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Class: 12ANH1

Task 1: The table below shows the weight of people in a particular country from 1999 to 2009.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where
relevant. Write at least 150 words.

The table gives information on the difference in physical fitness levels between males and females in a certain nation from

1999 to 2009. Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that most of the population has an average weight,

and the figures for both did not suffer much fluctuation throughout the 10-year period.

In 1999, normal-weight women accounted for 49% of the population, doubled the figure for those who were under-weight

which was 27%, and almost tripled that of people whose weight were above average. A similar pattern could be seen in

their male counterpart but each portion was slightly smaller with the exception of over-weight people reaching 30%, being

significantly higher than that in women, which stood at only 18%.

In the next five years, all the percentages of average weight men and women both soared, to 51% and 48% respectively,

before plummeting at 47% in 2009. More women than men were in the under-weight group in every surveyed year, despite

experiencing a fluctuation where the figure rose to 29% in 2004 before declining by 1% in 2009. In contrast, under-weight

men had a downfall in proportion from 22% in 1999 to 20% in 2004 and increased by 3% in 2009.
Task 2: Write an essay of about 350 words to express your opinion on the following issue
Discipline is an ever-increasing problem in many schools in Vietnam. Some people think that discipline
should be the responsibility of teachers, while others think that this is the role of parents.
Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

Rules in educational institutions are created to keep the students in order, yet in Vietnam, the problem of
discipline is ever-present. Thereupon a debate over whose duty it is to educate the children on such regime,
their teachers or their family members. In my view, children could learn how to be amenable and respect
the rules only if both sides join forces, in which both act as two major sources of influence
First and foremost, the levels of impact teachers or parents have on students is strongly dedicated by the
surroundings. In Vietnamese families, there tends to be no specific boundary or set of rules that children
have to obey. Children most often learn the consequences of everything from their own experience. If they
conduct any mischief at all, the most severe punishment they can get is being grounded or banned from
their favourite games or toys. Parents, in this case, frequently act as both a guardian and a supervisor with
an unlimited love and caring for their children. Children spend most of the time with their parents, so they
develop the deepest connections with them. Family bonds could fix the morality of a human, such as
advising them against their immorality. In contrast, the actions of parents themselves could also furtively
influence the behaviours of their children. Children are a reflection of their parents. For example, if living
with a heavy smoker father, it is likely that the child could imitate his father’s habit and becomes a heavy
smoker in the future, and this has been proven scientifically. Therefore, parents should set a good example
for their children themselves, and this could only be done in a familiar environment such as home.

On the other hand, at school, there is the concept of rules that the children must be obliged to and the
punishments if they disobeyed any. The existence of rules notwithstanding, educational instructors is
indispensable in enforcing and imbibing them. Teachers are not as strongly affected by emotions in
instructing the students as their parents. In such situations, misconducts of students can only be discovered
and corrected by the teachers. This is one of the evidences that one could fulfil the role that the other is

To conclude all the points I have hitherto considered, good etiquettes among the future generations comes
from parental guidance and teacher’s consultant. Therefore, it is obvious that it requires a joint effort to
build a well-mannered and independent person.

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