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BSL Transport Phenomena 2e Revised: Chapter 3 - Problem 3B.

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Problem 3B.2
Laminar flow in a triangular duct (Fig. 3B.2).2 One type of compact heat exchanger is
shown in Fig. 3B.2(a). In order to analyze the performance of such an apparatus, it is necessary
to understand the flow in a duct whose cross section is an equilateral triangle. This is done most
easily by installing a coordinate system as shown in Fig. 3B.2(b).

(a) Verify that the velocity distribution for the laminar flow of a Newtonian fluid in a duct of
this type is given by
(P0 − PL )
vz = (y − H)(3x2 − y 2 ) (3B.2-1)

(b) From Eq. 3B.2-1 find the average velocity, maximum velocity, and mass flow rate.

(P0 − PL )H 2 9
Answers: (b) hvz i = = vz,max ;
60µL 20

3(P0 − PL )H ρ

An alternative formulation of the velocity profile is given by L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Fluid Mechanics,
Pergamon, Oxford, 2nd edition (1987), p. 54.
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Part (a)

We assume that the fluid flows only in the z-direction and that the velocity varies as a function of
x and y.
v = vz (x, y)ẑ
If we√assume the fluid
√ does not slip on the walls, then it has the wall’s velocity at y = H,
y = 3x, and y = − 3x.

Boundary Condition 1: vz (x, H) = 0

Boundary Condition 2: vz (x, 3x) = 0

Boundary Condition 3: vz (x, − 3x) = 0

The equation of continuity results by considering a mass balance over a volume element that the
fluid is flowing through. Assuming the fluid density ρ is constant, the equation simplifies to

∇ · v = 0. (1)

The equation of motion results by considering a momentum balance over a volume element that
the fluid is flowing through. Assuming the fluid viscosity µ is also constant, the equation
simplifies to the Navier-Stokes equation.

ρv + ∇ · ρvv = −∇p + µ∇2 v + ρg (2)
As this is a vector equation, it actually represents three scalar equations—one for each variable in
the chosen coordinate system. Using Cartesian coordinates is the appropriate choice for this
problem, so equations (1) and (2) will be used in (x, y, z). From Appendix B.4 on page 846, the
continuity equation becomes
∂vx ∂vy ∂vz
+ + = 0,
|{z} ∂y |{z}
=0 =0 =0

which doesn’t tell us anything. From Appendix B.6 on page 848, the Navier-Stokes equation
yields the following three scalar equations in Cartesian coordinates.
∂ vx ∂ 2 vx ∂ 2 vx
∂vx ∂vx ∂vx ∂vx ∂p
ρ + vx + vy + vz =− +µ 2
+ + + ρgx
|{z} ∂x}
| {z ∂y | {z ∂z} ∂x |∂x
{z } ∂y 2 |∂z {z
| {z } | {z }
=0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0
 2 2
∂ vy ∂ vy ∂ 2 vy
∂vy ∂vy ∂vy ∂vy ∂p
ρ + vx + vy + vz =− +µ 2
+ + + ρgy
|{z} ∂x}
| {z ∂y | {z ∂z} ∂y |∂x
{z } ∂y 2 |∂z {z
| {z } | {z }
=0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0 =0
 2 2 ∂ 2 vz
∂vz ∂vz ∂vz ∂vz ∂p ∂ vz ∂ vz
ρ + vx + vy + vz =− +µ + + + ρgz
|{z} ∂x}
| {z ∂y ∂z ∂z ∂x2 ∂y 2 |∂z
| {z } | {z } {z }
=0 =0 =0 =0 =0

The relevant equation for the velocity is the z-equation, which has simplified considerably from
the assumption that v = vz (x, y)ẑ.
∂ 2 vz

∂p ∂ vz
0=− +µ + + ρgz
∂z ∂x2 ∂y 2
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The sum of −∂p/∂z and ρgz is the modified pressure gradient across the duct.

(PL − P0 )
∂ 2 vz

∂ vz
0=− +µ +
L−0 ∂x2 ∂y 2
The velocity distribution thus satisfies the following PDE.

∂ 2 vz ∂ 2 vz (PL − P0 )
+ =
∂x2 ∂y 2 µL
We’re asked to verify that the solution for it and its associated boundary conditions is
(P0 − PL )
vz = (y − H)(3x2 − y 2 )
(P0 − PL )
= (3x2 y − y 3 − 3Hx2 + Hy 2 ).
Find the second derivatives of vz with respect to x and y.
∂vz (P0 − PL )
= (6xy − 6Hx)
∂x 4µLH
∂ vz (P0 − PL )
= (6y − 6H)
∂x2 4µLH
∂vz (P0 − PL )
= (3x2 − 3y 2 + 2Hy)
∂y 4µLH
∂ vz (P0 − PL )
= (−6y + 2H)
∂y 2 4µLH
Adding them together, we have

∂ 2 vz ∂ 2 vz (P0 − PL )
+ 2
= (6y − 6H − 6y + 2H)
∂x ∂y 4µLH
(P0 − PL )
= (−4H)
(PL − P0 )
= ,

so the velocity distribution satisfies the PDE. Setting y = H or y = ± 3x gives vz = 0, which
means the boundary conditions are satisfied as well.

