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Yes, I think online courses really come in handy. I took an English course on
a self-study website and my English skills improved just in leaps and

I do not think so. Although online learning allows us to study at our own
pace, many people think that it is better to attend traditional classes.

Well online learning is very convenient and flexible. We can study in our
room at our own pace and probably still improve at a good pace. However,
no face-to-face interaction may be a drawback, because students cannot
discuss the lessons or exchange their ideas directly with their peers and

So when I was in grade 11 and 12 at high school I was able to choose

Economics as one of my subjects to study, however, I really had no idea
about what Economics involved but it sounded interesting to me. So during
the first couple of weeks of studying this subject the teacher introduced a lot
of new concepts that I had never learnt or thought about before, such as
supply and demand, productivity and growth, and, debt and inflation, and so
on, and to be honest, I was pretty slow on the uptake and could not make
head nor tail of what the teacher was explaining most of the time.

Actually, I think the teacher thought I was a real nuisance because I was
always asking so many questions. I always performed quite well in all my
other subjects but Economics really was my Achilles heel, and it really got
on my nerves that I could not understand it very well.

So eventually, I asked my parents to get me a personal tutor to help me with

my Economics study for a few weeks. This allowed me to really take in all
And you know, this extra tutoring really did wonders for me and I quickly
became completely hooked on studying this subject and my knowledge
started to improve in leaps and bounds. So after about a month of extra
tutoring, and I eventually passed all of my exams with flying colors. So even
though this subject was difficult for me to learn initially, it eventually
became one of my favorite subjects, though it always required a lot of study
for me to still completely grasp all the knowledge.


 DO u ever learned anything on online platform?

Yes, absolutely. I think online courses really come in hand. I took an English
course on self-study website and my English skills improved in leaps and

 IS online learning popular in your country?

I don’t think. Although online leaning allows us to study at our own pace,
many people think that it is better to attend traditional classes.

 WHAT are some pros and cons of online learning?

As I mentioned, online learning is very convenient and flexible. We can

study in our room at our own pace and probably still improve at a good pace.
However, no face to face interactions may be a drawback for students,
because they cannot discuss the lesion or exchange the ideas directly with
their peers or teachers.


When I was a first year student at University, I was able to choose

Economics as major subjects to study, however, I really had no idea about
what Economics involved but it sounded interesting to me. So, during the
and productivity and so on. To be honest, I was pretty slow on the uptake
and completely confused of what teacher was explaining most of the time.

Actually, I think teacher thought I was a real nuisance because I was asking
so many questions. I always quite well in all my other subjects nut
Economics really was my Achilles heel, and it really got on my nerves that I
could not understand it very well.

So eventually, I asked one of my classmates to get me some extra tutor to

help me with my Economics study for few weeks. This allowed me to take
in all the knowledge because I was able to learn it at my own pace with
friend. And I know, with extra tutoring really did wonders for me and I then
completely hooked o studying this subject and my knowledge improved in
leaps and bounds. So after a month, I eventually passed all of my exams
with flying colors. Even though this subject was difficult for me to learn
initially, it eventually became one of favorite subject in University, though it
always required a lot of study for me to still completely grasp all the

 Describe a difficult decision that you made

So many years ago, back when I was finishing high school and preparing
to take the university entrance examination I had to make a difficult
decision about what I study at university the following years. The main
difficulty that I was faced with at that time was that what I really wanted
to study was Medicine, however, because there was such a competitive
admission for that particular course I knew that I wouldn’t be accepted
due to my poor academic performance at school, and so I was left with a
difficult decision to make about what else I was interested in studying.
And then, my second choice was Business Administration after thinking
many times. So, the following years I went off to
University and began studying Business and even though this university
is not one of the top rank university in my country it did provide me with
a very rewarding learning experiences where I was able to enrich my
knowledge and gain a lot of hands-on experience though many practical
experiments that were part of the course. So in the end, even though it
wasn’t my first choice of university I think that I am still pleased with the
results of this decision.

U 3. Work

Ok, so the skill that I would like to talk about that cannot be learned in
school is cooking. You know, I think cooking is a vital skill that
everyone should learn, even if it’s just a basic. There are many ways that
you can learn this skill, including learning from your mother at home,
reading recipe books, and watching cooking show on TV and even via
YouTube. However the way that I can learn to cook was through a lot of
experience which are from failure to success. It takes up a lot of my time
to cook well, about 3 months. So day in and day out I find it really put
my mind at ease when I’m under pressure from work related stuff and
then I completely hooked on cooking. Fortunately, it also became a part-
time job at a fancy restaurant in the evening when I was in university.
You know, I think there are many reasons why people should learn this
skill, but one of the most rewarding perks of knowing how to cook is
being able to make delicious meals for my family and friends. I find it
satisfying when people eat food that I have cooked for them and they
really enjoy it and really appreciative to me.

