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Task 1: Knowledge on the

basic concepts in 1. Carefully analyze the basic concepts, assumptions, and

psychological testing principles of psychological testing to fully understand
contributes important the task given to you.
information to the
understanding of individual WRITING CONDITIONS: Take note of the
characteristics. Such following in crafting your analysis.
information, if corroborated
1. Express your analysis in 600 – 800 words.
with the knowledge of
You must indicate your total word count on
assumptions and principles
in psychological testing will
the last page of your work.
guide you in your journey in 2. The analysis may be computer-generated or
the field of psychology. If handwritten on a short bond paper using normal
you will be assigned in the margins. Please ensure a double spacing format.
Human Resource 3. For purposes of readability, electronic outputs
Department as a should be encoded using Century Gothic font size
psychometrician how will 12. Handwritten outputs should be rendered in
the knowledge of the basic print, not in script.
concepts, assumptions and 4. Electronic outputs may be sent to the official
principles assist you in
email address for the class. Meanwhile,
your work. What could be
handwritten outputs may be resent to the school
the implications of using
psychological tests without via courier or be dropped off at the specific
understanding the collection area on campus.
fundamental assumptions
and principles behind RUBRIC OF EVALUATION. Take time to review the
them? rubric of evaluation to give you an idea how you will be
graded for Task 1, 2 & Final project.
The rubrics for evaluation are as follows:
96-100 points. The essay reflects the student’s understanding of the lecture/lesson presented.
Information is presented in a very orderly and clear manner, according to the requirements of
the task.
90-95 The essay reflects the student’s understanding of the lesson but the reference to the
learning content is not clear.
76-89 Information is presented in an orderly manner but does not meet the key requirements
of the task. Some essential knowledge is missing.
61-75- The essay does not effectively reflect the student’s understanding of the lesson and
there is no reference to the discussed topic. Ideas are presented loosely and does not
As a Psychometrician in a Human Resource Department, I will be in charge of
effectively meet the requirements of the task.
administering, checking, and evaluating employment examinations such as qualifying exams
50-60- The essay shows little evidence of careful thought and insight
and batteries of tests in order to assess if the applicants are suitable for the position they are
applying for. This selection process is vital to the success of the organization that’s why I
should be competent enough to meet the desired workforce of the organization. To be
competent means to be knowledgeable on the concepts, assumptions, and principles of
psychological testing and psychological assessment.

First, I should know the difference between psychological assessment and

psychological testing. That psychological testing is one of the tools used in psychological
assessment and refers to the administration of a test up to the interpretation of a test score that
measures specific psychological variables such as IQ level. While psychological assessment
is the gathering and integration of data using different tools including psychological testing,
interview, case study, case history data, portfolios, role-play tests, behavioral observation,
and other measurement procedures for making psychological evaluations and diagnoses.

Another consideration is the different factors affecting testing which results in errors
such as the noise and ventilation of the environment, the physiological state of the examinee,
the skills and knowledge of the test administrator, and the type of test to be administered
which includes its language, content, duration, reliability, and validity. By knowing these
factors, I can think of ways how to minimize the errors that could happen. I will become
aware so I can prepare for what to do before, during, and after the test administration.
Familiarization with the different formats, layout, and ways of checking, scoring,
computation, and interpretation of tests as well as the variable they want to measure is also a
strength in fulfilling my job as a psychometrician.

As a psychometrician, I should also understand that the use of psychometric tests in

psychological assessment is based on several assumptions. These assumptions are the ones
that yield to the creation of different tests including their purpose and application. For
instance, some people deny the existence of psychological traits and psychological states,
but they do exist, only as a construct. To distinguish the two, a trait is seen as a relatively
enduring or more stable characteristic or pattern of behavior, while a state is less enduring or
just for a short period of time. Constructs such as trait and state cannot be seen, heard, or
touched, however, they can be inferred from observable action or what we called overt
behavior. That includes test-related or assessment-related responses. So, psychometricians
like me together with different researchers play an important role in gathering pieces of
evidence and documents to scientifically describe and explain this behavior to prove the
existence of construct as well as its validity.

It is important to acknowledge the existence of trait and state in order to define the
specific trait and state to be measured and quantified. As a psychometrician, I also serve
as a test developer who thinks of the types of items that would give insight and determine the
strength of a trait in test-takers which I could gather from a universe of behaviors believed to
imply a specific trait. With this, I can also formulate the proper ways of scoring the test and
interpreting the results.

Although a psychometrician can measure a construct, I should recognize its strengths

and weaknesses. There are specific tests for different traits and states, while there are also
tests that can measure more than one trait and state. As a psychometrician, I should have the
ability to evaluate and compare the quality of different tests especially when it comes to the
principles of standardization, objectivity, reliability, and validity, comparison groups
available (test norms) as well as some considerations such as procedures, security and
accessibility, and of course the cost and duration of the test.

Tests also have limitations that I as a psychometrician should admit. By learning the
limitations of a specific test, I can administer different tests and analyze their results. Also, I
can compensate by gathering and supplying data from other sources. One example of a
limitation is unexpected errors which are actually considered as a part of the measurement
process or a variable that must be taken into account because identifying the measurement
error can be used to strengthen the interpretation. Although errors are unpredictable, testing
and assessment can be conducted in a fair and unbiased manner. It is crucial since this is
one of the tools, we can rely upon to evaluate the important aspects of human behavior, that’s
why it should be done properly.

As a psychometrician, I should put in mind that the data and information that the test
could provide are beneficial not just in the human resources department but in society as
a whole. Lots of decisions that have a significant impact have been made that are based on
this that’s why it is important to know all the necessary knowledge and skills such as the
concepts, assumptions, and principles of psychological testing and assessment.

841 words

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