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Turkana Water Sector Plan

Turkana County Water, Sanitation Services Sector

Strategic Plan


Turkana Water Sector Plan

The development of this Water Sector Policy was jointly funded by USAID AHADI, Kenya
RAPID and the County Government of Turkana.

Turkana Water Sector Plan


This sector plan has been prepared with the support of many individuals and institutions.
We greatly appreciate the generous financial and logistical support of the USAID Agile and
Harmonized Assistance for Devolved Institutions (AHADI) Program, The Millennium Water
Alliance and other Non Governmental Organizations, local community representatives,
local private sector, FBOs who have been part of this process.

The development of this policy was coordinated by the staff from Turkana County
Department of Water, Agriculture and Irrigation with a lot of support from all other related
sectors – The Office of the Governor, Livestock, Pastoral Economy, Agriculture, Health,
Education, Service Providers and local communities. I would like to thank all members of
the Technical Committee during the development of this policy as well as representatives
from other departments for their wonderful stewardship, support and cooperation which
enhanced this policy document.

We also wish to acknowledge and thank all persons and institutions whose ideas and
materials have been used in compiling this policy document. Much thanks go to Mr
Jason Oyugi, the Lead Consultant for this policy development process.

Special thanks go to the Governor of Turkana County, H.E. Joseph Nanok, for taking a
personal interest in the entire process of supporting the sector planning process and for
encouraging the department to be always creative and innovative as we seek improve the
lives of the people of Turkana County through better water service delivery.

Chief Officer, Department of Water, Agriculture and Irrigation

Turkana County Government

Turkana Water Sector Plan


The Constitution of Kenya 2010 recognizes that access to safe and sufficient water is a basic
human right. It also assigns responsibility for water supply and sanitation provision to the 47
County Governments. In order to effectively implement this commitment and other related
water and sanitation related commitments in the Constitution, the County Water sector
requires a sharp focus first, on ensuring a smoother collaboration between the two levels of
government, and secondly, strengthening county leadership to achieve sustainable delivery of
improved water services under this dispensation.

At this stage in the development of this sector plan, the County is cognizant of the fact that
Turkana County, like most of the Counties in the Arid and Semi Arid Areas of Kenya is a
county endowed with extensive natural wealth and biodiversity. Yet, the County population
still remains largely poor with limited access to and control of productive resources,
especially by women and young people. In the Water Sector, there has been a general
decline in both the quantity and quality of water for productive and domestic use. During
drought, reduced water tables are common leading to low yielding boreholes and longer
waiting times at the few water points available. Other changes include the drying of surface
water sources, high siltation and long trekking distances. Better water governance is
therefore key to unlocking some of the long established barriers to economic development
of the County.

Another key determinant of the content and direction of this plan for the water sector has
been the need to develop a much more responsive policy framework that is embedded in
the culture and ways of life of the Turkana County. In so doing, this policy recognizes that
pastoralism which is our culture and way of life, has the potential to form part of the
county’s highly resilient livelihoods. Yet over the years, the capacities within these systems
have been eroded by policy disconnects in the past and continue to be overlooked as a
vehicle for economic development. Addressing pastoralism is certainly a wider development
challenge that straddles across multiple sectors for effective mainstreaming to happen. For
the water sector however, we make an early recognition of this reality and integrate the key
priorities and policy measures necessary to respond to this dynamic in the county.

In developing this sector plan for the waters sector, we have set out a benchmark through
which the County leadership will be measured. Our duty as a stakeholders now is to meet
the demands of these commitments for the benefit of the People of Turkana County.