So I’m going to tell you about a job that I think it plays an integral role in
society and that is the job of farmer. To do this job you don’t need any
university degree or certificate or any fancy academic achievements, just
a good understanding of how to grow plants and may be some experience
or someone to teach and guide you how to do it successfully, as it can be
quite difficult to do this job well. Farmer’s generally have a reputation
for being poor people, especially in developing countries, which is
unfortunate because we cannot live without farmers, so I think that they
should be able to earn a better living that they do.

So I guess, the main reason I think this job is useful to society is because
without farmers there will be no food to eat, which is still a problem in
some very poor countries. Everybody needs to eat and growing your own
food can be a very difficult task, so I think farmers should get a lot more
recognition than they do. Apart from all that though, I think that farming
can be a satisfying job and I believe that farmers can live a very relaxed
lifestyle as well. And one of the rewarding perks of the job is that you get
to spend a lot of time in nature which is good for your health. But,
overall, farming is physically demanding job and usually lowly paid,
however, it is an essential job for society to function.

Describe your ideal job

Ok, so when I was young I wasn’t sure about what I wanted to be when I
got older, but every now and then I did think about having a go at
working in business, or become a businesswoman. And, eventually, when
I left school and went to university to broaden my horizons, I realized
that being a businesswoman was actually my dream job. Actually there
are not any qualifications that are necessary to become a successful
I think it is a good idea to get a degree and an MBA from a reputable
university to give you a solid foundation for your career. I think that there
are quite a few jobs available in business, though many businessmen
prefer to start their own business requires a lot of dedication and faith in
such a harsh and competitive business environment like in the most
countries today. But if you want to some experience working for
someone else before starting your own business, then there are always
many jobs available for people with business qualifications, though the
job market can be quite competitive so a contact in a company where you
want to apply for a job is always of great value.

So there are a couple of reasons why this is my ideal job, but the first
reason is because I’ve always loved the idea of working in a professional
workplace, and the idea of being able to get promoted and climb the
ladder within a company. And the second reason is because, eventually I
really want to start my own business so that I can be my own boss, and
have more flexible work-life balance. Also, I have a few really great
business ideas that I think could be a real goldmine in the future.

U4 Environment

 What do you think about environmental pollution?

It’s sure is one of the biggest concerns the world is facing right now. I
think this is not a problem that can be dealt with by any individual
government but rather by all nations around the globe.

 What can people do to address this problem?

There are few things we can do on a daily basis. For example, we should
turn to using alternative energy sources such as solar power and wind
energy instead of fossil fuels. We can also use public transport which is
 What will happen if people do not solve this problem?

There are a number of consequences I think. Air and water pollution may
cause great harm to human health for instance.

 How can we do it?

One possible solution is to establish nature reserves and conservation areas

to help shelter wild animals and protect them from harm.

 Do people in your country care about the extinction of many species

around the world?

I don’t think so. People in my country are too concerned with their own
problems and do not give much thought to the protection of the
endangered animals.

 Some people say that only government and large companies can
address environmental problems, but not regular people. What do
think about this statement?

I think this statement is absurd. Everyone can make a contribution to the

environment in different ways. Big companies can relocate their factories
to keep the environment from polluted. And, regular people can protect
their surrounding environment simply by recycling their daily waste and
not littering.

Describe an environmental law which should be implemented in ur


Ok, so a law that I would like to see implemented by the government in

my country is to increase taxes on private vehicles that only use fossil
fuels such as petrol, and to abolish ( get rid of) any taxes on vehicles that
are electric or partly electric such as electric or hybrid cars and bikes.
In addition to the exhaust fumes, carbon emissions are released into the
atmosphere which contributes to global warming.

So I think that the main reason people should follow this law is that it
would be a pivotal step to help remedy such environmental pollution
problems such as air pollution in large scales, help to reduce the impacts
of global warming.

These day, environmental problems are on the rise so it is crucial that

government and people start to act in a more environmentally- friendly
way, and I think one of the major steps is to try to eliminate the reliance
on fossil fuels, and begin to start using alternative energy sources, such as
solar and wind power, before the planet’s fossil fuels supply is exhausted.

Unfortunately, I think that trying to implement and enforce this law

would be quite difficult, if not impossible. You know, in a developing
country like VN, it can be very difficult to enforce such laws due to the
fact that most people simply cannot afford to purchase electric or hybrid
vehicles. However, I think this law could potentially be slowly
implemented over a longer time period, such as 10 years or so.

