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Inc rea sed Pro bab le met abo lic

pla sma lipid def ect Ris k of ath ero scle ros is
Triacylglycerols Deficiency of
lipoprotein lipase
can increase . - . .
Sug ges ted trea tme nt
. -
Cho lest rol Deficiency of LDL Very high Low cholesterol fat diet
receptor (in coronary artery)
Triacylglycerols Overproduction of Very high
and cholestrol Low cholesterol fat diet
apollpoprtein E (in coronary artery)
Triacylglycerols Abnormality in Very high
and cholestrol low fat and low calorie diet·
apolipoprtein E (in peripheral vessels) clofibrate '
Triacylglyoerols Overproduction of Can or cannot increase low fat and low calorie diet· ni .
triglycerides , acm
Can or cannot increase Low fat and low calorie diet; niacin
• ,>,; ._ ,.,: -~ ,.._

An s. No rma l val ue of cho lest ero l is 150

to 200mg/dL.
No rma l value of trig lyc erid e is 30 to 200 mg
, fam ilia l lip opr ote in lip ase /dL.
t lea ds to inc rea se in pla sm a
·cer ol levels.
as hyp erb eta lipo pro tein em ia 6. MI NE RA L METABOLISM
LD L rec ept ors . Thi s dis ord er Q.1 . Wr ite the role of fluo rin e in den
hyp erc hol este role mia . tal care.
ll as VLDL ele vat ed wit h rise (Se p 200 9, 5 Marks)
An s. Flu orin e is an ess ent ial trac e ele
.s due to ove rpr odu ctio n of me nt.
as bro ad bet a dis eas e and is Flu orid e is solely der ive d in hum ans fro m
"drinking water"•
1ce of bro ad '3 ban d wh ich Re qui rem ent - I ppm .
te den sity lipo pro tein (IDL)
Role in Dental Care
aus e of ove rpr odu ctio n of Improved Crystallinlty
ls wit h con com itan t rise in Fl~oride increases the size of crystal and leads
to less strain in crys·
tal lattice. This takes place wh en the re is conver
1.icrons as we ll as VLOL get sion of amorphous
o»cium pho sph ate into crystalline hydroxyph
liti on. osphate.
Vo id Theory
on nor ma l val ue of cho les -
Incorporation of fluo ride lea ds to for ma tion
(Jan 2020, 2 Marks) stable crystals. Flu orid e rep lac of larger and mo~
es hyd rox yl ion from the cente
•urn triangle. It forms stro~n,g cova1 Biochemistry -
f caIc1 .ent intera .
o. , aJcium, thereby decreasing the din,ension ctif0 ~ forces
\vitdh oxyapatite crystals are know n to h o this axis .. 2
Q. . Write a sho rt note on fluo
rine .
u" to r . h yd roxy1 groups Which ave U1h.e 0, 3 Marks)
ri. rnissmg Ans Fl . (N!ay/June 2009, 5 Marks) (Dec 201
. ll'lakes it ~ t Voids uonne is a trace element.
dtl;roxyapatite crystal hydroxyl sro u ·
llYi,eJoW the plane formed by calcium
ip IS Present Slight1table. In Sources
ort1al nurnbt:r of hydroxyl ions shou}~~ol For humans, drinkin'g water is the mai n sources of fluorine.
en h Present on bo th~
'es of calcmm pl~ e. At times whoth Y~ogen of ad'
droxyl groups pom t towards each er, this results in ~teace~t Daily Requirements
~yt~-'erence resulting'd. into the eliminationofoneh ·normal bones and teeth
Fluorine is present in small amount in
JJl et•' • th in th Ydr oxyl group
thereby formmg ~ v01 m e place. Voi 1-2 ppm per day or 1.5 to 4 mg/day.
tiv' e crystal de cre ~
t)iestability and ~creases chemical reac
•~· ~e n these voids Physiological Functions
are filled by fluonde, the stability of the
of : taI m~ ase s and the for the development
reactivity decreases great_er stability ♦
Fluoride in trace quantities is essential
so1 u?s !aI ~p art lower of teeth and bones.
solubility and greater resIStance to dis onm aad s of oral bacterial
. ♦
Fluoride ions inhibit the metabolism of acids which
Acid Solubility enzymes and diminish the local produc es.
fluorapatite or fluodrida ted hydroxyapatit . sol bl are important in production of dental
. an h ave greater stability.e is less u e than , resistant fluo-
♦ Fluorine forms a protective layer acid
s the enamel.
roapetite with hydroxyapetite crystal
Enzyme Inhibition
Fluoride Deficiency
and it also inhib·
Fluoride has enolase inhibition effect e that re . its ~lucose Drinking water which consists of less than 0.5 ppm of
transport. Enolase ·is a fl metalloenzym es a diva.lent ment of dental caries
· y; uon·de due to its incrqwr
· activit
,1or its ea d . fluoride is associated with the develop
cation 'th this cation . thus inhibits the se reactivity in children.
1 e
fonns a comp ex WItall lik nzyme. It
inhi b·ts
me ~ e s e pho sph atas es thus leadin Fluoride Excess
also i n?n g
to reduced aad pro duc tion .
Excess of fluoride lead to fluorosis. ds to chronic
Flo ra ♦ Lev el of fluoride more than 2 ppm lea
Suppressin g the etite and loss
wth inte stinal upset, gastroenteritis, loss of app
ssor of the bacterial gro
Stannous fluoride is a pot ent suppre teria and
of weight.
in children leads
because it oxidizes the thio l gro up pre sen t in bac
♦ Excessive intake of fluorine mainly 5 ppm
on of teeth. Teeth
inhibits bacterial metabolism. to mottling of enamel and discolorati
tic brown or yellow
become weak, rough with characteris
stations are known
Antibacterial Action patches on their surface. These manife
in solution progressively as dental fluorosis.
Concentration of fluoride above 2 ppm is toxic which
spo rt of upt ake of glu cos e into cells of ora l ♦ Lev el of fluoride, i.e. more than 20 ppm
decreases the tran osclerosis
uce s AT P syn thes is. pro duc e alternate areas of osteoporosis, oste
streptococci and also red increase in density
with brittle bones. Hypercalcification.
the characteristic
Decreasing Free Surface Energy of bone of limbs, pelvis and spine are
n of bone become
me l by sub sti~ ti~n of hyd rox yl feat ures . Ligaments of spine and collage
~luoride incorporated in ena l fluorosis.
thu s md irectly reduces calcified. This is also known as skeleta
ions reduces the free sur fac e ene rgy and
ced fluorosis is charac terized by joint defects;
form atio n. ♦ Ad van
uent plaque s become crippled
the deposition of pellicle and subseq especially genu valgum. Individual
rk due to stiff joints.
tein and Bac teri a and cannot perform their routine wo
Desorption of Pro rine metabolism.
. h nc • 'th both positiv.e andd Q.3. Write a sho rt note on fluo
HYdroxyapatite cry stal s are am p ote wi tem an (Apr 2010, 5 Marks)
. . . roup binds.proFl 'de
. g
negative recept.or site.s. Aod1c pro. tem h Osphate site. ther uon
eb Ans. Distribution
. P tit ney. It remains
bactena to cal oum site and bas ic to
yap a e Y It occ urs in many tissues like bones, teeth and kid
inhibits the bin din g of acidic pro tein
to hyd rox ount of fluorine in the soft
mostly in extracellular water. The am
ease with diet.
displaying its beneficial effects. tissues are very low and do not incr
Alteration in Tooth Morphology . . s showed a ten ency Absorption
nit ie due to selective Soluble fluorides are rapidly absorbed from the small intestin~.
Dentition in flu ori dat ed com mu
towards rou nde d cus ps, sha llo w st5
inorphology inh ibit ion of amelobla
d Questions) ,
. titnlln1 abs orp tion of pho spho rus
5 Years solve ·

