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3 Billy Goats Gruff Hooks 2nd

State a belief. Use a single word

Example- Pickles! Pickles! Pickles! They were

Example- The school cafeteria should offer
pepperoni pizza every day.

Start with an interesting fact. Ask an interesting question.

Example- Have you ever wondered how many dogs

Example-The bumblebee bat is the smallest you can walk at one time?
mammal on earth

Capture a moment in time Describe a sound

Example-We were right at the top of the rickety roller Example- Snap! Crackle! Crunch! Something big is
coaster and started down over the hill. lurking in the woods.
Hooks 3rd

State a belief. Use a single word

Example- The school cafeteria should offer pepperoni

Example- Pickles! Pickles! Pickles! They were
pizza every day.

Start with an interesting fact. Ask an interesting question.

Example-The bumblebee bat is the smallest mammal on Example- Have you ever wondered how many dogs you
earth can walk at one time?

Capture a moment in time Describe a sound

Example-We were right at the top of the rickety roller

coaster and started down over the hill. Example- Snap! Crackle! Crunch! Something big is lurking
in the woods.

Heckedy Peg Hooks 3rd

State a belief. Use a single word

Example- Pickles! Pickles! Pickles! They were

Example- The school cafeteria should offer
pepperoni pizza every day.

Start with an interesting fact. Ask an interesting question.

Example- Have you ever wondered how many dogs

Example-The bumblebee bat is the smallest you can walk at one time?
mammal on earth

Capture a moment in time Describe a sound

Example-We were right at the top of the rickety roller Example- Snap! Crackle! Crunch! Something big is
coaster and started down over the hill. lurking in the woods.

Start with a short 4 or 5 word Start with a metaphor or simile.

Example-Her hair shone gold. Example-It was as cold as a snowman in January.

Start with an interesting question. Start with a subordinate clause or

complex sentence.

Example- Although her neighbor had always been friendly, this time she
Example- Have you ever wondered how many dogs you could walk at
yelled at the top of her lungs!
one time?

Start with a riddle. Fill in the blanks_________was the

kind of_____________who/that

Example- Who has a beautiful smile, cooks great, and can run like the
wind? If you guessed my grandma, you’re right! Example- My brother was the kind of person that could build anything.

Capture a feeling or emotion. Use a string of adjectives.

Example-Scrumptious, delicious, and wonderful aromas doesn’t even

Example-You might be surprised to find out how disappointed my begin to describe my favorite meal!
parents were.

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