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Copvright © I FAC Control in Power El ectronics

and Elt'ctric al Dri\"C's , Lau sannr , Switzerland. 1983



J. Holtz and S. Stadtfeld

La boralory for Electrical Machines and Drives, University of Wuppertal, Postfach 100 127
5600 Wuppertal 1, Federal Republz'c of Germany

Abstract. The paper proposes an optimally pulsed voltage fed inverter drive with
field oriented control , in which the standard pulsewidth modulator as well as the
dynamic d eco upling system are completely eliminated. Instead, the reference current
components supplied by the field oriented control system are used to directly control
the switch ing state of the inverter with the aim of fo~cing the actual stator current
vec tor to trace the time-variant locus of the current reference. The inverter swit-
ching con trol includes an algorithm which ensures either minimum harmonic torque at
minimum switching frequency or, in the case of large -signal transients, operation at
steepest possible current gradient. The optimizat ion is being performed at steady
state and transient operati on, including operation at zero stator frequency.

Keywords. ac motors; converters; torque control; microprocessors; predictive control;

optimization ; on-line operation.



The squirrel cage induction motor fed from a

PWM inverter has become more and more attrac- The fundamental voltage and the frequenc y
tive for the application in speed variable of a three-phase inverter fed from a con-
drive systems of high power rating or for stant dc source are being contro lled by
servo drives of high dynamic performance pulse trains for the individual inverter
owing to the recent advances in the field of phases, commanding either positive or
semiconductor technology. New fast and power- negative potential at the three output ter-
ful semiconductors devices have been made minals of the inverter. The pulse trains
available which in turn has stimulated the define the average switching frequency fs
development of PWM i nverters capable of hand-
of the inverter which is always well above
ling a few megawatts of drive power (Appun
the fundamental frequency f . Generally, the
and co- workers , 1982; Holtz and Wurm, 1982). 1
I mp r oved mi c r op ro cesso rs faci litate the im- width of the pulses and the time interval
plementation of sophisticated algo rithms for between two pulses will permanently change .
gene r at in g the firing sequences o f the in- Both parameters define the harmonic spectra
verter (Pol lman n , 1982 ; Holtz, Stadtfeld, of the inverter output voltage . Their effect
and Wurm , 1983) . Al so , the elaborate process on the machine currents decreases with in-
of field- oriented control for the overa ll creasing harmonic o rder owing to the low
drive system has become economica lly feasible pass characteristic of the leakage impedan ce
after the e xpensi ve e l ectronic hardware used of the motor. As a consequence, the lower
so far could be substituted by the software order components dominate the current wave-
o f a single microcompute r (Gabriel and Leon- forms. They can be reduced by increasing the
hard, 1982). switching frequency of the inverter. This
defines the basic problem of inverter con-
Two problems, however , have remai ned un- trol: Reaching a compromise between the
solved with regar d t o h i gh performance PWM limited switching capability of the power
inverter d rives : semiconductors and the acceptable harmonic
distortion of the machine currents.
1. Practicable optimal PWM cont rol
Harmonic distortion of the machine currents
2 . Field-oriented con trol of a drive system can be characterized
containing an op timally controlled in-
verter . - by the rms value of the distortion current,

The following review will give a more de- - by the amplitude spectrum of its fourier
tailed discussion . Thereafte r, a soluti on components or
to the above problems 'viii be presented.

10 3
104 J. Holtz and S. Stadtfeld

by the maximum peak current, a quantity been given so far. At lower stator frequency,
composed of the amplitudes and the phase where the number of pulses per cycle increa-
angles of the individual fourier compo- ses rapidly, off-line computed patterns fail
nents of the load current. to be applicable even in the steady state.

Of particular interest is the maximum pos- It may be concluded that these optimal con-
sible load current that may occur under trol strategies are not likely to gain much
worst case operating conditions of the en- significance. They are definitely excluded
tire drive system. This limit value is from being applied in a field oriented drive
difficult to predict as it not only depends control system for high dynamic performance
on the inverter control but on the dynamic as this would require to control the phase
properties of the drive control as well. In angle of the fundamental three-phase system
order to ensure safe operation of the in- independently. Such control necessarily
verter, a distinct safety margin must be stimulates a transient process thereby vio-
observed when designing its power components. lating the basis of the optimization app-
In most of the inverter control schemes the
switching frequency fs is an integer mul-
tiple N of the fundamental frequency f1
where N is the pulse number.