. .
Mastering the BDS 1st Year (La st 2 ♦ 'fhe re is ti~po betw een calc ium and pho
whe n ra
sph0 ,,.~ caJr;,.
1:2 and 2:1.
th i_ntestiJlal
Excretion at and by e ogic al Fun ctio ns
. . th swe PhYS Io
l · i
It is excreted in the unn e, m e . ntia l for the form atio n and developn
. and func tion s of entof ,
mucosa. ♦ It 1~ ~:: ~ alon g with cal ci~ .
Q.4. Write a sho rt note on abso
rpt, o(';v, r 2009 5 Marks) ~ uire d for the form atio n of ene rgy rich lllJloi,. ,
ions . a ' ♦ It 1s req
calcium and pho sph ate ch as ATP.
· "'!Qs
abso rpti on of gluc ose by Ph OS p~·
Ans . Calcium su ~ ,;'l'OI'! in the
ch NA DP ·
nde nt ~~
Jtis rey nzy mes , su as , ADP, AMP ilnd
Absorption of Calcium fan e ♦ It form coe
b ene rgyh dep . Pi6.
Calc ium is abso rbed in duo den um ors w c
Y hi influences ♦ pO etc. fen
ng syst em m cells .
the fact ♦ It func tion s in the buf
active process. Following are
ate rnetab .
absorption: Write brie fly on calc ium and phosph r 2001 5 ~1sllt.
. (Ma
rption: Q.5.
A. Factors promoting calcium abso . . d · g protel11 Or · an-..ii
♦ Vita min D indu ces synt hesi s of calo um bm ;:1 calcium
Write a sho rt not e on calc ium met
al cells and prom otes t e
in intestinal epitheli (Fe b 20 13, 7 Mar ks) (Oc t 201._6 SM
. abs orp tion Or ) · a~ )
absorption. enh anc es calc ium
♦ Par athy roid hor mon e metabolism
thro ugh increased synthesis of choleste~
ol. Write a sho rt ans wer on calc ium
n. ll (Jan 2019 ' 5 ~'
♦ Acidity is favorable for calcium absorptio l ~e s.
inte stina .
♦ Lactose prom ote calcium upta ke via
nnn . Ans. Cal cium Me tab olis m
rptio n of calc :
♦ Arginine and lysine facil itate abso Foll owi ng is the calc ium met abo lism
B. Factors inhibiting calcium abso Calcium Absorption
ation ?f insoluble um by ene r~y dependent
♦ Phytates and oxalates lead to the form . Cal cium is abs orb ed i_n duo den
n of cala um. fact ors which influences
salts and interfere with the absorptio form atio n acti ve pro cess . Fol low ing are the
s to the
♦ Hig h con tent of dietary pho spha te lead ke of
prev ent upta abso rpti on:
of inso lubl e calcium pho sph ate and absorption:
A. Factors pro mot ing calc ium
calcium bindino
to form inso lubl e ♦ Vit ami n D ind uce s syn the sis of
♦ Free fatt y acid s reac t with calcium s and promotes ~
pro tein in inte stin al epit heli al cell
calcium soaps.
calcium abso rpti on. calc ium abs orp tion .
♦ Alkaline condition is unfavorable for calcium absorption
Hig h con tent of diet ary fibe r inte
rfer e with calc ium ♦ Par athy roid hor mo ne enh anc es
♦ esterol.
absorption. thro ugh incr eas ed syn thes is of chol
♦ Aci dity is favo rabl e for calc ium abso
Functions of Calcium Ion upt ake via intestinal cells.
♦ Lac tose pro mo te calc ium
n of clotting enz yme s rpti on of calcium.
♦ Calcium is necessary for the activatio ♦ Arg inin e and lysi ne faci litat e abso
of enzy mes invo lved tion:
in the plasma, it also causes activation B. Factors inh ibit ing calc ium absorp
in prod ucin g inflammatory response
Phy tate s and oxa late s lea d to the formation o!

