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 PASSIVE VOICE a. Passive Verbal
merubah bentuk kalimat aktif  want
menjadi kalimat pasif  need aktif : TO + INF
 require pasif : TO + BE + V 3
SYARAT :  wait Ving
 Tenses tetap
 Makna tetap Contoh:
 Verb transitif (+obj) 1. all new students are required to fill
 Subjek  Objek the forms.
 To be (is, am, are, was, were, be, 2. the air conditioner needs need to be
been) repaired
 V3
 like
POLA :  asked aktif : TO + INF
 allow pasif : TO + BE + V 3
 etc
Aktif : SUBJ + VERB + OBJ
Contoh :
Pasif : OBJ + TOBE + V 3 + SUBJ 1. as the ceremony is over, the food on
the table are allowed to be taken

AKTIF PASIF b. Pola Sisipan (aposisi)

 V1  is, am, are + V 3  SUBJ + …app… + BY
 V2  was, were + V 3  SUBJ + …app… + PRED + BY
 V ing  be + being+V 3  SUBJ + PRED + …app… + BY
 Has  has nb :
Have + V3 have +been+V3
Had had  PREDIKAT :
 modals  modals + be + V3 Aktif : TOBE + Ving
Pasif : TOBE + V 3
Contoh :
 APPOSISI Aktif : Ving
1. the lady writes a letter Pasif : V 3
a letter is written by the lady
Contoh :
2. my sister killed the tiger 1. the building was designed by Mr. Pissa
the tiger was killed by my sister
2. the building designed by Mr. Pissa is
3. the secretary is sweeping the floor huge
the floor is being swept by her
3. It is the building designed by Mr. Pissa
4. the doctor has injected her
she has been injected by him 4. Mr. Pissa designing the building passed
away last year
5. some beggars will sell the cars
the cars will be sold by them

Fay’s Collections

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