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Electric Motors 2-18 Losses, Efficlency and Testing of

2. The method is convenient and economical as less power is required f
red for tes
even a large motor i.e. only no load power is to be supplied.

3. The motor is not required to be loaded i.e. only test to be carried out is .
load test.
2.5.2 Disadvantages
. In this method
the iron losses are assumed to be constant which is not thes

case as
they change from no load to full load. Due to armature reaction at
load there will be distortion in flux which will increase the iron
2. The
only test which is carried out is the no load test. Hence it is difficult to kn
whether there will be satisfactory commutation at full load.
3. We have assumed that there is rise in
temperature of 40°C at full load whi
cannot be checked actually as we are not actually loading the motor.
4. As it is a no load test it cannot be
performed on a series motor.
Efficiency as a motor
Input VI, Armature copper loss = Ra

W Stray
losses, W Field copper loss
% Input L.oSSes 1000- VI-1 Ra W W
lnput X 100
n.nnviwwwwwww.nw anvvawvwe wwwirawvwvwwwwwoi *

Efficiency as a generator
Output VtlL, Armature copper loss =IáRa
W Stray losses,
Wp Field copper loss

0 Output+LO
Output+ Losses
x 100 VL X 100
AwwAwm mw Awwwwwm vAAMA
wAmmmw sa w
VlL +15Ra +W+Ww
Aniwm m dAwn wnti

Example 2.5.1 A 500 V D.C shunt motor

Tesistance is 0.5 Q and shunt field resistancerunning on no load takes 5 A A u
1s 250 ina the output in
efficiency of the motor when running on full load and taking a current of kwd
50 A www.w

VTUFeb 08,
Solution: No load current = I = 5 A
July-14, Marks 8
No load motor input = IV = 5 x 500 2500 W
Electric Motors
2-19 Machines
Losses, Efficlency and 7Testing of D. C.
V 500
sh = 2 A
Rh 250
I-1h 5-2 3 A
No load armature copper loss =

1áR = 3 (0.5) = 4.5 W

Constant losses No load
Input -
No load copper loss 2500 4.5
= -

2495.5 W
IFL50 A, aFL =IFL -Ith =50 -2 = 48 A
Full load armature copper loss =
R= (48 (0.5) =
1152 W
Total losses =Armature copper loss at full load +
Constant losses
1152 2495.5
3647.5 W
Motor input =
V.l, (500) (50) =25000 W
Full load motor output power =Motor
input -

Total losses
= 25000- 3647.5 21352.5 W

Efficiency Output
Input 1005000
25000X100 =
85.41 9%

Example 2.5.2 A 500 V shunt motor takes a current of 5 Aon no load. The
resistance of the
armature ana fiela circuit are 0.22 and 250 2 respectively Find a) the
efficiency when
loaded and taking a current of 100 A. b) the percentage change of speed State
precisely the
Assumptions made. VTU:Jan. 15. Marks 10
Solution: The following assumptions can be made before
the motor.
calculating the efficiency of
1. Due to heating, resistance of shunt field winding will be increased which will
reduce the shunt field current. This will decrease the flux which is
2. Though the motor speed is
changing from no load to given load, the mechanical
losses are assumed to be constant.
3. The effect of armature reaction main
on pole flux and its effect on iron loss is
No load current, I = 5 A

No load motor input = V.l = 500x5 = 2500 W

= V 500 2 A
Tsh Rgh 250 2A
In case of shunt motors, I =
a+ sh
I-sh 5-2
TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS An up thrust for knowledge
Electric Motors 2-21 Losses, Efficiency and Testing of D. C.

Example 2.5.3 The no load test on a 60 HP, 220 V d.c. shunt motor gave the following
results on no load test. Input current 13.25 Amps Field current = 2.55 Amps
Resistance of the armature = 0.032 Q Brush drop 2 volts. Find the full load current
and full load efficiency. VTU Jan-09, Marks 8
Solution: ILo = No load current = 13.25 A, Ish 2.55 A

Ia0 ILo-Ish =13.25 -2.55 10.7 A

No load armature
= (10.7)2 x 0.032 = 3.6636 W
copper loss

Loss due to brush = Vbrush XI, = 2x 10.7 214 W

No load input = VILo =220x 13.25 2915 W

Constant losses = [No load input]- [No load armature copper loss]
- [Loss due to brush] = 2915 3.6636 21.4 = 2889.9364 W

Let I, be the full load armature current.