mem bran e exci tation and calc ium h the absorption ol
♦ Calcium ion controls inso lubl e salt s and inte rfer e wit
of nerv e and mus cle.
ion influx occur duri ng the excitation calc ium .
lead s to stab iliza tion of ate leads to the
♦ It is bou nd to the cell surface and ♦ Hig h con ten t of die tary pho sph
lula r adh esio n.
mem bran e and also causes intercel form atio n of inso lub le calc ium pho
sph ate and prel'enl
on-c ontr acti on
♦ It caus es mus cula r contraction, i.e. exc itati upt ake of calc ium .
cou plin g. to form insoluble
ion cou plin g proc ess. • Fre e fatty acid s reac t wit h calc ium
♦ It is also nee ded in excitation-secret
calc ium soa ps.
rab le for calcium
Pho sph ate • Alk alin e con diti on is unf avo
Phosphate Absorption abs orp tion .
rfer e with ca\ciur..
. . • Hig h con ten t of die tary fibe r inte
♦ Pho sph ate abso rpti on occurs from the JeJu num.
. . h abs orp tion .
♦ Inor garu c pho sph orus in duo den um and m ot er par ts
• • a ti
o f small mte stin e get abso rbed by c ve tran spo rt and Excretion of Calcium
pass ive diff usio n. · \':-.· ·•· 1•:
. · f eces as well as in urine. In fe1.
Cal cium is exc reted m
. d gastrointestin al tract ccn~·l"··
t al
♦ Cal dtri ol prom oteu ptak eofp hos pha e ong with calc ium .
exc rete d thro ugh ex f o 11ate
rine, it is excreted as cal .
ill tl Clum
i,toride. Phosph
c ate and
utation of Serum Calcium L Biochemistry . .. .
~eg e"el • l'hYroid h
'fll regulation of blood calcium 1 Which . onnone: It increa .
e 0 nes· eve} took IS accornp""';ed b ses m1evels of thyroid honnone
i,orlll th. • I . Place thr Ph0 ...... Yosteopor · d h
para ormone. t 1s secret d thr sPhate M osisan ypercalcinuria.
1. . functi . e by ee F0 U etabolism
its mam on 1s to increa Parathyr . 0 wing is the phos h
mobilizing calcium from b se the blood ol1d gland ""d Ab P ate metabolism·
d 1 . 1 one p ca Ciu. ""' sorption ·
bloo ca awn evel by follo . · arathortn In eve1 by ♦ 1
and gastrointestinal tract (G~g actions O obne Ill.aintains Phosphate abso ti
a. By mcreasmg · reabsorptiq J· n ones, k·ldney • Inorg:o.......u:c phosphorus
rp on occurs
· d from the 1·.,.;unum
-, ·
b. By decreasing excretio on of calcit,- f of small intestin . uodenum and in other parts
. . n of cal . ....,, rotn b passive diffu . e get absorbed by active transport and
c. By mcreasmg absorption of Clum through tnes. ♦ Calcitriol P:~on.
2. 1, 25-d~ydroxycholecalciferol:cf~um from GCTdneys. Calcium. mote uptake of phosphate along with
synthesized from vitamin D b t 18 a steroid h · ♦ There is optim b .
reactions in liver and ki'd Y means of hyd ormone when ratio be um a SO~tion of phosphorus and calcium
neys "rL roxylati tween calaum d h h
increase the blood calcium 1 · ine main acti· . on 1:2 and 2:1. an P osp orus is between
• fr eve1 by • on 1s to
absorption om small intestin Th increasing cal . Distribution and Fate
25-dihydroxycholecalctferol ar ~- e main aetions ~;7 •
a. It increases the absorption 0ef . ' !pp:oxuna~ly3mg/kg/dayofphosphorusionenterinside
does this b · calcium from· stin e on~ with equal amount leaving via reabsorption.
Y mcreasing formation f mte e. It ♦ Inorgani _ c phosphorus in plasma get filtered in glomeruli
proteins in.intestinal epithelial ceoll Calcium-binding of hichSS
s Th w to 95% become reabsorbed actively in proximal
act as carrier proteins for f 'l' . ese proteins convoluted tubule. Excretion of phosphate in urine:
whi~ ~alcium ions are tra~~~!~!~d ~~usio~ _by • Incre~ses by vitamin D excess, hyperparathyroidism
remain m ce11s for several weeks aft · . pro ems and high phosphate diet.
cholecalciferol has been remov t/' 25-dihydroxy-
causing prolonged effect on cal;umrobm bo~y, thus
• Decreases by growth hormone, during lactation,
hypoparathyroidism and low phosphate diet.
b. It mcreases th a sorption Q
6 W
e synthesis of calcium-· d d A'TP. • • • rite a short note on calcium.
• tin"al .th li m uce /'.I. m
mtes ep1 e um. (Nov 2012, 3 Marks) (Jan 2012, 3 Marks)
c. It increases the synthesis of alkaline phosphates . Ans. Total calcium in the human body is about 1 to 1.5 kg.
intestinal epithelium. m Sources of Calcium
3. Calcitonin: It is secreted by parafollicular cells of thyroid. It Best sources: Milk and the milk products
is a calciwn lowering hormone. It decreases blood calcium Good sources: Beans, leafy vegetables, fish, cabbage, egg yolk.
level by decreasing reabsorption. It reduces blood calcium
level by acting on bone, kidney and intestine. Daily Requirement of Calcium
a. On bones: It facilitates deposition of calcium on bones. Adult men and women: 800 mg/day
It suppresses the activity of osteoclasts which are Women during pregnancy, lactation and post menopause: 1.5
responsible of calciwn from bones. g/day
b. On kidney: It increases excretion of calcium through Children (1 to 18 years): 0.8 to 1.2 g/day
urine by inhibiting reabsorption of calcium from renal Infants (less than 1 year): 300 to 500 mg/day
tubules. f al . Absorption of Calcium
c. On intestine: It prevents the absorption o c mun
Absorption is taking place from the fir_st and ~cond part of
from intestine into blood. duodenum. Absorption requires a earner protein, helped by
Other Hormones Involved in Calcium Metabolism calcium-dependent ATPase.
tion of calcium from Factors Affecting Absorption of Calcium
♦ Growth hormone: It increases absorp . . b
. ynthes1s m one. Vitamin D: Calcitriol induces the synthesis of the ~er
intestine and enhances protein s hich favors bone • protein -· . m. the intestinal epithelial cells, and so faolitates
♦ Insulin: It is an anabolic hormone w .
the absorption of calcium. .
formation. ones increases calcium Parathyroid hormone: It increases calcium transport from
♦ Sex hormones: These h~r: excretion and enhances • the intestinal cells. .
absorption decreases calciu d'rect effect on bone . d'ty• lt favors calcium absorption.
bone mine;alization. Estrogen has
♦ Act ~ · 'd It is present in cereals. It reduces uptake of
Phytic act :
d · reases • .
resorption. . . 1 roduction an me caIc1um. Cooking reduces phytate content.
♦ Prolactin: It mcr:eases c~lci~~t;ting period.
calcium absorption during
. . the BDS 1st Year (Last 25 Years Solved

