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.313th AEG ..12.... }.EG 952/19 - Test Activities for Ca1enrlal" Y8ar 1?~8
.1/6/5'7 Genera.1 Starbird reviewed the recomr·l~~'1datiolls of AEC 952/19 -
Test Activities for Calendar Year 1958, which ino1udes tho proposed
test program for Operation HARDTACK.
Mr. Stra.uss reiterated the Presidentls position that both the
number of shots a.nd the amount of wor1d~w1do f~llout projeotedfor
the test program needed to be reduced. Mr. Strauss pointed out
that both of these objectives would be best accomplished by
elimination of one of the two high-yid1d, high-altitude effects

He added that special emphasis waG buine given

high-altitude test prosr9J11 because of its bearing on
missile defense plans.
r,1r. Libby said that it would be advisable to defer action
on the proposed program for Operation HARDTACK until the GAO
had conducted its review. General Starbird noted that presidential
approval '\liaS required in the near future for the two one-point
safety tests scheduled for the ~evada Test Site in December 1957.
These tests o.1"e needed before the full-scale testing during
~ AIl>...qm>ACK. .
.,{\ i "> The ComntisBloncrs directed that the letter to the President
be revised to indicate that GAC com.rnents on the proposed test
rogram for HARIJrACK are b'~ing solicited. After fUrther
iscusslon" the COlTh111ssion:
a. A2proved condu~ting Operation HARDTACK, 3 series
of nuclear tests at the Eni't"ictoH: Proving Grou:rn"
commencing on or about April 15, 1958;
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b. ApprovE(d the proposed test progrrun in Appendix "Bn

to ABC 952/19;

,.,Q,,,,,_,.Npt..(:rl tEii't the tes\:, pX'ogram as

1 to AEC 952/19 includes 3 contingent shots; prior to the

flrl!1g of any of t~cse devicl;;:s tht:: Commission \1111 be
lnf'orm.ed or the decisiOn to fire anu the reasons for
so prooeed1:lg;

demoristratlon is not required this shot

will be deleted from the :test 9rogrmn. Recommendations
ooncerning this shot ,'are, being circulated to the Commission
concurrently as AEC,'''952j20;
f. Noted that the t~st schedule for operation HARDTACK
will be Given t,Q' the Cprnmission as soon as it is firm,

and that the Commiscion will be kept informed of changes


to the sl.!!iodule;
g. Not~d that Depart~ent of Defense co~~ents on and
support, of' tp,e
test operation
will be requested by
letter to'thc Military Liaison Committe,e such as that
in Appe~ix • -* /~
liD" to AEC 952/19;
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h. Noted that the Commander, Joint Task Force SEVEN
. will be des;Lgnated the Senior AEC Representati ve durin~~

the operational phase of Operation HARDTACK" as has

been done <during past test operations at the Eniwetok
Proving Ground;
i. Noted that Presidential approval of the plans for
OperatlonHARDTACK will b~ rdquestod by letter such as
that in Ap;>endix "Elf to AE\J 352/19 a3 revised" after
receiving the comments of the DOD. This latter also
requests authorization to expend the nuolear ~terial~

required for the two one-point safety tests at NTS prior

to the start of HARDTACK;
j. ~g~ed that the requir~ments for expenditure of
nuclear mcterials for the other HARDTACK tests will
--"""",; ,,"'.
'·~"-~:«.be<.,presented to t00 Commiaslon as soon as possible; and
that Presidential authorization for exptmditure for the
nuclear mater:lal.B reqUired for the other HARDTACK tests
will be requested after Comnisslon approval of the amounts
k. Noted that the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy
will be informed of the test p13ns by appropriate letter
aftdr receiving Presidcl~Lial approval of the test series;
1. ~oted that the Federal Civil Defense Administration
will be infonned of the test plans by appropriate letter
after receiving Presidential ~pproval of the test series;
m. Noted that a Public Information Pl~n will :be prepared
and submitted for Commission approvul at the earliest
praoticable date;
n. Noted that the Department of state and the Operations
Coordinating Board will be informed of the test plans;
o. Noted that the General Advisory Committe~ W1ll be
briefed on the HARDTACK program during their visit to
Los Alamos on November 21 .. 23" and their conunents on
the program will be tr.ansmitted to the Commission.

1313th AEC 13. ABC 952/20- Demonstrat~on Shot f0r HARDTACK

11/6/5'7 Undal' ccnsideration was liEC 952/20 - Demonst;rA.tion 8hot for
HARDTACK, which presents alternative approaches to the firing of'
a proven olean design for the purpose of demonstrating to a
United Nations observation team that the U.S. has produced
nuolear weapons having a greatly reduced fallout.
Mr. Libby commented on the expense nnd the praotical
difficulties posed by suoh a demonstration shot. General
starbird noted that, Since the proposed demonstration shot
involved the danger of compromising classified information,
the President could be advised that the ~frectiveness of clean
design could not be convincingly demonstrated without revealing
weapons design information,,'

,'- "'

Mr. strauss suggested and the other Commissioners agreed

that he present to the President the Commission's position
regarding the security hazards of a demonstration shot and request
further guidanoe.

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