Describe a polluted place in ur country

So the polluted place in my country that I would like to tell you about is
Hanoi, the capital city. One of the main forms of environmental pollution
in VN is air pollution and Hanoi is one the most polluted cities in my
country and also all around the world. There are a number of causes of
air pollution but I think the two main causes are from exhaust fumes and
carbon emissions that are released into the atmosphere from vehicles,
factories and other heavy industry that burn fossil fuels, and also from
construction within and around the city. Air pollution can pose quite a
Most people in Hanoi use motorbikes as their main form of transport, so
they are exposed to the polluted air day-in-day-out.

Fortunately, there are some things that can be done to remedy this
problem. Firstly, the government should upgrade the public
transportation system in the city, which would help to cut down on the
number of private vehicles on the road, helping to eliminate some of the
pollution. Secondly, I think the government could lower taxes on
environmentally-friendly vehicles such as electric and hybrid cars, to
make them more affordable and a more attractive option to people buying
a car. And lastly, since the world’s supply of fossil fuels are nearing
exhaustion, I think the government should do some things to promote
alternative energy sources, such as solar and wind power, to help reduce
the reliance on fossil fuels. This would be a pivotal step in reducing air

 Why we need to protect wild animals?

I think there are two reasons for this. Firstly, wild animals have a very
important role to play in maintaining a healthy ecosystem and the
biodiversity of a region. And secondly, many animal species are on the
verge of extinction due to human activities.

Describe an environmental problem in your country.

Ok, so VN is facing many environmental problems that I am going to tell

you about is animal species becoming endangered and extinct. You know,
there are many causes to this problem but I think there two root causes.
Firstly, deforestation has caused the loss of habitat for many species, not to
mention the destruction of many eco-systems. And the second main cause of
this problem is poaching. In VN many animal species have been illegally
So, I think this has a number of negative impacts on people, but the first is
that the loss of different animal species can disturb (interrupt) the balance of
different eco-systems, which can lead to further environmental problems.
And secondly, I think that preserving all animal species is quite important
because it is necessity for future generations of people to be able to see and
appreciate the diversity of nature.

So I think there are probably a number of feasible solutions to this problem.

Firstly, I think that the government should control and manage deforestation
more strictly, so that some areas are left intact for animals to live. And in
addition to this, governments can create more nature reserves and
conservation areas where endangered animals are safeguarded and can live
in their natural habitats without having to relocate. And lastly, the
government can also try to enforce stricter control and penalties upon those
who are caught poaching. Last but not least solution to this issue is that the
government can also try to raise awareness with the public to make people
more aware of the problem.

U5 Tourism

Travelling to remote areas has been in vogue in recent years. From the
Himalayas to the Sahara, people have been to virtually every place on this
planet, leaving their footprints, and also tons of garbage behind. While the
feeling of being in the middle of nowhere is great, its negative on the
environment should be taken into thorough consideration.

Ecotourism has been considered a good solution to that problem. It is

believed to not only minimize the negative effects of tourism on the
environment, but also aim to contribute to the conservation of a place to a
certain extent. For example, a group of eco-tourists usually travel on foot, by
All in all, tourists should bear in mind that we shouldn’t just go to a new
place, enjoy it and leave it spoiled. Responsible eco-tourists don’t just visit a
place; they embrace it.

 Do you prefer to live in the city or the countryside?

I’d love to settle down in the countryside someday because of the fresh
air and breathtaking scenery. Living in a big city like HCM certainly has
some benefits, but it cannot be compared with what the countryside has
to offer.

 What are some advantages and disadvantages of low-cost flights?

Well low-cost flights are affordable and suitable for the majority of
people. However, lower quality service is something that one can expect
when booking a low-cost flight ticket.

City life has several drawbacks. Firstly, the cost of living in a city is usually
much higher than in a small town or village. Inhabitants of cities have to pay
higher prices for housing, transport, and even food. Secondly, urban areas
tend to suffer from social problems such as high crimes and poverty rates in
comparison with rural areas. Finally, the air quality in the cities is often
poor, due to pollution form public transport system are usually overcrowded.
As a result, city life can be unhealthy and stressful.

 What are some benefits of going away on holiday?

Firstly, it helps you to blow off some steam. This is extremely important in
this day and age because people tend to be busier and busier and they don’t
have enough time to relax. Also, you can learn something new when going
away on holiday, for example new customs and lifestyles.
 Do you think that tourists should take responsibility for the places that
they have traveled to?

