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+ Written by Ngoc Bach

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Every day a new word
1. A CONFLICT OF INTEREST ............................................................................................................... 7
2. A CRISIS OF CONFIDENCE ................................................................................................................ 9
3. POSE A THREAT TO (SOMETHING OR SOMEBODY)................................................................ 10
4. FACE A DILEMMA .............................................................................................................................. 12
5. ON THE BRINK OF ............................................................................................................................. 14
6. A CRIME OF PASSION........................................................................................................................ 16
7. ACHIEVE A BREAKTHROUGH ....................................................................................................... 18
8. BE FREE TO CHOOSE THEIR PREFERRED AREAS OF STUDY ............................................. 20
9. IMPROVE EDUCATIONAL OUTCOMES ....................................................................................... 22
10. TO SET HOMEWORK ........................................................................................................................ 24
11. HAVE AN IMPORTANT ROLE TO PLAY ........................................................................................ 26
12. DEVELOP AN INDEPENDENT STUDY HABIT.............................................................................. 28
13. THE JOB MARKET IS INCREASINGLY COMPETITIVE ........................................................... 30
14. CONTRIBUTE SOMETHING POSITIVE TO SOCIETY ............................................................... 32

+ Written by Ngoc Bach

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+ Page: 2

Hi các bạn,

Mình là Ngọc Bách

Rất vui giới thiệu với các bạn dự án "Every day a new word" của mình đã viết xong.

Hôm nay, mình nói qua về lý do tại sao mình lại có ý tưởng viết tài liệu này. Chuyện là ở lớp
offline, để dễ nhớ, có mấy cụm từ mình hay phân tích và hướng dẫn sử dung đi, sử dụng lại
trên lớp. Gần đây, mấy bạn học sinh cũ có báo điểm về, nhắn rằng "Em cũng lười học từ nên
không nhớ được nhiều từ trong quyển Topic Vocabulary thầy phát, chỉ nhớ gần 10 cụm từ
thầy hay phân tích trên lớp. Thế là đi thi sử dụng vẫn đạt 6.5 Writing"

Từ đó, mình mới nảy ra ý tưởng "Hay là thay vì cung cấp cho các bạn list 500, 600 từ, mình
nên viết tài liệu ít từ thôi.Đưa thật nhiều ngữ cảnh áp dụng và phân tích giải thích thật kỹ từng
cụm từ để các bạn nhớ lâu. Vậy sẽ hiệu quả hơn chăng ?"

Ok, và ngay tối đó mình bắt tay vào viết. Tài liệu "Every day a new word" ra đời. Rất đáng
mừng là được học sinh ủng hộ rất nhiều và áp dụng khá hiệu quả.

Mình hy vọng là cuốn sách sẽ hữu ích với tất cả các bạn đang tự học IELTS, đặc biệt là các
bạn đang yếu về từ vựng.

Nếu các bạn đã đọc sách, hy vọng các bạn có thể để lại comment, review sách để giúp mình
có thêm động lực update, cải tiến nội dung sách để nhanh chóng cho ra các phiên bản mới
hay, nhiều nội dung và hiệu quả hơn nữa nhé

Chúc các bạn học tốt !

-Ngọc Bách-

+ Written by Ngoc Bach

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+ Page: 3
1. Đối tượng sử dụng sách

Tất cả các bạn đang tự học IELTS thuộc mọi trình độ . Một số bạn có thể cảm thấy khó khăn
khi đọc sách viết hoàn toàn bằng tiếng Anh. Không sao, các bạn cứ cố gắng đọc và tra từ
trước. Phiên bản song ngữ của sách sẽ sớm được ra mắt trong 1,2 tuần tới ^^

2. Nội dung sách

Trước khi hướng dẫn về cách sử dụng sách, mình sẽ nói qua về bố cục nội dung trong sách

Với mỗi cụm từ trong sách,

+ Thứ nhất, mình sẽ đưa ví dụ là 1 đoạn văn mình thường viết trong IELTS Writing. Cách
mình sử dụng cụm từ đó trong đoạn văn ? Tại sao mình lại sử dụng cụm từ đó, và ý nghĩa cụ
thể của cụm từ theo ngữ cảnh đoạn văn là gì ?
+ Thứ hai, mình sẽ giải thích chi tiết nghĩa chung của cụm từ vựng đó. Các lưu ý thường
gặp, các từ đồng nghĩa, các từ thường đi cùng…
+ Thứ ba, mình cũng đưa ví dụ cách các bạn áp dụng cụm từ này trong IELTS Speaking như
thế nào ? Cụm từ nào thường được dùng cho part 1, part 2 hay part 3 cũng được mình giải
thích rõ ràng
-> Các bạn thấy là sau khi đọc giải thích chi tiết như vậy, các bạn sẽ cực kỳ hiểu và NHỚ
NGHĨA, CÁCH SỬ DỤNG ĐÚNG các cụm từ này trong ngữ cảnh bài IELTS Writing ,
3. Hướng dẫn học sách

+ Bước 1: In quyển sách này ra. Mỗi ngày các bạn chỉ cần học cho mình 1 từ là đủ. Đọc như
đọc báo, mỗi ngày đọc 1,2 trang là đủ (Lúc học, mình khuyến khích các bạn nên dùng kèm
bút highlight/bút đỏ/bút chì để đánh dấu từ, ghi giải thích, ngữ cảnh các bạn hay sử dụng để
nhờ từ tốt hơn)

+ Bước 2: Sau khi đọc xong các bạn copy file audio các từ vựng vào điện thoại, nghe đi nghe
lại cho mình. Từ nào nghe không hiểu thì giở sách ra xem. Sau đó, đặt ví dụ. Cố gắng áp dụng
thật nhiều vào bài Writing, Speaking của các bạn khi có thể
+ Bước 3: Vào page tuhocielts8.0 hoặc group IELTS Ngoc Bach viết review cho mình quá
trình các bạn đã học và sử dụng sách như thế nào ? Mình sẽ tư vấn cho các bạn cách học đúng,
update cải tiến nội dung sách theo ý kiến đóng góp của các bạn

+ Written by Ngoc Bach

+ Website:
+ Page: 4

1. Hiểu rõ nghĩa, cách áp dụng từ vựng theo ngữ cảnh

Đây là điều mình thấy thiếu trong các sách học từ vựng hiện tại. Phần lớn các tài liệu, hay các
sách ngày nay chỉ chú trọng cung cấp cho các bạn thật nhiều từ, nhưng giải thích nghĩa và
cách áp dụng thì lại sơ sải. Mình luôn thấy rằng chất lượng quan trọng hơn số lượng. Học ít
nhưng hiểu và dùng chính xác bao giờ cũng quan trọng hơn.

