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Are police check posts essential?

Midterm: 20 marks
Sec: 24, 25 (Tuesday) / 7 (Monday)
Duration: 1h30m + 10m
Section 1: In-text citations /
incorporating (integrating) sources
Section 2: Reference list
Steps to efficiently get info from
secondary sources:
1. Title
2. Standfirst
3. Subheads
Police check posts are an essential part of
keeping Dhaka city safe
Are police check posts essential? 2
Are police check posts essential? 3

Are police check posts essential?

Introduction blah blah blah.

They maintain the rules and regulations on the roads without which the streets of Dhaka

would be completely chaotic and even more unsafe than it already is. Already, Dhaka is extremely

difficult to control when it comes to its traffic, with it leading not only to severe traffic jams, but also,

quite frequently, death by accident. According to Antara (2021), in 2020, 18 people died every day

on average due to traffic accidents, with there being overall more than 5,000 deaths in total for the


Without police check posts, crimes on the streets of Dhaka would increase, leading to a

Dhaka that would be impossible for people to live in safely. Imagine how much worse our lives

would be if even going out on the streets were a thing that we would try to avoid because there’s a

chance we might get mugged. Imagine not being able to go out at night for fear of the fact that

anything could happen and there would be no one to protect you. The effective on crime rate can

easily be seen if we look at the statistics: In 2015, Dhaka had close to 20,000 crimes reported

whereas in 2019, that number has gone significantly down to a little over 2,000 (Bangladesh Police,


Some might say that police check posts are not an essential part of keeping Dhaka city safe

because there are various ways around them if you wish to avoid a check post and any criminal

would easily know about these routes. While that is true in certain areas, we can see from Baridhara

DOHS that it is possible to cover all the bases and, just because Dhaka currently hasn’t done that,

doesn’t mean that police check posts are not essential. Most of the tri-state area in Dhaka North,

comprising Gulshan-Banani-Baridhara, has traffic that is almost entirely regulated by police check

posts, making it almost impossible for anyone to avoid them. What we need to do is essentially have
Are police check posts essential? 4

the same number of check posts in other areas of Dhaka as well. Additionally, after the Holey Artisan

attack in 2016, “where five young militants ravaged the upscale café and held over 50 people as

hostages for nearly 12 dreadful hours”, we saw how tightly the police can control the various entry

and exit points within Dhaka in order to ensure that no militant could get away without being

discovered (“Bollywood”, 2021).

Conclusion blah blah blah.

Reference list

(hanging indent, double spacing, ALPHBETICAL order)

Antara, N. F. (2021, January 9). Report: 18 people killed every day on average in road accidents in

2020. The Daily Star. Retrieved from


Bollywood film 'Faraaz' to tell the story of Holey Artisan Café attack. (2021, August 5). The Daily Star.

Retrieved from


Police check posts are an essential part of keeping Dhaka city safe.
The benefits of having police check posts
Pro 1: They maintain the rules and regulations on the roads.
Are police check posts essential? 5

Pro 2: They ensure security in certain areas.


1. Essay must be left aligned

2. Paragraphs are indented properly

3. Double-spacing

4. Standard fonts + font size

5. APA references (with hanging indent and in alphabetical order)

6. Titles are bolded and centred

7. Proper use of quotations and in-text citations

8. Pages have running head and numbers

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