Of course, I think that tourists should take responsibility for the places they
are visiting. They should absolutely avoid doing any possible damage to the
environment of the destination.

 Are there any differences in the way the young and the old go away
on holiday?

There are a few differences. In my opinion, young people tend to go

sightseeing and explore the surrounding area, whereas old people tend to
enjoy their time lazing about at resort.

Describe a place you have visited that has been affected by tourism?

So, about two years ago I travelled to a really beautiful part of VN, called
HLB. This place is quite a popular tourist destination and has been in vogue
in the last 10 years or so, due to the spectacular scenery and stunning
landscapes that are quite unique to this region of the world, which is kind of
in the middle of nowhere. Recently it has also been named as a UNESCO
World Heritage listed area due to its beauty. So this is also the main reason
that my friend and I travelled there, but instead of following the hordes of
tourist on the typical tourist cruise boats, we decided to get a more up close
different beaches each night, and this really was a fantastic experience.
However, the only downside to it was that a number of the beaches that we
visited were littered with garbage that had washed ashore over many years.
Some of the beaches were strewn so full of rubbish that you could hardly see
the beach itself.

It was really quite sad to see so much garbage upon these beaches, and it
was also quite interesting to see that a lot of the trash was not only due to the
I think that awareness around environmental issues is quite low amongst the
local people living there and they do not realize the damage they are doing
to their environment. I think that tourist and local people should take into
consideration the impacts of their actions and refrain from throwing their
trash into the ocean. They should also bear in mind that their actions will
have negative consequences for the future generations of people visiting and
living in the area and try to embrace a more environmentally-friendly way of

Describe a place in your country that you would recommend to a foreign


Ok, so the place that I would recommend any foreign tourist to visit in VN is
HA. HA is located on the coast in central VN about 45 minutes to drive
south DN. There are a few different ways that you can travel there but I
think the most convenient way is to fly to DN airport and then catch a taxi to
HA. So there’s a bunch of things to do in and around HA. For example, you
can take a stroll through the ancient town, which is situated along the river
and has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Centre, or take a
nice leisurely bicycle ride through the surrounding tranquil countryside and
admire the breathtaking scenery. And if you’ve got a thirst for shopping,
then the old town is just the place for you. Here you can find just about
anything you want, from wonderful handicraft souvenirs, to clothing, books,
gifts and more.

So I think there has a number of reasons as to why it’s a good place for
foreign tourists. Firstly, it is great place to immerse myself in a unique part
of VNese culture. HA was once a busy trading port in the 15 th to 19th
centuries, so it has quite a unique culture and history. Secondly, the food in
HA is also unique and also very delicious, and I think most foreign travellers
There’s also a good range of accommodation options to choose from,
including 4 and 5 star resorts stretching along the coast from DN to HA. And
if your budget doesn’t quite stretch that far, then there are many other good
quality, low-cost guesthouses to choose from. And lastly, I think HA is the
perfect escape, for anyone on a business trip in DN.

U6 Transport

The type of transport that people choose to use depends on their purpose of
travel and the length of a journey. Most people can use cars for short and
long journeys due to their convenience. They can travel at a time that suits
them and get from A to B quickly and comfortably. However, owning a car
is less appealing to city dwellers as traffic congestion is an ongoing problem
in major cities. For shorter distances, cycling is not a bad option. Being able
to get through rush hour traffic quickly is the key advantage of travelling on
a bicycle. And although it requires a lot of attention, it can be considered
quite safe because cyclists do not face the oncoming traffic. Public transport
is another ideal choice as it helps to reduce air pollution in the cities,
however due to the frequent stops it makes, the journey may take longer than
excepted, so buses or trains are not always the best options, especially when
people cutting it fine for an important event.

Traffic jams in our city are a common problem that people have to face
every day. Due to an increase in the number of vehicles in recent years,
traffic flow is severely disrupted during the rush hour, which is becoming
worse and worse as the number of vehicles keeps building up and tailing
back for miles. As everyone drives at a snail’s pace, impatient drivers
sometimes try to cut in to get out of the dense traffic, which worsens the
situation. The city authorities have tried to address the issues for many years,
though they haven’t managed to tackle the problem successfully.
 What is the easiest way to get around your town/city?

Because of traffic congestion, taking a bus may be a best way to get from
place to place. Although during the rush hour, it’s best to travel on foot.

 Do you use public transportation or private transportation?

Personally I use a motorbike to get around the city. It’s more convenient
than taking public transportation like buses or trains.

 How much time do you spend on travelling on a normal day?

Not much really, most of the time I study at school so the only time I go out
is going to school and coming back home.

 What traffic problems are there in your areas?

