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1 Introduction
■ Complete Response of Circuits with Two Energy
Storage Elements
→ Second-order circuit

■ Second-order circuit could be represented by

d2 d
x (t ) + 2 x (t ) + o
x(t ) = f (t )
dt dt

▪ x(t): Output of the circuit

▪ f(t): Input to the circuit
▪ α : Damping coefficient
▪ ω0 : Resonant frequency

Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf

9.1 Introduction
■ To find the response of the second-order circuit

Step1) Find the initial condition.

Step2) Simplify the circuit.

Step3) Represent the circuit

by a second-order differential equation.

Step4) Find the natural response, xn(t).

Step5) Find the forced response, xf(t).

Step6) Find the unknown constant of x(t)=xn(t)+xf(t)

using initial condition.

Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf

9.2 Differential Equation for Crt. with Two Energy Storage Elements

■ Direct method for obtaining the second-order diff. eq.

1) Identify variables, x1 and x2:
In general, x1 and x2 would be cap. voltages / inductor currents

2) Write one first-order differential equation.

x1 = f ( x1 , x2 )
3) Obtain an additional first-order differential equation.
x = g(x1 )
dt 2

4) Substitute the equation of step (3)

into the equation of step (2).

Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf

9.2 Differential Equation for Crt. with Two Energy Storage Elements

■ Example of parallel RLC circuit +

1) Identify variables, x1 and x2
i, v
2) Write one first-order differential equation.
v d
is = +i +C v
R dt
3) Obtain an additional first-order differential equation.
v =L
4) Substitute the equation of (3) into the equation of (2).

1 di d  di  d 2i 1 di 1 1
is = L +i +C L + + i = iS
R dt dt  dt 

dt 2

Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf

9.2 Differential Equation for Crt. with Two Energy Storage Elements

■ Example of series RLC circuit

1) Identify variables, x1 and x2

i, v
2) Write one first-order differential equation.
v s = Ri + L +v
3) Obtain an additional first-order differential equation.
i =C
4) Substitute the equation of (3) into the equation of (2).

dv d  dv  d 2v R dv 1 1
v s = RC +v + L  C dt  + + v = vS
dt dt   dt 2
L dt LC LC

Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf

9.2 Differential Equation for Crt. with Two Energy Storage Elements

■ Example of two inductor circuit

1) Identify variables, x1 and x2

i1 , i2 R = 1[], L1 = 1[H], L2 = 2[H]

2) Write one first-order differential equation.

v s = L1 i1 + R ( i1 − i2 )
3) Obtain an additional first-order differential equation.
d L2 di2
R ( i2 − i1 ) + L2 i2 = 0 i1 = i2 +
dt R dt
4) Substitute the equation of (3) into the equation of (2).

d  L2 di2   L2 di2  d 2i2 R ( L1 + L2 ) di2 R

v s = L1 i +
 2 R dt  + R  R dt  + = vS
dt     dt 2
L1L2 dt L1L2

Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf

9.2 Differential Equation for Crt. with Two Energy Storage Elements

■ Operator method for obtaining second-order diff. eq.

1) Identify variables, x1 and x2. dt

2) Write one diff. eq. in terms of x1 and x2.

3) Obtain an additional diff. eq. in terms of x1 and x2.

d 1
4) Use s = , =  dt
dt s
5) Find x1 =
6) Convert s
Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf
9.2 Differential Equation for Crt. with Two Energy Storage Elements

■ Example of two inductors circuit

1) Identify variables, x1 and x2. i1 , i2
2) Write one diff. eq. in terms of x1 and x2.
v s = L1 i1 + R ( i1 − i2 ) v s = L1si1 + Ri1 − Ri2 v s = ( L1s + R ) i1 − Ri2

3) Obtain an additional diff. eq. in terms of x1 and x2.

d Ls  L s
R ( i2 − i1 ) + L2 i2 = 0 Ri2 − Ri1 + L2 si2 = 0 i1 = i2 + si2 = 1 + 2  i2
dt R  R 
d 1
dt s 
4) Use s= , = dt

 L s LL 
5) Find v s = ( L1s + R ) 1 + 2  i2 − Ri2 =  1 2 s2 + ( L1 + L2 ) s  i2
 R   R 

6) Convert R ( L1 + L2 ) d
d2 R
i2 + i2 = vs
dt 2 L1L2 dt L1L2

Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf

9.2 Differential Equation for Crt. with Two Energy Storage Elements
■ Ex) 9.2-1 Find the diff. eq. for i2.

Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf

9.3 Solution of the second-order diff. eq. – Natural response
d2 d
a2 2 x ( t ) + a1 x ( t ) + a0 x (t ) = f (t )
dt dt

▪ Complete solution : x(t ) = xn (t ) + xf (t )

▪ Natural response, xn(t) :

d2 d
a2 2 x ( t ) + a1 x ( t ) + a0 x (t ) = 0
dt dt

- Let : xn (t ) = Ae
a2 s2 xn + a1sxn + a0 xn = 0
(a s2
+ a1s + a0 xn = 0

xn (t )  0  a2 s2 + a1s + a0 = 0
Characteristic equation

−a1  a12 − 4a2 a0

s= Solution of characteristic eq.

