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Answered Review Questions

Cell Structure and Function

Cell Location-Structure Function Prokaryote/

Structure Eukaryote
Cell Forms outer boundary of Semi-permeable (restricts the Both
membrane cell; access of certain compounds
(Plasma and ions)
membrane) Forms membrane-bound
organelles Aids in maintaining the complex
internal organization of a cell

Cytoplasm Everything between the Site of most chemical reactions Both

nuclear envelope (nucleoid of life
region in prokaryotes) and
the cell boundary

Cytosol The semi-fluid portion of the Both


Nucleus 10% of the volume of the cell Mission control—manages Eukaryotes

protein synthesis only

Nucleolus Small dense spheres within Genes for ribosomal RNA Eukaryotes
the nucleus (often 2-3 (building block of ribosomes) only
visible)—tightly coiled
regions of the DNA

Nuclear Porous double-membrane Protects the DNA Eukaryotes

envelope organelle; only
mRNA exits the nucleus
Forms outer boundary of through pores after
nucleus transcription

Bound Small dense granules (each Site of protein synthesis Eukaryotes

ribosomes has a large and a small only
subunit) made of proteins Ribosomes build proteins
and rRNA;

Attached to endoplasmic

Can become free;

Part of the endomembrane


Free Small dense granules (each Site of protein synthesis Both

ribosomes has a large and a small
subunit) made of proteins Ribosomes build proteins
and rRNA;

Suspended in cytosol;

Can become bound

Rough Network of membranous Modify proteins Eukaryotes
endoplasmic tubes dotted with bound only
reticulum ribosomes; Many proteins are modified
here by cleaving the
Loosely surrounds the polypeptide, forming quaternary
nucleus; structures, removing amino
acids or adding non-protein
Part of the endomembrane substances (e.g. enzymes
system often require a metallic ion to

Smooth Network of membranous Makes carbohydrates and lipids Eukaryotes

endoplasmic tubes; only
reticulum (e.g. the SER of liver cells
Loosely surrounds the convert glucose to glycogen,
nucleus; and make triglycerides and
Part of the endomembrane

Transport Membrane-bound bubble; Moves modified proteins, lipids, Eukaryotes

vesicle and carbohydrates to cis face only
Buds off both RER and of Golgi apparatus

Part of endomembrane

Golgi apparatus Network of membranous Receives compounds from ER; Eukaryotes

tubes; only
Attaches a chemical “address
Located closer to cell label” for compounds destined
boundary than ER; for export

Cis face toward nucleus;

Trans face toward cell


Part of the endomembrane


Secretory Membrane-bound bubble; Moves finished compounds to Eukaryotes

vesicle cell membrane for export only
Buds off trans face of Golgi

Part of endomembrane
Lysosome Membrane-bound bubble Cell’s stomach; Eukaryotes
containing hydrolytic only
enzymes; Merges with food vacuole and
digests organic compounds;
Buds off Golgi apparatus
Autophagy (recycles old and
damaged organelles and

Apoptosis (programmed cell


Food vacuole Membrane-bound bubble; Transports food particles and N/A

captured microbes from outside
Buds off cell membrane the cell into cytoplasm;

Fuses with lysosome

Mitochondrion Double membrane bound Aerobic cellular respiration; Eukaryotes

organelle; only
Harvests chemical energy from
Inner membrane called organic monomers and stores
cristae; the energy in ATP

Semi-fluid interior called


Has own DNA and protein-

making machinery

Descendent of free-living

Chloroplast Double membrane bound Photosynthesis; Eukaryotes

organelle; only
Harnesses light energy and (Plants and
Inner membrane discs uses it to build sugar Photosynthes
called thylakoids; izing Protists)

semi-fluid space
surrounding thylakoids
called stroma;

Has own DNA and protein-

making machinery

Descendent of free-living
Cytoskeleton All through cytoplasm Gives shape to cell; Supports
Three filament types (Listed
below) Aids in motion and cell division;

