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STT Từ mới Phiên âm Từ loại Nghĩa

1 sympathy /ˈsɪmpəθi/ (n) sự cảm thông
sympathize with /ˈsɪmpəθaɪz. wɪð/ (v) cảm thông
sympathetic /sɪmpəˈθetɪk/ (a) thông cảm
2 loyal /ˈlɔɪəl/ (n) sự chung thủy
loyalty /ˈlɔɪəlti/ (a) trung thành
3 unselfishness /ʌnˈselfɪʃnəs/ (n) tính không ích kỉ
selfishness /ˈselfɪʃnəs/ (n) tính ích kỉ
unselfish /ʌnˈselfɪʃ/ (a) không ích kỉ
selfish /ˈselfɪʃ/ (a) ích kỉ
4 constancy /ˈkɒnstənsi/ (n) sự kiên định
constant /ˈkɒnstənt/ (a) kiên định
5 quality /ˈkwɒləti/ (n) chất lượng, phẩm chất
6 gossip /ˈɡɒsɪp/ (n /v) chuyện tầm phào
7 rumour /ˈruːmər/ (n/v) tin đồn
8 sincere /sɪnˈsɪər/ (a) chân thành
sincerity /sɪnˈserəti/ (n) sự chân thành
9 acquaintance /əˈkweɪn.təns/ (n) sự quen biết, người quen
acquaint /əˈkweɪnt/ (v) làm quen
acquainted /əˈkweɪntid/ (a) quen thuộc
10 respect /rɪˈspekt/ (n) tôn trọng
respectful /rɪˈspektfəl/ (a) kính trọng
11 enthusiasm /ɪnˈθjuːziæz əm/ (n) sự nhiệt tình
enthusiast /ɪnˈθjuː.ziæst/ (n) người nhiệt tình
enthusiastic /ɪnθjuːziˈæstɪk/ (a) nhiệt tình
enthusiastically /ɪnθjuːziˈæstɪkəli/ (adv) một cách nhiệt tình
12 suspicion /səˈspɪʃ ən/ (n) sự nghi ngờ
suspicious /səˈspɪʃəs/ (a) nghi nghờ
13 change /tʃeɪndʒ/ (n/v) thay đổi
changeable /ˈtʃeɪn.dʒə.bəl/ (a) dễ thay đổi
unchanged /ʌnˈtʃeɪndʒd/ (a) không bị thay đổi
14 joy /dʒɔɪ/ (n) niềm vui
joyful /ˈdʒɔɪfəl/ (a) vui mừng
joyfulness /ˈdʒɔɪfəlnəs/ (n) sự vui mừng
15 two-sided /tuː-saɪdɪd/ (a) hai mặt
16 sorrow /ˈsɒrəʊ/ (n) buồn phiền
17 pursuit /pəˈsjuːt/ (n) sự theo đuổi
pursue /pəˈsjuː/ (v) theo đuổi
18 mutual /ˈmjuːtʃuəl/ (a) cùng chung
19 (in)capable /ɪnˈkeɪpəbəl/ (a) (không) đủ khả năng
capability /ˌkeɪ.pəˈbɪləti/ (n) khả năng
20 give-and-take /ˌɡɪv ən ˈteɪk/ (n) sự cho và nhận
21 bright /braɪt/ (a) sáng lên , vui tươi
brighten /ˈbraɪtən/ (v) làm sáng lên, vui tươi
brightness /braɪtnis/ (n) sự sáng ngờ, rực rỡ


Question 1: If you want to get a good result in every work, you should have .

A. sympathy B. loyalty C. unselfishness D. constancy

Question 2: Good friendship should be based on understanding.

A. mutual B. unselfish C. instant D. deep

Question 3: Being his close friend, I always with his interests and aims.

A. apologize B. sympathize C. believe D. forgive

Question 4: For friendship to be intimate and lasting, both of the friends must have some special

A. qualities B. quantities C. gossips D. rumors

Question 5: A friendship is a precious relationship.

A. mutual B. successful C. generous D. sincere

Question 6: The first quality is . A person who is concerned only his own
interests and feelings cannot be a true friend.

A. unselfishness/with B. unselfish/ for

C. unsefish/ with D. unselfishness/ in

Question 7: Everyone has a number of , but no one has many friends.

A. acquainted B. Acquaintances

C. acquaint D. acquaintance

Question 8: Our relationship can not last longer because he seems to be very . He only
thinks about himself.

A. selfish B. unselfish

C. selfishness D. unselfishness
Question 9: To keep a friendship, you can not always resist on your own way - there has to be
some .

A. given and taken B. take and give

C. give and take D. given and taken

Question 10: He doesn’t know how much about the project but he is very .

A. enthusiastic B. enthusiast

C. enthusiasm D. enthusiastically

Question 11: is the quality of being faithful and loyal to a particular person or

A. Acquaintance B. Constancy

C. Sympathy D. Sorrow

Question 12: Sarah brightened considerably as she thought of Emily’s words.

A. with B. on

C. up D. for

Question 13: Does he tell you how he is getting his new friends?

A. on with B. on of C. away with D. out of

Question 14: There is no truth in the that Margaret has lost her job.