My hometown is renowned for crazy traffic. Traffic is especially dense

during the rush hour, when it seems to only move at a snail’s pace. And the
city authorities haven’t really done anything to address this problem yet.

 How does that traffic problem affect you?

Not very much, as I said I don’t go out much so traffic congestion doesn’t
really affect me. That said, when I go out for lunch or dinner and see
vehicles tailing back for miles, I find it really annoying.

Describe a form of public transport that is available in your country

So the main form of public transportation in HCM city is bus. Personally, I

don’t use buses very often because the current bus system is not very
efficient, and it is much more convenient to ride a motorbike, however, I
have used them a few time in the past, and if the government upgrades the
system in the future then I would definitely use them more often as a way to
get from A to B. So the types of people who use buses these days I guess are
people who either can’t afford their own private vehicle or people who don’t
But I would probably say that the majority of people who use buses in my
city are elderly and children.

So there is a bunch of advantages and disadvantages when it comes to

catching the bus. Firstly, the key advantage is that it is quite a safe and
comfortable way to travel, providing you get a seat to sit on, because
sometimes the bus is so full that people have to stand up, which is one
serious disadvantage. Another advantage is that due to the ongoing problem
of traffic congestion in the city, particularly during the rush hour, being on
the bus lets you escape from the polluted air outside from all the vehicles.
However, the drawback during the rush hour is that because the bus is so
big, it cannot move very fast through the dense traffic, if you in the rush
hour or cutting it fine to get to school or work, it could be a bad options.

Describe a time when you had to wait in a traffic jam

I am going to tell you a time when I was caught in a traffic jam in HCM city.

I was on my way to work around 6pm, the time when the streets are usually
quite busy. I was driving along at a snail’s pace, trying to wave my way
through the dense mass of vehicles occupying the road.

Suddenly, a bus pulled out from a junction and attempted to cut in on the
street I was driving on. There was an immediate disruption to the flow of
traffic. The bus did not have enough space to make a full turn and, as a
result, it ended up parked at an angle, blocking (chặn đứng) the width( bề
rộng) of the street. Great, I thought sarcastically (mỉa mai) as the traffic
ground to a halt and started to tail up behind me.

I waited there for around three minutes when I remembered that I had a
sandwich in my bag. I tried to refrain from the urge to eat the sandwich, but
I was overwhelmed and I reached into my bag. Then, just as my hand
My hunger turned to frustration ( vỡ mộng) as I begrudgingly (them muốn)
removed my hand from my bag and continued to drive.

Describe something that needs to be improved in your city

Ok, so the main thing that needs to be addressed in my city is the traffic
infrastructure. HCM is a very busy city with an increasing population and
the current roads and traffic systems cannot cope with the increase in the
number of vehicles driving on the streets, especially during the rush hour.
During the morning and afternoon rush hour, when everyone is going to
work or coming home from work, the traffic is extremely dense and because
everyone is driving at a snail’s pace the traffic builds up and tail back for
miles. And to make matters worse, many motorbike drivers try to cut in on
the traffic jam and this only disrupt the traffic flow even more.

So I think there are a number of things that can be done to try and tackle this
problem. Firstly, the government should try to upgrade all the roads around
the city, especially the busiest roads where the traffic jam occur the most.
Secondly, I think that the police should be stricter in enforcing the road
rules. Many people break the road rules every day, and this is one of main
causes of traffic problems, for example, so many people don’t stop at the red
light, and this is dangerous for other drivers, and it also disrupt the flow of
traffic as well. Lastly, I think that the public transportation systems were
improved then this could reduce the number of vehicles on the roads and
reduce the severity (tính khắc nghiệt) of traffic jam. So, the main reason I
think this problem need to be addressed is because it will make travel within
the city much quicker, safer and less stressful.
So, if I had to describe my family, I would say that my father is a real laid
back and fun loving type of guy who has a great sense of humor and is
always making really witty jokes which keep the whole family entertained.

My mother, however, is a little bit different, and she doesn’t always

appreciate or see the funny side of my dad’s jokes. She is, however, a very
open minded and tolerant people who always see the bright side of things, is
a good listener, and always know the right thing to say when people turn to
her for advice.

My oldest brother, Tom, is the smart cookie of the family and is very driven
and career minded. He has just finished his MBA and is determined to work
his way up the career ladder to gain a very lucrative CEO position, and I
have no doubt that he will succeed because he is always one step ahead of
everyone else and really has his head screwed on. Actually Tom is quite an
inspiration for me, I must say, although he can be pretty hot tempered at

My younger brother, Ben, is still study at university and has a real outgoing
personality, he loves socializing and has got a wide circle of friends.

