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ED 1 (Child and Adolescent



Answers only.

1. As a future educator, I will encourage my students to be

ambitious and have dreams or aspirations. Will imparts
knowledge, good values, modern-day challenges, and ways to
resolve them within students. Create an active learning
environment and will helps them to learn more.

2. Yes, I agree with this., because in this world there’s always a

happy and sad life that we cannot expect to happen. For
example, you are graduated in an honor student but when you
take the Board exam, you failed on it. There’s always a
question why it was happened.

3. It helps to build self-confidence and enhances motivation to

learn. Without environment, it is useless and environment
without heredity means nothing. It means both are very
important in the life of the individual. Heredity gives us the
body, structure, complexion or features etc, and the
environment provides the opportunities to develop them.

4. Research is the organised and systematic method of finding

answers to questions. It is systematic because it is a process
broken up into clear steps that lead to conclusions. Research is
organised because there is a planned structure or method used
to reach the conclusion.

A researcher - (Teacher) is someone who conducts research.

The 5 steps of scientific methods according to Dewey are the


A. Identify and define problem - to know more the topic.

B. Determine the hypothesis - It is a specific, testable
prediction about what you expect to happen in a study.
C. Collect and analyze data - gathering and measuring
D. Formulate conclusions - final word on a paper.
E. Apply conclusions to the original hypothesis - answer that
the experiment gives

5. Action research is the process by which practitioner’s attempt

to study their problems scientifically in order to guide, correct
and evaluate their decision and actions.
 Why do we have to conduct action research? Because it is a
great importance to teaching profession. It is also helps
educators be more effective at what they care most about
their teaching and the development of their students.
 Action research are not lengthy and sophisticated and short
and be accomplished in a shorter period of time while
Conventional research is more difficult to undertake and
requires more time.
 Research can help teachers to understand what works and
why, what the short and long-term implications are,
provide a justification and rationale for decisions and
actions, help to build a repertoire to help deal with the
unexpected, identify problems, inform improvement and so

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