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begas to form slightiy

teriagthcat ts th &ess Sine t

than near the pulp or on its pernphery The dens
of the crown,
Ntore tle enanel shape
determines the
teeth is sl1ghtly less hard than that of permane
and the number and sze o
ahang the and ndges.
cusps lower content o! nineral salts un dentin
un erena
it contans withn its tubules the
ot As inIng tAsuc radiolucent than enamel Denun c onsists of
rasdthe spe ialized uells, the odontoblasts. Although matter and water and 63% inorganic material
artanged along the
hc baes of the odontobiast are
The organic substance consIStS of colae
ulpa surface ef the dentie the elis are morphologically embedded n the ground substance ot mucop
the drnta bes ausethe odontoblasts produce the mucopok
within in
(Proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans
Jte a el as the adontobiast prOcesses astung
a l And cheN all the dentun cdosely resembies bon Is the principal type of collagen tound in the
mportant constituents of the ground substinge
Ecrpabakigk datferne bet cen bone and dentun
ac2a is

h l o r of the asteoblasts CAIst On the surtaCe of bone. and teoglycans-chondroitun sulphates, decorin
tae ceacof thes rlls be omes enclosed Within ts matnx, glycoproteins-dentin sialoprotein (DSP), 0stecse
9aied as csteacyte Thc odontoblasts cell bodies remain pontin; phosphoproteins-dentin phosphoproie
eATtdentin hut ther ptaucsses exist within tubules in y carboxyglutamate containing proteins (Gari
Artila Botbh are somsudrted vital ussues because they contain phospholipids. The protein of dent1n matrx a
last similar, but dentin sialoprotein and dentin pho
are present only in dentin. In addition, the ma

growth tactors like Transtorming growth t

PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES tibroblast growth factor (FGF), insulin like g
i thé teeth of voung ndavaduals the denun (IGF-s) and bone morphogenic proteins (BMP4
usually 1s light components have important roles to play in
yeliowish color, becomng darher with age. Unike

whuch enamel, of dentin.

is ven hard and brttie, denun 1s VIsCoelastic and The norganic component has been
subject to
saght detormation. It is somewhat harder shonz2
than diffraction to consist
consist of hydroxyapat
hydroxyapat te.e
a t e i

7he enarisr
afte desa

deatal matrix o ollagen tihers t arr anged in howed e .a
Adentin calcatie the ydroxyapatute crystals
the mdividual col. fnbers Aent nhe e Ton thrmgh he aoettales, rtey
ollagen fibers are only
arabules surrunding he enttal
TOeopi level
mi apppearet a trte
at the eke tron uuie he ircslar tubuies t nodtales were tound 2uthere
des of the xd 1totlasts are arranged in a laver on
asurfacr of the deitin, and only their cytoplasmi to one sade of the dentinal ubules

are nluded in the tubules in the mineralized Penitler denon he dentin hat mrmedh.aterlv saroumis
Each cell grves rise to one
Pess. which traverses thedentinal tubules N ermed p e t d r dentm Thix ent
and calkatied dentin within one tubule and
etit Tormstheis the tubuies in ail buhe dentin ear the palg
es in braning network at the junction with Itis more highly mineralized jabeout 9"%, than the dent presear
o r cementum utuics are tound throughout normal betw een thetubules thesmcertaralaradenstorn) Peritubular dentin
and are theretore characteristic of t dalters trium ntemubeular dentin by matms compostson
h e irystal arr tbe
a i r The course of the dentinal tubules follows attgeTtient appe at unna
c u r v e n the crown. less so n the root where t
ies agrntle (sigmo1d ourse n shape dig )
curature ate alled primay ci4ratures tartung at
e s irom the pulpal surtace the tirst onveaity
uvrdourse is ditec ted tow ard the apes of the
aese hules rhid perpendi ular to the dentunoenamel
etaocccitun jun tons Bian hes of the dentinal
s ste the terminals are retertedto as temunalbranche btanching is more profuse in the roOt denti
the coronal dentin. Near the root tup and along the
egrs at d cusps the tubules are almost straight Oe
eLure egths the tubules cahibit minute, relatively
raeodsry curatures that are sunus01dal in shape I he
es at ionger than the dentin is thick because they curne
Oug desti e dentn ranges n tha kness irom i to 10
or more Jentn sthowed vanation in thickness between
SeCS, It Was thucker in boys than girls ot sum1lar age group
this increased during puberny Dentin thukness arard
Only irom tioth to tooth but also in diterent surtaces Fg hagr 4m bilusuratsg te Lu rtalsre, sL2, 4rd distanLe bee
the same tooth. The buccal surdaces showed
maxL ezal tubales ivt bianiarn outer), md (B, arnd nrner denton: 1C
icknes,followed by lingual, and there was no ditterence n ses
4Pe Apgrextnialely I ama sa dianueter si the dentunoenamei u
ckness between mesial and distal surtaues. 1DEJ, 15 t a t miudieay tihroug dentori, and 15 to 3 pm at the
Basterual pernetratuon (D follous ine of ieast resstance to reach the
ne ratuo between the outer and inner surtaces of dentin Aoie thal ui iubules n the floor and walls of a cavity may be
sabout 5:1. Accordingly, the uhmtr daj

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