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Pasadeῆa Street, F.B.Harrison,

Pasay City 2ND
S.Y – 2020-2021








DATE: 04/13/21
UNIT 2 :
your reaction/reflection. As Filipino student, what is the impact of knowing the differenc es in your
communication style
English is the most widely spoken language in the world and the most common among foreign
language students. English is also the world's second most commonly spoken native language.
While it originated in the United Kingdom, rather specifically, the British Isles the majority of
its speakers now reside in the United States. The most noticeable difference between
American and British English is vocabulary and spelling. For example, Brits call the front of a
car the bonnet, while Americans call it the hood. Another is Americans go on vacation, while
Brits go on holidays, or hols. There are hundreds of everyday words that are different.
As a Filipino major, it is important to me to understand the difference of
communication style on my own. For me, communication covers a wide range of areas. It
involves aspects such as goal clarification, plan clarity, accountability, engaging and
influencing others, persuading others, bargaining, expressing opinions, and so on. In a
summary, it's just about sending and receiving data in the most efficient way possible. One of
the most difficult tasks for rulers is to convey a message in such a way that it is heard in the
expected manner

EXERCISE 2 :A- Reacting to the text: Design a colorful and creative infographic about the varieties
of English language based on the article by Govind. Use the space below to do the task
EXERCISE 2 - B : VIDEO WATCHING: Watch a videos from you tube that shows varieties of the
English language. Then make a reaction on each videos .

1. How to speak with a Japanese Accent? ( source:

The video shows that Japanese is the most commonly spoken language in
Japan, and it is divided into many dialects, with the Tokyo dialect considered
traditional. Ryukyuan languages are spoken in Okinawa and parts of Kagoshima
in the Ryukyu Islands, in addition to Japanese. Japanese is the most commonly
spoken language in Japan, and it is divided into many dialects, with the Tokyo
dialect being the most common and traditional than American or English culture.
(Naturally, this is reflected in the way the Japanese language has evolved over
time. There are different forms of address depending on whether you are
speaking to your elders or your peers, different name suffixes, formal and
informal verb forms, etc. Basically, the Japanese language contains codified rules
governing every conceivable situation in which you would be conducting a
conversation.. Japanese is the complete opposite. There ar. Broadly speaking,
Japanese culture is more hierarchal, differential, very specific, structured
rules of address that you need to adopt, lest you risk offending your seniors
or sounding condescending to your peers and juniors.

2. Filipino Accent Tutorial by Mikey Bustos (source:

In the video, you can see that the Filipino accent differs due to the lack
of letters and how to pronounce it. Just like F and V which is true and many of
our Filipinos are like this, according to him it is our heritage from the Spaniards.
We also admit that it is hrad for many to speak in words with this letter mostly
when we talk in foreign nationality. As well as the use of “she” and “he” in
sentences and conversation. Most of the time, we use this in writings using the
third person in the sentence. Also include social like’s words like "promise! ',"
Poreber "etc. Also the funny advertisement like" 70 pesos Lang ". Those things
makes Filipino more unique and funny which is need to be proud of us. At the
end, he says that Filipino is lovable and kind. Also he is proud to be a Filipino.
3. Australian English ( source: )

In Australian Language, they are common on American

English but different in the call of things. Like 'hood' in America, 'bonnet'
on them. Trunk in America, a 'boot' on them and so many other words.
When it comes to places, their laughter is different, like 'groceries' in
America. ‘Supermarket’ to them. Australian English follows British
spelling very closely but many common words are spelt differently in
American English. Despite being spelt differently, the meaning of the
word is the same. It can get tricky so do look up online dictionaries which
will tell you the Australian/British or American spelling of the words you
look up. Don't always rely on your spell check because it may not be set to
the right kind of English.
4. English vs. Singaporean Pronunciation (source:

Although Singapore English is based on British spelling, there is a

mix of British and American usage for common words. I've also
included a few Singlish words/phrases for a bit of fun. It appears that a
distinct brand of Singapore English is emerging, common to all the
ethnic groups living in the country and quite unlike the varieties of
English found in most other parts of the world, though it is true that
many of its features are shared with the English spoken in Malaysia. It
seems likely that the main difference between the English of the various
ethnic groups in Singapore lies in the intonation though the precise
details of the intonation of the different groups have yet to be established
"It is quite possible to sound Singaporean but still be easily understood
in the rest of the world, and it seems that a mature variety of educated
Singapore English is indeed emerging.
5. The English Language in 67 Accents & Random Voices
(source : )

Begin with accents from his own country, then move on to

accents from other countries around the world, and finally to other
random voices that aren't all accent specific but apply to various types of
people, such as film and video-game characters, and video-game races.
Accents with the label "unspecified version" indicate that he unsure of
the particular form / area from which the accent originates, and that it
does not represent everyone from that country.
Dialects and accents developed historically when groups of language
users lived in relative isolation, without regular contact with other
people using the same language. This was more pronounced in the past
due to the lack of fast transport and mass media.