I, on the other hand, am the black sheep of the family. I am completely

different from everyone else in my family, a real individual. While most of
my family have extroverted personalities and loved socialize, I can be
painfully shy at times, and I usually prefer to keep myself most of the time.

1. What type of personality traits do you admire in other people?

Well, personally I think I am a laid back, easy going kind of person so I

admire that quality in other people, though I do find people are confident
and motivated to be quite inspiring. Also I really love people who are witty
2. What type of personalities should a good leader have?

Well, I think a good leader should definitely be inspirational. If leaders want

people to listen to them and follow them then they need to be able to
motivate their subordinate. I think they also need to be quite out going as
they probably interact with many people, so they should have good social
skills. And lastly, a good leader needs to have their head screwed on. They
need to be smart in a practical way and be able to solve problems quickly.

3. Do you share any similar personality characteristics with other

members of your family?

Of course, I was raised by my parents so I am sure they have influenced my

personalities. In some ways, I am very similar to my mother who is very
open-minded and tolerant and also is a very good listener. But I would say I
also am similar to my father who is very career minded and fun loving type
of guy who has a good sense of humor.

 Describe a part of personality or character

Okay, I am going to talk about a part of my personality that I think is a

positive thing about me. When I was a child, I was painfully shy and always
stayed at home instead of going out and playing with other kids in the
neighborhood. I didn’t go to school until I was 6 years old. Even then I
wouldn’t have gone to school if my parents have not encouraged me every
single day. They said that it’d be a lot of fun making new friends and
learning new things.

The first few years of primary school didn’t quite pique my interest. I still
kept things to myself and hardly talk to anybody else in my class. Then I met
Ngoc, who was a new student from a nearby school and arranged to sit next
to me. She is new so it’s understandable why she didn’t communicate with
other people, except me. At first, I didn’t care much, but after a few days, I
felt like
really count on for support when your family cannot help.

Describe somebody that you have a good relationship with

Well, the person I like to talk to you about is a very good friend of mine,
Ngoc. She must be one of the nicest and most down-to-earth (thực tế)
individuals I know.

If I were to describe how she looks I would say N is a very gorgeous (good
looking) and charming (fascinating: lôi cuốn) girl who always attracts a lot
of attention from men. She is much taller than me so it is kind of
embarrassing standing next to her to be honest. Like most teenagers, she
pays a lot of attention to her appearance and likes dressing in the latest and
most snazzy (fashionable) fashion. I do not think I’ve ever seen her in pain
old T- shirt or jeans.

Anyways, we’ve basically known each other since forever because we were
in the same childhood to high school. You know, the first time I met her, she
left a deep impression on me because on the first day at school, I got lost
while trying to find my classroom and she was my savior. Coincidently, we
were arranged by the teacher to become desk-mates.

And with regards to why she became my bestie, well, I guess the main
reason is that we really got on well from the start, and we also see eye to eye
in a lot of things such as fashion, sport and even video games. She is my
closest friend so I feel like we can share everything together, from
schoolwork to our love lives. The thing I admire most about her is that she is
really protective and likes to look after people. As a human being, however,
N also has shortcomings. She is never on time, and is sometimes quite
absent-minded (đãng trí) and inconsiderate and that makes people think she
never takes things seriously. But I do not think this is true. She has a strong
sense of responsibility and I know that I can always rely on her. I truly enjoy
really protective and likes to look after people. As a human being, however,
N also has shortcomings. She is never on time, and is sometimes quite
U8 Life Experiences

These day it seems like there is so many choices and life changing decisions
that we have to make, but one the toughest choices that I’ve had to make so
far was the decision of what career path I should follow.

You know, when I was young and freshly graduated from high school it
really was not easy to think what job I wanted to do for the rest of my life,
and I definitely did not just want to make snap decision.

So I tried to keep my options open for as long as possible and I turned to

people I trusted for advice, because that I needed to make a wise decision
choosing what I would study at university as this would probably be a
pivotal moment in my life.

So, after weighing up all the options, I ended up choosing to major in

Engineering, though shortly after, I started to have a second thought about it,
and trusting my intuition, I decided to change to Business Administration,
which was actually my initial choice.

Well, it’s been a quite few years since I made that decision now, and I have
just recently graduated from university, which was quite a significant
achievement for me and a really important milestone in my life. I’m now
ready to start looking for and begin my career in business, but I’m a little
nervous because I’ve become quite used to student life and now I’ll have to
adapt to a new lifestyle of working full-time.