A. rumor B. case C. instance D. news

Question 15: Jen had confided her secret to Mark; but he betrayed her .

A. loyalty B. trust C. constancy D. sympathy

Question 16: They were extremely to my plight.

A. sympathize B. sympathetic

C. sympathy D. sympathetically

Question 17: She’s made friends a little girl who lives next door.

A. to B. of C. by D. with

Question 18: The children seem to be totally capable working themselves.

A. on B.of C. in D. for
Question 19: Friendship is a two- sided , it lives by give - and - take.

A. affair B. event C. aspect D. feature

Question 20: Unselfishness is the very essence of friendship.

A. romantic part B. important part

C. difficult part D. interesting part

Question 21: We stayed friends even after we and left home.

A. brought up B turned up

C. grew up D. took up

Question 22: The President expressed his deep sorrow over the bombing deaths.

A. sadness B. anxiety

C. disappointment D. interest

Question 23: Two friends should be loyal each other.

A. on B. with C. over D. to

Question 24: I don’t trust Bob. He seems to be of a lifelong friendship.

A. unable B. incapable C. disabled D. impossible

Question 25: We need a true friend to share with us our joys and sorrows.

A. delights and sadness B. tiredness and sadness

C. boredom and freedom D. delights and boredom

Question 26: Those who are easily influenced by rumors cannot be true friends.

A. affected B. forced C. effected D. encouraged

Question 27: It’s not easy to find a lifelong friendship.

A. lasting B. short C. true D. all life

Question 28: There must be a mutual trust between friends.

A. reliance B. friendship C. dependence D. influence

Question 29: No friendship can long which is all give on one side and all take on the other.

A. go B. take C. last D. travel

Question 30: “ A friend in need is a friend “ is a proverb.

A. in real B. indeed C. in deed D. in turn



I. Những động từ theo sau bởi V-ing.

STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa Ví dụ

1 Admit doing st thú nhận làm gì He admitted stealing my money.
2 Deny doing st phủ nhận làm gì Neil denied breaking the window.
3 Appreciate doing st cảm kích làm gì We appreciate receiving your support.
4 Avoid doing st tránh làm gì He always avoids seeing me.
5 Delay/ postpone/ put off hoãn làm gì The government delayed carrying out
doing st the project.
6 Hate/ detest / resent doing ghét làm gì I hate being made fun of.
7 Enjoy / fancy doing st thích làm gì She enjoys walking in the rain.
8 Imagine doing st tưởng tượng làm She imagined herself sitting in her
gì favorite chair back home.
9 Involve doing st có liên quan làm The operation involves putting a small
gì tube into your heart.
10 Keep doing st cứ làm gì I kept hoping that he’d phone me.
11 Mention doing st đề cập làm gì My wife mentioned seeing you the
other day.
12 Mind doing st phiền làm gì I don’t mind having a dog in the house
so long as it’s clean.
13 Miss doing st suýt, lỡ làm gì I only just missed being run over by a
bus this morning.
14 Tolerate doing st chịu đựng làm gì I won’t tolerate lying
15 Practice doing st thực hành làm gì I practice speaking English with my
roomate everyday.
16 Recall doing st nhớ lại làm gì She recalled seeing him outside the
shop on the night of the robbery
17 Consider doing st xem xét làm gì We’re considering selling the house
18 Resist doing st phản đối làm gì She couldn’t resist laughing at him in
those clothes.
19 Risk doing st liều lĩnh làm gì He risked losing his house when his
company went bankrupt.
20 Suggest doing st gợi ý làm gì I suggested putting the matter to the
21 Finish doing st hoàn thành làm gì Have you finished reading that
22 Recommend doing st đề xuất làm gì I reccommend writing your feeling
down on paper.
23 Be busy doing st bận làm gì My mother is busy cooking dinner.
24 Be worth doing st đáng làm gì There’s nothing worth reading in this
25 Look forward to doing st mong đợi làm gì I’m looking forward to seeing you
26 Feel like doing st thích làm gì Do you feel like going out with us?
27 There is no point in Ving = không đáng làm gì There is no point in trying to persuade
It’s no use / good doing st him to join us.
28 Get/ be accustomed to quen làm gì She is accustomed to getting up early.
doing st
29 Spend time doing st dành thời gian My brother spent the whole day
làm gì typing his report.
30 Waste time doing st lãng phí thời gian The board decided it could not waste
làm gì any more time developing the
31 Have difficulty ( in) doing st gặp khó khăn I have difficulty in communicating
trong việc gì with him in English.
32 Can’t help / stand/ bear không thể chịu/ His story is so funny that we can’t help
doing st nhịn được laughing.