IL =I +lsh = a +2.55) . F.L. lne current

Pin (F.L.) =
VIL 220, +2.55) W
But Pin (E.L) = Pout + Total losses

=Pout +[Constant losses)+ [Brush loss] + [Armature copper loss]

Pout 6 0 HP =
60x735.5 W 44130 W
:. 220 (, +2.55) = 44130+2889.9364 +2xI, +I x 0.032

+46458.9364 0
0.032 I 2181
Solving, I 220.234 A . Neglecting higher value

Full load input current IL =Ia +Ish 222.784 A

Pin (F.L.)= VIL =

220x 222.784 = 49012.48 W

E.L.) 49012.48 x 100 90.038 %

Example 25.4 A 500 V shunt motor takes 4 Amps on no load. The armature resistance
inclhuding that of brushes is 0.2 and the field current is 1 Amps. Estimate the output
ana the eficiency when the input current is i 20 Amps, 100 Amps.
VTU July-13, Marks 10
Solution: V = 500 V,Ig = 4 A, R, =0.2,gh =

TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS An up thrust for knowledge

Electric Motors 2-22 Losses, Efficiency and Testing ofD.c

a0 ILo-Ish =
4 -1 = 3A

No load copper loss =

IR = 1.8 W

No load power input = VILo = 2000 W

1998.2 W
Constant losses =
VILo -IR =

i)IL 20 A
I L - I s h = 20 -1 =19 A

Copper loss= Ra =72.2 W

Pin VIL 500x20 10000 W


%n Input-LoSses 100
10000-72.2-1998.2100 =79.296 %

Input-Losses 7929.6 W
Pout =

i) I = 100 A

1960.2 W
aIL-Ish =
99 A, Copper loss =IR, =

Pin VlL =50000 W

Pin- Copper loss-Constantloss 46041.6 W
Pout =

o = POut. x100 x10092.08 %


Review Questions
1 With a neat circuit diagram, explain the importance and procedure of conducting Suinbune
test on d.c. motor. List the advantages of this test. Show how the efficiency as i) Motor am
i) Generator can be predetermined

VTU Feb.06 Jan 13, 14 15. Marks 12 July-07 16 Marks 10,Dec 08, Marks
2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Stwinburne's test.
VTU Aug-06, Marka 5, Dec.-08MMarke 7
3. A 500 V de. shunt motor takes a current of 4 A at no load. The armature and fil
resistances are 0.5 and 250 2 respectively.
Find the output power and
efficiency when
running on full load taking a current of 40 A. Also find the percentage change in speed from
no load to full load.
VTU Aug-02
(Ans.: 17280 W, 86.4 %, 3.958%
TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS- An up thrust for knowledge
Electric Motors 2-28 Losses, Efficlency and1Testing of
D.C. Ma
Fig. 2.7.1 in which the switch S after disconnecting from the supply is
terminals 12'. The machine then gets connected to a non-inductive load resi
The power drawn by this resistance will acts as a retarding torque on thee
which will make it slow more quickly.
nthe armata
The additional loss in the resistance will be equal to product of ammeter read:
the average reading of the voltmeter (for a fall of 5 % of voltmeter reading, the ding an
noted.) The ammeter reading is also changing so its average reading is taken. Th time
additional loss is I (R, + R). Let t, be the time when armature is considered al Ihus
t, be the time when armature is connected across a load resistance, V be averaoe.
across R and I, be the average current and W' is additional retarding electrical voltae
supplied by motor. torqe

W (27 IN
60 dti

W+W'- IN dN
If dN i.e. change in speed is same in two cases then
W+W' 1/ dt2 dtit1
W 1/dt dt2 t2
( W + W)h = W ie. W t - ) = W't


Here is rate of dN
change in speed without extra load whereas is rate change
dt dt2
speed with extra electrical load which provides retarding torque.

