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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Pre - Calculus
SY 2021 – 2022

Unit I: Analytic Geometry

Lesson 1: Coordinates and Lines


Hi, Baby Tams! Whom of you loves to travel? Going from one
place to another maybe for vacation or visiting your relatives or
loved ones. Nowadays, we often use online maps specially when
we are not familiar to our destination. When using these
applications, we can observe some pins or points representing the
location of the places and the roads resemble lines connecting the
different places. In this lesson, we will be exploring more the
importance of these features different situations.

Learning Objectives

After studying this completing this module with 80% to 100% accuracy, you are expected to:

a) defines and illustrates the coordinate plane

b) derives the distance formula;

c) describes and illustrates parallel, intersecting, and perpendicular lines;

d) illustrates the slope of a line;

e) find the slope of a line given two points, equation, and graph;

f) writes the linear equation ax + by = c in the form y = mx + b and vice versa; and

g) finds the equation of a line given (a) any two points; (b) the x- and y-intercepts (c) the slope and a
point on the line;

Rectangular Coordinates

To describe the position of a point in a plane, we form what is Y

called a system of rectangular or Cartesian coordinates. First
draw a pair of perpendicular reference lines X’X and Y’Y. These
( x. y )
lines divide the plane into four parts, called quadrants, which are
numbered as shown on the figure. The line X’X is called the x- X' O X
axis, and Y’Y is called y-axis, and together they are known as the
coordinate axes. Their point of intersection O is called the origin.

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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Pre - Calculus
SY 2021 – 2022

The position of any point in the plane can be described by giving its distance from these two axes. To
measure such distances, we arbitrarily choose some unit of length, and agree that distances measures to
the right of y-axis shall be positive, and those to the left negative. Similarly. Distances measured upward
from the x-axis are positive and those below are negative.

Let P represent any point of the plane whose distance from the y-axis is x and whose distance form the x-
axis is y. The value x thus obtained is called the abscissa or x coordinate of the point P. Together these
values are called the rectangular coordinates of the point P and we write them in the form (x,y). The
position of a point is determined if its coordinate are known; conversely, if the position of a point is known,
its coordinates can be found by measuring its distance from the two axes. The process of locating points
when their coordinates are given is called plotting the points.

Practice Problem #1
Draw a line connecting the points A(-2,3) and B(1,-1), and find its length.

Solution: In the notations used for representing points remember that the first number given is the x-
coordinate, and the algebraic signs indicate directions.

Starting at the origin, to plot the point (-2,3) we move to the left two units and then up three units. To plot
(1,-1), we move one units to the right of the origin and then down one units.

After connecting these two points with a straight line, we may draw a horizontal and a vertical line as
shown on the figure. Since the triangle thus formed is a right triangle, we can find the length of the
hypotenuse by using the following geometric theorem.

Theorem of Pythagoras
In any right triangle the square on the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two

Since the sides of the above triangle are clearly 3 and 4, we have AB = 32 + 42 = 5 .

Distance Between Two Points

The distance d between two points P1 ( x 1 , y1 ) and P2 ( x 2 , y2 ) can be expressed in terms of their coordinates

by using the theorem of Pythagoras. Thus, as shown in the figure, by constructing the line P1 A parallel to

OX and P2 A parallel to OY, we have d = ( P1 A )2 + ( P2 A )2 . However, the directed lengths P1 A and P2 A are

x2 − x1 and y 2 − y1 , respectively. Hence, by substitution, we obtain:

d = ( x2 − x1 )2 + ( y2 − y 1 ) 2

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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Pre - Calculus
SY 2021 – 2022

Practice Problem #2.

Determine he distance between the points (-3,1) and (3,-2).

The distance between the points (-3,1) and (3,-2), is by substitution in the distance formula.

d = (−3 − 3) 2 + (1 + 2) 2 = 3 5
Observe that the order in which the points are taken in immaterial. Thus, in reversing the order, we find:

d = (3 + 3) 2 + (−2 − 1) 2 = 3 5

Inclination and Slope

If a line drawn on a coordinate system intersects the x-axis, we define the inclination of the line to the
least counterclockwise angle  through which the x axis must be rotated about the point of intersection to
bring it into coincidence with the line. The inclination of a line parallel to the x axis is zero.