A traditional way of generating pulse pat- The introduction of space vectors is an ex-
terns is the well known suboscillation pedient approach for the dynamic analysiS of
technique (Schonung and Stemmler, 1964). A an induction motor. It is customary to ne-
periodic carrier signal of frequency glect space harmonics and iron losses. Con-
fs = Nfl defines the period time of a pulse sidering a reference frame that rotates syn-
chronously with the magnetic field we obtain
train while the width of the individual pul-
the voltage equation of a squirrel cage
ses is modulated by a reference signal of
rotor in the following form:
frequency f .
As the period time of the pulse train is
o r i + ~ + jw ~ (1)
dependent on f , the only remaining degree r-r dT r-r
of freedom is the pulsewidth. This restric-
tion leads to comparatively high harmonic
distortion (Holtz and Stadtfeld, 1983).
Special sampling techniques (Jayne, Bowes,
= I i
+ 1 i
and Bird, 1977) have been proposed to over-
come this defect without gaining much im- is the rotor flux linkage. All quantities
portance, however. Instead, the original are normalized, Appendix I: We define the
suboscillation method is still being used magnetizing current of the rotor as
in most modern equipment (Moschetti, 1982),
obviously because other methods cannot com-
i = !r/~ ( 3)
pete with respect to the dynamic performance
of the inverter control.
or using Eq. (2)
Those other methods are optimal inverter
control strategies which have been largely i i + (1+0 H. (4)
-mr -s r -r
discussed during the past decade: The har-
monic elimination technique (Daum, 1972),
the minimization of the rms value of the
11 is the leakage coefficient of
ro Ih
harmonic currents (Buja and Indri, 1977), the rotor. From Eqs. (1) and (4) we obtain
and the minimization of the peak current the differential equation of the rotor
(Holtz, Stadtfeld, and Wurm, 1983). All
methods are based on an off-line computa- di
tion of optimal pulse patterns for steady T ~ + (1 + jw T)i i (5)
r dT r r -mr -s
state operation of the drive; as a conse-
quence, only in the steady state do these
where T = I Ir is the rotor time constant.
patterns comply with the respective optimum r r r
criterion, while the benefits of the opti- In order to effect the desired field orien-
mization concept are being lost at transient tation, the reference frame is now being
operation. It could be even imagined that aligned with the rotor flux vector !r
the performance at transient operation is
(Blaschke, 1972). Considering Eq. (3) we can
worse than that of the suboscillation
method - a proof of the contrary has not
Field-Oriented Control 105

i imr exp(jO) (6) commanded va lues of the stator current

components into signals which represent the
stator voltages (Blaschke, 1972; Gabriel
The new orientation of the reference frame
and Leonhard, 1982). These signals are used
permits a decomposition of Eq. (5) into its
to control the pulsewidth modulator. Decoup-
real and its imaginary part
ling is performed by two additional control
loops, one for each vector component. The
~+ i
dynamics of the decoupling system are gene-
T i ( 7)
r d1 mr sa rally improved by feed-forward control ,
using signals derived from a machine model.
(8) As is customary with linear cont r ollers, a
compromise has to be made between response
time and damping.
The machine torque is defined by

t - '¥ x i (9)
m -r -r
Using Eqs. (3) , (4) and (6) we obtain

( 10) The predictive controller replaces the

dynamic decoupling system and the pulsewidth
The mechanical system is governed by the
differential equation
It is assumed that a superimposed drive
contr~l *
system supplies two signals isa
t (11 )
m and isb which are the field oriented compo-
nents of the commanded stator current vector
where tL is the load torque.
~s' Fig. 2. The vector ~s* defines the loca-
The dynamic block diagram Fig. 1 is drawn
tion of a boundary area of arbitrary shape,
on the basis of Eqs. (7), (10) and (11).
its circumferential line being described by

~S(T) + i (<,0,1) exp(j(j)),
( 12 )



;: - ~ -
Fig. 1. Dynamic block diagram of the induc-
tion motor. k1 = 1/ 1+o )
r isb

It shows that the rotor flux '¥
is excited
Fig. 2. Current vectors ~s * and ~s in a
by the in-field stator current component isa
field oriented reference frame;
through a first order delay of large time B: boundary line
constant 1 . The machine torque tm is pro-
portional to the quadrature stator current
component i ' According to the concept of
The boundary line B is used as an indicator
field oriented control the two stator cur-
of whether the spatial error between the
rent components are being separately ad-
justed such that the desired values of ro- current command i * and the actual stator
tor flux and torque will result.
current vector ~s can be accepted or not.
Conventional field oriented control of a In the first case, ~s is located somewhere
voltage fed inverter drive requires a dyna-
inside the boundary area, in the second
mic decoupling system to convert the
106 J. Holtz and S. Stadtfeld