2. Học một từ, nhớ nhiều từ

Vì các cụm từ đều được giải thích Anh-Anh nên khi đọc sẽ giúp các bạn còn hiểu và nhớ các
từ khác, tăng vốn từ vựng lên rất nhanh. Ngoài ra, trong phần giải thích mình cũng đưa thêm
các từ đồng nghĩa , các tính từ, động từ thường sử dụng cùng cụm từ đó nên giúp các bạn học
một mà biết thêm nhiều từ khác. Ví dụ từ “to pose a threat to” ở đây

“In writing or speaking, we can write or say that the dangers or difficulties are very great by
using an adjective, such as a serious threat, a grave threat, or an unforeseen threat if the threat
is unexpected or unpredicted.
In addition to adding an adjective, there are similar expressions which can be used, such as to
pose a (serious) risk to/ to pose a (grave) danger to something or somebody.”
3. Tăng điểm từ vựng Speaking, Writing cực kỳ hiệu quả

Như đã nói, đây không phải là tài liệu tăng từ vựng thông thường mà sẽ tập trung cho IELTS
Writing, Speaking. Do vậy, tất cả các ví dụ mình đều trích từ các bài viết IELTS Writing,
script tham khảo cho IELTS Speaking. Đọc các ví dụ này cũng giúp bạn tăng ý tưởng khi làm
Writing, Speaking rất nhiều

+ Written by Ngoc Bach

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+ Page: 5

Hi các bạn, mình thường không muốn tham gia vào các cuộc tranh luận, drama trên mạng
xã hội vì rất mất thời gian. Mình muốn tập trung thời gian soạn tài liệu hướng dẫn các bạn
tự học IELTS hiệu quả, tăng thêm ngày càng nhiều lợi ích cho các bạn
Do vậy, với tất cả các bình luận ác ý liên quan đến mình (bây giờ hoặc sau này nếu có),
minh xin trả lời chung như sau:
Mình khẳng định tất cả các nội dung mình post trên các kênh chính thức của mình từ trước
tới nay hoàn toàn là sự thật. Các bài giảng, hướng dẫn học, tài liệu thi IELTS mình viết
trước khi đưa đến các bạn đều được đảm bảo ở chất lượng tốt nhất. Và chúng thực sự hiệu
quả, thể hiện qua sự tiến bộ, điểm số học sinh báo về.
Gần đây, 1 bạn học sinh lớp Package online của mình đã học và đạt số điểm Overall 7.5
(Writing: 8.0):
Một bạn thi vào ngày 17/5/2020 đạt 7.5 (từ trình độ ban đầu 5.5)
Một bạn thành viên trên page tuhocielts8.0 chỉ tự học qua tài liệu mình chia sẻ miễn phí trên
page cũng đạt Writing 7.5 (thi ngày 09/05/2020)
Một chị học sinh nhiều tuổi, mất gốc từ vựng, ngữ pháp nhưng cũng tự học đạt Writing 6.0
chỉ dựa trên các tài liệu miễn phí mình chia sẻ trên page:
Còn nhiều kết quả khác (thậm chí cả học sinh ở nước ngoài, giám khảo IELTS cũng đã nhận
xét phương pháp hướng dẫn của mình hiệu quả)
Và cả cuốn sách này cũng vậy, các bạn có thể thấy sự tâm huyết, công phu của mình qua
từng trang sách. Nếu học chăm chỉ trong 1~2 tuần, tự bạn sẽ thấy sự tiến bộ rõ rệt. Đó là các
minh chứng rõ ràng nhất cho năng lực của mình
Với tất cả các tin đồn nhảm trên mạng (không và sẽ chẳng bao giờ có bằng chứng xác
thực) mình không quan tâm và cũng không tranh luận, tránh mất thời gian của các bạn học
sinh và của mình
Chúc các bạn học tốt!
-Ngọc Bách-

+ Written by Ngoc Bach

+ Website:
+ Page: 6
Every day a new word


On the one hand, the conservation role of zoos is now regarded as their primary function.
So, the welfare of animals must be given the top priority. Instead of confinement in cages,
as in the old days, zoos must now provide large enclosures which afford the wild animals
ample space. The idea is that these enclosures should replicate as faithfully as possible the
natural habitats of the animals. Given ideal conditions, it may even be possible to run a
captive breeding programme which, if successful, might provide the best chance of survival
for endangered species. Several species, such as the giant panda, have been rescued from
the brink of extinction through such programmes.

On the other hand, directors of zoos face a conflict of interest. Zoos have to make money
and, in order to do this, have to attract a large number of visitors. The provision of near-
natural conditions of captivity is expensive and few zoos receive government subsidies to
help them to balance their budgets. Not only that, but visitors want to see the animals up
close, which is not always easy when the animals are roaming in extensive enclosures. If
caves, for example, are part of the bear enclosure, then if the bears are sleeping in their
caves, then the public will be unable to see them. The result will be disappointment.


 a conflict of interest occurs when a person or organisation is involved in competing

interests, when serving one interest could involve working against another interest.
Often, it might be a financial conflict,

This is a noun phrase, and in the plural the form ‘conflicts of interest’ is the normal usage.

Example: The company faced a conflict of interest. It could use the profits from the
previous year to raise the wages of the workers, or it could instead give a big bonus to the

It is also used in another context, when someone cannot make an objective decision because
they will be affected by the result.