But, overall, I can say that choosing to study Business Administration really
was, without a doubt, one of the best decisions that I have ever made.
pressure at that time to try and memorize so many mathematical formulas
and theories, that when I sat for the exam my mind went completely blank
Are you good at making decisions?

I think I’m quite good at making decisions. I can usually make snap
decisions fairly well, and I can always trust my intuition when needing to
make some more serious life changing decisions.

How do you make a difficult decision?

Well, normally I like to keep my options open for as long as possible so that
I can weigh up the options carefully, then if I still need some help I usually
turn to my parents or a close friend for advice. And if I still cannot decide
than I just try to trust intuition.

What are some of the most important decisions that people are faced
with in their lives?

Well, there are many important decisions people are faced with in life, for
example, what career path they should follow, or when they get married, or,
when or if to have children and so on.

Can you remember your childhood very well?

There are many unforgettable experiences from my childhood that I can

clearly recall, like going on vacation with my family, and the times I had to
move towns and go to a new school. But I guess I can only vaguely
remember other details of it.

Do you think about the past often?

Well, I look back on my past occasionally, to remember some of the more

memorable moments. It is nice to think about that past to see how things
have changed.
Definitely, I think that your most vivid memories are probably from times
when you were incredibly excited or extremely disappointed. I think the
most memorable
Moments in our lives are when we are overwhelmed with some kind of

Describe an important or difficult decision you have made in your life.

So many years ago, back when I finishing high school I had to make a very
tough decision about what I should study at university the following year.
The main difficulty that I was faced with at that time was that what I really
want to study was psychology, however, unfortunately my grades in school
weren’t enough for me to apply for that course so I had a difficult decision to
make about what else I was interested in studying. And then, to make
matters worse, my second choice, which was Business Administration, was
being cancelled the following year, so I then had to rethink my choice again!
So after weighing up the options and turning to my parents and career
guidance counselor at school for advice, chose to study International
Business, at it just seemed like the wisest decision after my other two
choices were not possible.

So, the following year I went off to university and began studying IB, I then
went on to finish that course. Even though it is not the first major I chose, I
did so well and did not fell regret towards.

Describe a time when you forgot something important

Ok, so about two years ago I was travelling in Asia, and at that time I had
just spent about two weeks to visit some friends in HK and I was preparing
to leave to cross the border to China on this particular day. So I was staying
in my friend’s apartment in the city and he had gone to work that day, so I
spent the morning on packing my luggage. Then I had to travel into the city-
center to meet my friend ti give him back the key to his apartment before I
caught the train to the Chinese border, however on my way on the subway,
More than $1000 in cash with me at that time. But when I checked my bag I
couldn’t find the money anywhere. I immediately freaked out because I did
not want to lose all that money, and I had also just had my iPhone pick-
pocketed a week before just arriving in HK, so I thought I was really having
a streak of bad-luck.

So after getting off the subway and rummaging through all my belongings, I
still couldn’t find the cash, so decided to get back on the subway again and
head back to my friend’s apartment as I thought maybe I had left the money
there somewhere. So, about an hour later back to his apartment with
butterflies in my stomach, I still couldn’t find the money, and my mind was
completely blank about what I had done with it, and the thought struck me. I
distinctly remembered that I had hidden it in a small side pocket of my
toiletry bag when I was packing late at the night before. I was so tired that
night when I was packing that I completely forgot that I had hidden it there.
So after finding the money my mind was out at ease, and I went back to
meet my friend and continued on my way to China…though, now I was
really cutting it fine to make it there in time to catch the train in China that
had booked. This was definitely an unforgettable experience, I really
experienced a roller coaster at that day.

U9 Business and Money

In order to survive in today’s cut-throat business world, it’s essential for

companies to not only offer products that are good value for money but also
provide excellent customer service. If companies don’t do this, then it’s
highly likely that they will eventually go out of business.

Due to such tough competition these days between rival businesses, it’s
necessary for companies to advertise their products in order to drum up more
Launch a new product or promote an existing product, and usually this will
result in a boost in sales and an increase in profits.

Customers should be wary of advertising these days though, as a lot of

companies will try to persuade people to buy their products by exaggerating
the product features in the advertisements, which can result in people buying
things that they don’t necessarily want or need.

Advertising does have its benefits though. For example, advertising helps to
promote healthy competition between companies which can force them to
provide better quality products and services for their customers. On the other
hand, if a company force its rivals to go out of business or they end up going
bankrupt, this create a monopoly where one company has 100% share of
market, which may result in lower quality products and services being
offered to the customers.

Nowadays it’s becoming more and more difficult for people living on a tight
budget to get by while living in big city due to the fact that the cost of living
is continually increasing and affordable accommodation is becoming harder
to find.

