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Director :

Responsabil Comisie:
Unitatea scolara: Scoala Gimnaziala „Titu Maiorescu“
Disciplina: Limba engleza
Profesor: Monica Caruntu
Clasa: IV (L1)- 2 ore/sapt
Manual: Fairyland 4, Uniscan, Express Publishing

Saptamana ’’Sa stii mai multe, sa fii mai bun’’ 26-30 MARTIE 2018
AN SCOLAR 2017-2018
34 saptamani

Nr. Unităţi de Nr.

C.S. Conţinuturi SAPT. Observaţii
crt învăţare ore
1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated
simple messages in known contexts.
Starter Unit 2.1 Request and provide information on
home, family, address, people, It’s nice to be back! 11-
1. (pp. 4-7) hobbies, habits. 2
Vocabulary: revision, numbers (1-100) 15.09
3.1 Identify information in simple texts.
3.3 Identify specific information (name, Structures: revision
age, address) in a simple form.
1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated 1a Hello
simple messages in known contexts.
1.3 Develop interest and general 1b The Mirror
Unit 1 comprehension of a variety of 1c Super Gran
simple oral messages (films, songs Vocabulary: countries, appearance, character,
(pp. 8-13) 18-
2 for children)
family members, abilities 4
2.1 Request and provide information on 29.09
home, family, address, people, Structures: the verb ‘to be’, the verb ‘have got’,
hobbies, habits. possessive adjectives, the verb ‘can’
2.3 Describe objects or houses.
3.1 Identify information in simple texts Project: Write about your super family
1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated 2a Chores
simple messages in known contexts. 2b Waterland
1.3 Develop interest and general 2c A wonderful time
comprehension of a variety of
simple oral messages (films, songs Vocabulary:
for children) • household activities
2.2 Identify and present everyday • sports
Unit 2 activities.
3 (pp. 14-23) 2.3 Describe objects or houses. • actions 4 2-13.10
3.1 Identify information in simple texts. Structures:
4.1Fill in a form with personal
 present continuous
 prepositions of movement

Project: Write a description of a picture

Troll Tales! 1
Go Green! 1
4. Revision Our World 1
Checkpoint 20.10
(Units 1 - 2)
6. 1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated 3 16-
simple messages in known
Unit 3 contexts. 20.10
(pp. 24-29) 1.2 Follow simple guided instructions 23-
to achieve an objective. 3a In town 27.10
1.3 Develop interest and general
comprehension of a variety of 3b A new scarf
simple oral messages (films, songs 3c The Green
for children) Cross Code
2.1 Request and provide information on
home, family, address, people,
hobbies, habits. Vocabulary: buildings, directions, clothes, prices,
2.3 Describe objects or houses. the Green Cross Code
3.1Identify information in simple texts.

Structures: prepositions of place, plurals,

Project: Write about your neighborhood

Vacanta ciclu primar 30.10-5.11

4a A space trip
1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated 4b XL in concert!
simple messages in known contexts. 4c A happy person
1.3 Develop interest and general
comprehension of a variety of
simple oral messages (films, songs Vocabulary: jobs, daily routine, free - time
Unit 4 for children) activities, school subjects
8. (pp. 30-39) 2.1 Request and provide information on 4 6-17.11
home, family, address, people,
hobbies, habits. Structures: present simple, adverbs of frequency,
2.2 Identify and present everyday prepositions of time
2.3 Describe objects or houses. Project: Write about your daily routine and favourite
3.1Identify information in simple texts.

Troll Tales! 2
Go Green! 2
Revision Our World 1
Checkpoint 24.11
(Units 3 - 4)
1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated 5a The Country Code
simple messages in known contexts. 5b Yes, doctor!
1.3 Develop interest and general 5c Stay healthy!
comprehension of a variety of 20-
Unit 5 simple oral messages (films, songs Vocabulary: country code, rules, illnesses, advice
9. (pp. 40-45) for children) Structures: 3
2.1 Request and provide information on 27-
home, family, address, people, 30.11
hobbies, habits. should/ shouldn’t
2.3 Describe objects or houses. object pronouns
3.1. Identify information in simple texts. Project: Give advice
Merry  Talk about Christmas
10. 1 4-8.12
Happy New  Talk about New Year celebrations
11. 1 4-8.12
(pp. 64-65)

13. Unit 6 1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated 6a Yumville 4 11- Christmas
simple messages in known contexts. holiday:
(pp. 46-55) 1.3 Develop interest and general 6b Meal time 22.12
comprehension of a variety of 6c On the shelves 23.12-14.01
simple oral messages (films, songs
for children)
Vocabulary: food, containers
2.1 Request and provide information on
home, family, address, people, Structures: much/many/a lot of, some/any,
hobbies, habits. containers, prepositions of place
2.2 Identify and present everyday
3.1 Identify information in simple texts. Project: Write a note