Example: In a courtroom, members of the public are not allowed to sit on a jury if they
know the person accused. There would be a conflict of interest, since their personal
knowledge of the accused would affect their ability to make an objective judgment of that
person’s guilt or innocence.

The phrase can be used in either the speaking or writing papers. It is a natural expression
and also formal enough to use in an essay. Think about a situation in which you – or
someone that you know – has faced a conflict of interest. You might be able to use it when
speaking about your career, for example.

+ Written by Ngoc Bach

+ Website:
+ Page: 7
Topically, there is a conflict of interest between those who want to see people return to
work, and those who fear the health dangers of the spread of the corona virus if this is done
too soon.

+ Written by Ngoc Bach

+ Website:
+ Page: 8
Every day a new word


In the writing paper, this expression is suitably formal for task 2:

‘Among many educated young people today, there is increasing concern over the
environment. In particular, they fear that the planet will no longer be able to sustain human
life as climate change results in crop failures, and pollution is contaminating the water that
people drink and the air that they breathe. Governments across the world are facing a crisis
of confidence as these young people no longer believe in the commitment of their rulers to
tackle environmental issues seriously. In other words, governments are suddenly panicking
because they have lost the trust and support of their people. Their failure to take measures to
protect the environment has encouraged many of the younger generation to take to the
streets to protest against those governments’.


 a crisis of confidence refers to a situation in which people no longer believe that a

government or organisation is working properly, and therefore those people will no
longer support it. They no longer trust that government to act correctly or to do the
right thing.

This is a noun phrase, and the plural form is irregular: ‘crises of confidence’.

In the speaking paper, the expression can also be used to refer to a time when you stopped
believing in your ability to do something:

‘Even though I had studied hard, I recall that I had a crisis of confidence just before my
exams. I was in a panic, because I no longer trusted myself to be able to answer the
questions. I was a bag of nerves, and so anxious that I doubted my ability to remember
anything at all. Luckily, as soon as I sat down with the paper in front of me, all of my exam
nerves disappeared and I passed with flying colours’.

In this context, you reach a critical point – a crisis – where there are two possibilities: you
overcome the problem and regain your confidence, or you are so anxious that you lose your
confidence and either you will not take the exam, or fail it.

+ Written by Ngoc Bach

+ Website:
+ Page: 9
Every day a new word


Paragraph 1:

One danger of globalisation is the increased prevalence of worldwide pandemics. After the
Ebola, SARS and MERS outbreaks in recent years, the corona virus now poses a serious
threat to the well-being and even the lives of people all over the world. International travel
and commerce have enabled the virus to spread rapidly, endangering in particular the most
vulnerable in society. Those who are already suffering from long-term illnesses, the
malnourished and the elderly are at the greatest risk. In future, governments must
coordinate their efforts in an international response to global pandemics, led by the World
Health Organisation. The next outbreak might be worse, and so the international
community must be better prepared.


 to pose a threat to somebody or something means to present a difficult or dangerous

situation. That situation is likely to cause problems for somebody or something.
Therefore, note that we use the expression when there is a dangerous situation, or the
chance of a dangerous situation (a risk), but the expected bad result has not yet

 In paragraph 1, something (the corona virus) presents a situation which endangers the
lives of people all over the world. So, in that example, something poses a threat to
everybody. It has resulted in the death of millions of people, but the possible bad
result of everybody being infected with corona virus has not yet happened.

In writing or speaking, we can write or say that the dangers or difficulties are very great by
using an adjective, such as a serious threat, a grave threat, or an unforeseen threat if the
threat is unexpected or unpredicted.

In addition to adding an adjective, there are similar expressions which can be used, such as
to pose a (serious) risk to/ to pose a (grave) danger to something or somebody.

The first paragraph deals with the topic of health, but the expression can be used in other
contexts, for example:

Paragraph 2:
There must be tougher punishments for people who drink and drive. They pose a grave
threat/danger to other road users, including cyclists and pedestrians. The police should
carry out increased testing using breathalysers, and those drivers who fail the test should be
detained and banned from driving for life. If this saves just one innocent life, then this
harsh measure will be justified.

 In paragraph 2, somebody (a drunken driver) causes a problem for everybody who

uses the roads. In this case, the bad result of an innocent person dying on the roads

+ Written by Ngoc Bach

+ Website:
+ Page: 10
has not yet happened, although a person who drinks and drives makes this dangerous
situation more likely.

Although it is formal enough to be used in writing task 2, we can also use it in the speaking
paper, for example:

Paragraph 3:
One of my worst travel experiences was flying at night during a storm. The noise of the
thunder was terrifying. Over the intercom, the captain reassured us that stormy conditions
were common at that time of the year. He said that we shouldn’t worry as the storm did not
pose a risk to our safety, and that we had/we’d no need to feel concerned. However, that’s
one flight that I will never forget.

 In paragraph 3, something (a storm) presented a dangerous situation for somebody

(me). There was a chance (a risk) that the storm might cause the aircraft to crash, but
it did not happen.

There are other, less common, situations in which something poses a threat to something.
For example:

 The Great Fire of London in 1666 spread so rapidly that it posed a threat to the
Tower of London but, at the last moment, the direction of the wind changed.

Also, somebody can pose a threat to somebody, for example:

 In the USA, it is unlikely that any candidate will pose a serious threat to President
Trump in the elections.

+ Written by Ngoc Bach

+ Website:
+ Page: 11
Every day a new word


Paragraph 1

In several European countries, scientists calculate that the corona virus outbreak has now
reached a peak. They expect the number of deaths and the number of new cases of the virus
to gradually decline. In this situation, the governments of those countries now face a
dilemma. On the one hand, there are fears that if the restrictions presently imposed are
lifted too quickly, then the corona virus may once again begin to spread among the
population. On the other hand, poorer people are suffering financially during this outbreak.
They need to return to work as soon as possible in order to pay their bills and feed their


 to face a dilemma: if you face or are faced with something difficult or unpleasant,
you are in a situation that is going to affect you and you are going to have to deal
with it.

