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Sentence Stress Worksheet

Instruction for Part 1 &2

1. Download worksheet
2. Watch a video on TED Talk: “Could you survive the real Twilight Zone?”
3. Look at worksheets and find sentences by watching a video again.
4. Identify the stressed words in each sentence and highlight them

“And almost everything else is trying to eat you.”

• Part 1

1) Your mission is to survive these depths and journey to the surface after sundown
to feed.

2) Your first challenge is to begin your upwards trek.

3) You can’t swim fast, but your narrow build makes you maneuverable.

4) Food is hard to come by in the Twilight Zone, so predators have fearsome

adaptations to make every attack count.

5) A bright spot appears in the distance.

• Part 2

1) The light is a bioluminescent lure belonging to an anglerfish.

2) You’ve just participated in the world’s largest migration.

3) These materials then feed the creatures below that don't migrate.

4) That's why this process is known as the biological carbon pump.

5) you must repeat this journey every night for the rest of your life.

Instruction for Part 3

1. Choose three sentences from Part 1 and 2.
(or, if you want to try other sentences, feel free to pick up from a video!)
2. Read sentences by focusing on the word stress!
3. Record your voice!

• Your three sentences

1. __________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________

• Website to record your voice:

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