County Executive Committee Member,

Department of Water, Agriculture and Irrigation
Turkana County Government

Turkana Water Sector Plan

Abbreviations and Acronyms

AHADI Agile and Harmonized Assistance for Devolved Institutions

CEC County Executive Committee Member

CLTS Community Led Total Sanitation

CO Chief Officer

CRS Catholic Relief Services

CWSSF County Water Sector Stakeholder Forum

LUWASCO Lodwar Water and Sewerage Company

M&E Monitoring and Evaluation

MWA Millennium Water Alliance

NDMA National Drought Management Authority

NEMA National Environment Management Authority

NWMP National Water Master Plan

OD Open defecation

USAID United States Agency International Development

WAPC Ward Adaptation Planning Committee

WASH Water Sanitation Health

WSSP Water Sector Strategic Plan

WRMA Water Resources Management Authority

Table of Contents
Abbreviations and Acronyms .................................................................................................. 5
1.0 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Physical and Geographic features ................................................................................. 7
1.2 Demographic Features .................................................................................................. 8
2.0 SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS ....................................................................................... 10
2.1 The Mandate of the Department ................................................................................ 10
2.2 Vision 2030 and other National Policy Frameworks ................................................. 10
2.2.1 The Draft National Water Policy ............................................................................... 11
2.2.2 The National Hygiene and Sanitation Strategy ......................................................... 11
2.5 The Turkana County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) ........................................... 12
2.4 STAKEHOLDER ANALYSIS ..................................................................................... 14
3.0 VISION, MISSION AND STRATEGIC DIRECTION .............................................. 16
3.1 Strategic Goals.............................................................................................................. 16
4.0 ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE .............................................................................. 26
5.0 RESOURCES MOBILIZATION FOR THE STRATEGIC PLAN ............................ 28
6.0 MONITORING AND EVALUATION ....................................................................... 29


1.1 Physical and Geographic features

1.1.1 Position and Size

Turkana County is situated in North Western Kenya. It borders West Pokot and Baringo Counties
to the south, Samburu County to the South East, and Marsabit County to the East. Internationally it
borders South Sudan to the north, Uganda to the west and Ethiopia to the north east. The County
shares Lake Turkana with Turkana County. The total area of the county is 68,680.3 Km² and lies
between Longitudes 340 30’ and 360 40’East and between Latitudes 10 30’ and 50 30’ North.

1.1.2 Physiographic and Natural Conditions

The physiographic features in the county include low lying open plains, mountain ranges and river
drainage patterns. Lake Turkana is at an elevation of 360 meters (1,181 feet) while the surrounding
basin is anywhere from 375-914 meters (1,230-3,000 feet). The main mountain ranges of the county
are Loima, Lorengippi, Mogila, Songot, Kalapata, Loriu, Kailong’kol and Silale mountains.

The mountain ranges, because of their high elevation, are normally green, covered with dense
bushes and high woody cover. The ranges support important economic activities like honey
production, grazing during the dry season, wood production, and charcoal production. There are
also water catchment sources thus supporting gum Arabica growing and small household
shambas,The hills in the county consist of Tepes Hills in Kibish Division, Lokwanamoru Hills and
Lorionotom Hills in Kaikor Division, Pelekech Hills in Kakuma Division and Loima Hills in Loima
Division which are characterized by large forests.

The open lying plains consist of the Kalapata and Lotikipi Plains. The plains form part of the arid
area in the County and receive the lowest amount of rainfall of around 180 mm per annum. These
plains are dominated by dwarf shrub and grassland, which provide forage for livestock during and
shortly after the rainy season. However, this forage dries rapidly at the onset of the dry season.
Rivers Tarach, Kerio, Kalapata, Malimalite and Turkwel are the major rivers in the county making
them the most important with a potential of producing large amounts of food for the county, if
properly utilized.

Lake Turkana is the largest and most saline of the Rift Valley lakes. There is no outlet, and with
reduced inflows and high evaporation this results into depositing of salt in the soil and capping on
the surface. The water level is subject to three to four metres seasonal fluctuations. In total, the
water level dropped 10m between 1975 and 1992. River Omo from Ethiopia which is permanent
drains into Lake Turkana. The lake is situated on the eastern part of the county and has northern
island and is endowed with a variety of wild animals namely: hippos, crocodiles and water fowls.
Fishing is the major activity in the lake.

