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Political Ideologies

What I Need To Know

For the learners

Congratulations my dear students you are now promoted to Module 2.
You have learned in the previous module that politics is a social activity through which
people make and amend the general rules that guide their political life. As an event
politics is studied in different political perspectives.

Module Content
In this module we explore different political ideas and the impact of particular
political perspectives or ideologies on political behavior. Let’s find out how political
ideologies shape political behavior in particular directions.
At the end of the lesson you should be able to:
1. identify the basic tenets of major political ideologies (i.e., liberalism, socialism,
conservatism, etc.) HUMSS_PG12-Ib-c-6
2. differentiate the political ideologies HUMSS_PG12-Ib-c-7
3. examine the relationship between political ideologies and configurations of
political communities HUMSS_PG12-Ib-c-8
4. analyze how political ideologies impact on the social and political life of Filipino
Lesson 1: Identify the basic tenets of major political
ideologies and differentiate political

What I Know (Pretest)

This activity will enable you to assess your prior knowledge from the topic that
will be discussed in this lesson.
Directions: Read the statements carefully and choose the letter of the correct
1. It is a set of related ideas or systematic group of concepts and beliefs about culture,
society and human life.
a. ideology b. liberalism c. conservatism d. socialism
2. It is an ideology that stands in opposition to capitalism and proposes an alternative
which is more humane and equitable.
a. liberalism b. socialism c. conservatism d. anarchism
3. A political ideology that gives importance to the fulfillment of the individual through
the satisfaction of his interests.
a. conservatism b. Marxism c. liberalism d. socialism
4. It is an ideology that desire to preserve institutions and is reflected in a resistance to,
or at least suspicion, of, change.
a. socialism b. conservatism c. communism d. fascism
5. Peter believes that people will form groups and live peacefully naturally. He thinks
that the government comes in and corrupts our human nature, and therefore
should not exist.
a. Conservatism b. Anarchism c. Socialism d. Fascism
6. Avery believes strongly that one day, the working class (proletariat) will rise against
the wealthy/ruling class (bourgeoisie) and seize the means of production!
a. Nationalism b. Anarchism c. Marxism d. Socialism
7. It is a political ideology which adheres to the maxim of strength through unity and
desires an organically unified national community.
a. Fascism b. feminism c. socialism d. communism
8. It is an idea that desire to enhance the social role of women and the structure of male
power must be overturned.
a. communism b. conservatism c. feminism d. Marxism
9. A political ideology that is based on common ownership. It aims to establish society
that is classless, egalitarian, and stateless.
a. communism b. liberalism c. conservatism d. fascism
10. It is a more or less coherent set of ideas that provides a basis for organized political
action. An ideology that pertains to the conduct of government.
a. ideology b. political ideology c. Marxism d. Liberalism

What’s New
Activity 1: “Kwentong-Bahay”
Directions: Read and understand the questions carefully. You may answer the
question based on how did you find your home being regulated by your parents
or anyone as head of the family. Write your answers in the activity notebook.
Processing Questions:
1. How do your parents manage your household?
2. What are the things you wish to change the way your household is

What Is It

From the activity above, you were able to determine the

important factor on how people make decisions. In order to make
good decisions, you have to have an open mind to all of the potential
solutions for the issue under consideration. Here are the following
topics that you need to contemplate for you to have a better
understanding of the significance of political ideologies.
What is an ideology?
The term was conceived in 1796 by French Philosopher Destutt de Tracy which
he called “science of ideas” ideologie.
Today, ideology could mean different things to different people. It simply put as a
set of related ideas or systematic group of concepts and beliefs about culture, society,
and human life.
Appropriately, an ideology that pertains to the conduct of government is called a
political ideology. A more or less coherent set of ideas that provides a basis for
organized political action, whether the ideas are intended to preserve, modify, or
overthrow the existing power structure ( Ramos, 2016).


