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Simple Present Tense

1. Use (Penggunaan)
Simple present tense is often used in English language for the follwing purposes:
(simple present tense biasanya digunakan dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk tujuan berikut):
a. Repeated actions or habitual actions (Kegiatan yang berulang atau kebiasaan)
- My family and I usually visit my grandmother in Tasikmalaya once a month.
- The students of SMK Bhakti Kencana always follow the flag ceremony every Monday.
b. Simple statement of fact (Menyatakan fakta)
- I live in Bandung.
- My friend speaks three languages.
c. General truth (Menyatakan kebenaran umum)
- The sun sets in the West.
- Do lephants live longer than humans?
d. State the command or instruction (menyatakan perintah atau instruksi)
- Finish your assignment today!
- Charge your phone approximately eight hours until the battery icon is fully charged.
e. Used together with verbs of the senses and mental processes (Digunakan bersamaan
dengan kata kerja yang menyatakan fikiran atau perasaan)
The most common words used are:
- Love - prefer - know - taste - like
- Hate - need - want - believe - remember
- See - hear - understand - smell - look

- I love you
- This doesn’t taste very good, does it?
- I need a new bag.

2. Form (Rumus)
a. Verbal Sentences (Kalimat yang predikatnya berupa kata kerja)
Positive Subject + Verb 1 + Object + Complement (pelengkap)
e.g. I do my homework after dinner.
Note: If the Subject is the third person singular, the verb must be added by –s or –es.
(Jika subjeknya orang ketiga tunggal (She, He, It), maka kata kerjanya harus
ditambahkan –s atau –es.
Contoh: She does her homework after dinner.

Verb (kata kerja) yang ditambahkan –es adalah jika kata kerja tersebut berakhiran:
-o contoh: go menjadi goes
-x contoh: fix menjadi fixes
-sh contoh: wash menjadi washes
-ch contoh: watch menjadi watches
-ss contoh: pass menjadi passes
Jika kata kerja berakhiran –y, tapi sebelum –y adalah huruf konsonan, maka huruf –y berubah
menjadi -i dan ditambahkan –es.
Contoh: fly menjadi flies
cry menjadi cries
Negative Subject + do/does + not + Verb 1 + Object + Complement
e.g. I don’t do my homework after dinner
She doesn’t do her homework after dinner.

Interrogative Do/Does + Subject + Verb 1 + Object + Complement

e.g. Do you do your homework after dinner?
Does She do her homework after dinner?

b. Nominal Sentences (Kalimat yang predikatnya bukan kata kerja)

Positive Subject + to be (is, am, are) + Object
e.g. - My mother is a teacher
- I am a student
- We are not from Jakarta.

Negative Subject + to be (is, am, are) + not + Object

e.g. - My mother is not a teacher.
- I am not a student
- We are not from Jakarta.

Interrogative to be (is, am, are) + Subject + Object

e.g. - is your mother a teacher?
- am I a student?
- Are you from Jakarta?

3. Adverb of Time (Adverb of Frequency)

Karena Simple Present Tense merupakan kejadian yang berulang dan kebenaran umum, maka
keterangan waktu yang sering digunakan adalah:
- Always (selalu)
- Usually (biasanya)
- Often (sering)
- Sometimes (kadang-kadang)
- Seldom (jarang)
- Rarely (jarang)
- Never (tidak pernah)
- Three times a day (tiga kali sehari)
- Once a month (sebulan sekali)
- Twice a week (seminggu dua kali)
- Everyday (setiap hari)
- Every ... (setiap ...)

--have a nice studying--

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