II. Những động từ theo sau bởi TO V.

STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa Ví dụ

1 Afford to do st có đủ khả năng We couldn’t afford to pay the lawyer’s
làm gì fee.
2 Agree to do st đồng ý để làm gì They agreed to tell anyone about what
had happened.
3 Arrange to do st sắp xếp làm gì They arranged to have dinner the
following month.
4 Appear to do st hóa ra là There appears to be some mistakes
5 Ask to do st yêu cầu làm gì You should ask your accountant to
give you some financial advice.
6 Attempt to do st nỗ lực làm gì He attempted to escape through a
7 Care to do st quan tâm là gì Would you care to join us for dinner?
8 Choose to do st chọn làm gì Katie chose to stay away from work
that day.
9 Claim to do st thú nhận làm gì He claims to have met the president,
but I don’t believe him.
10 Decide to do st quyết định làm gì In the end, we decided to go to the
11 Demand to do st yêu cầu làm gì I demand to see the manager.
12 Deserve to do st xứng đáng làm gì They certainly deserved to win that
13 Expect to do st mong muốn làm He didn’t expect to see me.

14 Fail to do st thất bại làm gì She failed to reach the Wimbledon
Final this year.
15 Happen to do st tình cờ làm gì They happened to look in the right
place almost immediately.
16 Hesitate to do st ngập ngừng làm gì If you need anything, don’t hesitate to
call me.
17 Hope to do st hi vọng làm gì They hope to visit us next year.
18 Intend to do st dự định làm gì I don’t think she intended me to hear
the remark
19 Learn to do st học làm gì I’m learning to play the piano.
20 Manage to do st xoay xở làm gì Did you manage to get any bread?
21 Neglect to do st sao nhoãng làm gì I’d neglect to give him the name of the
hotel where I’d be staying.
22 Offer to do st đề nghị làm gì My father offered to take us to the zoo.
23 Plan to do st có kế hoạch làm gì I’m not planning to stay here much
24 Prepare to do st chuẩn bị làm gì It almost seems as if she is preparing
to die.
25 Pretend to do st giả vờ làm gì Were you just pretending to be
26 Promise to do st hứa làm gì He promised faithfully to call me every
27 Propose to do st đề xuất làm gì I do not propose to reveal details at
this stage.
28 Refuse to do st từ chối làm gì On cold mornings the car always
refuses to start.
29 Seem to do st dường như làm gì I seem to know more about him than
anyone else.
30 Swear to do st thề làm gì New gang members must swear to
obey the gang leaders at all times.
31 Tend to do st có khuynh hướng We tend to get cold winters and warm,
làm gì dry summers in this part of the
32 Threaten to do st dọa làm gì They threantened to kill him unless he
did as they asked.
33 Vow to do st thề làm gì He vowed not to see her again.
34 Wait to do st chờ làm gì There were a lot of people waiting to
use the phone.
35 Want to do st muốn làm gì What do you want to eat?
36 Wish to do st ước mơ làm gì I wish to make a complaint.
37 Would like to do st muốn, thích làm gì Would you like to have a cup of tea?
38 Yearn/ desire to do st khát khao làm gì Sometimes I just yearn to be alone.
39 Ask/ tell sb to do st bảo ai đó làm gì I told her to go home.
40 Assume to do st cho rằng ai đó làm We can’t assume the suspects to be
gì guilty simply because they’ve decided
to remain silent.
41 Beg sb to do st cầu xin ai đó làm He begged her to stay, but she simply
gì laughed and put her bags in the car.
42 Believe sb to do st tin tưởng ai đó I believe her to be the finest violinist in
làm gì the world.
43 Cause sb to do st khiến cho ai đó The bright light caused her to blink.
làm gì
44 Challenge sb to do st mời ai đó tham gia The other candidates challenged the
vào presidents to take part in a debate.
45 Command sb to do st yêu cầu ai đó làm The officer commanded his men to
gì shoot.
46 Compel sb to do st bắt buộc ai đó làm As a schoolboy he was compelled to
gì wear shorts even in winter.
47 Consider sb to do st xem xét ai đó làm We don’t consider her to be right for
gì the job.
48 Enable sb to do st làm cho ai có thể Computerization should enable us to
làm gì cut production costs by half.
49 Encourage sb to do st khuyến khích ai We encourage the victims to talk
đó làm gì freely about their experiences.
50 Expect sb to do st mong đợi làm gì We were half expecting you not to
come back.
51 Forbid sb to do st cấm ai đó làm gì He’s obviously really embarrassed
about it because he forbade me to tell
52 Force sb to do st ép ai đó làm gì You can’t force her to make a decision.
53 Instruct sb to do st chỉ dẫn ai đó làm The police have been instructed not to
gì let anyone leave the area.
54 Invite sb to do st mời ai đó làm gì Her family invited me to stay with
them for a few weeks.
55 Order sb to do st ra lệnh cho ai đó They ordered him to leave the room.
làm gì
56 Prefer sb to do st muốn ai đó làm gì I’d prefer you not to smoke.
57 Persuade sb to do st thuyết phục ai đó He is trying to persuade local and
làm gì foreign businesses to invest in the
58 Remind sb to do st nhắc nhở ai đó Please remind me to post this letter.
làm gì
59 Request sb to do st đòi hỏi ai đó làm Visitors are requested not to walk on
gì the grass.
60 Warn sb to do st cảnh báo ai đó We were warned not to eat the fish
không làm gì which might upset our stomachs.
61 Teach sb to do st dạy ai đó làm gì Who taught you to cook?
62 Urge sb to do st hối thúc ai đó làm Lawyers will urge the parents to take
gì further legal action.
63 Tempt sb to do st xúi giục ai đó làm They tempted him to join the company
gì by offering him .
64 Want sb to do st muốn ai đó làm gì Do you want me to take you to the


