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Greetings IIMB!

We hope you and your family are safe.
One of our students, Ayush Jain’s, mother got admitted to a hospital due to certain covid related
complications that she developed. The cost of the hospital bills, which includes medications, room
rent and other costs, are becoming a little difficult to handle by the family at this current time. The
total estimated cost of the bills is around Rs. 5L.
Therefore, as a part of the IIMB Student body, we request you to kindly support our friend in these
challenging times by donating. Following are they ways in which you could donate.

After donating, kindly make sure you fill the form below, so that it is convenient for us to track the
amount we receive.

Every small contribution of yours would immensely help our friend and the family.

Warm Regards,
Social Impact Club,

Greetings IIMB!
We hope you and your family are safe during these difficult times.
We have a PGP1 student, whose father got admitted to a hospital yesterday due to certain covid
related complications that he developed. The cost of the hospital bills, which includes medications,
room rent and other costs, are becoming a little difficult to handle by the family at this current time.
The total estimated cost of the bills is around Rs. 7-8L.
Therefore, as a part of the IIMB Student body, we (Vikasana) request you to kindly support our
friend in these challenging times by donating. We are yet to enable Qwickpay option, but until then
kindly donate via the GPay option. The number you can send money to –. After donating, kindly
make sure you fill the form below, so that it is convenient for us to track the amount we receive.

Every small contribution of yours would immensely help our friend and the family.

Warm Regards,
Social Impact Club,

Greetings IIMB!
We hope you and your family are safe during these difficult times.
We have a staff employee named Jeeva S, who works in the Security Department, in the hostel
reception. She was tested positive for COVID-19 on June 18 this year.

A single mother of three, Jeeva is a contractual based employee and hence her medical expenses are
not covered by insurance as a part of her employment. As a result of this, she had to bear all COVID
related medical expenses herself for tests and scans etc. which unfortunately have resulted in a
financial hardship for her. She is still on leave as she has been advised by the doctor to take
complete rest. Therefore, as a part of the IIMB Student body, we (Vikasana) request you to kindly
support our employee in these challenging times by donating. The estimated funds required to help
her out in this time of need is approximately ₹25-30 thousand. Your donations would help fund her
children’s education and other living expenses.
You could either donate via Qwickpay or by Gpay.

Every small contribution of yours would immensely help Mr. Venkatesha and his family.

Warm Regards,
Social Impact Club,

I spoke to her yesterday on campus. Basically she was telling that she is a single mother of 3
children. She got covid and was under medication for 3 months approx. She is expecting some
monetary help. Currently she is in housekeeping.
I told her I will come tomorrow to discuss this in detail as I was running late for the class. Today she
wasn't there on reception but I will try to reach her out and understand more thoroughly.

Details are -
Name: Jeeva S
Department: Security (Contractual)
Reason: Covid treatment related expense (diagnosed on 18 june). Still recovering currently on a
leave( doctor advised to take rest)
Family: Single mother of 3 kids
Supporting documents are attached

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