In this expression, you have to face or deal with a dilemma. A dilemma is a difficult
situation in which you have to choose between two or more alternatives. A person or an
organisation may face a dilemma, because only people can choose between different

In paragraph 1, the governments of Europe face a difficult situation – a dilemma - because

the spread of the corona virus is slowing down. They now have hard choices to make about
when to lift the restrictions on the movement and activities of the population. Some people
will criticise the governments for acting too quickly and irresponsibly. Others will criticise
the governments for acting too slowly and cautiously.

 So, in paragraph 1 the context of ‘face a dilemma’ is that the subject (European
governments) have to deal with (= to face) a difficult situation (the impact of the
corona virus). There are two or more possible solutions, and choosing the best
solution is a dilemma. Do the governments lift the restrictions quickly, slowly or not
lift any restrictions at the moment? In other words, they face a dilemma.

It is common to use an adjective to describe the dilemma, for example:

Paragraph 2

Not all sportsmen and sportswomen take up their sport for fame and fortune. The most
famous boxer in the history of the sport, Muhammad Ali, faced a grave moral dilemma at
one point in his career. The US government ordered him to join the army and to go to
Vietnam. If he refused, he would lose all his titles as the heavyweight boxing champion of
the world. Ali refused to fight in the war, and so he lost all his boxing titles. Opinion in the

+ Written by Ngoc Bach

+ Website:
+ Page: 12
US was divided. Some people called Ali unpatriotic, but others respected him for showing
the same moral courage in his life as the physical courage that he showed in his sport.

 In paragraph 2, a person (not an organisation) faced a dilemma. In this context, he

had only two choices, and the two choices were opposite. He could fight in the US
army, or he could refuse to fight.

In addition to using face a dilemma in writing task 2, it is also a useful expression in the
speaking part of the exam. You can use it, for instance, to talk about a personal experience.
Here is one example:

Paragraph 3

I’d like to talk about a memorable family event – my sister’s wedding. I remember that it
took place on the weekend before before I was due to sit a really important exam. I was
faced with a tricky dilemma. Should I spend the weekend studying, or should I travel to
Ho Chi Minh city for the wedding? To be honest, it wasn’t a difficult choice, and of course I
wanted to be there on such a happy day for my sister. Even if I failed my exam, there would
always be another chance in future. I would never have missed her special day.

 Notice that in paragraph 3, we use the passive form: I was faced with a dilemma.
The preposition ‘with’ follows the passive form and goes before ‘a dilemma’ Notice
also the use of a more informal adjective (‘tricky’) in this speaking example. Again,
there are two possible choices. I choose one thing – to go to the wedding. Therefore,
I cannot do the other thing – to stay home and study for the exam.

+ Written by Ngoc Bach

+ Website:
+ Page: 13
Every day a new word


Paragraph 1:

In the current corona virus crisis, there is finally some optimistic news. It is reported that
researchers are on the brink of developing a vaccine which will protect against the virus.
Of course, it is not yet available, because during the next few months the vaccine will have
to be tested. Trials on humans must show that the new vaccine is effective and also that
there are no serious side effects. However, scientists are hopeful that a cure for the corona
virus will be available for everyone very soon, perhaps even this year.


 on the brink of: this expression is used when something important, terrible or
exciting is about to happen. If it happens, we expect it to happen almost immediately.

It is followed by a noun or by an -ing word (see paragraphs 1 and 2).

The noun ‘brink’ can be used alone to mean the edge of a very steep place. For example,
you might warn a child: You can go to the top of the mountain, but don’t go near the brink
because you might slip and fall. In this example, the ‘brink’ is the piece of land on the edge
of the mountain where, if a child moves, it might fall over the edge and down the mountain.

 In paragraph 1, researchers are about to discover something important, and we expect

this discovery/development to happen very soon. It is important and exciting
because it may prevent more people from being infected by the corona virus. Note
that they have not yet developed a vaccine, because they have to test it first.
However, very soon it may be possible to use the vaccine on everyone. So, it is
almost ready, but it is not ready yet.

The expression can also be used when we expect something terrible to happen, for example:

Paragraph 2:

It is now time to halt the exploitation of the world’s natural resources. All over the planet,
numerous species of plants and animals have either become extinct or they are on the brink
of extinction. Human activity has resulted in the loss of wildlife habitats through such
practices as deforestation, marine pollution, and intensive agriculture. For example, only a
small number of tigers still exist in Indonesia, and wildlife experts forecast that soon there
will be none left, except perhaps a few in zoos.

 In paragraph 2, there are still tigers in Indonesia. However, their numbers are so
small that scientists expect that in a few years there will be no more tigers in that
country. In other words, they are not yet extinct, but very soon the tigers will
probably be extinct. There will be no more Indonesian tigers. Most of us think that
will be terrible.

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It can be used as a formal expression, but it is still informal enough to be used in the
speaking part of the exam. For example:

Paragraph 3:

Well, I think that advertising can have harmful effects. I remember when a new i-Phone
appeared in the shops. One of my friends was crazy about it, but he didn’t have enough
money to buy it. He confessed to me that he was on the brink of stealing one from a shop
when he decided to resist the temptation. He did the right thing, but I believe that marketing
is responsible for a lot of crime, especially shoplifting.

 In paragraph 3, the friend was about to steal the i-Phone, but at the last moment he
decided not to steal it. We can imagine that he almost picked up the i-Phone to put it
in his pocket, but then at the last second he decided not to commit the crime. Here,
we used the expression in relation to the topic of ‘advertising’ (imagine a Part 3
Speaking question on this topic).

