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ANOVA Analysis (Spinning the coin)
 Objective/Problem Statement: The   Operators
Prof: - Mr. Mohsen Ebadi Trial Payal Ketan Anuja Ashish Fareed
spin coin experiment is conducted to
1 7.43 9.7 10.27 9.96 11.7
analyze the statistical changes in
2 9.7 11.15 12.45 9.57 10.49
Minitab by one-way ANOVA
3 9.57 10.3 11.56 10.64 12.97
technique to compare means of
4 8.34 12.25 12.35 10.34 12.66
different samples. There is difference
5 10.6 10.9 10.48 11.74 10.64
between operator's spin the coin.
Each operator got different data during spinning the coin.
 Experimental Setup: The spinning coin is used to gather data by different operator and
time is measured in seconds to complete the spin. We have used 5 trials to compare
means of the sample.
 Output Response: Time measured in seconds to complete the spinning the coin.
 Null Hypothesis: H0 : µpayal=µketanbhai=µanuja=µashish=µfareed=0. (All operators
have equal means.)
 Alternate Hypothesis: Ha: µpayal=µketanbhai=µanuja=µashish=µfareed=0 (All
operators have different means.)
 Assumptions: Each sample of reading is independent; selection of any sample is not
dependent on selection of any other sample.
 Analyses: Data run through Minitab to perform probability plot and one-way ANOVA
test which gives the variation between operators and within the operators.

Name: - Payal Dhameliya -

Ketanbhai Hadiya-8719159
Anuja George- 8718897
Mohamed Fareed- 8699590
Ashish George-8742535
 Probability Plot: - Model Summary: -

S R-sq R-sq(adj) PRESS R-sq(pred)

1.04572 48.16% 37.80% 34.1729 19.00%

 R-sq is 48.16% which is

low, so it does not fit the
data. But to verify these
residual plots are generated.

 P- value for each operator is more than

0.05 which indicates data is normal.

 ANOVA table from Excel; -

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 20.32046 4 5.080114 4.645602 0.008148 2.866081
Within Groups 21.87064 20 1.093532

Total 42.1911 24        

 Determine whether the differences between group means are statistically


 Analysis of Variance: -
Source DF Seq SS Contribution Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value
Factor 4 20.32 48.16% 20.32 5.080 4.65 0.008
Error 20 21.87 51.84% 21.87 1.094    
Total 24 42.19 100.00%        

 Interpreting: ANOVA table and Minitab results reflects that the P-

value is more than the significance level 0.05, so we failed to
reject null hypothesis.
 Error is contributing more than the factor to the response.
 Residual Plot: -

 In Residual versus fits plots,

the points do not show any
unusual pattern and no
outlier is appeared so meets
model assumptions.
 In residual normal
probability plot points follow
the straight line that is data is
near to fitted line, so data is
normally distributed. 

 Interval Plot: - Means: -

Factor N Mean StDev 95% CI

Payal 5 9.128 1.244 (8.152, 10.104)
Ketan 5 10.860 0.959 (9.884, 11.836)
Anuja 5 11.422 1.019 (10.446, 12.398)
Ashish 5 10.450 0.826 (9.474, 11.426)
Fareed 5 11.692 1.132 (10.716, 12.668)

 Operator Fareed has the highest mean, while Operator payal has the lowest mean.
 Boxplot: -

 Tukey Test: -
Factor N Mean Grouping

Fareed 5 11.692 A  

Anuja 5 11.422 A  

Ketan 5 10.860 A B

Ashish 5 10.450 A B

Payal 5 9.128   B

Means that do not share a letter are significantly different.

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