1 To/ in order to / so as to V để làm gì I called her to inform her that I had

passed the exam.
2 It takes SB + time + to V ai đó tốn bao It takes me 15 minutes to go to work
nhiêu thời gian để every day.
làm gì
3 Be about to V = be going to V chuẩn bị làm gì She is about to leave the house.
4 How/ when/ where/ what/ I don’t know how to do this.
who/ whether + To V
5 Find it adj + to V thấy cái gì như thế I find it easy to make friends with him.
6 The first/ second/ third/... đầu tiên/ thứ hai/ John was the last person to leave the
last/ only + to V thứ ba..../ cuối classroom.
cùng/ duy nhất
làm gì

III. Những động từ theo sau bởi cả TO V, Ving và V (bare).

STT Cấu trúc Nghĩa Ví dụ

1 Try to do st cố gắng làm gì I tried to open the window.
Try doing st thử làm gì Maybe you should try getting up.
2 Remember to do st nhớ phải làm gì Did you remember to do the
Remember doing st nhớ đã làm gì I don’t remember singing a contract.
3 Forget to do st quên phải làm gì Don’t forget to lock the door.
Forget doing st quên đã làm gì She would never forget seeing the
Himalayas for the first time.
4 Advise sb to do st khuyên ai đó làm I think I’d advise him to leave the
gì company.
Advise doing st khuyên làm gì I’d advise waiting until tomorrow.
5 Allow/ permit sb to do st cho phép ai đó Do you think Dad will allow you to go
làm gì to Jamie’s party?
Allow / permit doing st cho phép làm gì They don’t allow parking here.
6 Recommned sb to do st đề nghị ai đó làm Students are recommended to read
gì the following books.
Recommend doing st đề nghị làm gì I recommend writing your feelings
down on paper.
7 Encourage sb to do st khuyến khích ai We were encouraged to learn foreign
đó làm gì languages at school.
Encourage doing st khuyến khích làm Techonology encourages multiasking.

8 Mean to do st dự định làm gì I’ve been meaning to call you all week.
Mean doing st có nghĩa là If we wan to catch the 7.30 train, that
will mean leaving the house at 6.00.
9 Regret to do st rất lấy làm tiếc khi British Airways regret to announce
phải làm gì the cancellation of flight BA205 to
Regret doing st hối tiếc vì đã làm Madrid.
gì I have always regretted not having
studied harder at school.
10 Go on to do st tiếp tục làm điều Go on to paint the windows when you
gì sau khi hoàn tất have repaired the door.
một công việc
Go on doing st chỉ sự liên tục cả My father went on working until he
hành động was nearly 70.
11 V ( tri giác ) + O+ V bare khi chứng kiến I saw her come into the house.
toàn bộ sự việc
V-ing khi chứng kiến I saw her coming into the house.
một phần sự việc
12 Stop to do st dừng lại để làm gì
I stopped to pick up a letter that I’d
Stop doing st dừng hẳn làm gì I stopped seeing him last year.
13 Need to do st cần phải làm gì Most people need to feel loved.
Need doing st cần phải được làm This room needs cleaning.
14 Help sb do/ to do st giúp ai đó làm gì Can you help me to do this exercise?
15 Have sb do st = get sb to do nhờ ai đó làm gì If you wait, I’ll have someone collect it
st for you.
Have / get st done có cái gì được làm I had my bike repaired by my father.
16 Used to do st thường làm gì When I was a child, I used to stay at
trong quá khứ home alone.
Be/ get used to doing st thường làm gì ở She is used to staying up late at
hiện tại weekend.