Liberalism – it is a political ideology that gives importance to the fulfillment of the

individual through the satisfaction of his interests. Liberals believe that individuals are
born equal and should have equal opportunities to realize their goals and therefore, be
allowed the greatest latitude of freedom.
Conservatism – is defined by the desire to preserve institutions and is reflected
in a resistance to, or at least suspicion of, change. For the conservatives, tradition
reflects the accumulated wisdom of the past, as manifested in the practices that have
endured the test of time.
Socialism – is an ideology that stands in opposition to capitalism and proposes
an alternative which is more humane and equitable. The goal of socialism is to minimize
or abolish class division between the rich and the poor. Socialists view human beings as
social creatures bound by common humanity, cooperation is preferred, collectivism is
favored over individualism, and characterize therefore with equality.
Communism – may be described as a socio-economic structure which aims to
establish a society that is classless, egalitarian, and stateless. A political ideology based
on common ownership. Under communism, there is no such thing as private property.
All property is communally owned, and each person receives a portion based on what
they need.
Marxism - An idea that the exploitation of the workers (proletariat) by the
capitalists (bourgeoisie) develop class consciousness among the workers hence
conducting a proletarian revolution which will facilitate the birth of a communist society.
Fascism – is a political ideology which adheres to the maxim of strength through
unity and desires an organically unified national community. The community or social
group absorbs individual identity. The individual is literally nothing. It is anti-rational,
anti-liberal, anti-conservative, anti-capitalist, anti-communist, etc., and believe exactly
the opposite.
Anarchism – is an ideology that is based on the belief that government and laws
are not necessary. Political authority in whatever form is undesirable and unwanted.
The state is evil because it exercises coercive authority, which violates the freedom and
equality of individuals. Anarchists prefer a stateless society.
Feminism - the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes. It
desires to enhance the social role of women and the structure of male power must be

What’s More
Activity 2: “Mix and Match”
Direction: Match Political Ideologies in Column A with its corresponding
definition and or descriptive societal and political conditions in
Column B


-Is a social, political, and

economic philosophy that
1. a. examines the a. effect of

- individual identity is not as

important as that of the
social group or community.
2. b.
An individual has freedom
when he/she is able to act
as he or she pleases.

3. c.

Its goal is to minimize or

abolish class division
between the rich and
the poor.
4. d.

Traditional institutions, such

as government and religion,
along with traditional values
are to be respected.
5. e.

What I Have Learned

Key Points
 The term “ideology” was conceived in 1796 by the French philosopher
Destutt de Tracy to refer to a new science that endeavored to uncover the
origins of conscious thought and ideas.
 Political Ideology pertains to a coherent set of ideas that provides a basis
for organized political action.
 Political ideologies are both descriptive and prescriptive, they provide
lenses for positive and normative analysis of socio-political conditions.
 Among the different political ideologies are liberalism, conservatism,
socialism, communism, Marxism, fascism, anarchism, and feminism.

What I Can Do
Activity 3: Bahay Prinsipyo
Direction: In connection with your answers in activity 1, you may address the
following questions:
1. Compare the ideologies of your mother and father.

2. Provided with such experience from your parents, who between

them are you in favor? Why?

Note: Write your answers in the activity notebook.

Additional Activities
Activity 4: Compare and Contrast
Directions: Describe different political ideologies. Compare and generate list
of differences. Determine significant similarities and
differences of political ideologies.
Political Ideologies Similarities Differences


Processing Question: What political ideology do you prefer? Why?

Welcome dear learners, you are done with your task in

the previous lesson so be ready to learn more in lesson 2.
Good luck!

Lesson 2: Examine the relationship between political ideologies

and analyze how political ideologies impact on
the social and political life of Filipino

What’s In

Activity: Jumbled Letters

Directions: Rearrange the jumbled letters below guided by a
definition to help you identify the correct word. Write each
letter in the blank space provided.
1. MMUOCNMSI – a political ideology based on common ownership.
2. LIERLAIMSB - an ideology that gives importance to the fulfillment of
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the individual.
3. FMEMINIS - a political ideology that desire to enhance the social

________ role of women.

4. CFSMSIA - an ideology which adheres to the maxim strength
_______ through unity and desires an organically unified
national community.
5. LCISOAISM - an ideology that desires to preserve institutions and
________ is reflected in a resistance to, or at least
suspicion of, change.

What’s New

Activity 1: Describe the Picture

Directions: List down your observation about the picture provided below. Write
your descriptions in your activity notebook.

