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Competency Achievement Indicators (IPK)

A. Definition of Competency Achievement Indicators (IPK)

In Permendikbud No 22 of 2016, it is explicitly explained about the minimum
components of a learning implementation plan (RPP), one of which is an indicator of
competency achievement (IPK). Indicators of competency achievement are behaviors that
can be measured and/or observed to show the achievement of certain basic competencies that
become the reference for assessment of subjects.
The competency achievement indicator (IPK) is a marker of KD achievement marked
by measurable changes in behavior that include attitudes, knowledge, and skills. This means
that the indicator of competency achievement is a formulation of abilities that must be
performed or displayed by students to show the achievement of basic competencies (KD).
Thus the indicator of competency achievement is a benchmark for the achievement of a KD.
This is in accordance with the intention that indicators of competency achievement become a
reference for assessing subjects.
B. Functions of Competency Achievement Indicators (IPK)
1. Guidelines in developing learning materials.
The development of learning materials must be in accordance with the developed
indicators. A carefully formulated IPK can provide directions for the development of
effective learning materials in accordance with the characteristics of the subject, the
potential and needs of students, schools, and the environment.
2. Guidelines in designing learning activities.
The development of learning designs should be in accordance with the developed IPK,
because the IPK can provide an overview of effective learning activities to achieve
competence. The IPK which demands dominant competence in procedural aspects
shows that learning activities are carried out not using an expository strategy but rather
with a discovery-inquiry strategy.
3. Guidelines in developing teaching materials
Teaching materials need to be developed by teachers to support the achievement of
student competencies. The selection of effective teaching materials must be in
accordance with the demands of the IPK so as to increase the achievement of
competence to the maximum.
4. Guidelines in designing and carrying out assessments of learning outcomes
Indicators become guidelines in designing, implementing, and evaluating learning
outcomes. The assessment design provides a reference in determining the form and
type of assessment, as well as the development of assessment indicators.

B. How to Formulate or Develop Competency Achievement Indicators (IPK)

1. Analyze the level of competence in competency standards and basic competencies
The first step in developing indicators is to analyze the level of competence in SK
and KD. The level of competence can be seen through the operational verbs used in SK
and KD. The level of competence can be classified into three parts, namely the level of
knowledge, the level of process, and the level of application. Verbs at the level of
knowledge are lower than the level of process and application. The level of application
is the highest demand for the desired competence. The classification of competency
levels based on the verbs used is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Operational Verb Competency Level

No Tingkat Kata Kerja Operasional yang Digunakan
1 Berhubungan       Mendeskripsikan (describe)
dengan       Menyebutkan kembali (recall)
mencari       Melengkapi  (complete)
keterangan       Mendaftar (list)
(dealing with       Mendefinisikan (define)
retrieval)       Menghitung (count)
      Mengidentifikasi (identify)
      Menceritakan (recite)
      Menamai (name)
2 Memproses       Mensintesis (synthesize)
(processing)       Mengelompokkan (group)
      Menjelaskan (explain)
      Mengorganisasikan (organize)
      Meneliti/melakukan eksperimen (experiment)
      Menganalogikan (make analogies)
      Mengurutkan (sequence)
      Mengkategorikan (categorize)
      Menganalisis (analyze)
10.    Membandingkan (compare)
11.    Mengklasifikasi (classify)
No Tingkat Kata Kerja Operasional yang Digunakan
12.    Menghubungkan (relate)
13.    Membedakan (distinguish)
14.    Mengungkapkan sebab (state causality)

3 Menerapkan       Menerapkan suatu prinsip (applying a principle)

dan       Membuat model (model building)
mengevaluasi       Mengevaluasi (evaluating)
      Merencanakan (planning)
      Memperhitungkan/meramalkan kemungkinan (extrapolating)
      Memprediksi (predicting)
      Menduga/Mengemukakan pendapat/ mengambil kesimpulan
      Meramalkan kejadian alam/sesuatu (forecasting)
      Menggeneralisasikan (generalizing)
10.    Mempertimbangkan /memikirkan kemungkinan-kemungkinan
11.    Membayangkan /mengkhayalkan/ mengimajinasikan
12.    Merancang (designing)
13.    Menciptakan (creating)
14.    Menduga/membuat dugaan/ kesimpulan awal (hypothezing)

