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Ma. Michelle M. Peñol, SST – I

Objectives Activity Time Frame Persons Involved Source of Fund Recommendations

1. Training for faculty, a. Recording of webinars Depending on the School heads, Teachers, MOOE As much as possible,
staff, students, and prepared by someone lecture. Maximum Students, Parents this should be done to
parents on the use of who is knowledgeable in should be 1 hour. avoid so much difficulty
continuity of learning blended learning. This in understanding what to
systems to ensure true should be easily do during the actual
continuity and accessed by participants class, etc.
accessibility. through Facebook or any
SNS possible.

b. The video should be

comprehensive but not
too long. This should
also use a local language
for students and parents
to easily understand the

2. To provide variety of a. Since not all students A week or month-long School heads, Teachers MOOE There should be
methods of distance may have access to the preparations for learning collaboration among
learning. Internet, phone lines, TV materials. teachers who have the
or radio at the same same subject area/s.
time, or at all, there
should be materials must
be provided in
alternative formats,
when necessary.

b. Teachers should
create learning modules
that are free and
accessible to all learners.

c. Record class meetings

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