SOURCE: 657&biw

1366&hl=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjx 0ueNmdP



What Is It
The above activity has something to do with…..
The political ideology of a state inevitably shapes the configuration of the political
community. This occurs because the form of government reflects the ideals advocated
by the political ideology. In other words, a state would certainly not have institutions
which do not adhere to its beliefs. It would be incongruous for a democratic nation
advocating liberal ideas to have an authoritarian government or a dictatorship.
Conversely, it would be preposterous for a communist nation to have a multi-party
system where there are free elections and the officials of government are elected by
popular vote.
It does not mean, however, that a political ideology is necessarily immutable. It
has to adopt to the necessities of the times. An ideology should be malleable to survive
and prevail. After all, it is just a set of coherent ideas that serve as the blueprint for
political action. For example, China has astutely retained its one-party system while at
the same time adopting some features of capitalism. This bold step has transformed the
country into an economic powerhouse: it is now one of the leaders on the world stage
(Ramos, 2016).
We need to give more emphasis that political theory and political practice are
totally entangled. Political ideas did not come out of nowhere. They are shaped and
continuously reshaped by current socio-historical, economic, and political
circumstances. Whether you are conscious or not, your behavior is guided by a set of
ideas, beliefs, or value systems you adhere to. At a more general level and at a
definitely larger scale, political ideas shape the nature of political systems and serve as
glue that binds societies together.


The ideologies espoused by the succession of Philippine presidents have had
varying effects on the social and political lives of the Filipinos. After the country regained
its independence in 1945, however, the same rigid structures resurfaced: the elite
reasserted their dominance of the economy and politics.
The early years after the Second World War saw a largely destroyed local
economy dependent on American aid and Japanese reparations. Philippine Presidents
then were rabidly pro-American and so were many Filipinos. The political ideology was
adhered to the American model and we were able to maintain the presidential form of
government. Under the re-emergent democratic system, the patrimonial character of the
government remained. Many things depended on personal considerations and
connections, even with the growth of bureaucracy.
The election of Ferdinand Marcos as the President (1965-1985) launched a new
ideology that advocated a “revolution” from the center,” meaning the radical change
would come from the top of the political leadership. He crafted the “New Society” and he
experimented with a mixed presidential and parliamentary system. There was a
president (Marcos) elected by a popular vote, and there was a prime minister elected by
the parliament.
Corazon Aquino, who replaced Marcos after he was deposed, returned the
country to the path of liberal democracy. She acted as the legislator when the Freedom
Constitution was in effect. It was the time when the political institutions of the country
was being rebuilt.
The re-democratization brought many problems. On the political level, there is a
highly politicized military, the persistence of elite-dominated, patronage-based political
party system, and rival claims for autonomy in the South. On the economic level,
poverty and unemployment persist. There is the foreign debt burden and inflation to
contend with. On the social level, unequal social structures remain.
What’s More
Activity 2: Semantic Web
Directions: Fill in the organizer below to show what you have learned from the
discussion above. Write your answer in your activity notebook.

Relationship How
between political
political ideology
ideologies affects the
and political lives of the
community Filipino

What I Have Learned

Important Points for you to remember
 The political ideology of a state inevitably shapes the configuration of the
political community because the form of government reflects the ideals
advocated by the political ideology.
 The ideologies espoused by the succession of Philippine presidents have
had varying effects on the social and political lives of Filipinos.
What I Can Do
Activity 3: Reflective and Integrative Approach
Question: If you are given a chance to follow a political ideology, which
political ideology will you choose? Why?

Assessment (Post-test)
Essay: Choose one political group in the country and discuss how their
ideology influences their actions or advocacies. Write your
answers in not less than 150 words in your activity notebook.

Additional Activities
Activity 4: Poster Making
Instruction: Create a poster in a CARTOLINA showing one of the political
ideology that impacts our present society if followed. Explain your
poster drawing by writing your explanation in the activity notebook.
Congratulations! You have done so well in this
module. The knowledge you’ve got will make you
become a functioning individual and as member of your
community it will help you contribute something by
sharing your ideas to other members of the locality.
Now, be ready to learn more in the next module. I hope
you’ll find the activities provided more fun and
challenging. Good luck!

Ramos, Renan E.Philippine Politics and Governance.Vibal Group, Inc.2016

Activity 1: Kwentong-Bahay
Answers may vary
Activity 2: Mix and Match
1. c
2. d
3. e
4. b
5. a
Activity 3: Bahay Prinsipyo
Answers may vary
Activity 4: Compare and Contrast
Answers may vary


Activity: Jumbled Letters

1. communism
2. liberalism
3. feminism
4. fascism
5. socialism
Activity 1: Describe the Picture
Answers may vary
Activity 2: Semantic Web
Answers may vary
Activity 3: Reflective and Integrative Approach
Answers may vary (based on the student own principle)
Activity 4: Poster Making
Answers may vary

1. a Essay
2. b (answers may
3. c vary)
4. b
5. b
6. c
7. a
8. c
9. a
10. b

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