♦ Oxalates: They are present in leafy vegetables which ~u~
formation of insoluble calcium oxalates; so absorption is ♦ Sodium, potassium and chlorine are involved
the maintenance of acid-base balance and 08,,_ ~ " .
reduced. ·••otic 1 11\
of water metabolism. . . . . . Coritt
Functions of Calcium ♦ Sodium ion is involved m mitiating and mainta· . 01
• Activation of enzymes: Calmodulin is a calcium binding heart beat. 11\ing I!\
regulatory protein. Calmodulin can bind with 4 calcium
ions. Calcium binding leads to activation of enzymes. Trace Elements
Calmodulin is a part of various regulatory kinases. ♦ Iodine is required for thyroxine formation.
• Muscles: Calcium mediates excitation and contraction of ♦ Iron and copper are required for hemoglobin f
muscle fibers. Upon getting the neural signal, calcium is ♦ Zinc is a constituent of carbonic anhydrase an~~ lion.
released from sarcoplasmic reticulum. Calcium activates ♦ Cobalt is a constituent of vitamin B12. ltlsu!in_
ATPase; increases reaction of actin and myosin and
facilitates excitation-contraction coupling. Q.9. Write a short note on fluori de-fu nctio n ' defitcle
and excess. (Nov 2009 3 nc,,
♦ ~erves: Calcium is necessary for transmission of nerve Ans. For functions refer to Ans 1 of same chapter. ' Marks)
impulses from pre-synaptic to post-synaptic region.
♦ Secretion of hormones: Calcium mediates secretion of Deficiency of Fluoride
insulin, parathyroid hormone, etc. from the cells.
♦ Coagulation: Calcium is known as factor IV in blood Fluoride deficiency is a disorder which may cause in
coagulation cascade. Prothrombin contains gamma- dental caries and possibly osteoporosis due to a lack of
· :¾ed
carboxy glutamate residues which are chelated by Ca2• m the die.t uonde
during the thrombin formation.
♦ Bone and teeth: Bulle quantity of calcium is used for bone Excess of Fluoride
and teeth formation. Bones also act as reservoir for calcium ♦ Excessive intake of fluoride is harmful to the body.
in the body. ♦ An intake above 2 ppm in children causes mottling
Q.7. Describe functi ons and clinical importance of cal- enamel and discoloration of teeth. The teeth are weak 01
cium. (Aug 2012, 4 Marks) become rough with characteristic brown or yellow
on their surface. These m~fe statio ns are collective!
Or referred to as dental fluoros1s. Y
Write very short answer on functions of calcium. ♦ An intake of fluoride above 20 ppm is toxic and ca
(Aug 2019, 2 Marks) pathological changes in the bones.
Ans. For function of calcium refer to Ans 6 and for clinica llSl's
l ♦ Hypercalcification, increasing the density of the bon
importance of calcium refer to Ans 11 of same chapter. of limbs, pelvis and spine, are the characteristic fearur:
Q.8. Describe nutritional importance of minerals in brief. Even the ligaments of spine and collagen of bones get
(Mar 2007, 4 Marks) (Apr 2010, 3.5 Marks) calcified.
Ans. The mineral elements are supplied by the diet. Miner Neurological disturbances are also commonly observed.
als •
play important role in body function. The manifestations descr ibed here constitute skeletal
fl~orosis. In the advanced stages, the individuals are
Calcium cnppled and cannot perform their daily routine work
♦ Calcium along with phosphorus is essential for the due to stiff joints. Titls condition of advanced fluorosis~
formation and development of bones and teeth. referred to as genu valgum.
♦ Ionized calcium is required in blood coagulation process. 010. Describe in brief albinism/dental fluorosis.
♦ It regulates the excitability of nerve fibers.
(Jan 201 2, 4Ma~)
Phosphorus Ans. Albini sm
♦ The Greek word, albino means white. Albinismis an
As constituent of body cells of soft tissues such as muscles
liver, etc. autosomal recessive disease with an incidence of 1ill
' 20,000 population.
♦ It requires for absorption of glucose.
♦ Tyrosinase is completely absen t leading to defective
♦ It requires for the formation of energy compound such
as ATP. synthesis of melanin.