−a1 + a12 − 4a2 a0 −a1 − a12 − 4a2 a0

s1 = , s2 =
2a2 2a2

Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf

9.3 Solution of the second-order diff. eq. – Natural response
d2 d
a2 2 x ( t ) + a1 x ( t ) + a0 x (t ) = f (t )
dt dt
▪ Natural response, xn(t) :

−a1 + a12 − 4a2 a0 −a1 − a12 − 4a2 a0

s1 = , s2 =
2a2 2a2

- Let : xn (t ) = A1e s1t + A2e s2t A1, A2: unknown constant

(Determined by initial condition)

Root of the characteristic equation, S1 and S2

contain all the information necessary for determining the character of
the natural response.

Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf

9.3 Solution of the second-order diff. eq. – Natural response
■ Ex) 9.3-1 Find the natural response of i2.

Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf

9.4 Natural Response of the Unforced Parallel RLC Circuit
d2 d
a2 2 x ( t ) + a1 x ( t ) + a0 x (t ) = f (t )
dt dt
d2 d
dt 2
x ( t ) + 2
x ( t ) + 02 x ( t ) = f ( t )

di 1 d
v =L i+ v +C v =0
dt R dt
1 1
v = sLi → i = v i+ v + sCv = 0
Ls R

1 1  2 1 1 
v + v + sCv = 0  s + s + v =0
sL R  RC LC 
Characteristic equation
2 2
1  1  1 1  1  1
 s1 = − +   − , s2 = − −  2RC  −
2RC  2RC  LC 2RC   LC

v n (t ) = A1e s1t + A2e s2t

Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf
9.4 Natural Response of the Unforced Parallel RLC Circuit
▪ Characteristics of Root of characteristic equation
d2 d
dt 2
x ( t ) + 2
x ( t ) + 02 x ( t ) = f ( t )

s1 = − +  2 − 02 , s2 = − −  2 − 02

1) Two real and distinct roots → Overdamped   02


2) Two real equal roots → Critically damped  2 = 02

3) Two complex roots → Underdamped  2  02

▪ Initial condition of second-order diff. eq.

d2 d
dt 2
x n ( t ) + 2
xn ( t ) + 02 xn ( t ) = 0

→ Two initial condition are required. xn (t = 0)

xn (t = 0)

Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf

9.4 Natural Response of the Unforced Parallel RLC Circuit

1 d Two initial condition:

i(t ) + v(t ) + C v(t ) = 0 dv n (0)
R dt v n (0),

1 d Apply v n (t ) = A1e s1t + A2e s2t

i(t ) + v(t ) + C v(t ) = 0
R dt
Two initial condition:
d 1
C v(t ) = − v(t ) − i(t ) v n (0) = A1e s1 0 + A2e s2 0 = A1 + A2
dt R

d 1 1
d 1 1 v n (0) = s1 A1 + s2 A2 = − v n (0) − i(0)
v(t ) = − v(t ) − i(t ) dt RC C
dt RC C

Two unknown variables: A1 + A2 v n (0) = A1 + A2

Two equations to find two unknown variables: d
v n (0) = s1 A1 + s2 A2
Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf
9.4 Natural Response of the Unforced Parallel RLC Circuit
■ Ex) 9.4-1 Find the natural response of v(t).
2 1
R= [], L = 1[H], C = [F], v(0)=10[V], i(0)=2[A]
3 2

Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf

9.5 Natural Response of the critical damped Unforced Parallel RLC
▪ Characteristic equation of RLC parallel circuit

d2 d
dt 2
x ( t ) + 2
x ( t ) + 02 x ( t ) = 0

d2 1 d  1 
dt 2
v ( t ) + 2
2RC dt
v ( t ) +   v (t ) = 0
 LC 
1 1
 = , 0 = s1 = − +  2 − 02 , s2 = − −  2 − 02

v n (t ) = A1e s1t + A2e s2t

▪ Critical damping
s1 = s2

 v n = A1te s1t + A2e s1t

Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf

9.5 Natural Response of the critical damped Unforced Parallel RLC
▪ Example: Find the natural response, vn(t).
L = 1[H], R = 1[], C = [F], v(0) = 5[V], i(0) = −6[A]

Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf

9.6 Natural Response of the Underdamped Unforced Parallel RLC
▪ Underdamped →  2  02

d2 d Then,
dt 2
x ( t ) + 2
x ( t ) + 02 x ( t ) = 0
xn = A1e(
− + jd )t
+ A2e(
− − jd )t

s1,2 = −   2 − 02 = A1e − t e jdt + A2e − t e − jdt

 
2 2
s1,2 = −  j 0 −  2 2 (
= e − t A1e jdt + A2e − jdt )

Using Euler identity

Let d =  0
− 2

e  jt = cos t  j sin t

d : damped resonant frequency
 :damping coefficient  A1 cos d t + jA1 sin d t 
x n = e − t  
 2 A cos  d t − jA2 sin  t
d 
s1,2 = −  jd
= e − t ( A1 + A2 ) cos d t + j ( A1 − A2 ) sin d t 

Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf

9.6 Natural Response of the Underdamped Unforced Parallel RLC
▪ Underdamped →  2  02

xn = e − t ( A1 + A2 ) cos d t + j ( A1 − A2 ) sin d t 

A1 and A2 : Complex conjugate

B1 = A1 + A2 → Real number
B2 = j ( A1 − A2 ) → Real number

xn = e − t B1 cos d t + B2 sin d t 

B1 and B2 : Determined by initial condition xn (0), xn (0)

xn (0) = B1
xn (0) = − e − t B1 cos d t + B2 sin d t  + e − t  −d B1 sin d t + d B2 cos d t 
= − B1 + d B2

Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf

9.6 Natural Response of the Underdamped Unforced Parallel RLC
Ex) 9.6-1 Find vn(t) for t>0.
L = 0.1[H], R = [], C = 1[mF], v(0) = 10[V], i(0) = −0.6[A]

Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf

9.7 Forced Response of RLC circuit
▪ Forced response

d2 d
dt 2
x ( t ) + a1
x ( t ) + a2 x (t ) = f (t )

d2 d
dt 2
x f ( t ) + a1
xf ( t ) + a2 xf ( t ) = f (t )

Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf

9.7 Forced Response of RLC circuit
Ex) 9.7-1 Find the forced response, if(t).
is = 8e −2t , R = 6   , L = 7[H], C = [F]

Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf

9.7 Forced Response of RLC circuit
Ex) 9.7-2 Find the forced response, if(t).
is = I0 , R = 6   , L = 7[H], C = [F]

Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf

9.7 Forced Response of RLC circuit
Same form the forced response and the natural response.
is = 3e −6t , R = 6   , L = 7[H], C = [F]

Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf

9.8 Complete Response of RLC circuit
▪ Complete response of second-order circuit

1) Find the initial condition. (Capacitor voltage / Inductor current)

2) Simplify the circuit.

3) Derive second-order differential equation.

4) Find the natural response, xn(t).

5) Find the forced response, xf(t).

6) Find the complete solution.

(Find unknown variables using initial condition.)
Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf
9.8 Complete Response of RLC circuit
▪ Example of series RLC circuit
2 −t 1
vs = e  V  , R = 5   , L = 1[H], C = [F]
3 6
v(0) = 10[V], = −2[V s]

Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf

9.8 Complete Response of RLC circuit
Ex) 9.8-1 Find the complete solution v(t).

Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf

9.9 State Variable
State variable
- Variables associated with system characteristics
- In electric circuit, capacitor voltage and/or inductor current

dv1 v a − v1 v2 − v1 dv1  1 1  1 va
C1 = + = − + v
 1 + v 2 +
dt R1 R2 dt  C1R1 C1R2  C1R2 C1R1
dv2 v b − v2 v1 − v2 dv2 1  1 1  vb
C2 = + = v1 −  +  v2 +
dt R3 R2 dt C2R2  C2R2 C2R3  C2R3

  1 1  1 
−  +  
d  1   1 1 C R C R
1 2  C R
1 2  v1   1 1  v a 
  =  +  
dt v2   1  1 
1   v2   C1R1 C2R3  v b 
 − + 
 C2R2  2 2 C2R3  

Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf

9.10 Roots in the Complex Plane
Characteristics of the natural response of a second-order system is
determined by the roots of the characteristic equation.

d2 d
dt 2
x ( t ) + 2
x ( t ) + 02 x ( t ) = f (t )

s = −   2 − 02
= −  j 02 −  2
= −  jd

v n (t ) = e − t ( B1 cos d t + B2 sin d t )
= e − t B sin (d t +  )

Introduction to Electric Circuits 9th – R. C. Dorf

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