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WEEKLY School GFINHS Grade Level 7

HOME Teacher MARJAY B. DE LEON Week no. 3 and 4

LEARNING Teaching Date Quarter I
PLAN Teaching Time No. of Days 5

Day and Learning Learning Learning Task Mode of Delivery

Time Area Competency
Wake up! Say a silent prayer of thanks for another day ahead. Make up your bed, take a bath and get ready
for your class.
Share a breakfast meal with your family. Exercise a bit or wash the dishes.

Day 01 - English 7 Focuses on the Learning Task 1: In your notebook,

05 Passive and grammatical copy and answer the statements below. Let
Active features and us have a game by knowing who had the
Voices forms of verb. sweetest parents/guardians during your
This also focuses childhood days.
on points to be
considered in Example Answers Given:
transforming Send the soft copy (e-
active to passive When you were a child… copy/picture scanned) of
voice and vice  Were you given a pasalubong by your the answered modules
versa. Students parents? 3 points and activity sheets
are expected to: Yes, it is mostly a Jollibee meal through messenger.
differentiate because I love Jollibee’s chicken joy!
active and  Were you allowed to play outside with
passive voices of your friends? 3 points
the verb; Absolutely, I enjoyed playing outside
transform with my neighbors as long as I already
statements from finished our household chores.
active voice to  Were you get a reward for every good
passive voice thing you’d done? 3 points
and vice versa Mostly, my parents both praises me
and use active with words if I made a good deed or Have the parent hand-in
and passive there are instances that they bought the output to the teacher
voices in varied me sweets. in school

Learning Task 2: In your notebook, copy

and answer the statements below. Then,
write A if the statement is in active voice and
P if it is in passive form.

Example Answers Given:

A 1. Liz played the piano.

P 2. The game had been won by the blue

A 3. The family went to the beach.

Learning Task 3: In your notebook, draw

the air cycle below. Then, in 4-5
sentences, explain how water cycle

Example Answers Given:

There are four main stages in the

water cycle. They are evaporation,
condensation, precipitation and collection
In evaporation process the warmth
from the sun causes water from oceans,
lakes, streams, ice and soils to rise in the air
and created a water vapor. When the water
vapor joins together they made clouds.
After, is the condensation when the vapor
cools down it turns back into liquid water.
As the water grew heavy it falls from the sky
this is now the precipitation stage. When the
water falls down in the form of rain or snow
or others it will goes to oceans, rivers, lakes
and streams and repeat the process of
condensation again.

Learning Task 4: Convert the following

sentences from active voice to passive
voice. Write your answers in your notebook.

Example Answers Given:

1. Harry ate six shrimps at dinner.

 At dinner, six shrimps were
eaten by Harry.

2. Sue changes the flat tire.

 The flat tire was changed by

3. Mom read the novel in one day.

 The novel was read by my mom
in one day.

Learning Task 5: Convert the following

sentences from passive voice to active
voice. Write your answers in your notebook

Example Answers Given:

1. The entire house was painted by Tom.

 Tom painted the entire house.

2. The comet was viewed by the science

 The science class viewed the

3. Instructions will be given to you by the

 The teacher will give you the

Learning Task 6: Think of your most

favorite dish. In your notebook, write the
ingredients and the procedures to be taken
in preparing your favorite dish. For each
step, identify if it is in active or passive voice.
Then, transform each statement from active
to passive and vice versa.

Example Answers Given:


1 Kilo of chicken (any part will do, cut and

2 tea spoons of cooking oil.
1 Cup of Soy Sauce
3 table spoons of Oyster Sauce
4 table spoons of chopped minced garlic
3 table spoons of chopped onion
1 tea spoon of chopped chili
Pinched of ground pepper
Pinched of round whole black pepper
2 table spoons of sugar
½ cup of water
2 table spoons of minced ginger
6 pieces of laurel leaf


In a bowl, put the cut pieces of chicken, soy
sauce, round pepper, whole black pepper,
cup of soy sauce, oyster sauce, and table
spoons of minced garlic and sugar

As you put the ingredients together in a bowl
mix them well, and put it on the fridge to chill
for 6 or 24 hours for better taste.