Those who are financially savvy would probably advise you to set aside
some of the money that you make each month and to save it for a rainy day,
because you never know what unexpected situation you may be faced with
in the future. But with the cost of everything increasing these days, people’s
living expenses are therefore also increasing, making it particularly difficult
to save money.

Also, because people are exposed to so much marketing and advertising

these days they need to be careful not to squander their money or purchase
things that are a waste of money.
your money and mange it wisely.
What is the purpose of advertising?

Well, the main purpose of advertising is definitely for business to boost sales
and increase profits. Advertising is also a good way for business to let
people know about their products or to launch a new product, so that
customers can make an informed choice about what they want to buy.

Is advertising is always beneficial?

No, I don’t think so. I think a lot of companies tend to exaggerate their
products in order to persuade people to buy them, which causes people to
buy things that they don’t really want or need, which can cause people to
waste their money.

What are some things that a company can do to be successful?

Well for starters I think that to be successful a company needs to sell their
products and services that are good value for money while providing
excellent customer service. Most businesses are faced with a lot of strong
competition from rival companies these days so advertising is also
something else that is usually necessary for a business to thrive. Advertising
helps company to drum up business, boost sales and profits, and increase
their market share.

Is it easy to get by as a student in your country?

Well some students in my country do get some financial support from the
government to help cover the cost of living while studying, but most
students do live on a meager budget. They definitely need to be careful with
their money though, because they usually don’t have enough to squander or
set aside for a rainy day.

Do young people in your country like to save money?

the amount
of money they make. For example, young people don’t often earn a lot of
money, so they don’t always have the opportunity to set money aside.

Do you consider yourself to be good at managing your money?

I guess I would say that I am quite good at managing my money. I usually

try to set aside some money from my salary each month, and I definitely try
to avoid squandering it, or buying things that are a waste of money. I am
usually pretty careful with my money.

Describe a successful business that you know it

Ok, so I’d like to tell you about a family-owned business which was run by
my sister’s family. So her family owned a small but successful convenience
store which was located on the ground floor of her house on the corner of a
very busy intersection in the middle of my hometown. There were all sorts
of people who used to shop there because they sold mostly a lot day-to-day
items, like bread, milk, some fruits and vegetables and a lot of other
packaged food. I guess you could say that it was kind of like a mini
supermarket. Also there was a gaming arcade connected to the side of the
shop, which attracted a lot of school kids, who would come into the shop to
buy drinks and snacks while they were playing computer games.

So there are some reasons why I think this business was successful, but the
main reason was because of the location. As I mentioned, it was located
right in the middle of the town, and on the corner of a busy intersection. So
there were a lot of traffic passing by this shop every day and there were a lot
of very convenient parking on the street, so it was very easy to quickly stop
and run in to grab something that you needed. The second reason I think it
was successful is because it was a convenience store, so they sold a lot of
day-to-day items that people needed all the time, like fruits and vegetables or
toilet paper, cooking oil and so on. You know, all the daily essential items
that you might run out of and quickly need to pick up without having to go
inside a busy supermarket or shopping mall. And the final reason I think it
was successful was because of the gaming arcade next door, which was a
part of the shop and owned by my sister’s parents-in-law. This place
attracted a lot of kids after school and on the weekends, who would spend
quite a bit of money on the arcade machines and also buy a lot of snacks and
junk food from the convenience store.

Describe something special that you saved money to buy

I am going to talk about a clock necklace that I gave my best friend, N.

It was at the end of grade 10 that she left me to continue her study abroad.
For fear that I would be forgotten on someday, I tried to think of a farewell
gift that could make her think if me every time she saw it. It was not an easy
task to find the right present; may be it was because I was being too picky.
She was more than a friend to me, she is more like my sister, or my soul
mate. I didn’t want to waste money on something meaningful but useless, or
something useful but emotionally empty. I wanted something that was
special, something that would make her say “wow” when she received it. I
wandered from shop to look for something, but I didn’t know that.

One day, I came across something reminding me of her right away- a

vintage necklace with a clock pendant. It perfectly suited her style, so she
could wear it with any of her clothes. What I liked about the clock was that it
was custom - made, I could design the number and write a message on it too.
The thing is, when giving her the necklace, I set the clock to the local time in
VN, whenever she needed to tell the time she would think of me right at the
moment. The only thing was that it cost an arm and a leg for a student like
me to buy. I had to skip breakfast for an entire month to purchase it, but it
I bought it but she liked it anyway. I felt exhilarated I could buy my bestie
something beautiful that she deserved, and I hope that this chain would tie us

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