EXERCISE 3 : What language register is illustrated in the following?

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of
law. You have the right to have an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney , one will be appointed
for you .


L: Excuse me , madam ?
C: Oh, hi …uh… Louie, isn’t it? Come in , Louie. I haven’t seen you in quite a while, have I? How can
I help you?
L : Well …If you have few minutes….. I need you to help me sort out my credit hours. It’s kind an, uh an
C: OK , sit down . I’ve got a few minutes right now.
L: Thanks very much.
C: So , what’s the problem with your credit hours?
L: Well…. Um …I think I may not have the right ones. The ones I need to graduate, I mean.
C: What’s your major again? Business Management?
L: Yes, it’s supposed to be.

“Daddy “ She called out.

“Hey, Luna. My pumpkin. How are you? Did u sleep well?”

“Daddy. When did u come?

“Yesterday night honey. I know it’s your birthday tomorrow. I couldn’t miss for the world.” “But
daddy where is mommy? We were supposed to go out for my birthday shopping today.”

“Oh dear! She has gone to your granny’s house. Your granny mother is not well. Mom will
be back by evening.”

“Oh no”, her faced drooped. “ I told her what I want for my birthday . She knows everything.
What I am going to do now?”


EXERCISE 4: A- Read the two telephone conversations. Determine which of them is formal or

Casual. For formal conversation, underline the lines that show formality; for casual conversation,

circle the lines that show its being casual. (source://

JUDY : Brown’s Technology, Judy speaking. How can I help you?

JEFF: Hello, this is Jeff Samuel. May I speak with Amy Richards, please?

JUDY : One moment please --- I’ll put you through.

JUDY : Mr. Samuel, I’m sorry. Amy’s in meeting now. Would you like to leave a message ?

JEFF : Yes please , could you ask her to call me back as soon as possible? It’s an urgent matter.

JUDY : Of course. Does she have your number?

JEFF : She has my office number, but let me also give you my mobile number. It’s 341-226-7645.

JUDY : Let me read that back to you – 341- 226-7645.

JEFF : That’s correct.

JUDY : And could you spell your last name for me?


JUDY : Okay, Mr. Samuel. I’ll give her the message.

JEFF : Thank a lot. Bye.

JUDY : Bye.
This is Casual/ Formal conversation because
It is in an office scenario, Formal language uses a combination of proper
grammar and phrases to lend credibility to what is being said. For example, in a
professional environment (on a business trip or at a meeting), at specific locations in a
city (a church/synagogue/mosque, bank, library, high-end department store,
government building), and in specific circumstances (job interview, dinne) more
formal language is routinely used.
NICK : Hi Ann, it’s Nick. How it’s going?

ANN : Pretty good, thanks. How about you?

NICK : I’m fine. Hey, is Tom there?

ANN : Yeah , hold on . I’ll get him. Tom, Nick’s on the phone.

TOM : Hey Nick , what’s up?

NICK : Not much. Are you up for going fishing this weekend?

TOM : Wow, hang on sec, let me check with my wife to make sure we have no other plans.

NICK : Sure.

TOM : Okay, she’s given me the green light!

NICK : Great! We’ll pick you up at 7 tomorrow morning, is that OK?

NICK : Uh, You still living on York street, near the city center?

TOM : Yeah , that’s right . The blue house number ,22/1.

NICK : Gotcha . I know how to get there.

TOM : All right - see you tomorrow , then .

NICK : Take care.

TOM : Bye.

2. This is Casual/ Formal conversation because

-the scenario is on a friendly trip which uses only casual words and
conversation. Casual language is used a lot around those you know well. It is a carefree way
of speaking and one in which those who know you can easily understand or relate to. There
are many slang expressions used in everyday conversations and these phrases change over

EXERCISE 5 : Compose your own conversation using anyone of the frozen , formal ,
casual , consultative or intimate registers. You are free choose your own context. Be sure
to use bias-free and culturally sensitive language. Use the space given below.