The slope of a line, usually denoted by m, is defined as the tangent of the inclination, that is, m = tan  .
The slope of a line can be expressed in terms of the coordinates of any two points in the following way.

Construct the triangle shown in the figure below so that P1 A and P2 A are parallel to the x and y axes,

respectively. Since the lengths of the segments P1 A and P2 A are x2 − x1 and y 2 − y1 , respectively, it

follows from m = tan  that:

y2 − y1
x2 − x1

If the given line is parallel to the x axis so that y2 − y1 , (1) gives the correct slope, namely, m = 0 . If the

given line is parallel to the y axis so that x2 − x1 , (1) is meaningless and the slope is not defined. With the

coordinate axes in their usual position, we see that the line sloping upward to the right has positive slope
and the line sloping downward to the right has negative slope.

Practice Problem #3
Find the slope of the line joining coordinates (2,-1) and (-3,4).

The slope of the line joining (2,-1) and (-3,4) is
(−1) − (4) −5
m= = = −1
(2) − (−3) 5
Observe that interchanging the order of the points does not alter the value of the slope.

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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Pre - Calculus
SY 2021 – 2022

Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

If two lines are parallel, they have equal inclinations and hence have equal slopes. Lines parallel to the y
axis are excluded since their slopes are undefined. Conversely, if two lines have equal slopes the have
equal inclinations, and hence are parallel.

Theorem 1. Two lines are parallel if, and only if, their slopes are equal, that is, m1 = m2 .

Graph of two parallel lines L1 and L2 with slope m1 and m2 respectively:


m1 = m2

If two lines are perpendicular, the inclination of one is 90 degrees more than that of the other. By means
of a trigonometric reduction formula, we obtain,
tan 2 = tan(1 + 90) = − cot 1 = −
tan 
m2 = −

Graph of two perpendicular lines L1 and L2 with slope m1 and m2 respectively:


m2 = −


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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Pre - Calculus
SY 2021 – 2022

Angle Between Two Lines

A line L2 intersecting a line L1 forms two supplementary angles, either of which may be considered as the
angle between the lines. To avoid ambiguity, however, we shall define the angle  that L2 makes with L1
to be the least counterclockwise angle through which L2 makes with L1.

m1 − m2
tan  =
1 + m1m2

* the symbol  is a Greek letter named phi.

Graph of two intersecting lines L1 and L2 at with slope m1 and m2 respectively:


m − m2
tan  = 1
1 + m1 m2 L2

Equation of a Straight Lines

A line is a locus of points which has a constant slope. Thus if

P( x, y ) is any point on the line that crosses the y-axis at (0,b) and
has a slope m, as shown in the figure. The equation of the line is
y −b

y = mx + b

If the given line were parallel to the y axis and intersected the x axis at a its equation would be x = a . In
either case, we observe that the equations are of the first degree in x and y.
Theorem I. Every straight line can be represented by an equation of the first degree. On the other
hand, every equation of the first degree.

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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Pre - Calculus
SY 2021 – 2022

Standard Equations of Lines

We have seen that the equation of a line can be written
in the form:

Ax + By + C = 0

Were A, B, and C are constants. This is called the

general equation of a line. Although the general
equation could be used in all problems involving lines,
it is usually convenient to use other forms in which the
constants have specific geometric meanings. We shall
derive such types of equations which are called
standard forms.

1. The point-slope form. The equation of a line that passes through a fixed point P1 ( x1 , y1 ) with a given

slope m can be obtained as follows. Let P( x, y ) , as shown in the figure, be any point of the line
other than P1 . Then the slope of PP1 is m, we have
y − y1
x − x1

Or simplifying, y − y1 = m( x − x1 ) . This is called the point-slope form of the equation of a line. It

is satisfied by the coordinates of all points on the line including those of P1.

2. The slope-intercept form. The intercepts of a line are the directed distances from the origin to the
points where the line crosses the coordinate axes. Thus, the equation of the line having a y intercept
b and a slope m is
y = mx + b
This is called the slope intercept form of the equation and it is obtained buy substituting (0, b) for
( x1 , y1 ) in the point-slope form.

Intersection of Lines

If two lines are not parallel or coincident, they intersect in a single point. Since the coordinates of this
point satisfy the equations of both lines, their values can be found by solving the two equations
simultaneously for x and y.

