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Foundation Inspection Check list


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 Demolition permit shall be signed-off prior to scheduling a foundation inspection.

 All sequential inspections and correction notices shall be completed and signed off.
Exception: Demolition inspection may be scheduled with the foundation inspection if
demolition requirements are completed. See “Demolition” checklist.

 If applicable, Special Inspection, Soils, and Engineer field reports completed.

Verify BMP’s Procedures: (See plans for additional requirements)

 Verify a min. 4” inch layer of crushed drain rock at entrance(s) where construction equipment
and vehicles access the site.

 Verify that a washout pit has been constructed in a dirt area for surplus discharge of
concrete/wash water from concrete pump, concrete trucks, and cement/plaster mixer.

 PROJECTS IN FLOOD ZONES require inspection and approval by Public Works inspector


 See Under slab/ Slab Plumbing guidelines

 FOUNDATION INSPECTION Top 6 frequently missed/Inspection Failures

 1. Survey: Lot line survey required for new structures and additions within 2’ of setbacks or
within 3’ of property line. Surveyor letter shall state how property corners were marked. Survey
letter is required at foundation inspection. Basement surveyor letter is required at wall steel
Exception: If this is an addition where the layout of the wall that is parallel to the
property line is in line with the existing house, a survey is not required. (i.e. the property
line wall is an extension of the existing wall).

 2. Special Inspection: if applicable, all special inspection activities shall be performed and
written field report completes prior to the arrival of the Building Inspector.
 3. Raised Foundation: At all exterior doors, and where concrete is placed against building
the foundations shall be raised/extended. Provide 2” minimum vertical separation from concrete
steps, porch slabs, patio slabs and similar horizontal surfaces. If raised foundation detail is not
included in the approved plans, the engineer of record shall provide the contractor with an
approved detail of the raised foundation prior to inspection. The raised foundation detail shall
be on site at time of inspection.
See [ FIGURE A-2]

 4. Grounding Electrode: Provide UFER at panel location: Option 1. (1) 20’ long # 4 rebar
placed 3” above bottom of footing and extend above top of footing a min. of 6”. Option 2. (1)
20’ length not smaller than # 4 bare copper wire clamped at end of line to bottom rebar with
approved weaver clamp and extend above top of footing un-spliced to panel. CEC 250.52(3)

 5. Wood to earth clearance: Foundations supporting wood framing and sheathing

members shall extend at least 8” above earth (Contractor shall verify grade elevations
with builders level) See [FIGURE A-1]

 6. Wood Stakes: Measures shall be taken to allow all wood stakes and form lumber to be
removed. We recommend using Plastic-Sleeve to slip over the wood stake. Note: Wood
stakes/forms not removed shall be drilled and treated with copper green.
 FOUNDATION INSPECTION * 2016 New code requirements
• Foundations with stem walls over 4’ high require a wall steel inspection, install outside forms

 Provide letter verifying all requirements of soils report have been met, (Required if foundation
is Pier & Grade Beam, Basement, and projects West of the 280)

 Setbacks: Verify property line markers/setbacks, (property lines shall be set and lines

 If applicable, Soils report for compacted soil from approved special inspection agency.

 Provide ¼” (2%) slope/drainage away from building foundation. CRC R401.3 Exception. See
your project Grading and Drainage plan for all drainage requirements.

 Stumps and roots shall be removed from the soil to a depth of at least 12” below and
adjacent to building/foundation. Exceptions to leave roots in foundation must be stated on SCC
approved plans.

 Were grade slopes more than 10% footings shall be stepped-up.

 Utilities: Verify utility locations for Electric, Gas, Sewer, and Water.

Forms: CBC1805.4.2.6 refers to ACI 318 Chapter 6

 Forms shall be substantial and sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of mortar. ACI 318 6.1.2
 Forms shall be properly braced or tied together to maintain position and shape. ACI 318
 Design of formwork shall include rate and method of placing concrete, construction loads,
including vertical, horizontal, and impact loads.
 Removal of forms and shoring: forming and shoring shall not be removed until concrete
has sufficient strength to support safely its weight and loads placed thereon. ACI 6.2 (B)
Compressive strength of concrete:
 * Minimum compressive strength 3,000 psi. Special inspection is not required unless specified
by project engineer, however contractor shall show proof of design mix from the readi-mix
company CRC R404.