In addition to the level of competence, the use of verbs shows the emphasis on the
desired aspects, including attitudes, knowledge, and skills. The development of
indicators must accommodate competencies according to the tendencies used by SK
and KD. If the skill aspect is more prominent, then the indicators formulated must
achieve the desired skill ability. The classification of verbs based on cognitive,
affective and psychomotor aspects is presented in tables 2, 3, and 4.
Table 2: Cognitive Domain Verbs

Table 3. Affective Domain Verbs

Menerima Menanggapi Menilai Mengelola Menghayati
Memilih Menjawab Mengasumsikan Menganut Mengubah
Mempertanyakan Membantu Meyakini Mengubah perilaku
Mengikuti Mengajukan Melengkapi Menata Berakhlak mulia
Memberi Mengompromika Meyakinkan Mengklasifikasika Mempengaruhi
Menganut n Memperjelas n Mendengarkan
Mematuhi Menyenangi Memprakarsai Mengombinasikan Mengkualifikasi
Meminati Menyambut Mengimani Mempertahankan Melayani
Mendukung Mengundang Membangun Menunjukkan
Menyetujui Menggabungka Membentuk Membuktikan
Menampilkan n pendapat Memecahkan
Melaporkan Mengusulkan Memadukan
Memilih Menekankan Mengelola
Mengatakan Menyumbang Menegosiasi
Memilah Merembuk
Table 4. Psychomotor domain verbs

Menirukan Memanipulasi Pengalamiahan Artikulasi

Mengaktifkan Mengoreksi Mengalihkan Mengalihkan
Menyesuaikan Mendemonstrasikan Menggantikan Mempertajam
Menggabungkan Merancang Memutar Membentuk
Melamar Memilah Mengirim Memadankan
Mengatur Melatih Memindahkan Menggunakan
Mengumpulkan Memperbaiki Mendorong Memulai
Menimbang Mengidentifikasikan Menarik Menyetir
Memperkecil Mengisi Memproduksi Menjeniskan
Membangun Menempatkan Mencampur Menempel
Mengubah Membuat Mengoperasikan Menseketsa
Membersihkan Memanipulasi Mengemas Melonggarkan
Memposisikan Mereparasi Membungkus Menimbang
Mengonstruksi Mencampur

2. Analyzing the characteristics of subjects, students, and schools.

The development of indicators takes into account the characteristics of subjects,
students, and schools because indicators become a reference in the assessment. In
accordance with Government Regulation number 19 of 2005, the characteristics of the
assessment of subject groups are as follows.
Kelompok Mata
Mata Pelajaran Aspek yang Dinilai
Agama dan Akhlak
Pendidikan Agama Afektif dan Kognitif
Kewarganegaraan dan Pendidikan
Afektif dan Kognitif
Kepribadian Kewarganegaraan
Jasmani Olahraga dan Psikomotorik, Afektif,
Penjas Orkes
Kesehatan dan Kognitif
Afektif dan
Estetika Seni Budaya
Afektif, Kognitif, 
Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Matematika, IPA, IPS dan/atau Psikomotorik
Teknologi Bahasa, dan TIK. sesuai karakter mata

Each subject has certain characteristics that distinguish it from other subjects.
This difference is an important consideration in developing indicators. The
characteristics of language subjects which consist of listening, reading, speaking and
writing aspects are very different from mathematics subjects which are dominant in
logical analysis aspects. The teacher must conduct an in-depth study of the
characteristics of the subject as a reference for developing indicators. The
characteristics of the subjects can be studied in the standard document of the content
regarding the objectives, scope and SK and KD of each subject.
Developing indicators requires information on the unique and diverse
characteristics of students. Learners have diversity in intelligence and learning styles.
Therefore, indicators should be able to accommodate this diversity. Students with
unique visual-verbal or psycho-kinesthetic characteristics should be accommodated
with appropriate assessments so that student competencies can be measured
Characteristics of schools and regions become a reference in developing
indicators because school achievement targets are not the same. Certain category
schools that exceed the minimum standards may develop higher indicators. Including
international standard schools can develop indicators from SK and KD by reviewing
competency demands according to the international standard references used. Schools
with certain advantages are also considered in developing indicators.
3. Analyzing Needs and Potential
The needs and potentials of students, schools and regions need to be analyzed to
be taken into consideration in developing indicators. The implementation of education
should be able to serve the needs of students, the environment, and develop the
potential of students optimally. Students receive education according to their potential
and speed of learning, including the level of potential they have achieved.
Indicators must also be developed to encourage school quality improvement in the
future, so information on the results of the analysis of school potential is needed that is
useful for developing the curriculum through the development of indicators.
4. Formulate Indicators
In formulating indicators, it is necessary to pay attention to the following
1) Each KD is developed into at least three indicators
2) All indicators meet the demands of competence as stated in the verbs used in SK
and KD. Indicators must reach the minimum competency level of KD and can be
developed beyond the minimum competency according to the potential and needs
of students.
3) The indicators developed must describe the competency hierarchy.
4) The formulation of indicators covers at least two aspects, namely the level of
competence and learning materials.
5) Indicators must be able to accommodate the characteristics of the subjects so that
they use the appropriate operational verbs. Examples of verbs that can be used
according to the characteristics of the subjects are presented in appendix 1.
6) The formulation of indicators can be developed into several assessment indicators
covering the cognitive, affective, and/or psychomotor domains.

