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(Ring.... Ring)
W: _________________ Restaurant. Good morning! This is ___________. How may i
help you?
G: Hi! I would like to make a reservation.
W: Certainly Ma’am/Sir. And what date is your reservation?
G: That would be on _____________________.
W: May I know the time of your arrival Ma’am/Sir
G: Sure. I will arrive at ________.
W: And for how many person/s is the reservation for Ma’am/Sir?
G: That would be ________ of us coming.
W: Perfect! I’ll have a table reserved for you. May I have your name please Ma’am/Sir?.
G: Sure! I’m __________________________.
W: Could you spell your last name please, Ma’am/Sir?
G: Okay. It’s ____________________.
W: Thank you Mr./Ms.____________________. Do you have any special request
G: No, I don’t have. Thanks for asking.
W: Very well Ma’am/Sir. And may I have your contact number and email address?
G: Sure. My contact number is ____________________ and my email address
W: Thank you Mr./Ms______________________. You have reserved a table for ____
person/s for this coming __________________________________ under the name of
G: That’s correct. Thank you.
W: It’s my pleasure Ma’am/Sir. We’ll see you soon on ____________
Mr./Ms._____________. Have a good day!
G: Thanks _________. Bye!

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