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Direction: This test is taken from the topics covered in Module 1, Lesson 1, 2, and 3. Choose the
letter of the correct answer and write it on your paper
1. It is the source of information.
A. Speaker B. Receiver C. Message D. Channel
2. It refers to the information, ideas, or thoughts conveyed.
A. Speaker B. Receiver C. Message D. Channel
3. It refers to the environment where communication takes place.
A. Encoding B. Context C. Decoding D. Feedback
4. Margie names four ingredients for Kyla to buy at the grocery store. Who is the sender of
the message?
A. Kyla B. Margie C. Grocery Store D. Ingredients
5. It is an example of an audience feedback.
A. Laughter B. Silence C. Half-closed eyelids D. All of the above
6. Mona shares her personal frustrations with Chona.
A. Emotional Expression C. Motivation
B. B. Information Dissemination D. Social Interaction
7. Which is not an element of the communication process?
A. Message B. Sender C. Technology D. Receiver
8. It refers to the medium used in the communication.
A. Speaker B. Receiver C. Message D. Channel
9. The Geometry teacher lectures about Mathematical concepts.
A. Social Interaction C. Emotional Expression
B. Motivation D. Information Dissemination
10. The Principal of a certain school gives a speech on the first recognition program to the
students. Who is the receiver of the message?
A. Recognition program C. The words and movements of the principal during his speech
B. Principal D. The students
11. One function of communication is to exercise restraint or direction formally or informally.
A. Control B. Social Interaction C. Motivation D. Information Dissemination
12. Communication is a one-way process. How will react on this statement?
A. True B. Two-way process C. Not Certain D. None of the above
13. In the communication process, decoding takes place _____
A. by the sender C. within the message
B. when dealing effectively with the element of noise D. by the receiver
14. This function of communication facilitates people’s expression of their feelings and
A. Social Interaction C. Information dissemination
B. Information dissemination D. Emotional information
15. This communication model illustrates how the sender and receiver take turns in conveying
and receiving messages and are called as “communicators.”
A. Linear B. Transmission C. Transactional D. Interactive
16. Feedback is seen as an important part of this communication model to ensure that
communication takes place.
A. Linear B. Transmission C. Transactional D. Interactive
17. In this model of communication, the roles of the sender and receiver are reversed each
time sending and receiving occurs at the same time.
A. Linear B. Transmission C. Transactional D. Interactive
18. When a communication is affected by the society, culture, situations, psychological or
sociological events or experiences of the sender and receiver this element is known as
A. Channel B. Field of experience C. feedback D. Context
19. It refers to the simple words or vocabulary used to make the message easy to understand.
A. Words B. Language barrier C. Layman’s term D. Jargon
20. When two people communicate but can barely hear and understand each other because of
their distance, this barrier is called.
A. Physiological B. Attitudinal C. Linguistic D. Physical
21. Even if people speak in the same language but in different jargon, still, there is this barrier
A. Physical B. Attitudinal C. Linguistic D. Physiological
22. To resolve communication breakdown, you should avoid using unfamiliar terminology or
jargon when speaking to clients and their families. It means:
A. Active listening C. Constructive response
B. Patience towards others D. Use common language
23. These are considered as disturbances or noise that hinder the smooth flow of
A. Language B. Jargon C. The speaker himself D. Barriers
24. This C in the 7Cs of Effective Communication is particularly concerned on the receiver
getting to hear everything so that proper responses, reactions, evaluation or feedback
could be done.
A. Completeness B. Clearness C. Correctness D. Courtesy
25. When information sent by the speaker to the receiver is supported by facts, figures, or real-
life examples and situations, effective communication takes place.
A. Concreteness B. Conciseness C. Clearness D. Courtesy
26. Another consideration that has to be done in effective communication is to respect the
cultures and beliefs of others.
A. Concreteness B Conciseness C. Clearness D. Courtesy
27. Low self-esteem can block one’s ability to express his/her needs and opinions. This barrier
to communication is called:
A. Dysfunctional feedback C. using stereotypes
B. Jumping into conclusion D. Lack of confidence
28. Another form of generalization which is creating extremes and is a barrier to
communication is called:
A. Jargon B. Jumping into conclusion C. Polarization D. Dysfunctional feedback
29. Interrupting others while they are talking also creates a poor atmosphere for
communication. This is considered a barrier to communication known as:
A. Dysfunctional feedback C. Using stereotypes
B. Jumping into conclusion D. Lack of confidence
30. This 7Cs of Effective Communication refers to eliminating irrelevant information within the
communication process to achieve smooth flow of communication.
A. Concreteness B. Conciseness C. Clearness D. Courtesy
31. A kind of barrier that refers to the discomfort in the bodily condition of a receiver.
A. Attitudinal B. Physical C. Psychological C. Physiological
32. This barrier pertains to recipient’s reluctance to change.
A. Attitudinal B. Physical C. Psychological C. Physiological
33. A disturbance in a communicator wherein attention is distracted due to emotional
baggage, worries or anxiety.
A. Attitudinal B. Physical C. Psychological D. Physiological
34. To enhance interpersonal future communications, feedback given by the receiver should
ensure furthering the abilities of the speaker. It encourages the use of:
A. Active listening C. Constructive response
B. Patience towards others D. Use common language
35. It is a skill that can be acquired and improved by fully focusing on what is being said rather
than just “hearing” the message of the speaker.
A. Active listening C. Constructive response
B. Patience towards others D. Use common language
36. An error or mistake in a document due to encoding is a sample of a barrier.
A. True B. maybe C. False D. it doesn’t tell
37. Which is NOT a means or medium of communication?
A. Phone call B. Letter C. E-mail D. Environment
38. When we convert a message into actions, it is called ____.
A. Decoding B. Encoding C. Listening D. Feedback loop
39. Communications skills are helpful in ___.
A. Teaching B. Listening C. Asking questions D. All of the above
40. John has a habit of ignoring the message of his mother. Which element is referring to
John’s response to the message?
A. Channel B. Participation C. Context D. Feedback
41. James greets May. Then, they start talking about their plans for the holidays.
A. Motivation C. Control
B. B. Information dissemination D. Social Interaction
42. You deliver a speech about the importance of higher education to a group of high school
students. What is the message?
A. High school students C. Importance of higher education
B. You D. Your voice and language
43. The researcher reads and discusses classroom policies to her students.
A. Information dissemination C. Social interaction
B. Motivation D. Emotional Expression
44. It is a function of communication which refers to the energy that influences a person’s
behavior in different ways to his pursuit of his goal or objective.
A. Social interaction C. Information dissemination
B. Motivation D. Emotional expression
45. Communication allows us to act or react to the behavior of people around us.
A. Emotional expression C. Motivation
B. Control D. Social interaction
46. This is one of the most basic functions of communication that provides data and
information for effective completion of tasks, solution of problems, and elimination of
A. Social interaction C. Emotional expression
B. Information dissemination D. Control
47. Rex shares his insights on how to live peacefully despite a complicate life.
A. Emotional expression C. Control
B. Information dissemination D. Social interaction
48. This talk is good for problem-solving and conflict resolution and may be used to facilitate
emotional expression or catharsis, which is the act or purging, cleansing, and unloading of
ideas and emotions.
A. Small talk C. Heavy-control talk
B. Light control talk D. Straight talk
49. This purpose of talk is a form of non-threatening communication that may be used to effect
social interaction.
A. Search talk C. Small talk
B. Heavy-control talk D. Straight talk
50. A television personality thanks the supportive moviegoers during an interview.
A. Emotional expression C. Control
B. Information dissemination D. Social interaction

Prepared by:
Subject Teacher

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