The ocular fund us is hypopigmented and iris may~ gr"~
Magnesium or red. _There will be associated photophobia, ny5l~gt11~~

It combined ~th calcium and phosphorus in complex salt of The skin has low pigmentation, and so skin is sens1111' ~
bone. It functions as a cofactor for oxidative phosphorylation. UVH.r~ys. Skin may show presence of naevi and melalll1t11 1'
air is also white.
fluo rosi s
C iotake of exc essi ve am oun t
rid .
• cJ1ildhood lead s to den tat fl of fluo / · t.e. 3 to . Biochemistry . .
se .uor
~e enamel of tee th loo s its lUs 0 ll\Q klosis 5 Pp causetheb
t Chalky W
patches With lure an 'I.led enan; tt\ in bloo d cal _one resorption .D enun
leve l,
· .
eralization increases the
Yellow orb rown " rou..1-beco rn.,. el, • Act. cium
• found ove r the sur fac e ofteeth reab
ion on L, ey• p
k and . · stain in !)ti.
Cal .sorptton by k:1d arathyroid increaseelev s the calcium
EJlamel beeom es wea ates blood
erai tases
• a profound loss of ena me l ~se~
g are cium levels. ney tubules. This
A. .
ing wh j:e ~ Occurs • · ction on 1nte1tin
surfaces a cor rod ed app ear anc e Pitt ll\1:£esnne is indirect\tction of
parathyroid hormone on
Sives both intestinal absorption
What is the imp orta nce of
a·1 · the role of hor mo nes in re ciurn in bod
· ° Calcium by promoting · incr th theof calcitriol.
ease s
syn esis
e 9Ul atlo n of bl 'I? Des crib e
Ievel. Add a not e on ost ood Calciun, C:alctton m
o~orosis. ost blasts.prom otes calO·fi catio ·
n by increasing the activity of
eo It deer
une 2009 15 increases excretion
,4ns, imp orta nce of Cal ciu m in (9 ay/J of calcium in uri ne~ bone resorption and ium levels.
. ' Mar ks) e. t decreases the bloo d calc
• vev elo pm ent ofb on esa nd ~dy Osteo
Calci'Ull \ With h
is required for the form atio n
of the ske leta l tiss ue. Bon es S:,
Wel l as phy siJ
Phate ♦ 0 steoporosis
e~gth prog ress ive
. boto
. . .
demmeralization of bone causing
Muscle contraction: Cal ciu m unedergo as reservoir of ~altr ne mass.
e . oum ♦ Elderly womoss m
• .
tropomn an
C d tri
ggers the mu scle s interaction With osteoporOSlS . en over the age of 60 years are at risk

ATPase and me dia tes the exc itat

i:nt rac tion . It activate • Mostly it oc •
and contraction Of ♦ It lead curs m posbnenopausal women. es disability.
muscle fibe rs. It s to frequent bone fractures which caus
also min D
rs because the ability of calcitriol from vita

