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4 Brain Chemicals That Make You Happy

What makes us feel sensations of happiness, closeness, and joy? Brain chemicals!
There are four primary chemicals that can drive the positive emotions you feel
throughout the day: dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins (sometimes
referred to as D.O.S.E.).
Definition Chemical Formula Sources Affects What Examples and Uses

Dopamine causes that little happy feeling when someone likes your post on
Instagram, fill in a checkbox, or complete a small task.
Today, dopamine is what helps you get through your to-do list or motivates you
to start a new habit.
dopamine is becoming a real problem because of its addictive nature and how
closely tied it is to our bad technology habits.
 This isn’t the type of long-lasting happiness

Oxytocin is often affectionately referred to as the “hugging drug” because it is

released by the brain during physical contact with others. It’s also the feeling
behind love, friendship, or deep trust.1 If humans are social animals, oxytocin is
one of the main reasons why.

“Oxytocin boosts our immune systems, makes us better problem solvers

and makes us more resistant to the addictive qualities of dopamine.
Unlike dopamine, which is largely responsible for instant gratification,
oxytocin gives us lasting feelings of calm and safety.”
How can you increase your oxytocin levels?
Positive social interactions tend to be the best way to increase the output of this
hormone. Working together with others, sharing a meal, giving a gift, opening up
emotionally, providing full attention while listening to someone, and long hugs.
On your search for happiness, oxytocin may be your best friend. It can help fight
stress, improve your relationships, and promote long-lasting positive emotions.

Serotonin plays a role in the dynamics of pride, loyalty, and status. When we feel
a sense of accomplishment or recognition from others, we are experiencing the
effects of serotonin.
This could be from receiving your diploma, crossing the finish line in a race, or
being appreciated for hard work in the office. Serotonin can create strong,
positive emotions.
Serotonin is what motivates a leader to excel and grow their influence - to win
awards and become popular in the news. But serotonin also compels
their followers to do well - to not let down their leader, parent, or teacher and excel
in life. That’s why when someone receives an award, the first people they
thank are their parents, or their coach, their boss or God—whoever they
felt offered them the support and protection 

Endorphins are essentially released in response to pain. They help us push our
bodies beyond their comfort levels and persist when we might otherwise want to
give up

Taking a freezing cold shower in the morning, for example, can give you a huge
boost of endorphins if you can stand a minute or two of physical discomfort.

It’s even been argued that the joyful feeling you get from deep belly laughs is
caused by endorphins! The contracting of stomach muscles is enough “pain” to
release a few feel-good endorphins into your body.

 Dopamine - The (good & bad) habit former. An incredible tool when used
 Oxytocin - The hugging drug or “love hormone.” Oxytocin makes us social
and builds relationships with trust and loving feelings.
 Serotonin - The “leadership hormone.” Heavily related to pride, loyalty,
and status.
 Endorphins - The natural painkiller. The runner’s high!
 Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek
Simon Sinek: Why Leaders Eat Last(You
tube video)
"In the military, they give medals to people who are willing to sacrifice themselves, so that
others may gain. In business, we give bonuses to people who are willing to sacrifice others so
we may gain." What an awesome paradox Simon.

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