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Paragraph 1

It is simplistic to believe that longer prison sentences always act as a deterrent. Many
crimes are not planned in advance. A high proportion of shoplifters, for example, see some
item on display in a store and, at that very moment, they desire to possess that item so much
that they are tempted to steal it. Some violent crimes, too, are unplanned, in particular
crimes of passion. Take the case when a man may assault or murder his wife or girlfriend,
because of sudden jealous rage if he discovers her with another man. Although he may
regret his violent reaction for the rest of his life, at the moment of committing the crime he
is not considering the possibility of spending years in prison. He is simply mad with anger
and jealousy, and not thinking about what he is doing. This is no excuse, of course – he has
injured or killed another person and must spend years in prison. However, these examples
illustrate that the threat of long imprisonment does not deter crime in all cases.


 a crime of passion: this is a violent crime committed because of strong emotional

feelings. A person commits a crime of passion against another person because of a
sudden, strong feeling of rage or jealousy. It is not a crime which has been planned
in advance. On the contrary, it takes place spontaneously as an immediate,
unthinking response to a situation.

 In paragraph 1, a man hits or kills his partner (usually his wife or girlfriend) if he
unexpectedly finds her in the arms of another man. In that moment, he is so angry
that he becomes violent and he loses control of his actions. His emotions make him
blind to the results of his actions. He does not consider the terrible consequences. In
more normal circumstances, perhaps he would never be violent or hurt anyone.

This is a noun phrase. Note the plural form in paragraph 1: crimes of passion. It may be a
useful expression in writing task 2, if you have to write about the topic of crime and

Although the expression is formal, you can also use it in the speaking paper, Part 3. You
could give your opinion about the punishment that should be given for crimes as part of
your answer. See paragraph 2 for an example:

Paragraph 2

Well, I believe that we can’t always assume that there’s a connection between harsh
punishments and a reduction in crime. For example, a crime of passion is committed by
someone who is not even thinking about possible future punishment. During the recent
corona virus outbreak, I read about a man who threw his wife from the balcony of their
hotel. They’d been waiting for weeks to return home to the UK, confined to their hotel
room. Of course, nobody can excuse his actions, but we can explain his emotional

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instability which led to this tragic and terrible murder. However, in that moment of
madness, the man gave no thought to the years that he’d have to spend in prison for his

 In paragraph 2, there are all the elements which define a crime of passion. The
crime is violent – the man throws his wife from the balcony. He did not consider the
consequences – of course, the police will catch him and he will spend years in prison
for his terrible action. He was out of control for a few moments. If he had waited for
even a few seconds after an argument with his wife, perhaps if he had taken a shower
or had a drink, he would never have killed his wife. He could not think like a
rational person, because he was mad with rage for those few tragic moments.

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Paragraph 1:

Medical scientists around the world are devoting time and resources to try to find a vaccine
that will effectively protect people from the corona virus. The research is time-consuming
and costly, and only limited success has been achieved to date. One problem is that the
giant pharmaceutical corporations do not share their findings with rival companies or with
government agencies. They wish to be the first multinational enterprise to achieve a
breakthrough and make a fortune by developing the first anti-corona virus vaccine. As a
result, some research is duplicated and findings are not shared, while large numbers of
patients are dying each day.


 to achieve a breakthrough: if you achieve something, then you try to do something

and you succeed. The expression ‘to achieve success’ is commonly used. For
example, if you achieve success in an exam, you pass the exam.

A breakthrough refers to a very significant discovery, or amazing progress towards making

a discovery. It means an important development that leads to a discovery. A breakthrough
is usually sudden and dramatic, in contrast to the slow and patient work which often
precedes any discovery.

 In paragraph 1, there is a problem for which scientists and medical researchers must
try to find a solution. Some treatments for the corona virus have been tested, but
they have not been very successful. When they finally discover a treatment that is
effective, they will achieve a breakthrough in the fight against the virus.

Already, of course, scientists have achieved a breakthrough in curing various types

of cancer, and so there is good reason to be confident that they will successfully
combat this virus.

It is also possible to use this expression in the context of making progress towards an
agreement, rather than a discovery. See paragraph 2 for an example.

Paragraph 2:

Among the developed and developing nations of the world, many attempts have been made
to reach an agreement on the measures necessary to combat global warming. The
governments of some countries, however, have opposed any international agreement that
would, for example, restrict the use of fossil fuels. As a result, it has not been possible to
achieve a breakthrough in any of these negotiations, and the survival of the human species
appears to be increasingly unlikely.

 In paragraph 2, reference is made to a number of meetings between countries to

tackle the urgent problem of global warming. These meetings have not resulted in
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significant positive outcomes because no important agreements have been reached.
It has not been possible to achieve a breakthrough in these talks. The talks have

You can also use the expression in the speaking part of the exam. You are most likely to use
it in Part 3, perhaps commenting on a question on some health or environmental topic. It
can be used in a situation of overcoming a problem or difficulty. In paragraph 3, there is an
example of an answer to a Part 3 question on gender equality.

Paragraph 3:

Well, I think that one of the areas in which it’s been most difficult to achieve gender
equality is education. For centuries, the role of women has been to cook and clean for men
and to have babies. Men were traditionally the breadwinners, and therefore some men were
permitted access to higher education in preparation for the world of work. Women have
only achieved a breakthrough in relatively recent times, not only attending school for
more years, but also entering university and studying traditionally male subjects such as
engineering, science and technology.

 In paragraph 3, the role of women in society is discussed. From a position of being

considered inferior to men, they succeeded in bringing about significant changes in
their traditional role. They achieved a breakthrough in education, for example, by
attending school for longer and entering university. In this example, they were faced
with an obstacle and they overcame that obstacle – they gained the right to education.

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Paragraph 1:

Among some parents, there is a tendency to attempt to dictate to their children the subjects
which they should follow at school or university. Very commonly, this parental attitude is
based on a desire to see their children pursue a career which will provide a good salary and
a high social status. It is not surprising, therefore, that some adolescents reject the outlook
of their parents. They feel strongly that they should be free to choose their preferred
areas of study, and able to make their own independent career choices later in life.
Rejecting traditional stereotypes, girls may wish to study sciences such as physics,
chemistry or engineering while boys may prefer to study the humanities or arts.


 be free to choose their preferred areas of study: if you are free to choose
something, you are able to choose without any control from another person or
authority. You may prefer to study one area, and not another area.