ciu m .
• Coagulation of blood: Cal 15
r . ~cu
women which
V. ~ow n as facto is ecreased with age in posbnenopausal
JV in blo od coa gul atio n mech.anis _anous reactions in
blood coa gul.atio n pro ces s dependm. causes osteoporosis.
on 1t. Defioen · cy of sex hormones also leads to the development
tran smi ssio f •
♦ Nerves: Ca lau m lea ds to n o nerve imp ul
. . ses of osteoporosis.
naptic .
from pre -sy naptic reg ion to post•sy . • In_ the tre_abnent of osteoporosis estro
gen is given along
per mea bili ty: Cal:u mgio infln
Membrane integrity and uences with caloum supplementation.
• cture f m~mbran e and lead s ·to transportation of lism of Fe (Iron).
the stru o
it. Q.12. Write a sho rt note on met abo
water and sev era l 10n s acr oss (June 2010, 5 Marks)
ciu m cau ses acti vati on
Ans . Iron consumed in the diet is either
free iron or heme iron.
♦ Activation of enz ym e: Cal te proteins and is
of enz ym es suc h as lipa ses , AT
Pase and succina ♦ Nonheme iron bound to organic acids or
osal cell.
wit h calmodulin. This absorbed in ferrous (Fe •) state in muc
deh ydr oge nas e. Cal ciu m also bin ds non hem e compound
adenylate cyclase and ♦ Gastric acid in diet convert bounded
complex act iva tes enz ym es suc h as of the diet in free ferric (Fe)!,) ions.
calcium dep end ent pro tein kinases. vari ous ♦ The free ferric ions are reduced
with ascorbic acid and
: Cal ciu m faci litat es rele ase of us (Fe2•) form
♦ Release of horm.ones glutathione of food to more soluble ferro
honnones such as insulin, calcitonin, which is readily absorbed. osal cells
ula tion of blo od calc ium leve l ♦ Afte r absorption ferrous form is oxidized in muc
Role of Hor mo nes in reg combines with
i.e. to ferric by enzyme ferroxidase which
od calc ium leve l, itin is the tem porary form
Following hor mo nes reg ula tes the blo apoferritin to form ferritin. Ferr
• Calcitriol of storage iron. tinal cells._ It
mo ne ♦ Heme of food is absorbed by mucosal ~tes
♦ Par ath yro id hor 1s released with
is subsequently broken down and iron
• Calcitonin. the cells.
· ·o1. Q 13. Give short account of Iron. . (Sep 2013, 5 Marks)
Calcitrtol . . D 15 . kno wn as Cal otn y.
for m of ~ita nun . b. ding protein in . Iron is a trace element present ID the bod
Physiological act ive Ans. 5 thr te £blood
la~ in se in intestinal Its total content is 3 to g. occurs ID .
Calcitriol cau ses the syn the sis of ca 70% of iron ery ocy so
cau ses t~ ~~ :ve l is incr eased. ♦ A. roximately
intestinal cells. This pro tein 0
osteoblasts of •
pp rt f hemoglobin. ent of some
absorption of cal ciu m. No w the blo od c. k by as a pa o . t f iron and is the constitu
♦ Heme_ consis ~ :s hemoglobin, myo glob in,
The hormone stimulates the cal ciu m mta e proteins, sue
bone which leads to cal cifi cat ion of bon e. peroxidase, e~c. h·c
h consist of non hem e iron are
h pro tein s w
ne d to dec alcification ♦ Ot er . f rritin and hemosiderin.
Parathyroid Hormo bone· It lea s th activ ity of transfernng, e
. enz yme s
• Action of parathyroid on e. increases e
of bone. Par athyroid hormo:ase enzyme, 'fhese
pyrophosphatase and collage
. . Mastering the BOS 1st
Year (Last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Dietary Requirement binding proteins in intestinal epith

Here dietary requirement is expressed on These proteins a~t as ca~ er ~roteins 1 1 fo; ::
the basis of single day: . ~ lls. \
♦ Man: 10mg. diffusion _by wh1 ~ ~alcmllsmf10ns are tran
♦ The proteins remain m ce or several s~~
Woman: 18 mg. l"'r~d
♦ Pregnant and lactating woman: 40 mg. 1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol has bee:
~ks ~
from body, thus causing prolonged effec
Sources . t ellloved
absorption. onca1 .
♦ b. It increases the synthesis of calcium
Richest source is meat, i.e. liver, heart and -indu d

kidney intestinal epithelium.
Good sources are leafy vegetables, puls ce A11> in
es, fish, cereals,
apple, dry fruits and jaggery. c. It increases the synthesis of alkaline
phos ha
intestinal epithelium.
Absorption p tes in
3. Calcitonin: It is secreted by parafollicular
Iron is absorbed in stomach and duo
cells of th .
is a calcium lowering hormone. It decrease
denum. In a normal s blOOd Yf01~1t
individual 10% of dietary iron is absorbed level by decreasing reabsorption. It reduces
. blooct ~lin i
Transport and Storage level by acting on bone, kidney and intes
tine. caJCl\uii
a. On bones: It facilitates deposition of calci
It is present in foods in ferric form which is um O bo
bounded to proteins It suppresses the activity of osteocla
or organic acids. The acid medium is prov sts w~chTies.
ided by gastric HCl, responsible of calcium from bones.
the Fe • is released from foods. Ascorbi b. On kidney: It increases excretion of
c acid and cysteine calcium thr
convert ferric iron to ferrous form . Iron in urine by inhibiting reabsorption of calcium
ferrous form is soluble fromoug1i
and is readily absorbed. tubules.
Biochemical Functions c. On intestine: It prevents the absorptio
n of calci
from intestine into blood.
♦ Iron proceeds in its function by the compoun um
ds in which
it resides, i.e. hemoglobin and myoglob other Hormones Involved in Calcium Met
in. They require abolism
transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
♦ Cytochrome and certain nonheme proteins ♦ Growth hormone: It increases absorption
are necessary of calcium fro
for electron transport chain and oxidative phos intestine and enhances protein synthesis
in bone. Ill