R404.1.1 Design required. Concrete or masonry foundation walls shall be designed in

accordance with accepted engineering practice where either of the following conditions
l. Walls are subject to hydrostatic pressure from ground water.
2. Walls supporting more than 48 inches of unbalanced backfill that do not have permanent
lateral support at the top or bottom.
See tables 404.1.1(1)-(2)

See attached CPA Minimum Foundation Requirements.
 Minimum footing depth 20”, width 14”, and foundation wall min. 8”. See plans
 Verify footing is widened at Strong wall location per ESR 1267 or per ESR report
 Remove all trash, roots, debris, and loose dirt from bottom of footing.
 Elevation of foundation above street gutter shall be 12” plus 2% of the distance. R403.1.7.3
• See attached Rebar Lap Splicing Table
 Verify specified size and grade of steel.
 Verify min. 3” clearance when permanently exposed to earth. ACI 7.7.1
 Lap splices shall be a minimum 12”. Refer to plans for lap splices. ACI 12.15
 Verify splices are staggered a minimum of 24”. ACI
 Minimum reinforcement: (2) # 4 bars at bottom and (1) at top of footing.
See [FIGURE A-1]
 Wall openings shall have additional vertical reinforcement, or the same size placed within 12”
of each side of the opening. R404.
 Steel shall be clean and free from oil, dirt and excessive rust.
 All embedment’s and anchor bolts shall be installed at time of inspection. (no wet setting)
 Verify anchor bolts and hold-downs anchors are sized and spaced per “shear-wall schedule”.
Hold-down anchors shall extent into footing.
 Minimum anchor bolt size shall be 5/8” diameter, 7” embedment.
 Min. 4” distance from end of sill, max. 12”
 Min. (2) anchor bolts/straps per piece of sill plate.

Manufactured Shear Assemblies:

 Special Inspection if required: HARDYFRAME ICC ESR-2089 report requires special
inspection from third party agency or the Engineer of record to verify proper hold-down anchor
size and placement with respect to embedment length, spacing and edge distance; and snug-
tight condition of bolting. The inspector must also verify proper connection to the member

 HARDYFRAMES: X Series Hardy Frames requires X series bolt template, must install bottom
bolt bracing bracket.

 Verify required panel height, (may need to raise foundation wall to comply with max. blocking
height requirement.)
 Access openings: Under-floor foundation access openings min. 18”x24” (pipes, ducts and
other nonstructural construction shall not interfere with the accessibility to or within under-floor
Note: The number one Code Defect/Correction at the joist inspection is ducts and
pipes blocking the access openings. If necessary, widen the access openings to
accommodate ducts and pipes.
 Water Proofing: if applicable, provide letter from manufacturer’s rep. for waterproofing.
 Special Inspection Reports: All results of special inspections, field reports, surveys, etc
shall be addressed to the City of Palo Alto with job address and permit # for inclusion in city
 Concrete against wood is prohibited except for existing buildings and when door swings-
out over landing
See “Concrete Entries and exits” guidelines.
 Flood and Air vents: If applicable, verify location and size of foundation vents are in
compliance with approved plan specifications. See flood vent illustration and requirements
 FLOOD ZONE (See plans)

 Concrete slab/footing shall not bear directly on plumbing lines. Concrete shall extend
6” minimum below plumbing pipes. See [FIGURE A-1]



Rev. 12/01/08
A survey of the lot may be required by the Building Official to verify that
the structure is located in accordance with the approved plans.
• Letter or copy of letter shall be available on site for all inspections.
• Letter shall state house or detached garage or both if applicable.
• Letter shall be addressed to County of Santa Clara or cc’d to the County of Santa
• Letter shall include surveyor’s stamp, date, and job address and permit number.
• Surveyor shall state method of staking or provide map showing property lines/corner
hubs along with letter stating that setbacks and forms are per plan.
• Letter stating only that setbacks and forms are ok, will not be accepted.
• Letter shall be presented to inspector at the following inspections:
 Basement at wall steel inspection
 Conventional foundation at form inspection

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