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Yt : Are we okay dan kuliah pagi


 Kisah hidupnya tentang mental health

Berawal dari kecintaannya pada basketball bahkan waktu SMA hampir seluruh waktunya
digunakan untuk basketball, even he became a professional basketball athlete with a bunch of
achievement till he studies in college with a scholarship so it's free because of basketball as
well. In college (1st semester) he still focused on basketball, but unfortunately, he got a severe
injury, and it changes his life 360°.his world falls apart the day he realized he couldn't play
basketball anymore, I mean not as often as he used to play. His mental health took a pretty long
time to recover and finally on about 4th-semester he gets up and starts building his life, he got
his first perfect GPA in that semester. When he was doing his thesis defense there is a lil bit of
story that made him got a B but actually, he was appropriate to get an A for his thesis. This
result makes him aren't accepted in any company if he applied but he decided to build his own
company and yeah here he goes now, become founder and CEO of S human resource, anyway
he is a bachelor of psychology so he also becomes a trainer and content creator bout

 5 season (mental revolution)

I didn't really listen bout this, but what I know, in this pandemic era with covid-19, we are in 5th
season, and almost all activities we do at home and online buutt we need to adapt.

 He said most of people with mental health disorders are a worker and students.

Merupakan popular content creator,channel youtubenya bernama skinny Indonesian

24,dengan karyanya berkonsep DPR musical dan baru baru ini contentnnya besarnya Youtube's
got talent.

Talkshow dg kak jovi dan andovi lebih membahas ke generasi muda genZ dengan tema cara
mendorong semangat juang generasi muda Indonesia,dengan konsep Q &A dan .Mereka
berdua membuat konten untuk menginspirasi anak muda dan perkataan dari kak Andovi yg
sangat bermakna bagi saya

"kegagalan itu mutlak,belajar dari kegagalan itu ambil hikmahnya lalu move on."

"Focus on your self,luluslah pada waktu yang tepat,bukan tepat waktu,karena masing masing
orang punya timeline yang berbeda,jangan lulus karena terpaksa dan jangan hanya fokus pada
akademik,karena networking dan pengalaman diluar kelas juga tidak kalah penting"

Terima kasih kak andovi dan ka jovi,so inspiring✨

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