phorylation. ♦ Insulin: It is an anabolic hormone whic
Iron associates with immunocompetence . h favors bon
of body. formation. e
♦ Iron also resides with peroxidase which
is a lysosomal ♦ Sex hormones: These hor mon es incr
enzyme which causes phagocytosis. Iron help eases caldum
s peroxidase absorption, decreases calcium excretion
in phagocytosis. and enhances
bone mineralization. Estrogen has dire
Q.14. Write on regulation of serum ct effect on bone
calcium level. resorption.
(Feb 2013, 7 Marks) (Oct 2016, 5 Marks) Prol actin: It increases calcitriol production and
• increases
(Feb 2019, 5 Marks) calcium absorption during lactating peri
Ans . od.
Regulation of Calcium Serum Level
•Thyroid hormone: It increase s in leve
hormone which is accompanied by oste
ls of thyroid
oporosi~ and
The regulation of blood calcium level took hypercalcinuria.
place through three
hormones which are as follows: Q.15. Write briefly about biological
1. Parathormone: It is secreted by role of iron.
parathyroid gland and its (Feb 2016, 2Marks)
main function is to increase the bloo
d calcium level by mo- Ans . Following is the biological role of iron
bilizing calcium from bone. Parathormone :
maintains blood ♦ It exerts its functions via compounds in whic
calcium level by following actions on bones, h it is presenL
kidney and GIT. Hemoglobin and myoglobin are needed
a. By increasing reabsorption of calcium for transport or
from bones. oxygen ilOd carbon dioxide.
b. By decreasing excretion of calcium thro
ugh kidneys. • Cyt och rom es and var iou s non hem
c. By increasing absorption of calcium e proteins are
from GIT. needed for electron transport chain as well
2. 1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol: It as oxidative
is a steroid hormone phosphorylation.
synthesized from vitamin D by means of
hyd Peroxidase which is a lysosomal enzyme
reactions in liver and kidneys. The mai roxylation • is needed ior
n action is to phag?cytosis as well as killing of bacteria
increase the blood calcium level by incr by neutrophil~
easing calcium • Iron 1s associated with the effective
absorption from small intestine. The mai immunocompet~nCI!
n actions of 1, of the body.
25-dihydroxycholecalciferol are:
a. It increases the absorption of calcium Q.16. Mention nor
from intestine. mal serum sod ium and potassium
It does this by increasing formation levels.
of calcium-
(Aug 2016. : ..i,1'':
Bi oc he mi st ry -