Soils in Turkana County are not well developed due to aridity and constant erosion by water and
wind. Often they are capped by stone mantles. Colluvial soils tend to be reddish over the basement
system and generally grey buff or white over the volcanoes. Aeolian soils are dune sands either
active or fossil; Alluvial soils range from coarse sands to flash flood silts, while black or brown clays
occur locally in areas of impended drainage.

1.1.3 Ecological Conditions

The county is endowed with the Lake which is a world heritage; it also has a number of rivers that
flow into the lake. These include Rivers Turkwel and Kerio among others that are seasonal. The
County also has several springs which are scattered across the county especially parts of the lake
zones and the Turkana East.

There are insufficient details showing agro-ecological zones by Division but the zones in proportion
can be estimated as below-

 Lower midland zone 5 (semi-arid) 3%

 Inner midland zone 4 (transition) 1%
 Inner lowland zone 5 (semi-arid) 16%
 Inner lowland zone 6 (arid) 42%
 Inner lowland zone 7 (very arid) 38%
The forest cover in the county is held in trust by the Local Government where communities utilize
all natural resources without many restrictions. There is no gazetted or surveyed forest in the

Turkana County is arid and semi-arid and is characterized by warm and hot climate. The
temperatures range between 20ºC and 41ºC with a mean of 30.5ºC. The rainfall pattern and
distribution is erratic and unreliable both with time and space. There are two rainfall seasons. The
long rains (akiporo) usually occur between April and July and the short rains between October and
November and ranges between 52 mm and 480 mm annually with a mean of 200 mm. The driest
periods (akamu) are January, February and September. The rainfall is distributed on an east-west
gradient with more rainfall in the western parts and other areas of higher elevation. The rainfalls are
brief and come with violent storms resulting in flush floods. The surface runoff and potential
evaporation rates are extremely high.

Due to the low rainfall and high temperatures there is a lot of evapo-transpiration resulting into
deposition of salt in the soil and capping on the surface. As a result, only about 30 per cent of the
county’s soil can be rated as moderately suitable for agricultural production. These moderately
fertile soils are found at the central plains of Lorengippi, the upper Loima, the lowlands of the
Turkwel, Nakaton and Kawalathe drainage along the lake at the lower Kalokol, Turkwel and Kerio
rivers and a portion of the Loriu Plateaus. For the last two and a half decades, the county has
frequently suffered from failures of the annual rains. However, years 2006, 2007 and 2011, witnessed
a higher than expected rainfall. This resulted to flash floods with many parts of the county
experiencing loss of livestock and pasture.

1.2 Demographic Features

1.2.1 Population Size and Composition

According to the Kenya Population and Housing Census (KPHC) 2009 results, the County
population stood at 855,399. It is projected to have a total population of 1,036,586 in 2012 and
1,427,797 in 2017. These projections are based on a population growth rate of 6.4 percent assuming
constant mortality and fertility rates. The increase in the overall population will call for more
investment in economic and social facilities such as health services, educational facilities, agriculture
and livestock sectors to provide food and employment opportunities. Table 1 provides population
projections based on 2009 population census.

1.2.2 Population Density and Distribution

The population density in the county varies from 24 persons per Km² in Turkana Central
Constituency to 5 persons per Km² in Turkana East Constituency. The average population density in
the County is 12 persons per km2. This is based on the 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census.
Settlement patterns in Turkana County correspond with natural resource endowment. This is
exhibited by low population densities in the rural areas and high population in towns and market
centers where economic opportunities prevail. Lake Turkana as a resource has influenced a high
settlement patterns in the areas along it.

