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STUDENT: Daniela Navarro DATE: 1/09/2021 COURSE:B063


Customs about Money around the world.

∙ In the Czech Republic, some people believe the custom of placing fish scales under the dinner plates or tablecloth at
the Christmas dinner table is said to bring wealth to the home. Some people apparently carry a fish scale in the wallet
to generate money.

∙ Some Turkish people believe that if the first customer throws silver coins onto the floor of a business, it will attract
more people. Sometimes when a first costumer enters the shop, he might be given a coin by the clerk so that he can
perform the lucky ritual.

∙ Some Indian shop-owners will not let the first window-shopper of the day leave without buying something, even if it
is only a button or a pin, as it is considered unlucky for the rest of the day. That must some pressure for the costumer!

∙ Other people in India and Pakistan kiss money and press it against their eyes for good luck. If you do this in front of a
temple, it’s even better. People usually have a coin whenever they pass in front of a temple so they do it.

Answer TRUE or FALSE according to the information in the reading above.

1. Some people keep a fish on their jackets for good luck. __False____

2. Placing fish scales on the dinner plates is said to bring wealth. _True_____

3. People in India push some money on their eyes for good luck. __ True____

4. In turkey, a client launching around coins on the floor pulls in new clients. _True_____

5. In India, if you are the first person in a shop, you have to buy. ___True___

Watch the video on this link:

1. Complete the sentences with the vocabulary from the video
huggy - flirtatious - body language - have the guts - get to know
get to know

1. I would like to   him more.


2. My family is really   with each other.


3. Touching someone on the arm is one way to be   .

body language

4. His   showed that he was uncomfortable.

have the guts

5. I do not   to quit my job, but I would like to.

2. Choose the correct option to complete the statement.

1) Cheryl makes a first move by asking questions.

a) looking sad b) asking questions c) looking for a response
2) She says she is flirtatious if _she has courage.
a) she is with friends b) she has the courage c) the guy is flirtatious
3) What body language would she use?
a) blinking b) talking c) acting silly
4) She is more comfortable making a move _when alone.
a) when alone b) when around others c) on her own turf
5) What does she say about asking for a date?
a) She never does it. b) She might at a later time c) The guy should always do it.


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