Locus of a Point
In mathematics a constant is defined to be a quantity whose value remains the same throughout a given
problem, whereas a variable is a quantity that may assume different values in the same problem. For this
reason, in analytic geometry we say that a point whose coordinates are fixed is a constant point, and a
point with at least once variable coordinate is called a variable point. For example, the center of a given
circle is a constant point, whereas a point on the circumference off the circle is a variable point because
of the infinitely many positions it may assume n the circumference.

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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Pre - Calculus
SY 2021 – 2022

With respect to variable points, we have the following definition. The curve traced by a variable point as
it moves in a plane is called the locus of the point.
Thus, if a point moves so that its ordinate is always equal to its abscissa, its locus is a line passing through
the origin and bisecting the first and third quadrants. For any point ( x, y ) on this locus, it is evident that
the coordinates satisfy the equation y = x .
Conversely, any two numbers that satisfy (1) are coordinates of a point on the locus. For this reason (1) is
called the equation of the locus, and we can make the following definition. The locus of an equation is a
curve containing those points, and only those points, whose coordinates satisfy the equation.

Practice Problem:
Find the equation of the locus of a point which moves so that its distance form the point
C (3, 4) is always 5.

Solution: We know in this case that the locus is a circle with radius 5. Since the center is located at (3, 4)
, we can draw the circle as shown in the figure.

Now for any variable P( x, y ) on the locus, it follows from the condition

PC = 5 that x and y must satisfy ( x − 3)2 + ( y − 4) 2 = 5 . Squaring both

sides and simplifying we obtain x 2 + y 2 − 6 x − 8 y = 0 .

Key Concepts

✓ To describe the position of a point in a plane, we form what is called a system of rectangular or
Cartesian coordinates.
✓ The distance d between two points P1 ( x 1 , y1 ) and P2 ( x 2 , y2 ) is in the form of

d = ( x2 − x1 )2 + ( y2 − y 1 )2

✓ Two lines are parallel if, and only if, their slopes are equal, that is, m1 = m2

✓ If two lines are perpendicular, the inclination of one is 90 degrees more than that of the other.
hence, m2 = − .
✓ A line L2 intersecting a line L1 forms two supplementary angles, either of which may be considered
m1 − m2
as the angle between the lines. The relation of these lines is in the form of tan  = .
1 + m1 m2
✓ The general equation of a line is in the form of Ax + By + C = 0 , were A, B, and C are constants
✓ The standard equation of a line is in different forms:
y − y1
• Point-slope form: =m
x − x1

• Slope-intercept form: y = mx + b

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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Pre - Calculus
SY 2021 – 2022

Learning Activity

Tutorial Videos

Here are some YouTube videos you can watch to help you to have a better understanding about
the lesson.

✓ Coordinate Plane - Basics
✓ Finding the Distance between Two Points
✓ Coordinate Geometry - Finding the Slope of a Line
✓ Slope Intercept Form
✓ Find Equation of a Line (Given the coordinates)
✓ Finding the Midpoint of a Line Segment
✓ Slopes of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

Think, Pair & Share

1. Determine wheter or not the points A(-1,-1), B(4,1), and C(12,4) lie on a straight line.
Is AB + BC = AC? Is area ABC zero?
2. A line of slope 3 passes through the point (7,10). If a point on the line has an abscissa 2, find
its ordinate.

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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Pre - Calculus
SY 2021 – 2022


YouTube Videos

➢ Don’t Memorise (2015, June 22) Coordinate Plane - Basics (GMAT/GRE/CAT/Bank PO/SSC
➢ Don’t Memorise (2015, June 22) Finding the Distance between Two Points
➢ Don’t Memorise (2015, June 22) Coordinate Geometry - Finding the Slope of a Line
➢ Don’t Memorise (2015, June 22) Slope Intercept Form (GMAT/GRE/CAT/Bank PO/SSC CGL)
➢ Don’t Memorise (2015, June 22) Find Equation of a Line (Given the coordinates) |
➢ Don’t Memorise (2015, June 22) Finding the Midpoint of a Line Segment (GMAT/GRE/CAT/Bank
➢ Don’t Memorise (2015, June 22) Slopes of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

Got some questions and

clarifications? You may message
your subject teachers in Canvass
inbox or MS Teams. Or you can
post it on our discussion board.

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