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Nama Mahasiswa : Juminten

Nomor Induk Mahasiswa/ NIM : 836142465

Kode/Nama Mata Kuliah : PAUD 4105/Bahasa Inggris

Kode/Nama UPBJJ : 20 / Bandar Lampung

Masa Ujian : 2019/20.2 (2020.1)


1. A. 1. How many studends are in your class ?
2. How many mangoes do you need to make the juice ?
3. How many eggs to make the cake ?
B. 1. How much money do you need to borrow now ?
2. How much sugar do you need to make a glass of coffee ?
3. How much flour ( wheat flouw ) we need to make a caramel cake ?

2. A. 1. There are some troubles in doing this english task .

2. I need some fruits to make this fruit salad
3. I know some body how is expert in make dresses/gown .
B. 1. Hallo......Any body home ?
2. I don’t even know eny body in this new place.
3. He never introduced me to eny body when I stayed at this home last month.

3. I have a daughter . She is 17 years old. She is a student of senior higt school second grade .
She goes to school droped by my husband every day except Saturday and Sunday. On
Saturday she usually helps me in the kitchen. She likes very much to have water spinach
for meal disk. On Sunday she helps me to iron our clotlus. Some times she sleeps near the
iron disk after doing her work . she looks so tired.

4. This happened last Sunday with my daughter and husband . Last Sunday was a special
day for us. We planed to make special menu. I prepared white rice and sayur asem ( a
kind of stewed vegetables ). My husband prepared roasted fish..I had made recipe for the
fish. It’s smelled and looked good.My daughter had the aluny to prepare chili paste
/sambal. After several minutes we had allready all. We served on the mat under the
mango tree next the house . But what a pity was a mess menu. The stewed vegetables was
over cooked so it’s too smooth... The fish is not so cooked, so it’s rather red in and fish.
But the chili parte was too hot. Fortunately the rice was good.

5. On traditional transportation is like grobak. It is a kind of transportation delman in java,

but it doesn’t have roof. Its sqware made of wood and has pair of wheel . Its pulled by a
buffalo or a cow. It is the whicle to transport plantation product such as pady , coffee,
clove, corn or others. It can transport goods aroud one or two hundreds kg.

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