te herpfur
to make suction tubing crean.
'After stop working, empty stoEge bonle, eliminate dirt insiáe storage bottle with soft
rinselhose including the overflow protection devi"" brush or cloth and then
an¿ iuliion tuUing throughour.
Note I : Avold thc stotagc bodl6 ,r:odc
**" ,of Sross orlalling bnt
being knocted ogairrs sharp botty

' :[r!;:;#Xp*od^ aái, onti*r'*r-iii]iiül"ag¡-á 0,i,,6 ;;;^ ,-,nd the securinsÍrame

' It is rccommended that immerse the storas€ bottre and cap, ó *"n .r"tiJi'ilr1r';:irXá'#iiJíi: á?; ln*I,'o'
solution (refer to its instnrctions ) for one hour. ^
' The suction cdreters made of metal can be maintained fo¡ 20 minr¡tes in 134 *
4.C saturated ste¿m fo¡
.,ll:,:y:":lq_{I.-X'l yf u" wiped wirh disinfected cloth which should be twisted dryer as to prevenr
llquro rrom seeping into the chinks ofcase.
Nole t(l'en operottnE tfu unÜ anorher tbe, ,tE overfow prolectio,r ddice
ar¡d ttÉ taf.ty Euard lube and suction tuüng aust be
cohwcted correcrly occording to Fig-2 .
Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning
Altemating current
e Grounding
Type B equipment
n Attention ! took up the documents

ltem Fault Cause Solution Remarks

l ) t eakage in the l) Cleañ the eriü-¿nce of I ) Non-smooth cap shall
entrance of stórage bottle and press bottle cap result in leakage too.
Max. vacuum bottle. tightly. Replace the cap if
<680mmHg 2) Vacurn reguldm loose. 2) Screw down the regulator necessa4/
)) Leakage in the tubing 3) Make the tubing be 3 ) Replace the broken
con¡ection. connected correctly. suction tubing
I ) The shut-off I ) Slacken the regulator to Empty the storage
Vacuum value
mechanism ofthe rele¿se the vacuum in bottle in time.
> 300mmHg, brrt the
overflow deüce tubing then tighten it.
suction fo¡ce in the
activates 2) dredge and rinse or replace
2 enn"ance of tubing
Z) Suction tubing the occluded tubing.
obviously rcducing or occluded- 3) Replace the filter with the
disappearing. I ) üe filter's inlet
l) Air filter blocked. one provided by
marked with gfeen
Powo supply is I ) The plug and socket I ) Repair oi replace the

3 normal, brf t lhe mit contacts fauh. socket.

fails to nm. 2) The fuses are fusing. 2) Replace the broken fuses.

I ) Electrical fauh l) Examine the circuit to Examining or repairing

Connecting 10 mains, 2) Defective relay work out the problem- by professionals ( see
4 the Íirse is broken 1) Plunp obsmct and 2) Fix or replace the relay Fig.3 Circuit diagram )
immediately. cuÍenl increasing. 3) Inspect pump and motor

Ilre shut-off mecha¡lism

Liquid sucked into Repair or replace the Use the storage bottle
5 pump spuls oul from
¡fthe overflow
protection device loses defective overflow within its státed
the exhaust protection device . capacity.

Nore : l, is recommended that the wnp §houÍd be unassembled or rcpaircd by professionats. Ifnecessary pleose get touchvith the

I lt)\'

Fig.3 Circuit Diagram

f.\'9t0 D y\'9lo I t-_\91: t) ,\-910t)-tA t,\g2os


. Temperature : 5^40oC
. Relative humidity : ( 80Zo
. Atmospheric pressr¡¡e : 8ó0-1060 hpa

. Tempe¡ature : 40,55"C
. Relative humidi§ : 95%(
. Aünoapheric presst¡re : 50&-1060 hpa
Notc : The pocked aspirators shoúd be *2pt indoor eith no corrpsiye g.¿s ond well ventilded.

'Any ofour prod¡rcts is promised to bé.repaired free or replaced wíthin one year from the date ofpurchasing ifthe
packed_unit stored and operated complying with the rulei rrcommended
by the manufacturer doe's not work

' Circuit diagrams part lists and other technical information are available upon request for qualified


-------uoa" t
YX930D YX930L YX932D YX930D lA
Accesso¡ies\ YX920S

RFt 45X20/ 0. 5A RFt 45x20/ 0.75A P§L 45x20/ 0.5A

Fuse fo¡ t ansformer
RFt ASXN/2.5A RFI 05 x20l1.5 A
Fuses for oains
2 pcs 2 pcs
Celiac catheter 1PC

Suction hose lPC

Air filter **

Design and specifcations changed reserved

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