1. He is expecting ............... a trip to Ha Long Bay.

A. make B. to make C. making D. made

2. Students stopped .............. noise when the teacher came in.

A. make B. to make C. making D. made

3. She couldn’t bear ................. tears when she saw the film “ Romeo and Juliet”.

A. shed B. to shed C. shedding D. sheds

4. Ann likes ............. but she hates ............ up.

A. cook/ washing B. to cook / wash C. cooking / washed D. cooking/


5. I really regret .............. your feeling when I asked you such a silly question.

A. hurt B. to hurt C. hurting D. hurts

6. He’ll try ............... the same mistake again.

A. not make not make C. not making D. not to make

7. Would you mind ..................... me a newspaper?

A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought

8. Would you like ............... the next dance with me?

A. to have B. having C. has D. had

9. Did you remember ................. Ann? - Oh, no. I completely forgot it.

A. phone B. to phone C. phoning D. phoned

10. Does the city government intend ................ anything about pollution?

A. do B. to do C. doing D. did

11. Those shirts need ................... but you needn’t ........... them now.

A. iron/ iron B. to iron/ to iron C. ironing/ iron D. ironed/ to iron

12. They finished ............ and then they wanted ...................... out for pleasure.

A. learn/ to go B. to learn/ go C. learnt/ goes D. learning/ to go

13. When you see Tom, remember ................ him my regards.

A. give B. to give C. giving D. given

14. I hope ............. that tiring work again.

A. not do B. not to do C. not doing D. to not do

15. They postpone ................ an Element School for the lack of finance.
A. built B. to build C. building D. builds

16. It’s no use ............ him. He never allows anybody .................. advice.

A. advise/ give B. to advise/ to give C. advising/ giving D. advising/ to give

17. He always avoids ........................ me in the streets.

A. meet B. to meet C. met D. meeting

18. My parents decided ................... a taxi because it was late.

A. take B. to take C. taking D. took

19. Do you agree ...................... me some money?

A. lend B. to lend C. lending D. lent

20. Tom refuses .................... his address.

A. give B. giving C. to give D. gave

21. My friends arranged .................. to the airport in time.

A. meet B. to meet C. meeting D. met

22. Do you plan ................ out or ............................. at home at this weekend?

A. go/ stay B. to go/ stay C. going/ stay D. to go/ staying

23. I dislike .................. in line. - So do I. That’s why I prefer ................. at night when there are fewer

A. wait/ shop B. to wait/ shopping C. waiting/ shopping D. waiting/ to shop

24. He continued ................. after his illness.

A. worked B. to work C. to working D. working

25. Have you ever watched people ......................................... fish?

A. try- catch B. to try- catching C. trying- catching D. tried- caught

26. My grandfather is used to ......................... up early in the morning.

A. getting B. to get C. get D. got

27. I can’t help ..................... his opinions.

A. consider B. to consider C. considering D. considered

28. You should try ..................... any shirts you want to buy.

A. wear B. to wear C. wearing D. wears

29. I stopped ..................... about her illness and went on ...................... you about all her other problems.

A. to talk/ telling B. to talk/ to tell C. talking/ telling D. talking/ to tell

30. Mike is considering ......................................... a new car.

A. bought B. to buy C. buying D. buys

Put the verb into the correct forms: TO-V, V-ING or Vo.

1. When I’m tired, I enjoy ( watch) television. It’s relaxing.

2. They don’t have much money. They can’t afford (go) out very often.

3. I wish that dog would stop ( bark) . It’s driving me mad.

4. Many people prefer ( drive) to ( ride) .

5. Let me ( help ) you ( get) it right.

6. They denied ( destroy) the flower beds in the schoolyard.

7. He spends ages ( play) games online.

8. She doesn’t allow ( smoke) in her house.

9. I have never been to Iceland but I’d like (go) there.

10. Where would you recommend me ( go) for my two-day holiday?

11. Mr. Forster hopes ( transfer) to New York by his company.

12. No one enjoys ( deceive) by another person.

13. I absolutely refused ( cheat) by them in that manner.

14. That author doesn’t mind ( criticize) by his friends.

15. He was made ( answer ) the question by the police.

16. Mrs. Brown was sad about ( steal) a lot of precious jewelries.

17. Huda remembered ( visit) the Great Wall of China when she was a child, but she had
forgotten about ( film) there on a video camera.

18. Ian pretended (do) his homework, but actually he had been concentrating on (
get) to level 3 on his computer game King Kong.
19. I really didn’t expect ( introduce ) to the president.

20. Your teacher hopes you ( not make) that mistake again.

Change the words into the correct forms:

1. Fashion is ___________changing. (constant)

2. We became ____________ of the stranger’s behavior and contacted the police. (suspicion)
3. A true friendship is someone who is ___________and willing to share our interests and feelings.
4. True friendship requires us to show trust and ____________. (loyal)
5. Goods are ____________displayed in the shop windows. (attract)
6. We all have great _______________for the victims of the flood. (sympathize)
7. All supporters cheered ______________for the home team. (enthusiasm)
8. Her belief in her husband was _______________. She never lost her belief in him. (change)
9. Many old people have very little _______________with modern technology. (acquaint)
10. The students are still ____________of working by themselves, so I must help until they are able
to. (capable)
Rewrite the sentence or join the pairs of sentences beginning with the word(s) given.
1. Jimmy got into his car and drove away. I saw this.
 I saw ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. It is disappointing that we haven't heard from Molly.

 We are ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. Contacting her at work is usually quite easy.

 She is ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. The house shook violently and all of us felt that.

 All of us felt ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

5. Can you sign the papers please? They are ready now.
 The papers are …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

6. Don't lend Tom any money. That would be most unwise.

 You ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
7. Mr. Pinchley doesn’t allow his teenage children to go out in the evenings.
 Mr. Pinchley makes …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

8. What I want to do is start my own business. I’m keen.

 I am ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………

9. Harry couldn’t get his parents’ permission to buy a motorbike.

 Harry’s parents didn’t let …………………………………………………………………………………………..…….

10. We can’t possibly work in this noise.

 It’s …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Mark the letter A,B,C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1: A. machine B. change C. teacher D. choose

Question 2: A. good B. gossip C. game D. geometry

Mark the letter A,B ,C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 3: A. generous B. suspicious C. constancy D. sympathy

Question 4: A. accquaintance B. unselfish C. attraction D. humorous

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 5: We decided to spend .............. summer in .................... seaside town.

A. a/ the B. the/ 0 C. the/ a D. 0/ a

Question 6: We always admire the ...................... between the two scientists.