Troll Tales! 3
Go Green! 3
Our World 15-
14. Revision 2
Checkpoint 19.01
(Units 5 - 6)
Fun time (pp.
15. 66-65) 2
 Consolidate the language learnt in this
Revision 29.01- Intersem.
16. 2 3-11.02
Semestrul al-ii-lea

2.1 Request and provide information on Let’s start!

Starter Unit home, family, address, people,
17. (pp. 4-7) hobbies, habits. Vocabulary: Revision, habits 1
4.2 Write simple messages about 16.02
oneself and others. Structures: revision
1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated 7a Animal elections
simple messages in known contexts. 7b The new president
1.3 Develop interest and general 7c Animal homes 12-
Unit 7 comprehension of a variety of Vocabulary: animals, habitats
simple oral messages (films, songs 16.02
18. (pp. 8-13) for children) 3
Structures: comparisons 19-
2.1 Request and provide information on
home, family, address, people, Project: Write about your country 23.02
hobbies, habits.
3.1 Identify information in simple texts.
19. Unit 8 1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated 8a A little green man 4 26.02- celebrating
simple messages in known contexts. 8b Who was it?
(pp. 14-23) 1.3 Develop interest and general 9.03 Mother’s
8c Just the other day
comprehension of a variety of Day
simple oral messages (films, songs
Vocabulary: feelings, adjectives, buildings
for children)
2.1 Request and provide information on Structures: was/were
home, family, address, people, Project: Write about what you were like as a baby
hobbies, habits.
2.3 Describe objects or houses.
3.1 Identify information in simple texts.
4.1Fill in a form with personal
Troll Tales! 4
Go Green! 4
20. Revision Our World 2
Checkpoint 16.03
(Units 7 - 8)
1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated 9a Knights and castles
simple messages in known contexts. 9b It kicked me!
1.3 Develop interest and general 9c A knight for a day!
comprehension of a variety of
simple oral messages (films, songs
for children).
Vocabulary: knights, castles, kings, queens Spring
Unit 9 2.1 Request and provide information on
Structures: Present simple, present continuous
(pp. 24-29) home, family, address, people, 19-
21. hobbies, habits. Project: Write what you did last weekend 4 31.03-
2.2 Identify and present everyday ( optional) 10.04
2.3 Describe objects or houses.
3.1 Identify information in simple texts.

1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated 10a Willow’s story

simple messages in known contexts. 10b I love this tree!
1.3 Develop interest and general 10c A better place
comprehension of a variety of
simple oral messages (films, songs
Unit 10 Vocabulary:
for children).
Verbs, jobs, famous people
22. (pp. 30-39) 2.1 Request and provide information on 4/3
home, family, address, people,
hobbies, habits. Structures: present simple
2.2 Identify and present everyday
activities. Project: Write about a famous person
3.1Identify information in simple texts.
Troll Tales! 5
Go Green! 5
Troll Tales 5 Our World 1
Checkpoint 27.04
 (Units 9 - 10
Consolidate Module 5 23-
24. Revision 1
1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated 11a The fairy garden
simple 11b Helping Erlina
messages in known contexts. 11c The wishing Well
1.3 Develop interest and general
comprehension of a
Unit 11 variety of simple oral messages
Vocabulary: fairy animals, months, ordinals
(pp. 40-45) (films, songs for Structures: question Words, will ( optional) 30.04-
25. children) 4
2.1 Request and provide information on Project: Write what life will be like in the future (
home, family, optional)
address, people, hobbies, habits.
2.3 Describe objects or houses.
3.1 Identify information in simple
1.1 Identify details of clearly articulated 12a We’re going to fly
simple 12b Port Fairy
messages in known contexts. 12c Fly away!
1.3 Develop interest and general
comprehension of a
variety of simple oral messages
Holidays, things to take on holiday, holiday activities
Unit 12 (films, songs for
(pp. 46-55) Structures: be going to 14-
26. 2.1 Request and provide information on 4
home, family, Project: Write about your holiday plans 25.05
address, people, hobbies, habits.
2.2 Identify and present everyday
2.3 Describe objects or houses.
3.1 Identify information in simple texts.
4.1Fill in a form with personal
Troll Tales! 6
Go Green! 6
27. Revision aOur World 1/2
Checkpoint 31.05
 (Units 11 - 12)
29. Fun time Final revision 4 4-15.06

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