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Psychology 7.


 Misinformation Effect – memory impairment happens due to
1. LEV VYGOTSKY 1896 – 1934
exposure to misleading information
 Stressed the fundamental role of social interaction in the
 Research focused on eyewitness memory
development of cognition.
 Identified four reasons why people forget
 Believed that language develops from social interaction and
8. WILHELM WENDT 1832 - 1920
plays an important role in cognitive development.
 Known as “father of psychology”
 Important principle – zone of proximal development
 Studied mind in more structured way, separating psychology
2. JEAN PIAGET 1896 – 1980
from philosophy
 Pioneered in studying child development
 Showed that psychology could be a valid experimental science
 Developed theory of cognitive development
9. ABRAHAM MASLOW 1908 - 1970
 Basic components of Piaget’s cognitive theory; schemas,
 Believed that human beings are motivated to achieve certain
equilibrium, assimilation, accommodation and stages of
cognitive development.
 Created Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
3. F. SKINNER 1904 - 1990
 Described the idea of self-actualization
 Developed the principle of reinforcement (operant conditioning)
 Most extraordinary experience: peak experiences
 Revised different ways of delivering reinforcements
10. MARY AINSWORTH 1913 - 1999
 Best known for his skinner box.
 Strange Situation Test: to investigate attachment among
4. JOHN B. WATSON 1878 - 1958
 Presented his view that psychology is the science of observable
 Identified specific types of attachment: secure, ambivalent,
avoidant & disorganized.
 Little albert experiment – a child could be conditioned to fear a
 Primary caregiver serves as a secure base for children.
previously neutral stimulus (white rat).
 Introduced “stimulus generalization”
 Best known for his “Social Cognitive Theory”
5. ERIK ERIKSON 1902 - 1994
 Bobo Doll Experiment: people learn by observing and imitating
 Developed theory of psychosocial development
other’s behavior
 Believed that “identity crisis” was the important conflict that most
 Self-efficacy – belief in his or her ability to succeed in one
people face in the process of development.
12. ANNA FREUD 1895 - 1982
 The Stanford Prison Experiment – explored how situation can
 Work on studying abandoned or neglected children laid a
influence humans’ behavior.
foundation for later studies of early attachment.
 Dedicated to the research on psychology of heroism.
 Outlined and expanded Freud’s theory of Psychological
Defense Mechanism.
 Emphasized on the influence of one’s birth order on personal
strength, weakness and life style.
13. WILLIAM GLASSER 1925 - 2013
20. ALBERT ELLIS 1913 - 2007
 Developed of reality therapy and choice therapy
 Developed rational emotive behavior therapy which is the
 Emphasizes that humans have an innate need to control their
earliest form of cognitive behavioral therapy.
 Played important role in cognitive revolution which took place in
 Glasser’s five needs: survival, love & belongings, power,
the field of psychotherapy.
freedom and fun.
 Best known for his A-B-C Model
14. WILLIAM 1842 - 1910
21. KAREN HORNEY 1885 - 1952
 Always referred as the “The Father of American Psychology”
 Widely regarded as the founder of feminine psychiatry
 Established one of the first experimental psychology labs in the
 Studied how gender power imbalance affected development of
United States
psychological theories.
15. CARL ROGERS 1902 - 1987
 Viewed neurosis as a type of coping mechanism
 One of the founders of Humanistic Approach in Psychotherapy
22. VIKTOR FRANKL 1905 - 1997
 Developed person-centered therapy
 Founder of Logotherapy
 Important ideas: congruence & incongruence
 Key figure in existential therapy
 Primary drive in life is search for meaning
 Termed “automatic thoughts”
23. CARL JUNG 1875 – 1961
 Discovered negative ideas about self, the world and the future
 Proposed that unconscious consists of two layers: personal
 Best known for “Beck Depression Inventory” & “Beck Anxiety
unconscious & collective unconscious
 Termed “achetypes” as the images and though which have
17. JOHN BOWLBY 1907 - 1990
universal meanings across cultures.
 Best known for attachment theory
 Similar to the concept of “ID”, He proposed “shadow” (source for
 Infants have an innate need to form an attachment bond with a
creative & destructive energy)
24. IVAN PAVLOV 1849 - 1936
 The earliest bonds formed by children with their caregivers have
 Developed Pavlovian Conditional (Classical Conditioning) and
a great impact that continues throughout life.
demonstrated how conditioned stimulus produced conditioned
18. STANLEY MILGRAM 1933 - 1984
 The Milgram Obedience Experiment – ordinary people are likely
 His contribution bring huge impact on educational-psychology
to follow orders from authorities.
 People have two states of behavior in social situation: the 25. SIGMUND FREUD 1856 - 1939
autonomous stage & the agentic state.
 Founder of Psychoanalysis
19. ALFRED ADLER 1870 - 1937
 Developed theory of psychosexual development and of Oedipus
 Founder of “individual psychology”
 Emphasized the “individual” over society
 Compared the mind to an iceberg with three levels: conscious,
preconscious & unconscious
 Discovered transference

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