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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Choosing an Organization Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:

1. Identify an organization and situation you want to study over the remainder of the course.

2. Describe the organization and situation.

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Describe your organization.

The organization that I was a part of during the incident in question was the restaurant
Yard House. The restaurant is located next to a busy mall in Arizona (I am going to keep
the exact location confidential) meaning this particular location was extremely busy a
majority of their hours. If you have ever worked at a restaurant you would know how
hectic, dramatic, and stressful all restaurants are on any given day, no matter how slow
or busy. Although, one of the reasons why I worked for Yard House was because no
matter how busy they were, they would always stay true to their values and ethical
standards. To explain, the managers and trainers had a no tolerance policy for bullying,
harassment, outburst, etc from team members and guests. There were many occasions
when guests would be kicked out for being too drunk or rowdy. There were also
instances when team members would be sent home or fired for causing a scene, being
mean to coworkers, or coming in on drugs. As a whole, the managers wanted to make
sure that all team members and guests were comfortable in the building and enjoyed
their experiences at Yard House.

As someone who worked in the building for 3 years, I appreciated how much the
managers cared for each and every one of us and never took a situation lightly.
Although, all restaurants and businesses have their downsides and unfortunately the
situation I will be explaining was the main source of concern within the restaurant.

2) Describe your role in the organization (it can be internal or external).

During this particular incident I was employed by Yard House as a host trainer, server,
and server trainer. This means that I was not only responsible for seating and serving
guests but also responsible for training all host and server new-hires. I was somewhat of
the face of the restaurant for most servers and hosts, as they relied on me to train them

but also to be there as a mentor after training. I tried my best to maintain professionalism
during training, as well as, after training to set expectations for the rest of the staff. I also
made it a priority to carry the values and mission of Yard House with me throughout each
of my shifts.

3) Describe the situation. (see the Canvas instructions for details, especially about how
your situation will be analyzed from five different perspectives over the next five

Reference or References

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