An area of study is sometimes also called a ‘field of study’. This can be very broad, so that
you could say that science or the arts is your ‘area of study’. It can also refer to a particular
subject, such as medicine or it can even be used to refer to a particular discipline (=
‘branch’) of a subject. For example, a doctor might say that she specialises in treating
patients with heart problems, and therefore her specific area of study is cardiology.

 In paragraph 1, the expression is used, of course, in the context of education. You

might use the expression to write about gender and education or about the topic of
young people making their own decisions about what to study. Both of these
arguments are raised in paragraph 1. Here, the control which youngsters reject is the
control of their parents, who may have different views from their children on the
value of studying. Traditionally, it is suggested in this paragraph, parents had
different expectations of girls and boys and traditional views of suitable areas of
study for each gender.

You might also want to use this expression in the speaking paper, particularly Parts 2 or 3.
Paragraph 2 is a response to a Part 2 speaking topic about a difficult decision in your life:

Paragraph 2:

Well, although I’m still young, one of the most difficult decisions in my life was to decide
what I wanted to study at university. Unlike some parents, my mother and father were very
understanding and open-minded. They told me that I was free to choose my preferred
area of study. We discussed the subjects that I enjoyed and found the most interesting at
school. They already knew about my passion for medicine, but they were surprised to learn
that my preferred area of study was tropical diseases.
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So, I didn’t face any opposition from my parents when I made my decision. On the
contrary, instead of trying to control or influence my choice, they supported me. I’m lucky
to have such understanding parents and they went with me to talk to my teachers, who were
equally supportive…

 In paragraph 2, this is part of a response on the topics of study, careers and important
decisions. The emphasis is on the freedom of choice which my parents permitted me
to have when making a difficult decision. For young people, career choices are often
one of the most important choices that they have yet made in their lives. Rather than
trying to influence or to pressure young people to study the subjects that parents
would prefer, I say that I was supported and was free to choose, not controlled or
bullied by my parents.

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Paragraph 1:

The use of technology in the classroom has increased dramatically in recent years.
However, while some people believe that teachers will soon be replaced by computers,
others argue that a computer should be regarded simply as another teaching aid, in the same
way as a book.

Although IT in the classroom is sometimes characterised as interactive learning, the only

real interactive learning is that which takes place between students and teachers, and
between students and students. Dialogue, the key to developing critical thinking, is not
possible either with a textbook or with a software programme. Of course, such programmes
play an important role in improving educational outcomes. They are flexible, often
exciting, visual and challenging. They can pose questions to test knowledge, but they
cannot interact in the sense of opening a dialogue with students.


 improve educational outcomes: this expression can simply be used to mean ‘to help
students to learn more effectively’. More often, however, we think of the expression
in terms of: ‘to achieve better exam results’. You decide which meaning to use in
your writing.

 In paragraph 1, the discussion is about the increasing use of technology in education,

and whether the role of the teacher can be replaced by computers. The answer given
is NO, because computers are just another educational tool that can be used by
teachers when the teacher thinks they will help students to learn more effectively.
The expression is, therefore, not used in the context of exam results here. Then,
some reasons are given why good software programmes often help students to learn,
although they have limitations.

The expression could also be used in the speaking part of the exam, most probably in Part 3,
if you are asked to talk about topics of technology or education. Paragraph 2 provides one
example of how it might be used:

Paragraph 2:

Well, of course, I think it’s important to consider different approaches to help students to
learn. From my own personal experience, for example, my school introduced more
computers in the classroom in an attempt to improve educational outcomes. Our teacher
chose some really interesting and challenging software to make us think at the same time
that we were enjoying the activities. She said that she chose the activities which would help
us to understand, not simply to memorise information which would be forgotten as soon as
the exams finished.

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Governments may plan to replace teachers with computers. Computers are cheaper, they’re
never ill, never take maternity leave and what happens in the classroom can be controlled.
Even discipline could be maintained using surveillance cameras linked to security guards
based in the school. I hope this won’t be the future for education.

 In paragraph 2, the examiner has asked a question about the increasing use of
technology in the classroom. The answer given is positive, in terms of the potential
use of computers as a means to improve educational outcomes. However, emphasis
is given to the need to choose software programmes that will make children think and
develop their understanding. These are the educational outcomes which are
important, not the use of computers simply so that children will memorise
information more effectively for exam purposes.

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Paragraph 1:

There are several reasons why teachers set homework for their students. Some teachers do
this because parents expect their children to arrive home after school with homework that
they have to do. Another reason is that head teachers sometimes demand that teachers give
homework as part of their teaching duties. Finally, the curriculum may be so demanding
that the students simply do not have enough time in class to study all the things that they
have to learn. Therefore, there are great pressures on teachers to set homework regularly,
even though the teachers themselves may feel that their students benefit very little from
doing further study at home.


 to set homework: this means to give pupils work to do at home. It is the duty of the
teacher to set homework, which the student must complete on their own. It is
correct to write: ‘to give homework’, and it has the same meaning. However,
examiners look for groups of words together like this which show your range of
vocabulary when they assess your score for ‘lexical resource’.

In paragraph 1, the context is a discussion of why teachers give students work to do

at home. Three possible reasons are suggested, all of which create different kinds of
pressure on teachers to set homework for students. At the end of the paragraph, it is
suggested that not all teachers agree whether this practice of setting homework
actually helps their students to learn.

Of course, the expression can also be used in the speaking part of the exam, in Part 2 or Part
3. This depends on the question that you are asked to discuss within the general topic of
education. Paragraph 2 is an example of an answer that a student might give to a question
in Part 3 about whether success depends on luck or hard work:

Paragraph 2:

Well, I admit that in life it is possible to get lucky sometimes. I remember an athletics event
which I won at school. My friend could run faster than me, but during the race she fell and
injured herself. But you can’t rely on luck to achieve success. I’d never have passed my
exams without hard work. I concentrated really hard in class, and the teachers used to set
a lot of homework. Every night I spent hours struggling to complete all the homework
which the teachers had given me. Then again, think of the dedication of top scientists,
musicians, sportspeople or artists. If you just depend on luck, you’ll never achieve your
goals in life.