5. Develop Assessment Indicators

The assessment indicator is a further development of the indicators (indicators of
competency achievement). Assessment indicators need to be formulated to be used as
assessment guidelines for teachers, students and evaluators in schools. Thus the
assessment indicators are open and can be easily accessed by school residents. Each
assessment carried out through tests and non-tests must be in accordance with the
assessment indicators.
Assessment indicators using verbs are more measurable than indicators
(indicators of competency achievement). The formulation of the assessment indicator
has certain limitations so that it can be developed into an assessment instrument in the
form of questions, observation sheets, and or assessment of the work or product,
including self-assessment.

D. Development of Competency Achievement Indicators (GPA) Class 9 / Semester 2

The development of the GPA must accommodate the competencies listed in the KD.
GPA is formulated in the form of sentences with operational verbs. The GPA formulation
includes at least two things, namely the level of competence and the material that is the
medium for achieving competence.
Development of competency achievement indicators (GPA) based on basic
competencies (KD) grade 9 semester 2:

Kompetensi Dasar (KD) Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi (IPK) Materi Pokok

3.6 Menjelaskan dan 3.6.1 Mengidentifikasi dua benda/bangun 1) Kekongruenan
Menentukan kongruen atau tidak. Bangun Datar
kesebangunan dan 3.6.2 Menjelaskan syarat-syarat dua bangun Segitiga-segitiga
kekongruenan antar segi banyak yang kongruen. 2) Kekongruenan
bangun datar 3.6.3 Menguji dan membuktikan dua segitiga Dua Segitiga
4.6 Menyelesaikan masalah kongruen atau tidak. 3) Kesebangunan
yang berkaitan dengan 3.6.4 Mengidentifikasi dua benda sebangun Bangun Datar
kesebangunan dan atau tidak. 4) Kesebangunan
kekongruenan antar 3.6.5 Menjelaskan syarat-syarat/sifat-sifat Dua Segitiga
bangun datar
dua bangun segi banyak yang
3.6.6 Menguji dan membuktikan dua segitiga
sebangun atau tidak.
4.6.1 Menentukan panjang sisi atau besar
sudut yang belum diketahui dari dua
bangun segi banyak yang kongruen.
4.6.2 Menyelesaikan masalah sehari-hari
berdasarkan hasil pengamatan yang
terkait penerapan konsep kekongruenan
bangun datar segi banyak.
4.6.3 Menentukan panjang sisi atau besar
sudut yang belum diketahui dari dua
bangun segi banyak yang sebangun.
4.6.4 Menyelesaikan masalah sehari-hari
berdasarkan hasil pengamatan yang
terkait penerapan konsep kesebangunan
bangun datar segi banyak.

Pemerintah RI. 2005. Standar Nasional Pendidikan (PP Nomor 19 Tahun 2005). Jakarta:

BSNP. 2006. Panduan Penyusunan KTSP. Jakarta: Depdiknas

Depdiknas.2006. Standar Isi Mata Pelajaran Matematika SD/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/MA

(Permendiknas Nomor 23 Tahun 2006). Jakarta: Depdiknas.

Sri Wardhani.2008. Perbedaan Indikator  Pencapaian Kompetensi dan Tujuan Pembelajaran. 

Depdiknas. 2007. Standar Proses (Permendiknas Nomor 41 Tahun 2007). Jakarta: Depdiknas

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