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Name : Idha Rahma Iswianti

NIM : 19080304009

Accounting Education 2019 I

Philosophy of Education

Ki Hajar Dewantoro from Local Education of Philosophy

To counter act this kind of educational model, the concepts of Ki Hadjar Dewantara
education is offered as a solution to the distortions implementation of education in
Indonesia today.

According to Ki Hadjar Dewantara, the essence of education is to incorporate

culture in the child, and put the child into the culture so that chil- dren become human
beings. Educational philosophy Ki Hadjar Dewantara. Among these so called philosophy
of education in which the convergence of the philosophy of progressivism about the child's
natural ability to resolve the problems faced by giving the widest freedom of thought, but
it also uses culture that has stood the test of time, according to essentialism, as the basic
education of the child to achieve his goal.

Ki Hadjar Dewantara using native Indonesian culture while the values of the West
are taken in accordance with the theory of selective adaptative Trikon (continuity,
convergent and concentric).

Three contributions of Ki Hadjar Dewantara’s educational philosophy for the

Indonesian education are the application of a trilogy of leadership in education, three
centers of education and the paguron system.

I. The Concept of Ki Hadjar Dewantoro In Education Philosophy

I.1 Ki Hadjar Dewantara proposed several educational concepts to realize the

achievement of educational goals, namely the Tri Education Center :

a. Family education;

b. Education in the realm of teaching; and

c. Education in the realm of youth or society.

I.2 The concept of learning is Tri No, which is nonton, niteni and nirokke.

a. Nonton (cognitive), watching here is passively with all five senses.

b. Niteni (affective) is to mark, learn, pay close attention to what is captured

by the five senses.

c. Nirokke (psychomotoric), which is a positive imitation to prepare to face

child development.
Name : Idha Rahma Iswianti

NIM : 19080304009

Accounting Education 2019 I

II. Three Center of Education Ki Hadjar Dewantoro In Education Philosophy

II.1 Three Center of Education will give birth to the nation's leading candidates who
will be featured :

a. Ing Ngarso sung tulodo

b. Ing madyo mangun karso, and

c. Tut Wuri Handayani.

II.2 The characteristic of Leaders of Ing Ngarsa Sung Tulodho, Ing Madya Mangun
Karsa and Tut Wuri Handayani is :

a. Will not abuse authority or power;

b. Will not commit financial manipulation or corruption; and

c. Will not violate decency.

II.3 In addition, Ki Hadjar Dewantara used Indonesian native culture, while Western
values were taken selectively in an adaptive manner in accordance with the
tricon theory (continuity, convergence and concentric).

III. Learning from Ki Hadjar Dewantoro In Education Philosophy

III.1 The essence of education according to Ki Hadjar Dewantara is to incorporate

culture into the child and to incorporate the child into the culture so that the
child becomes a human being.

III.2 Ki Hadjar Dewantara's educational philosophy is called the philosophy of

educational AMONG which is a convergence of the philosophy of
progressivism about the natural ability of students to overcome the problems
faced by giving freedom to think as widely as possible

III.3 The contribution of Ki Hadjar Dewantara's philosophy of education to

education in Indonesia is the emergence of models modern boarding school
education which is often known as MBS (Modern Boarding School).
Name : Idha Rahma Iswianti

NIM : 19080304009

Accounting Education 2019 I

Questions and Answers

1. What is the contribution of Ki Hadjar Dewantara's educational philosophy to

education in Indonesia ?

The contribution of Ki Hadjar Dewantara's philosophy of education to education in

Indonesia is the emergence of models modern boarding school education which is
often known as MBS (Modern Boarding School).

2. What is the concept of Ki Hadja Dewantara from Taman Muda (Elementary School) ?

The concept of Ki Hadja Dewantara from Taman Muda (Elementary School)is know,
feel and do.

3. What kind the concept of learning called “Tri No” ?

 Nonton (cognitive), watching here is passively with all five senses.

 Niteni (affective) is to mark, learn, pay close attention to what is captured by the
five senses.

 Nirokke (psychomotoric), which is a positive imitation to prepare to face child


4. What is the essence of education ?

The essence of education is to incorporate culture in the child, and put the child into
the culture so that chil- dren become human beings.

5. How progressive about children's natural abilities in educational philosophy ?

The convergence of the philosophy of progressivism about the child's natural ability
to resolve the problems faced by giving the widest freedom of thought, but it also uses
culture that has stood the test of time, according to essentialism, as the basic education
of the child to achieve his goal.

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