Examp 71 A retardation test is made on a separately excitedd.c. machine as a motor. The

induced ooltage falls from 240 V to 220 V in 25 seconds on opening the armature circu
and in 6secondsonsuddenlychanging thearmature connection from supplytoa loa
whichtakesaverage current of 10 A.Findthe efficiency of the machinewher
Tunning as a motor taking a current of 25 A on asupply of 250 V The resistance of it
armature is 0.3Q md that of its field windingis200 9 VTU May 10, Marks 8
Solution av 10A

Average voltage across load = 240+2200

= 230 V.
Electric Motors
2- 29 Losses, Efficlency and Testng of D.C.

Power absorbed,W' = Vav a = 230 x 10 2300 w

t 25 sec,t, z 6 sec

W = W ' 2 2300 x =726.31 W


Stray losses =
726.31 W

Motor in input current, L = 25 A

250 123A
Shunt current,ghR200 1,25A
Armature current, I = - l h = 25 1.25 23.75 A
Armature copper loss = R, = (23.75) x 0.3 169. 21 W

Shunt copper loss 1 h Rah (1.25) x 200 312.5 W

Total losses = 169.21 + 312.5 + 726.31 = 1208.02 W

Input to the motor = V.I= 250 x 25 6250 W

Output of motor = Input - Losses = 6250- 1208.02 = 5041.98 W

% Efficiency of motor nm Outputx

5041.98 100 80.67

m 80.67 %
Example 2.7.2 A retardation test is carried out o a 1000 1p.m.d.c, machine. The time taken
for the speed to fall from 1030 rp.m. to 9701p.m. is
a) 40 seconds with no excitationb) 20 seconds with ful excitation
c) 9 seconds uith full excitation and the armature supplying an extra load of 10 A at
225 V
Calculatei) The moment of inertia of the armature in kg-m i) Iron losses
iii) The mechanical losses at the mean speed of 1000 1p.m.
TU Dec 10, July 12, Marks 10
Solution: The points to be remembered while solving this problem are as follows:
i) When there is no excitation and armature is slowed down, its K. E. is used to
overcome mechanical losses only since there will be no iron loss as there is no
i) When there is excitation provided then K.E. is used to supply mechanical as well
as iron losses together called stray losses.

TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS- An up thrust for knowledge

Electric Motors 2-35 Losses, EMclency and Testlng of D.C.
Total Cu loss Armature Cu loss + Field Cu loss = 297 184 = 481 W
For motor-generator set

Total Cu loss for set = 647.27 + 481 1128.27 W

from supply V-I 230 8.65

Power taken 1989.5 W
= =
x =

Stray losses for set E Power taken from supply Total Cu loss

1989.5 -

1128.27 =
861.23 W
each machine
Stray loss for 861.23/2 430.615 W

Efficiency of motor
Motor input = V.I = 230 (37.85) = 8705.5

Motor output = Input - Losses = Input - (Cu loss + stray losses)

(8705.5) (647.27+ 430.615) = 7627.615 WN

% Efficiency of motor, nm = Output x100 7627.615x 100 87.61

Input 8705.5

87.61 %
naadavidsio wwiw.

Eficiency of generator
The output of motor is given as input to the generator
Generator input = 7627.615 W

Generator output = Input - Losses = Input - (Cu loss + stray losses)

7627.615-(481 +430.615) 6716 W =

% Efficiency of generator, ng Output x100 6716

x 100 88.04
Input 7627.615
g 88.04 %

Exampl 2.8.2 The Hopkinson's test on too shunt machines gave the fotlorwing results for full
Line voltage =250V
CATrent taken from supply system excluding field current 50 A
Motor Arm. current = 380 A
Field currents = 5 A and 4.2 A (gen and mot Tespectively). Calculate the efficiency of the
motor and generator Assume resistance of each machine for the armature as 0.02 ohm
VTU March-03, Jan 13, Marks 10
Solution: The connection of machines for Hopkinson's test are shown in the Fig. 2.8.3.

TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS An up thrust for knowledge

2- 36 Losses, Efficlency and Testing of D.C. Mar
Electric Motors
For generator
Armature copper loss =l Ra = (330) x0.02 = 2178 W

Field copper loss = V Ih = 250 x 5= 1250 WV

For motor:
50 A 330 A
Armature copper loss = Iá Ra

4.2 A 380 A
= (380)2 x0.02 2888 W

V Lh 250 4.2
Field copper loss = = x
v=250v G

= 1050 W

380 A 50 A330 A

Fig. 2.8.3

Power drawn from supply = VI = 250 x 50 12500 W

Iron,friction and windage Power drawn| Armature copper

loss of both machines from supply ] | loss for both

= 12500- [2178 + 2888] 7434 W=

For each machine = =3717 W

For generator:
Total loss = Field Cu + Armature Cu +Friction, Iron

= 1250 + 2178 3717 7145 W

Generator output = VI = 250 x 330 82500 W

Generator input = Output + Losses = 82500+7145 89645 W

.. o g Output
Input 100 8250x100 92.02 %

For motor:
Total loss = Field Cu + Armature Cu + Friction, Iron

= 2888 +1050 + 3717 7655 W

Motor input = VI + VIh 250x380 +250x4.2 96050 W

Motor output = Motor input - Losses = 96050 7655 = 88395 W

% nm
Mm 88395100 =92.03 %
TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS- An up thrust for knowledge
ElectricM o t o r s
2-37 Losses, Efficiency and Testing of D.C. Machines

2.8.3 Two identical d.c. shunt machine, when tested by Hopkinson's method, gave
thefollorwing data

= 230 V
current excluding the field current =
30 A
armature current
230 A
5 A and 4 amp. The armature resistance
Field currents of each machine is 0.025
Calculatethe ejiciency of botkh the machines. VTUS Jan.0934 MAreh-02, 03, Marka 10
Solution: The arrangement is as shown in the Fig. 2.8.4.

0.025 2
V= 230
volts, R =

armature c u r r e n t
230 A
Motor 30 A
230 A -200 AA
4 A
Motor armature copper loss =I-R 230 V M
=(230) (0.025) = 1322.5 W

Motor field copper loss V Ish

35 A 30 A 5 A
= (230) (4) = 920 W
Fig. 2.8.44
For generator
Generator armature copper loss = I3 R

= (200) (0.025) 1000 W

Generator field copper loss =

V h (230) (5) =
1150 w
Total copper loss for w o machines = 1322.5 + 920+1000+1150 = 4392.5

Power takern from supply = (230) (4 + 30+ 5) = (230) (39) = 8970 W

Stray losses for two machines = 8970 4392.5 = 4577.5 W

Stray loss for each machine = 4577 = 2288.75 W


For generator
Total losses in generator = Generator armature Generator fieldStray
copper loss copper loss losses

1000 + 1150 + 2288.75 = 4438.75 W

Output of generator = V.I= (230) (200) = 46000 W

input to generator = Output of generator + Total losses in generator

= 46000 + 4438.75 50438.75 W

TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS An up thrust for knowledge

Electric Motors 2-38 Losses, Efficlency and Testing ofof D.
D.C. Mech
Output of generator
%Efficiency of generator ng Input to generator
x 100

% lg 50438.75
5X100 = 91 %

Motor armature copper loss = 1322.5 W

Motor field copper loss = 920 W

Stray losses = 2288.75 W

For motor:
Total losses in motor = Motor armature Motor field Stray
copper loss copper loss losses
1322.5 + 920 2288.75 =4531.25 WW
Motor input V(a +Ish)
(230) (230)
+ (230) (4) =
53820 W
Motor output =
Motor input Total losses in motor =53820

4531.25 =49288.75 W
% Efficiency of motor, Motor ouput 100
Motor input

x 100 91.58 %

RevieW uestions
1. Describe the Hopkinson's test for two identical shunt motors
each machine on full load is obtained.
indicating how the efficiency of
VTU May-10, Marks 8, Jan-08,15 Marks 7 www.Wwww

2. Explain Hopkinson's test or

regenerative test.

VTUJuly 07, 12 Dec09, Jan&16. Merls 5

3. Explain back to back test as two identical DC machines and calculate the the
machines efficiency of
generator and motor. Mention the advantages of this test over the other tests.

4. The
VTU Dec.11. July-15. Marks
k 12 12
Hopkinson's test on
machines gave the following results two shunt
conditions. Line voltage 250 volts, line current for fiull lou
excluding field currents is 50 A, motor
armature current 380 A, field currents 5 A, 4.2 A
Calculate the efficiency of each machine. Armature resistance
of each machine is .02 2
wou ***********
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*****************************************************************"**************************** **********na*s************
(Ans.:92.03 %, 92.02 %)
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