case i is outside B.
The transition of the vector i from inside
the boundary area across the boundary line
B initiates a next switching state k of the
inverter to be computed. The switching state
k is characterized by one out of seven pos-
sible locations of the stator voltage vec-
tor. Referred to a stator-fixed reference
frame we have
Fig. 4. Predicted trajectories and actual
k 1. .. 6
_ {TT /3 . eoxp(jkTT/ 3), trajectory of the stator current
u (k)
(13 )
vector at steady state * = const.
k = 0
Boundary area rectangular.
The discrete locations u (k) are shown in
Fig. 3.
The predicted trajectories of the stator
After a transition has been detected at
, = '0' seven possible trajectories of the current vector i ("k) and the future loca-
current vector ~s("k) are predicted using tion of the boundary line ~(, - '0) are now
being used to calculate k different tLme
the linear approximation
intervals ~ ,(k) = 'k - '0 where 'k is the
time at which the trajectory ~s("k) will
(, ,k) , o . (, ,o )
again intersect the boundary line. The new
switching state is selected on the basis of
(14 ) the predicted time intervals ~'(k). There
are two cases:

1. Slow transition of the boundary line

k • 1
After the transition has been detected, the
vector ~s is still remaining in the neigh-
bourhood of the boundary line. This is the
n a
normal case of steady state operation or of
3 slowly changing operating conditions. The
new switching state k is chosen such that

6T (k)
-+ max (16 )
n (k)

where n (k) is the number of commutations

Fig. 3. Locations of the stator voltage vec-
required by the inverter to change from the
tor u (k) in a stator fixed reference
-s previous switching state k (, ,,: , ) to the
new switching state k(, ~ '0). This algo-
rithm minimizes the switching frequency of
the inverter.
The trajectories are shown in Fig. 4. In a
2. Rapid transition of the boundary line
Similar manner, the trajectory of the com-
manded vector ~s * is predicted: A steep gradient of the commanded vector
i * or of a disturbance will cause a rapid

i * (T) i * (, ) +- --
d~s (,) I .(, - , )(15)
movement of the current vector i
-s -s 0 d, , , 0
o the boundary line. The vector will be loca-
ted at a certain distance from the boundary
~s(') and Eq. (12) define the future loca- area, shortly after the transition of the
boundary line has been detected. In this
tion of the boundary line B(, - '0)' Fig. 4.
case, the new switching state k is chosen
such that
Field-Oriented Control 107

tn (k) -+ min. (17) T -mr + (1 - jWT ) i = i . (22 )
r dT r - mr -s
This algorithm minimizes the response time
Eqs. (19) , (20) and (22) are represented in
at large-signal transients.
the block diagram of the machine model
Fig. 5. !s is the measured stator current
Note that in any case the load current mag-
nitude is strictly kept within preset boun- referred to in stator coordinates, W is the
daries. Hence as a supplementary condition measured speed. The signal ~s(k) is gene-
to the optimum criterion Eqs. (16) and (17)
rated by the control algorithm cyclically
the rms value of the harmonic distortion
for k = 0 ... 6 each time a new inverter
currents is maintained below a preset level
switching state k is being searched.
(Holtz and Stadtfeld, 198 3). Also the maxi-
mum peak inverter current is being limited
to a predeterminable value. This is a unique
quality of the predictive controller which
permits operation at reduced current safety
margin. There are no current overshoots that
must be accounted for , neither from the
drive controllers nor from the switching
control of the inverter.


A model of the induction motor is used to

serve the following purposes:
Fig . 5. Block diagram of the machine model
1. Find the diretion ej~ of the rotor flux in a stator-fixed reference frame.
vector fr (Field orientation). k2 = Ih/(1+0 )

2. Compute the derivatives d!s(T,k)/dT for

the evaluation of Eq. (14).