 In paragraph 2, the speaker is not answering a specific question about homework.

He/she is talking about a personal example of success which resulted from doing a
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lot of hard work. Knowing the expression to set homework, the speaker decided to
use this to describe the kind of hard work which was part of his/her study routine at
school. Success in the exams depended not on luck, but hard work. More generally,
the speaker then mentions top (=successful) people in science, sport or the arts, who
all worked hard.

The speaker also showed in the answer that he/she understood that set homework = give
homework, by using them in sentences which connected, to talk about a study routine at

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Paragraph 1:

The responsibility for education should fall not only on teachers. Parents also have an
important role to play in all aspects of bringing up children, including education. The
efforts of schools and parents should complement each other in the tasks of encouraging the
capacity of youngsters to think critically and to have a moral sense of what is right and
wrong. In carrying out these tasks, teachers and parents must provide an example for
children to follow. For parents, this may take very simple forms, such as mealtimes when
all the family eats together at the table, rather than sitting in front of the TV or playing with
a smartphone while eating. Food sharing is an ideal time to share family experiences,
stories, problems and plans. If children do not receive guidance and encouragement from
teachers and parents working together, they will fall into selfish and evil ways of thinking
and acting.


 have an important role to play: a ‘role’ is a part that you play. Think of a film; the
actors each have a ‘role’. Some actors have famous roles. Sylvester Stallone played
the role of ‘Rocky’ in several films, and Jackie Chan often plays the role of a cop.
However, this expression is not simply used in the context of the cinema or the
theatre. It is also used to refer to a person, or even sometimes an organisation or an
object, which plays an important part in something. For example, computers play an
important part in our lives: they have an important role to play in modern society.
In this example, ‘role’ is used to mean a ‘function’.

 In paragraph 1, the discussion relates to the education and upbringing of children.

Two key tasks are identified, and the conclusion is reached that both teachers and
parents have an important role to play in both of these tasks – encouraging children
to think critically and to show children by example what is right and wrong. Here, an
important role can be thought of not only an important part to play, but also as an
important duty to carry out.

In the speaking part of the exam, you could use the expression to talk about a personal
experience in Part 2, or as part of an answer to a general question in Part 3. In Part 2, for
example, the speaker is talking about a person who had an influence on his/her life – see
paragraph 2:

Paragraph 2:

Well, in high school, I particularly remember my maths teacher. She had an important
role to play in encouraging me to be more confident about my own abilities. Maths was
always a struggle for me. I just couldn’t seem to understand the logic, and I felt inferior to
my classmates who seemed to have no difficulties in finding the correct answers. In order
that I wouldn’t fall hopelessly behind the other students, she used to spend time at the end of
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the school day to go through patiently with me the work we had done. Without her kindness
and encouragement, I’d have come to think of myself as a failure, a student who was just
too stupid to understand maths.

 In paragraph 2, have an important role to play is used in its most common

meaning: ‘to have an important part to play’. In this context, the ideas of function or
duty are absent – the speaker simply means to say that this teacher was important in
his/her life.

Note one common language structure when you use this expression: ‘to have an important
role to play in + verb + ing. This structure is used in paragraph 2. Compare this with the
structure used in paragraph 1.

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Paragraph 1:

There are many advantages of a university education. One of the most important of these
benefits is that university students learn to take responsibility for their own learning. It is
radically different from the experience of students at school, where pupils are much more
dependent on their teachers. Compared with school, at university there are fewer contact
hours with tutors, so students must spend most of their time reading and researching on their
own. They learn to become self-reliant. Independent learning, of course, also involves self-
discipline – getting up punctually in the morning, researching by themselves in the library,
attending lectures and avoiding distractions. Therefore, time management is critical because
it forms a solid basis if students are going to develop an independent study habit.
Independence learned at university is, in turn, a vital preparation for meeting the challenges
of adult life.


 develop an independent study habit: this is used to refer to a process over time,
which involves establishing a routine, such as working out your own timetable to
study the course material. This routine/habit is therefore an organised way of
studying. In the early school years, teachers generally organise your timetable, but
an independent study habit is developed when you – not teachers – take
responsibility for your learning.

 In paragraph 1, the argument centres on the advantages of going to university. One

important benefit is chosen – developing an independent study habit - and this
point is expanded fully in the rest of the paragraph. Studying at school is compared
with studying at university. At school, teachers direct students, providing them with
the materials to study and the entire school day is rigidly organised.

In contrast, this dependence on teachers is compared with an independent study habit. Two
aspects of this independent study habit are mentioned: (1) reading and researching alone,
with less help from tutors = self-reliance (2) developing routines/good habits of time
management, without being told what to do all the time by teachers.

In Part 3 of the speaking paper, you may be asked a question on education which allows you
to use this expression, if you wish. Paragraph 2 gives an example:

Paragraph 2:

Well, I think that going to university is a positive experience for most students, principally
because it’s a good preparation for adult life. I mean, you develop two strengths which will
be very important for the rest of your life. You leave the sheltered and controlled
atmosphere of school, and you embark on a course of study for which you must take
personal responsibility. For example, at university I learned to develop an independent
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study habit, without relying on teachers simply to hand me material to read. I had to
understand and evaluate that material myself. In other words, I became more self-reliant.
Secondly, I also had to be a responsible person, arriving at the library when it opened, and
returning there between lectures and tutorials. Through organising large parts of my day, I
learned the importance of self-discipline.

 In paragraph 2, the same benefits of self-reliance and self-discipline are mentioned -

in response to a question on the advantages of going to university. Of course, instead
of these ideas, you may prefer to refer to university education as preparation for a
career. You could still give a personal example.

