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Preparation for Turkey Burslari Scholarship

The interview phase:

1. Welcome and introduction
Merhaba, I am genuinely excited to see you. My name is Saleamlak Geleta. I am 21 years old. I
joined grade one at the age of 7 and completed my primary education when I was 14. After
completing the elementary education, I could join my secondary school with astonishing results
that my academic documents can testify. During my stay in the secondary education, I was one
of the outstanding pupils who were shortlisted by their academic performances; I had received
many incentive awards and certificates as well. And most importantly, I had been a member of
English language enhancement department and served therein as a journalist. Then after
finishing my higher education with a remarkable mark, I could join my pre-university education
in a school called Borena preparatory school. After 2 years of stay, I completed grade 12
accompanied with better results and joined Addis Ababa science and technology university. This
is all about my educational background.

2. Candidate’s motivation
I have a keen interest in studying my education abroad especially in Turkey. This is not for no
good reason that I selected Turkey as my study destination.

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