A. difference B. harmony C. contribution D. friendship

Question 7: His father’s death was a great ..................... to him.

A. sorrow B. happiness C. pursuit D. demand

Question 8: Is there a ........................ friendship between selfish people?

A. true B. truthful C. truly D. truth

Question 9: The museum staff requested her not ................... the exhibits in the hall.

A. touch B. to touch C. touching D. to touching

Question 10: At this time last night, she ................ and he .................. the newspaper.

A. is cooking/ is reading B. was cooking/ was reading

C. has cooked/ is reading D. was cooking/ read

Question 11: I saw picture ...................... behind the piano, but I couldn’t reach it.

A. fall B. to fall C. fell D. fallen

Question 12: We are incapable .................... fishing the work on time.

A. at B. of C. in D. on

Question 13: She walked home by herself ............... she knew that it was dangerous.

A. because of B. because C. despite D. although

Question 14: Jane arranged for me to go on a/an .................. date with a guy from her office.

A. blind B. group C. online D. speed

Question 15: Parents are always willing to lend a sympathetic ............. to their children when they
have problems.

A. hand B. ear C. eye D. paw

Question 16: The children cheered wildly when the teacher let them .................... a game.

A. play B. to play C. playing D. played

Question 17: I felt my face burning with .........................

A. confidence B. enthusiasm C. pleasure D. embarrassment

Question 18: On working here, we have the same purpose : to get people ................ our products.

A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the words CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 19: Loyalty is one of the qualities of a true friendship.

A. Love B. Faith C. Agreement D. Responsibility

Question 20: For friendship to be close and lasting, both the friends must have some very special

A. ending B. finalizing C. temporary D. pernament

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the words OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 21: The President expressed his deep sorrow over the bombing deaths.

A. joy B. sadness C. anxiety D. disappoinment

Question 22: There must be a mutual trust between friends.

A. reliance B. belief C. defendant D. suspicion

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete of the following

Question 23: Two students are talking about their friend Tim:

A: “ Tim has a very easy job. He’s paid a lot of money to do little.”

B: “ ............................................ “

A. It’s the luck of the game B. It’s an incredible piece of luck

C. Wish him good luck D. He crossed his fingers for luck

Question 24: Ann and Mary are studying in their classroom.

Ann: “ Can I borrow your dictionary?”

Mary :” .........................”

A. I’m afraid I can’t . B. Here you are! C. I think so. D. It doesn’t matter.

Read the following passage and mark the A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase
that best fits each of the numbered blanks.


The understanding of friendship in children tends to be more heavily focused on areas such
as (25) activities, physical proximity, and shared interests. These friendships provide
opportunity (26) playing and practicing self-regulation. Most children tend to describe
friendship in terms of things like sharing, and children are more likely to share with someone they
consider to be a friend. As children mature, they become less individualized and are more aware
of others. They gain the ability to (27) with their friends, and enjoy playing in groups. They
also experience peer rejection as they move through the middle childhood years. Establishing good
friendships at a young age (28) a child to be better acclimated in society later in their life.

Potential benefits of friendship include the opportunity to learn about empathy and problem
solving. Coaching from parents can be useful in helping children to make friends. Eileen Kennedy
- Moore describes three key ingredients of children’s friendship formation: (1) openness, (2)
similarity, and (3) shared fun. Parents can also help children understand social guidelines they
haven’t learned on their (29) .

Question 25: A. mutual B. common C. popular D. favorite

Question 26: A. with B. about C. for D. in

Question 27: A. empathize B. contrast C. agree D. participate

Question 28: A. helping B. helps C. help D. helped

Question 29: A. mind B. own C. brain D. toes

Read the following passage and mark the A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of
the question.

Friendship is a term used to indicate co-operative and supportive behavior between two or
more humans. This article focuses on the notion specific to interpersonal relationships. In this
sense, the term expresses a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem and affection.
Friends will welcome each other’s company and show loyalty towards each other. Their tastes will
usually be similar and they will share enjoyable activities. They will also engage in mutually helping
behavior, such as exchange of advice and the sharing of hardship. A friend is someone who may
often demonstrate reciprocating and reflective behaviours.

Yet, for many, friendship is nothing more than the trust that someone or something will not harm
them. Value that is found in friendships is often the result of a friend demonstrating on a consistent
basis: the tendency to desire what is best for the other, sympathy and empathy, honesty, perhaps
in situations where it may be difficult for others to speak the truth, especially in terms of pointing
out the perceived faults of one's counterpart mutual understanding.

In a comparison of personal relationships, friendship is considered to be closer than association,

although there is a range of degrees of intimacy in both friendships and associations. The study of
friendship is included in sociology, anthropology, philosophy and zoology. Various theories of
friendship have been proposed, among which are social psychology, social exchange theory, equity
theory, relational dialectics and attachment styles.

Question 30: What term is used to indicate co - operative and supportive behavior between

A. Friendship B. Sociology C. Psychology D. Anthropology

Question 31: Which sentence is NOT true according to the first paragraph?