In this paragraph, the speaker explains to the examiner his/her understanding of what it
means to develop an independent study habit. It is exactly the same method as in
paragraph 1, although the tone is more informal in paragraph 2. However, in both
paragraphs you take this idea, and you explain the idea, connecting each sentence in some
way to the previous one.

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Paragraph 1:

In all fields of production, new technologies are constantly revolutionising how goods are
made. For example, in the past the pace of change was relatively slow. Farm work was
carried out in traditional ways, and in the towns people made such things as clocks, shoes,
clothes and pottery by hand, in the same way that they had done for centuries. Once a
person had found work, they could expect to remain in that job for the rest of their lives.
However, all that has changed and now the job market is increasingly competitive. As
machines replace people in the labour force, in the productive and in the service industries,
there may be one hundred applicants for one job. Mass unemployment is something that
now seems a normal part of life. This trend will continue, and society faces a huge
challenge to provide useful and fulfilling work for the whole working population.


 the job market is increasingly competitive: in a market, you can buy food, clothes,
and many other goods. However, in the job market, you are the product, not the
customer. The job market is not a physical place. It can be any place in which
employers search for employees, and employees search for a job. Therefore, the job
market is an idea – an idea which relates the total number of jobs that are vacant to
the number of people who are looking for a job. When the job market is competitive,
this means that there are not many jobs available, but there are a lot of people who
need a job. So, in order to get work, people have to compete with each other.

 In paragraph 1, the present is compared with the past. In the past, most people did
the same job for all their life. Many acquired traditional skills. Today, in contrast,
new technologies are rapidly changing how goods are made and how services, such
as banking or retail, are delivered. As machines reduce the need for workers, more
and more people are looking for work. The job market has, therefore, changed.
There are fewer jobs than before, and the paragraph gives the example of one
hundred people applying for the same job. This is what is understood by the
statement that the job market is increasingly competitive.

You might be able to use this vocabulary in the speaking paper, in either Part 2 to talk about
your own experience, or in Part 3 to talk about technology and work. Paragraph 2 gives an
example of a possible Part 3 answer:

Paragraph 2:

Well, it seems to me that the demand for manual workers has decreased. Jobs that are full-
time and well-paid are hard to find these days. The job market today is increasingly
competitive and – if you want to find full-time work with a good salary – you need to have
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qualifications. Even then, there’s no guarantee. For example, my sister graduated with a
degree in business management. She applied for her first job, but she didn’t get it. There
were 30 people who attended for an interview, but she’s going to keep job-hunting. That’s
how the job market is today, and I expect it’s just going to get tougher in the future.

 In paragraph 2, the candidate is speaking about the topic of work/careers. The basic
argument is simple, it is increasingly hard to find a decent job. More and more
people are applying for jobs with a good salary, and even having qualifications is not
always enough to get this kind of job. To extend and support this Part 3 answer, note
that the speaker gives an example, of his/her sister. This example showed that the
candidate fully understood what is meant by ‘the job market is increasingly

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Paragraph 1:

It is true that for some people, perhaps even the majority, the most important consideration
when looking for work is to find a job which offers a high salary. I would argue, however,
that it is better to find work which is fulfilling rather than lucrative.
Many adults spend most of their lives performing paid work. They do this because they
must work in order to live. They must provide food, clothes and accommodation for
themselves and usually also for their families, and the more they earn then the more things
they can consume in addition to the necessities of life. However, through their labour,
some people have as their priority to contribute something positive to society, rather than
a top salary. The labour that they perform benefits their community in some way, whether
working as a doctor, an organic farmer, a builder or a bus driver. This work has meaning for
them because it provides the satisfaction of helping to improve the quality of life for others.


 contribute something positive to society: the meaning of ‘to contribute’ is ‘to

give’. It is to give in a special way – in order to achieve something or to provide
something. You can (1) use this verb without an object, (2) you can contribute
something to somebody, or (3) you can contribute to/towards something. The thing
which you contribute is often money, or some goods, but it can be some service that
you perform. A good dictionary will give examples of all these three uses.

Your dictionary will also give a definition of a similar meaning for ‘to contribute’. In that
meaning, you use it when you mean ‘to add’, rather than to give. Check out some examples
in your dictionary, to understand the different contexts in which the verb can be used.

 In paragraph 1, the discussion is about what motivates people to do one job rather
than a different one. Some people do a job simply in order to receive money (their
salary). In contrast, other people do a job primarily because they know that it is
useful to their community and to society as a whole. Their job provides some useful
and positive service to their community. Some examples are given, but you can think
of other examples from your own experience and knowledge. The satisfaction that
workers gain by doing such jobs is something which has more value to them than
money. The final sentence of paragraph 1 is just a different way of explaining what
we mean by ‘contribute something positive to society’.

The expression can also be used in the speaking part of the exam. Paragraph 2 is part of an
answer to a speaking paper Part 2 instruction to talk about someone who has influenced
Paragraph 2:

Well, I’d like to talk about a person close to me who influenced my plans and dreams for my
future career – my father. I’d be proud and happy to follow in my father’s footsteps. He
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worked as a doctor in a major teaching hospital, and he was devoted to his work. His
example taught me that it was essential not only to provide for the family but also to
contribute something positive to society. For example, in addition to his normal working
hours, for which he was paid, he spent countless hours studying on his own in order to be
able to treat patients more effectively. He also gave advice freely to junior doctors, he took
time to reassure patients and their families, to listen to them and to explain the treatment he
was giving.

So, it’s not surprising that I’d like to be a caring and dedicated doctor like him, although the
career path is difficult and challenging.

 In paragraph 2, the speaker chooses to talk about his/her father. A dedicated doctor is
just one example of a person who may contribute something positive to society.
The actions of the father influenced the speaker in various ways, all of which
illustrate what is meant by ‘something positive to society’. The father gave advice
freely to younger, less experienced doctors, he treated patients with kindness, and he
studied in his free time to become a better doctor.

In the final sentence, the speaker links the story about his father to the speaker’s own career
plans. The speaker referred to those plans in the first sentence.

+ Written by Ngoc Bach

+ Website:
+ Page: 33

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