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Name: SABUNGEY, Coleen Alezandra Date:

Remote Learning Readiness Survey*

Unless otherwise instructed, please indicate your level of agreement with each of these statements:
Strongly Agree (4), Agree (3), Disagree (2), or Strongly Disagree (1).

4____ 1. I understand that learning is my responsibility.
4____ 2. I understand that a remote course is not easier than a face-to-face course.
3____ 3. I understand that I will interact and work with people I might never see in person.

3____4. I am good at setting goals and deadlines for myself.
3____5. I finish what I start.
3____6. I can keep myself on track and on time.

Learning Preferences
2____7. I can learn well by reading.
2____8. I can learn well from auditory content, such as lectures, recordings, or podcasts.
3____9. I can learn well on my own.
2____10. I can work well in a virtual classroom within a learning management system
(like the University Virtual Learning Environment or UVLE, or the UP College of Law Learning
Management System, MS Teams).

Study Habits
3____11. I can dedicate a specific time of day or night to do course work.
3____12. I can ignore distractions around me when I study.
2____13. I am willing to spend at least 3-4 hours each day on this course.

Learning Strategies
3____14. I use strategies (like notetaking, summarizing) which help me learn.
2____ 15. I reflect on what I learn in every lesson.

Language Skills
2____ 16. I am confident with my reading skills.
2____ 17. I am confident with my writing skills.

Technology Skills
3____18. I am comfortable working with different applications in a computer/laptop.
3____19. I am comfortable navigating the Internet.
4____20. I can download files and add attachments.
Technology-mediated Communication Skills
3____21. I am comfortable communicating via email and/or other asynchronous means.
3____22. I am comfortable with synchronous audio/video interactions using applications
(like Messenger and Viber) and platforms (like Zoom).

Hardware/Software Requirements
3____23. I have a computer that runs reliably.
23.1. My computer runs on (please check) |_| Windows. |_| Mac OSX. |_| Android |_| Other: ___
2____24. I have Internet access with a good, reliable connection.
24.1. I can access the Internet through (please check)
|_| cable/fiber optic connection
|_| my cellphone
|x| a pocket wifi modem (e.g., Smartbro LTE Pocket Wifi, Globe LTE Mobile Wifi, etc.)
|_| an internet café/shop
_/__25. I have access to a printer.

*adapted from Portia P. Padilla, in turn based on the Online Readiness Assessment by Vicki Williams and The Pennsylvania
State University and the Distance Learning Readiness Assessment of the Eastern Wyoming College

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