A. Friends often engage in mutually helping behavior.

B. They seldom desire the best for their friends.

C. They will welcome each other’s company and express loyalty towards each other.

D. They often demonstrate reciprocating and reflective behaviors.

Question 32: What kind of things will friends share?

A. The tendency to desire what is best for the other.

B. Various theories of friendship.

C. Enjoyable activities.

D. Degrees of closeness.

Question 33: What is the comparison between friendship and association ?

A. Association is considered to be as close as friendship.

B. Association is considered to be closer than friendship.

C. Friendship is considered to be closer than association.

D. Both are close

Question 34: What fields of study are about friendship?

A. Sociology, anthropology, philosophy and zoology.

B. Social psychology, social exchange theory, relational dialectics.

C. Mutual knowledge, esteem and affection.

D. The tendency to desire what is best for the other, sympathy, and honesty.

Read the following passage, then decide whether the following statements are true ( T ) and
false ( F).

Hachiko, an Akita dog, was born in 1923 and brought to Tokyo in 1924. His owner, Professor
Eisaburo Uyeno and he were inseparable friends right from the start. Each day Hachiko would
accompany his owner, a professor at the Imperial University, to Shibuya train station when he left
for work. When he came back, the professor would always find the dog patiently waiting for him.
Sadly, the professor died suddenly at work in 1925 before he could return home.
Although Hachiko was still a young dog, the bond between him and his owner was very strong and
he continued to wait at the station every day. Sometimes, he would stay there for days at a time,
though some believe that he kept returning because of the food he was given by street vendors. He
became a familiar sight to commuters over time. In 1934, a statue of him was put outside the
station. In 1935, Hachiko died at the place he last saw his friend alive.

Question 35: The professor died at work.

Question 36: The dog waited every day at the station.

Question 37: Nobody gave the dog any food.

Question 38: The dog died before the statue was put outside the station .

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of
following questions.

Question 39: Last month, while my friend travelled round England by car, he crashed the car

into a tree.

A. travelled B. while C. the D. a

Question 40: Where mutual sympathy does not exist, friendship is impossibility.

A. sympathy B. impossibility C. mutual D. exist

Question 41: He added that pressure needed to maintain to ensure the plan was delivered.

A. added B. needed C. to maintain D. was delivered

Question 42: It is impossible to you to do all the work in one hour.

A. It B. to C. to do D. in

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.

Question 43: My teacher wouldn’t let me leave early.

A. My teacher refused to let me leave early.

B. My teacher refused letting me leave early.

C. My teacher allowed me to leave early.

D. My teacher permitted me to leave early.

Question 44: It isn’t necessary for you to finish the work right now.
A. It is necessary for you to start the work right now.

B. It isn’t unnecessary for you to finish the work right now.

C. You don’t have to finish the work right now.

D. You mustn’t finish the work right now.

Question 45: “ Susan, can you remember to photocopy these documents for tomorrow meeting ?”
said the line manager.

A. The line manager advised Susan to photocopy those documents for the meeting tomorrow.

B. The line manager reminded Susan to photocopy those documents for the meeting the following

C. The line manager invited Susan to photocopy these documents for the meeting the following

D. The line manager reminded Susan to photocopy these documents for the meeting the following

Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one.

Question 46: The robber forced the cashier to hand in the money.

→ The robber made .

Question 47: She said to us “ Don’t be late again .”

→ She told us .

Question 48: Jimmy got into his car and drove away. I saw this.

→ I saw .

Question 49: Mr. Pike doesn’t allow his teenager children to go out in the evening.

→ Mr. Pike makes .

Question 50: We can’t possibly work in this noise.

→ It’s .


Mark the letter A,B,C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1: A. condition B. option C. suggestion D. relation

Question 2: A. trust B. mutual C. number D. uncertain

Mark the letter A,B ,C or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 3: A. constancy B. competitive C. sufficient D. convenient

Question 4: A. loyalty B. success C. capable D. sincere

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 5: Tomorrow is difficult. I’d rather you next weekend.

A. come B. to come C. will come D. came

Question 6: She never loses her for teaching.

A. enthusiasm B. enthusiast C. enthusiastic D. enthusiastically

Question 7: She made a big about not having a window seat on the plane.

A. complaint B. fuss C. excitement D. interest

Question 8: She’s made friends a little girl who lives next door.

A. to B. of C. by D. with

Question 9: We stayed friends even after we and left home.

A. brought up B. turned up C. grew up D. took up

Question 10: Our teacher encourages us a dictionary whenever we are unsure of the
meaning of a word.

A. to use B. using C. use D. being used

Question 11: Business leaders gave an welcome to the proposal.

A. official B. exciting C. enthusiastic D. warmly

Question 12: What did you have for breakfast this morning?

A. X B. a C. an D. the

Question 13: Recently, a gang of enterprising New Zealanders an incredible scheme to

raise awareness of depression and mental health issues.

A. has introduced B. had introduced C. introduced D. was introduced

Question 14: The courses was so difficult that I didn’t any progress at all.

A. do B. make C. produce D. create

Question 15: for 4 hours, they decided to stop to have lunch at a cheap restaurant.

A. Having been walked B. Having walked

C. Walking D. Walked

Question 16: I up a friendship with John while we were on a business trip together.

