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Mind Map Reflection

After being a student for around 12 years, I have obtained and accomplished multiple goals and
aspirations. But my most proud academic achievement must be being accepted into the BCIT Piping and
Plumbing program. It is a multi-semester-long course that deals with all things pipping. That includes
sprinklers, gas fittings, plumbing and more. I will have to transfer to Langley secondary school to
complete this course and expand my skill set.

To achieve this goal of mine I had to learn and overcome some obstacles by using different skills. These
skills I developed include hard work, patience, time management and persistence. Being a young
teenager in a very social age I find myself struggling to focus on longer-term goals. But after learning the
great importance of something like time management, it made achieving this goal much more
obtainable. For example, I have learnt to plan out projects into smaller portions than one large work
session. This allows me to turn in a more polished and complete project.

Some things I am self-aware of now is that I am 100% a hands-on worker. I have a speedy mindset that
does not like being strapped to a chair to finish work. I also learnt that having music on allows me to
flow better while working and makes the process more enjoyable. This in turn allows me to be more
efficient, granting me more time to self-edit once I am complete.

For the future I have learnt that working with a goal in mind allows me to work harder to achieve that
goal. For example, if I were on a job site, I would want to set a goal for lunch, the end of the day, week
and so on. This will allow me to know if I am on track to finish my project on time. I also know that I
need to try my very best at everything because I know that I can do great things for myself and others.

This achievement has opened many different career paths that I may be interested in. This is true
because the supply of highly efficient pipe fitters and plumbers is low, which grants many great
opportunities. I will be able to apply myself to professional work as well as personal life too. For
example, I may have problems with my faucet in the future and instead of calling a plumber I am able to
do it myself. I can also meet new people with different skills as well to help me in the future. I believe
working in the trades is a great way to expand your personal connections which have many benefits.

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