Consider the stator voltage equation in a DRIVE CONTROL SYSTEM

stator-fixed reference frame

di (k) di The block diagram of the drive control

-s -r
u (k) r i + 1 ( 18) system is shown in Fig. 6. It contains the
-s s-s s dT dT
machine model, the predictive controller
and two PI-controllers for torque and flux,
The rotor current vector i is eliminated
-r respectively. The machine model operates in
using Eq. (4). We neglect the stator resis- stator coordinates, denoted by (S), the
tance r and solve for the derivative of the predictive controller in field-oriented
coordinates, marked (F). Two coordinate
stator current vector
converters perform the necessary transfor-
mation S -+ F. The transformation angle ~ is
di (k)
-s supplied by the machine model. The signal
(u (k) - u .). (19)
dT 01 -s -~ ~s(k) is being generated in stator coordi-
nates and needs no transformation.
~i is the voltage induced by the rotor flux
The input to the predictive controller is
-mr * The compo-
the stator current reference !s.
u. (20)
-~ dT
nents of this signal are derived from the
flux controller and the speed controller,
Consider now the rotor voltage equation in
a stator-fixed reference frame: * - channel
respectively. The gain in the isb
is increased at field-weakening operation
-r according to Eq. (10).
o r i
+ -- (21 )
A dynamic representation of the drive con-
Substituting the rotor flux form Eq. (2) trol system is given in Fig. 7 . As the pre -
and introducing the magnetizing current dictive controller forces the stator cur-
from Eq. (4) we obtain rent vector i to trace the time variant
108 J. Holtz and S. Stadtfeld

locus of its commanded value i * at zero state operation using a boundary area of
circular shape is shown in Fig. 8. The
error with respect to its fundamental compo-
diameter of the boundary circle sets the
nents, the two vectors can be considered
switching frequency to 550 Hz. The rrns
equal but for a small time delay introduced
value of the distortion currents can be
by the inverter switching. The transporta-
considered minimized (Holtz and Stadtfeld,
tion delay time constants Ta and Tb may be
1982) •
different for the individual vector compo-
nents depending on the shape of the boun-
dary area ~. It is obvious that Ta and Tb
decrease as the area B reduces in size, as
this cause the switching frequency to in-

t ,_

+--------;r - - - - - r - - -------,
2n 3n

-- - lOms

Fig. 8. Steady state operati on, circular

boundary area
a) line current
b) field oriented current compo-
Fig . 6 . Drive control system

A different approach to the optimization

problem is made by taking advantage of a
special property of the induction motor.
While the instantaneous torque depends
directly on the instantaneous value of the
quadrature current component i , the in-
field component isa is passing through a
first order delay of large time constant
before affecting the torque via the rotor
flux !r' Fig. 1. TIlis suggests the use of
a boundary area of rectangular shape, being
aligned with the field axis as shown in
Fig. 4. Such boundary area leaves the
quadrature current isb unaffected while
permitting high ripple of the isa component.
Fig. 9 shows that the rotor flux is free of
ripple, nevertheless. Hence we have the
Fig. 7 . Dynamic block diagram of the drive.
same amount of torque ripple as in Fig. 8,
k2 = \ / (1+o )
r while the switching frequency is reduced
to 320 Hz.

The isa current ripple is reflected on the

line current in a very favorable way. At
rated load, Fig. 4, the large isa-error
In a first step, the predictive controller adds at an angle of about 60 to the vector
and the field o riented control system were i in the worst case. Its contribution to
simulated on a digital computer. Steady
Field-Oriented Control 109

the peak inverter current is almost as low time at 1,5 times rated torque is 37 ms.
as that of the smaller isb-error. This re- 'Ihe average switching frequency during this
period is only 202 HZ, the ratio peak
sults in curren~ waveforms similar to those
torque by average torque 1,08.
obtained by an I ~ min algorithm (Holtz,
Stadtfeld, and Wurm, 1983), in which the
largest c urrents peaks look like being
clipped, Fig. 9. Further improvement can be
achieved by cutting the upper right corner
o f the boundary area in Fig. 4.






!1~ ~ ~
'c "~2nN 'so

J -1
T _

I 1

-1 T -

T _

~r J+------.------",------"
2n 3rt


Fig. 10. Speed reversal at t 1.5

a) line currents
Fig. 9. Steady state operation, rectangular b) field oriented currents
boundary area components
a) line currents c) speed
b) field oriented current components
c) rotor fl ill(

A Z 8000 microprocessor system employing an

external arithmethic hardware processor is
'Ihe dynamic behaviour of the drive control
presently being constructed for the practical
system at speed reversal is shown in Fig. 10.
implementation of this new control strategy.
After the input step has been applied to the
speed controller, the torque forming current
component isb rises at its steepest gradient,
reaching its rated value within only 0.5 InS. CONCLUSION
Near 2 _ro stator frequency the switching
frequency is also zero. While operating at
limited torque an integrator reset Signal A predictive controller forces the stator
r is generated for the speed controller current space vector of an induction motor
(Figs. 6 and 7), which eliminates the over- to trace the time-variant locus of a current
shoot of the speed signal. Total reversing reference vector in a field-oriented coordi-
110 J. Holtz and S. Stadtfeld

nate frame. This is achieved by direct con- REFERENCES

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This research is being supported by a grant
of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

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