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D/Cdt Hidalgo, Cleanard S 2021-07-09 Friday

Pollux – II
NAV2 : Parts of Nautical Chart


Through the video that I have just watched, I get to learn the different parts of the nautical chart.

There are so many information indicated on a chart from the title, scale, depth and height info, projection,

compass rose, and many more. Then I remember the activities that we have done from the previous days

wherein we searched about the different types of projection and scales. In this case, I realized that it is

connected to the topics we will encounter as we go on in our lessons.

The title part gives the information about the chart’s all about and coverage area. Is also a scale

wherein we can see the proportion of the chart to real life measurement. A projection is the way how we

perceive the chart. Since the Earth is a sphere, there might be discrepancies if we turn it into a flat surface

map. So, experts used their own techniques to create these projections such as gnomonic, Mercator,

lambert conformal, and polar stereographic.

In the videos, I also get to learn the different scales on a chart. The use of a type of scale depends

on the purpose. It may be for route planning, ocean passage, coastal approach, and many more. So it is

better to identify what purpose I will use the chart for to have a more effective plotting and route.

Lastly, I saw the compass rose discussed in the video. We learned about the compass rose when

we had our Navigation 1. This part gives the seafarer the direction of the true north and magnetic north at

the same time. Also, there is a variation in that

D/Cdt Hidalgo, Cleanard S 2021-07-09 Friday
Pollux – II
NAV2 : Parts of Nautical Chart

information in which we also discussed the computation of getting the magnetic variation of today.

Therefore I conclude that nautical chart serves as guide for the navigators just like an adventurer

that carries a map to keep track of the way. Knowing the concepts in a nautical chart is essential for me as

a future marine officer. It is because it gives me the way and direction to ship’s destination aside from

other navigational equipment.

D/Cdt Hidalgo, Cleanard S 2021-07-09 Friday
Pollux – II
NAV2 : Parts of Nautical Chart

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