Mari: Hi, Blake. What’s going on?

Blake: Not much.

Mari: How your day?

Blake: Fine, basically so easy

Maria: Really, that good for you!

Blake: Yah definitely

Mari: Wanna come over for dinner tonight?

Blake: That’d be great!

Mari: Ok I will call you later . Thanks seeya

Blake: Yeah thankyou seeya later!



Famished It was a weary and famished, but still a fighting and menacing army.
Enamore I became totally enamored of the wildflowers there.
Dissect  Those paid to explain the whys will dissect the cadaver shortly.
Im grateful to my cousin for taking the time to apprise me of our
Apprize grandmother's illness.
Techwitches are a relatively new classification, but are readily
Aural distinguishable by their metallic aural glow and their love of all things tech.
Copious She supports her theory with copious evidence
Evoke His photographs evoke the isolation and solitude of the desert.
Heedless This was a heedless piece of chivalry on Edward's part.
eaching children to store jewelry carefully early on will help to instill good
Instill habits which will be useful throughout her life.
Jovial She had no idea what made him angry one minute and jovial the next. 

EXERCISE 2 -A : GROUP ACTIVITY- Each group will present their own commercial/advertisement, use
the techniques it may related to pandemic time. Post it in the fb group page and google classroom.
The files used ( scripts) need to submit too.

EXERCISE 2- B : Based on the presentation made by each group , answer the following
questions briefly.

1.What messaged is conveyed in the advertisement presented by each group?

GROUP 1: The Great Awakening

GROUP 2: Covid 19 Virus

GROUP 3: Advertisement

GROUP 4: Prevention on Virus

How does the ad use the rhetorical appeals of emotion, credibility and reason?

GROUP 1: By making solution despite of the pandemic

GROUP 2: Giving awareness to the cause and effect of the virus

GROUP 3: Informing the people to the latest update through medias

GROUP 4: Making inspiration to people behind the current situation

Does the advertisement effectively represent reality? In what way?

GROUP 1: Yes, a solution

GROUP 2: Yes, in awareness

GROUP 3: Yes, in informing

GROUP 4: Yes, in inspiring

4. Who is the target audience? (consider age , gender , race/ethnicity , socioeconomic

status, etc.)

GROUP 1: Everybody

GROUP 2: Everybody

GROUP 3: Everybody

GROUP 4: Everybody

5. Does the advertisement intend to inform , entertain, or persuade? Is it successful

in its purpose? Explain.

GROUP 1: To persuade, Yes because it gives hope and light to people despite of this

GROUP 2: To inform, Yes because it gives awareness on what is really corona virus is
GROUP 3: To inform and persude, Yes because in is both awareness and hope

GROUP 4: To inform , entertain, or persuade. Yes, because it combines the three reason
and purpose of all advertisement

6. What lifestyle or values are embedded in the advertisement? Do you think the
advertisement is effective in influencing the viewers to practice these values? Explain.

GROUP 1: Intelligence, Yes because it shows the recent situation of the country

GROUP 2: Caring, yes because we keep aware people on the things happened

GROUP 3: Braveness, Yes because despite of pandemic, many front liners give their life to
help everyone

GROUP 4: Love, Faith and Hope , Yes because it only shows that whatever happen we win as
one and fight for one.

7. What techniques did the advertisers use? ( consider emotional appeal , promotional
advertising , bandwagon advertising , facts and statistics , complementing the
customer, bribe, endorsement , visual metaphors , catchy phrases , etc.) Are these
techniques successful in making the advertisement believable? Explain.

GROUP 1: catchy phrases, facts and emotional appeal. Yes, it makes the
advertisement more interesting

GROUP 2: facts and emotional appeal. Yes, it makes the advertisement more
informative for awarenesss

GROUP 3: catchy phrases, facts and emotional appeal. Yes, it makes the advertisement
relevant and helpful

GROUP 4 catchy phrases, facts and emotional appeal. Yes, it makes the advertisement
more interesting,informative and helpful

8.Does the advertisement show bias? How is this bias demonstrated?




Do you agree with the advertisement? Why or why not?

GROUP 1: Yes, because it is revelant do the current sitution

GROUP 2: Yes, because it makes people aware to what happened

GROUP 3: Yes, because it is helpful in many aspects

GROUP 4: Yes, because it captures the heart of the viewers

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