Moves material (organelles)

through cytoplasm

Actin Filaments One kind of cytoskeletal Movement (e.g. Amoeba Eukaryotes

element; pseudopods, cytoplasmic only
streaming, formation of
Most often located just cleavage furrow, microvilli
below cell membrane; extension and retraction)

Twisting strand of globular

actin subunits

Microtubules One kind of cytoskeletal Internal monorail system for Eukaryotes

element; moving organelles through only
Spread through out
cytoplasm; components of centrosome,
centrioles, cilia, and flagella;
Small hollow tube built of
tubulin dimers Microtubules are the spindle
fibers that move the
chromosomes in cell division

Intermediate One kind of cytoskeletal Scaffolding that supports Eukaryotes

filaments element; organelles; only

Spread through out Gives shape to cells


Anchored to cell membrane

and organelles

Centrosome Within cytoplasm; Region of the cytoplasm that Eukaryotes

(Microtubule makes spindle fibers for cell
Organizing In animal cells the location division
Center is covered by a pair of
[MTOC]) centrioles

Centriole Small pair of hollow tubes; Associated with cell division but Eukaryotes
not necessary (Animal cells)
Built of microtubules

Organized into a 9+0


Covers centrosome in
animal cells
Cilia Small oar-like structure Synchronized rhythmic rowing; Eukaryotes
projecting outside the cell
membrane; Movement for single-celled
Built of microtubules (9+2
arrangement); Ciliary escalator in trachea

Basal body has 9+0

arrangement like centriole

Flagella Long whip-like tail Wiggles back and forth moving Both
projecting outside the cell cell through liquid; (prokaryotic
membrane; flagella are
Sperm cells have a flagellum different in
Built of microtubules (9+2 structure and
arrangement); motion
Basal body has 9+0
arrangement like centriole

Central Large membranous sac in Maintains structural integrity of Eukaryotes

Vacuole plant cells; plant cells (turgidity); (Plants only)

Takes up most of the space Water storage;

in cytoplasm
Alkaloid storage;

Pigment storage

Perioxisome Small membrane bound Catalase enzymes in organelle Eukaryotes

organelle in aerobic convert hydrogen peroxide
eukaryotes (slightly toxic intermediate
metabolite of superoxide free
radical breakdown) to water
and oxygen gas










Trace the path of the production of a protein from the DNA in the nucleus to its
secretion outside the cell. (endomembrane system). Explain the function of each
Proteins are synthesized by the bound ribosome. The resulting protein is modified
(glycoprotein is attached, plus any other modifications) by the rough endoplasmic
reticulum. A small section of the RER containing the protein pinches off the end
enclosing the protein inside a transport vesicle. The transport vesicle moves to the
Golgi apparatus where it fuses with the cis face of the Golgi apparatus. The protein
receives a chemical address label (glycoprotein is modified) as it is moved through
the layers of membranous sacs of the Golgi apparatus. On the trans face of the Golgi
apparatus the finished protein is enclosed inside a secretory vesicle that moves to
the cell membrane and dumps the protein out of the cell.

Secretory vesicle
Lipids or carbohydrates are synthesized by the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. A
small section of the SER containing the compound pinches off the end enclosing the
protein inside a transport vesicle. The transport vesicle moves to the Golgi apparatus
where it fuses with the cis face of the Golgi apparatus. The compound receives a
chemical address label (glycoprotein is modified) as it is moved through the layers of
membranous sacs of the Golgi apparatus. On the trans face of the Golgi apparatus
the finished compound is enclosed inside a secretory vesicle that moves to the cell
membrane and dumps the compound out of the cell.

Explain the endosymbiosis theory.

Mitochondria and chloroplasts have many characteristics that make them look like
prokaryotic cells (see table below). Lynn Margulis hypothesized that these two
energy-producing organelles were once free-living prokaryotes with a special talent
that were engulfed but not digested by a larger prokaryote. A mutalistic relationship
developed. The smaller aerobic cellular respiring bacterium was protected and in
return the larger symbiont was supplied with energy. In plants and photosynthesizing
protists, symbiotic cyanobacteria were added to the mix making the larger symbionts
Contrast plant and animal cells. See comparison below.

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