In a bowl, put the ingredients together
and mix them well. The put it in a fridge
and let it chill for 6 to 24 hours for better

Heat the pan in medium fire and pour the
table spoons of cooking oil.

The pan is heated in medium fire. Then
pour the table spoons of cooking oil.

Sautee garlic and onions with garlic in the
pan, until it reach golden brown.

Make the garlic and onions with garlic
sautéed in a pan until it reach golden

Then pour the mixed bowl of chicken and

stir continually for half an hour. Put the
laurel leaves.

Let it simmer for another 20 minutes and

scarcely mix it. Put a pinch of salt that base
on your taste buds. Simmer for another 5
minutes, then turn off the stove.

Serve in bowl in a table and eat with rice.

Learning Task 7: In your notebook, copy

and answer the statements below. Then,
write A if the statement is in active voice
and P if it is in passive form. Then,
transform each statement from active to
passive and vice versa.

Example Answers Given:

A 1. The Great Wall of China were built by

Chinese ancestors against invaders.
The Chinese ancestors had built the
Great Wall of China against invaders

A 2. Carmen Nakpil won the Gawad UMPIL

award in 1990.
The Gawad Umpil award in 1990 had won
by Carmen Nakpil.
Wake up! Say a silent prayer of thanks for another day ahead. Make up your bed, take a bath and get ready
for your class.
Share a breakfast meal with your family. Exercise a bit or wash the dishes.

The lesson
English 7 focuses on the
Past and grammatical Learning Task 1: In your notebook, copy
Perfect features of and solve the crossword puzzle below
simple past and
past perfect
tenses. This
highlights clear
between the
two and how
they interact in
forming clear
and coherent
sentences. You
are expected to
indicate past
actions using
past and past
perfect tense of
the verb; use
the past and Learning Task 2: In your notebook, copy
past perfect and answer the statements below by boxing
tenses correctly the past tense, circling the simple past tense
and underlining the time expression used in
in varied
each sentence.
contexts; and
show Example Answers Given:
of the past and He had told me before that he was in
past perfect Europe.
Cindy was mad when she had forgotten
her lunchbox yesterday.

When I had arrived at the cinema last night

the film had started.

Learning Task 3: Choose the correct past

perfect tense of the verb in each sentence.
Write your answers in your notebook.

Example Answers Given:

1. The baker (had baked, had baking,

had bake) before the shop opened.
2. I went to mall after I (had recovered,
have recovered, has recovered) from
my quarantine.
3. Linda (has cooked, had cooking, had
cooked) the spaghetti before she
went on a date.

Learning Task 4: Give the past perfect

tense form of the verbs in the parentheses.
Write answers in your notebook.

Example Answers Given:

(tell) 1.After I ________ her my story. She

prepared a report about it.
(practice) 2. Leonora ______ dancing
before she goes to work yesterday.

(leave) 3. Before the speaker arrived, the
students ________ the auditorium.

Learning Task 5: In your notebook, copy

and complete the dialogues below

Example Answers Given:

1. A: What dishes had you cooked when

visitors arrived?
B: I had prepared and cooked adobo,
carbonara and vegetable fritters.

2. A: What tasks had the football players

accomplished before the coach came?
B: They had accomplished running,
squatting and burpees before the
coach arrived.

3. A: What had happened when his father

returned home from Morocco?
B: Because of Pandemic, my father
had finished his quarantine period.

Learning Task 6: In your notebook, copy

and answer the statements below by boxing
the past tense, circling the simple past tense
and underlining the time expression used in
each sentence.

Example Answers Given:

He had told me before that he was in


Cindy was mad when she had forgotten

her lunchbox yesterday.

When I had arrived at the cinema last night

the film had started.

Learning Task 7: In your notebook, copy

and complete the dialogues below. Using
the pattern, indicate the appropriate use of
simple past and past perfect tenses.

Example Answers Given:

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