Part (b)

Average Velocity

To find the average velocity, integrate the velocity distribution over the cross-sectional area that
the fluid flows through and then divide by that area.
vz dA
hvz i = ˆ
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For the equilateral triangle in Fig. 3B.2(b), dA = 2x dy = √ 3
¨ ¨
vz (x, y) dx dy vz (x, y) dx dy √ ¨
hvz i = ˆ H = 2 = 2 vz (x, y) dx dy
2y 2 H H
√ dy √
0 3 3 2
√ ¨
3 (P0 − PL )
= 2 (y − H)(3x2 − y 2 ) dx dy
H 4µLH
√ ¨
3(P0 − PL )
= (y − H)(3x2 − y 2 ) dx dy
4µLH 3
Now the double integral will be evaluated over the triangle.
√ "ˆ ˆ ˆ H ˆ y/√3 #
3(P0 − PL ) H 0
2 2 2 2
hvz i = √ (y − H)(3x − y ) dx dy + (y − H)(3x − y ) dx dy
4µLH 3 0 −y/ 3 0 0
√ ˆ H 0 ˆ H y/√3 
3(P0 − PL )
(y − H)(x3 − xy 2 ) √ dy + (y − H)(x3 − xy 2 )

= 3
4µLH 0 −y/ 3 0 0
√ ˆ H ˆ H
3(P0 − PL )
y y
= (y − H) √ − √ dy + (y − H) √ − √ dy
4µLH 3 0 27 3 0 27 3
√  ˆ H
3(P0 − PL )
= 2 (y − H) √ − √ dy
4µLH 3 0 27 3
√ ˆ H
3(P0 − PL )
4 4 3
= − √ (y − Hy ) dy
4µLH 3 3 3 0

3(P0 − PL ) H5
= − √ · −
4µLH 3 3 3 20
Therefore, the average velocity in the triangular duct is

(P0 − PL )H 2
hvz i = .
Maximum Velocity

To find the absolute maximum of vz (x, y) over the triangular duct, find the function’s critical
points, that is, where the first derivatives with respect to x and y vanish.
∂vz (P0 − PL )
= (6xy − 6Hx) = 0
∂x 4µLH
∂vz (P0 − PL )
= (3x2 − 3y 2 + 2Hy) = 0
∂y 4µLH
The first equation is satisfied if x = 0 or y = H. Plugging x = 0 into the second equation gives
(P0 − PL )
(−3y 2 + 2Hy) = 0,
which is satisfied if and only if −3y 2 + 2Hy = 0 or y = {0, 2H/3}. Two critical points are
consequently (0, 0) and (0, 2H/3). Plugging y = H into the second equation gives
(P0 − PL )
(3x2 − H 2 ) = 0,
BSL Transport Phenomena 2e Revised: Chapter 3 - Problem 3B.2 Page 5 of 5

√ √
which is satisfied 3x2 − H 2 = 0 or x =√{−H/ 3, H/ 3}.
√ if and only if √ √ Two more critical points
are then (−H/ 3, H) and (H/ 3, H). (0, 0), (−H/ 3, H), and (H/ 3, H) all lie on the
boundary of the triangular duct, where the velocity is assumed to be zero. As a result, the
maximum must be at (0, 2H/3).

(P0 − PL ) 2H 4H 2
vz,max = vz (0, 2H/3) = −H −
4µLH 3 9
(P0 − PL ) 2
H 4H
= − −
4µLH 3 9

Therefore, the maximum velocity in the triangular duct is

(P0 − PL )H 2
vz,max = .

Mass Flow Rate

The volumetric flow rate is given by the integral of the velocity field over the cross-sectional area
the fluid is flowing through. ¨
= vz dA
To get the mass flow rate, multiply both sides by the fluid density ρ.
ρ =ρ vz (x, y) dx dy
Since ρ is assumed to be constant, it can be brought inside the derivative on the left side. Density
times volume gives mass.
=ρ vz (x, y) dx dy
(P0 − PL )
=ρ (y − H)(3x2 − y 2 ) dx dy
(P0 − PL )ρ
= (y − H)(3x2 − y 2 ) dx dy
This double integral was already evaluated when calculating the average velocity.

(P0 − PL )ρ H5
= − √ · −
4µLH 3 3 20
(P0 − PL )H ρ4
= √
60 3µL

Therefore, letting w = dm/dt, the mass flow rate in the triangular duct is

3(P0 − PL )H 4 ρ
w= .

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