A. struck B. drove C. make D. pull

Question 17: True Blood is my favorite TV series, I don’t have much time to watch it

A. although B. before C. if D. yet

Question 18: The school appeared essentially since my day.

A. changed B. unchanged C. changeable D. unchangeable

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the words CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 19: At times , I look at him and wonder what is going on his mind.

A. Never B. Always C. Hardly D. Sometimes

Question 20: You should drink a glass of water before a workout and then pause regularly to
drink more

A. break up B. break down C. break off D. break in

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the words OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 21: Though built almost five hundred years old, the church remained practically intact.

A. in perfection B. in ruins C. in chaos D. in completion

Question 22: She was like a cat on hot bricks before her driving test.

A. nervous B. comfortable C. depressed D. relaxing

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete of the
following exchanges.

Question 23: Mary :” What are you going to do after leaving school?”
Tom: “ .”

A. I’d like to take a year out and travel abroad.

B. My dream job is becoming a journalist.

C. Well, I love taking care of kids.

D. I’m going to drop out of school.

Question 24: Tom is inviting Linda to his birthday party.

Tom :” Would you like to come to my birthday party next week?”

Linda :” .”

A. Why not? B. Yes, I’d love to C. I don’t think so D. No, I’d love to

Read the following passage and mark the A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase
that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

Meeting old school friends again can be a strange experience. Some have changed so much that you
can hardly recognize them : they speak with a different ( 25) ,they are interested in
different things, and all you can do is make (26) talk and hope they’ll go soon. Others,
though you might have been out of (27) with them for years, are just the same as they
always were - it’s (28) if you saw them yesterday.

Before you know it, you’re exchanging (29) about your families and friends, and setting
out the (30) for another game of chess. A few changes for the better. There’s one person
that I get (31) with very well now, though we weren’t on speaking ( 32) for our last
two years at school. One day, we met at a party and made it (33) and (34)
engaged the same evening.

Question 25: A. language B. accent C. way D. tongue

Question 26: A. small B. little C. silly D. gossip

Question 27: A. sight B. touch C. sound D. feel

Question 28: A. just B. like C. so D. as

Question 29: A. words B. speech C. talk D. gossip

Question 30: A. counters B. draughts C. squares D. pieces

Question 31: A. on B. off C. up D. down

Question 32: A. relations B. terms C. situation D. condition

Question 33: A. on B. off C. up D. down

Question 34: A. came B. went C. got D. made

Read the passage carefully, then decide whether the following statement are true (T) or false

The proverb ”A friend indeed is a friend in need” means that we shall know who our real friends
are when we are in need. Those who desert us when we are in difficulty are just unfaithful friends.

A true friend would remain with us whether we are rich or poor. Some people make friends with
the rich, simply for the shake of getting benefits from them.

It is useless to have insincere friends because these friends remain with us as long as we are rich
or powerful. It is better to have one or two goods friends rather than having hundreds of insincere

A true friend will stand by us in our trials and tribulations. He will be a great source of consolation
and comfort in our troubles. So we must be careful in choosing our friends. It is difficult to choose
a sincere friend overnight ; it takes years for us to find a sincere friend.

Question 35: Real friends share everything we need.

Question 36: Unfaithful friends stop being our friends when we are in trouble.

Question 37: A true friend is always loyal to us and support us through our difficulties.

Question 38: It's not worth having a lot of friends

Question 39: It may take a lot of time to find a real friend.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of
following questions.

Question 40: Two friends must be loyal with each other.

A. friends B. be C. with D. each other

Question 41: The customs officer made her to open the suitcase.

A. The B. customs C. to open D. the

Question 42: Many people who live near the ocean depend on it as a source of food, recreation

and to have economic opportunities.

A. depend on B. food C. recreation D. to have economic

Question 43: Many people object to use physical punishment in dealing with discipline

problems at school.

A. to use B. punishment C. dealing with D. at school

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.

Question 44: The car was very expensive and he couldn’t afford it.

A. The car was very expensive so that he couldn’t buy it.

B. The car was too expensive for him to buy.

C. He was rich enough to buy the car.

D. He was so poor but he bought the car.

Question 45: “ Please send me to warm climate” Tom said

A. Tom pleaded with the boss to send him to a warm climate.

B. Tom begged the boss to send him to a warm climate.

C. Tom would rather went to a warm climate.

D. Tom asked his boss to go to a warm climate.

Question 46: After fighting the fire for an hour, the fire bridge succeeded in putting it out.

A. The fire brigade managed to put the fire out after fighting it for an hour.

B. The fire brigade couldn’t put the fire out after fighting it for an hour.

C. The fire brigade puts the fire out after fighting it for an hour.

D. The fire brigade was unable to put the fire out after fighting it for an hour.

Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one.

Question 47: What shall we do? We could go to the cinema.

→ Linda suggested .

Question 48: Do you want to play tennis? No, not really.

→ Tony didn’t fancy .

Question 49: It’s not a good idea to travel during the rush hour.

→ It’s better to avoid .

Question 50: At first I didn’t want to apply for the job but Sarah persuaded me.

→ Sarah persuaded .

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