Sy ste m of lci um
Me tab olism of Ca
international un.its For rnetabol" to An s 5 of sa me ch
(SI units) ism 0f calcium refer )
Q • f ab ou t fluorosis
·18· Answer! n b ne . (Sep 20 17, 2 Ma rks
13 6 to 14 6 rnrnoUL
ervr11 sodium level 136 to 146 rnEq11 Or
3.5 to 5 mrnovL flu or os is .
5 p0tassium lev el 3.s to 5 rnE: W rite very sh or t an sw er on , 2 M ar ks)
servr11 m ic al fu . q/l
(J an 20 20 , 2 M ar ks) (A ug 20 18 ide.
bi oc he . Ans. Fluo . ssive am ou nt of flu or
pe sc rib e th e nc t,o ns d. rosis means the exceth an 2 pp m le ad s to ch ro ni c
ui re m en ts , so ur ce s an d 01 et abolisrn f • •e ta ry ♦ L
a.11- eq or e
r (A ug 20 ; 6 ct~ ciu rnrks)
. . eve1 of fluoride m nteritis, loss of appetite an d loss
~ up se t, ga str oe
' Ma m ft es t.
o we igh re n leads
AJl>· • lc iu m e of flu or in e m ainly 5 pp m in ch ild
· mi ca l Fu nc tio ns of
Ca ♦ Excessiv~ in tak
el an d discoloration of teetor yellow
h. Te et h
~o mottlm g of en am n
8ioch e
pment of bo ne s an d teeth• c· al cu. .un ·th osphate e weak, ro ug h wi th ch
aracteristic br ow ow n
Develo f th f or m at io n an• d h . WI ph ec om
su rfa ce . Th es e m anifestations ar e kn
• is ne ed ed or e st cal str en gt h of patches on th eir
dy na m ic sa tp Yserv
al tis su e. Bo ne s in te servoir as dental fluorosis. toxic w hi ch
ke let . . e as re
id e, i.e. m or e than 20 pp m is
♦ Leve l of flu or te os cl er os is
for ca la um
m us cl e: In te ra cr of ca l . uc ~ al te rn at e ar ea s of os te op or os is, osse in de ns ity
co nt ra. ct io n of to n cium wi th p~od increa
C tr 1g · ge rs m us cl e co nt ra f o wi th bnttle bones.
Hypercalcifi.cation, th e characteristic
• tro po nm e
ATPase. It al so ~ to
n. Ca ~c ium als lvis an d sp in e ar
causes ac tiv at io n of ea se s interaction of bone of limbs, pe in e an d collagen of bo ne
be co m e
yo si n. in cr Li ga m en ts of sp
el l as m features. as sk el et al flu or
t,etween ac tin as w tio ns in b .
lci fie d. This is also .known in t de fe ct s;
bl oo d: So m e re ac ca ar ac te riz ed by jo
• Coagulation of ~>n ca lc iu m , i.e. factor IV. lood clotting • Advanced fluorosis is ch di vi du al s be co m e cr ip pl ed
process de pe n? s um . In
on : Ca lc iu m le ad s to t ransm1ss1on of
. . especially ge nu va lg eir ro ut in e w or k du e to st iff joints.
an sn us s1 an d cannot pe rfo rm th cr et io n
♦ Nerve. tr u1ses ow n of bo ne m at rix, ex
• in cr ea se br ea kd
ne rv eu np y· Calcium influences • Because of roline in ur in e is en ha nc ed .
an e in te gr ity an d permeabilit · d of hydroxyp
♦ M em br
f b ne as we ll as transport of water an
o m . em ra
the st ru ct. ur e 1t. Prevention of Fluoro
severaI 10 ns ac ro ss ed ed for direct ac tiv ati on
hi ch ha s no rm al lim its of
flu or id e.
ion: ~ ci u m is ne ov id e wa te r w
♦ Enzyme activat inate dehydro- ♦ Pr e of jowar is restricted.
ch as lip as e, ATPase an d succ ♦ Intak
of en zy m es su n is given.
in is ♦ Vi tam in C su pp le m en ta tio te sh ou ld be av oi de d.
ge na se . lmod ul ot hp as
ed ia te d ac tio n of calcium: Ca ♦ Fl uoride containing to
♦ Calmod ul in m
pr ot ei n. Calcium ca
lmod ul in os te op or osis .
la to ry ry sh or t an sw er on ks)
calcium bi nd in g re gu
. ad en yl at e cyclase an d Q. 19 . W rit e ve (A pr 20 18 , 2 M ar
m e en zy m es , e.g at io of
complex ac tiv at e so se s. is is ch ar ac te riz ed by de m in er al iz
t pr ot ei n ki na op or os m as s. It
calcium de pe nd en us ho rm on es ex ert their Ans. Oste su lts in th e pr og re ss iv e lo ss of bo ne
senger: V ar io ic h re oc cu rs in
♦ As intracellular mes um is re ga rd ed as bone wh di vi du al s bu t pr ed om in an tly it
n of ca lc iu m . Ca lci el de rly in fr ac tu re s
action vi a m ed ia tio ac tio n. Ca lc iu m als o occurs in l w om en . It le ad s to fr eq ue nt bo ne
fo r su ch ho rm on al po stm en op au sa
se co nd m es se ng er fo r so m e ho rm on es . Antidiuretic which causes disability.
ng er
serves as th ir d m es se calcium.
ro ug h cA M P an d th en by
ho rm on e ac t th ho rm on es , Etiology vi ta m in
of ho rm on es : R el ea se of va rio us m ili ty to pr od uc e ca lc itr io l fr om
♦ Relea se ito ni n fro It is believed th at ab w om en .
pa ra th yr oi d ho rm on e an d ca lc ag e m ai nl y in po st m en op au sa l
i.e. in su lin , D de cr ea se s w ith th os e
is fa ci lit at ed by ca lc iu m . al s de cr ea se s bo ne m as s, w hi le
en do cr in e gl an ds Im m ob ile in di vi du of se x
in cr ea se s bo ne m as s. D ef ic ie nc y
on re gu la r ex er ci se en t
m en ts of C al ci um w om en is im pl ic at ed in th e de ve lo pm
Dietary Re qu ire ho rm on es m ai nl y in
: 80 0 m g/ da y
w om en se: of osteoporosis.
• A du lt m en an d eg na nc y, la ct at io n an d po st m en op au
♦ W om en du ri ng
Treatment m su pp le m en la tio
n tc
l.S g/ da y 2 g/ da y tro ge n w ith ca lc iu
18 ye ar s) : 0.8 to 1. ♦ A dm in is te r es tu re s. .
• Ch ild re n (1 to 0 m g/ da y l de °': as es ~a nc es _of fr ac
ye ar ): 30 0 to 50 po st m en op au sa of ca lc iu m i
• Infants (le ss th an 1 ♦ In el de rly pe op le , hi gh di et ar y in ta ke
1.5 g/ da y.
Sources of C al ci um re co m m en de d, i.e.
an d th e m ilk prbl od uc ts h ca bb ag e, eg g y
Best SOUrces: M ilk fis
r_~- , , le af y ve ge ta es
uvoa so ur ce s: B ea ns
Mastering the BDS 1st Year (last 25 Years Solved Questions)

Q.20. Writ e very sho rt answ er on bioc hem ical imp orta via elec tron 1
and defic ienc y of fluo rine . (Aug 2019 , 2 marks) ener gy. A pz
Ans . Biochemical importance of fluorine from ADP ai
♦ Fluorine prev ents the dent al caries. It form s prot ectiv ETC is ,
laye r of acid resistant fluorapatite with hydr oxya patit e 1. Co
of enam el and prev ent toot h deca y by bact erial acid s. del
Fluoride also inhibits bacterial enzy mes and decr ease s the 2. Co
prod uctio n of acids. 3. Cc
♦ It is necessary for the prop er deve lopm ent of the bone s. 4. Cc
♦ It inhi bits vari ous enzy mes . Sod ium fluo ride inhi bits 5. Cc
enolase of glycolysis, fluoroacetate inhib its acon itase of Com p·
citric acid cycle. com plex V
Deficiency of fluor ide Five d
Deficiency of fluoride leads to dent al caries and oste opor osis . chai n.To es
from a givE
Q.21 . Exp lain calc ium hom eost asis in hum an bod y. oxyg en to :
(Jan 2020, 5 Marks)
Ans . Calcium homeostasis in hum an bod y mea ns regu latio n I. Nico tina1
of plas ma calcium level in hum an body .
Two coeru
For details refer to Ans14 of same chapter. niac in, N
tran spor t
from the
Q.1. Write a sho 3-ph ospl

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