Table 1: Population Density and Distribution by Constituency
CONSTITUEN 2009 2012 2015 2017
CY (Census) (Projections) (Projections) (Projections)
Populatio Densit Populat Densit Populat Densit Populat Densit
n y ion y ion y ion y
(Km2) (Km2) (Km2) (Km2)
TURKANA 134,674 24 163,200 29 197,768 35 224,792 40
TURKANA 129,087 7 156,430 9 189,564 11 215,467 12
TURKANA 245,327 14 297,291 17 360,262 21 409,490 24
LOIMA 119,932 13 145,336 16 176,120 20 200,186 22
TURKANA 90,466 5 109,628 6 132,849 7 151,002 8
TURKANA 135,913 18 164,702 22 199,588 27 226,860 31
Total 855,399 12 1,036,5 15 1,256,1 18 1,427,7 21
87 51 97

Source: County Statistics Office, Turkana 2011

Turkana Central has the highest concentration of people because it is the County headquarters and
has many infrastructural and social amenities. There are also more opportunities, such as job
opportunities, in the town than in other areas. On the other hand, Turkana East has the smallest
population density densities because of the insecurity levels in the area which is mainly caused by
cattle rustling. On the other hand, Turkana West Constituency is the most populated because of the
refugee camp in Kakuma. On the other hand, Turkana East has the least population due to insecurity
along the border with West Pokot. From table 1, the projections indicate that the population is
expected to almost double by 2017to 1,427,797.

Table 2: Population Projection by Urban Centres

Urban 2012 (Projections) 2015 (Projections) 2017 (Projections)
Centre (Census)
s Tota
M F Total M F M F Total M F Total
Lodwa 23,01 27,89 54,97 32,81 33,80
r 22,349 9 45,368 27,083 5 8 9 3 66,623 37,304 38,422 75,726
Kakum 15,14 18,34 38,73 24,70 22,23
a 16,820 2 31,962 20,383 9 2 0 6 46,936 28,075 25,274 53,350
Lokich 10,15 21,44 13,67 12,30
oggio 9,313 8,382 17,695 11,286 7 3 6 9 25,985 15,545 13,991 29,536
48,48 46,5 95,02 58,75 56,4 115, 71,19 68,3 139,5 80,92 77,68 158,6
2 43 5 1 02 153 6 48 44 4 8 12
Source: KPHC 2009

Lodwar Town has the highest population projected to be 54,978 in 2012. The high number in these
urban centres is attributed to more influx of people seeking employment and the availability of
infrastructure and social amenities. According to the Cities and Urban Areas Act of 2012, only the
above three urban centres qualify to be classified as Towns. There is need for improved
infrastructural facilities and social amenities in these towns.


2.1 The Mandate of the Department

The Ministry of Water Services Irrigation & Agriculture is one of the ten ministries in the County
government mandated to improve livelihoods of the people through promotion of competitive,
innovative and sustainable livestock and fisheries development and management. The Ministry has three
main directorates namely; Water Services, irrigation and Agriculture.

a) Water Services and Sanitation: This subsector includes water supplies for domestic,
livestock, agricultural and other institutional, social and economic uses. This department
mandate also includes sanitation and hygiene. In fulfilling its mandate, the department has a
number of functions that are core to its activities and are geared to ensuring that the
department fulfils its mission and achieves its vision. The core functions of the department are
key to the county’s development goals and are the basis for developing policy priorities. They
include the conservation, control and protection of water catchment areas, which are largely
found in forests and other ecosystems; rural and urban water development and supply
especially ensuring water supply in rural pastoralist communities, provision of water for
livestock and irrigation. Another critical function is wastewater treatment and disposal and
rural sanitation and hygiene.

Irrigation: The irrigation sub-sector is largely responsible for the development of water
storage capacity for irrigation as well as the provision of irrigation services in the county.

Agriculture: The agriculture sub sector is charged with the responsibility of

creating an enabling environment for agricultural development and to facilitate increased
productivity and agricultural output through improved extension, advisory support services
and technology application.

The County government also works together with its neighbouring counties, the national government
and other actors to ensure water resource management. Some of the key national government agencies
include the National Water Resources Authority (WRA) and the National Environmental Management
Authority (NEMA) as well as line ministries.

2.2 Vision 2030 and other National Policy Frameworks

Sessional Paper Number 10 of 2012 on Kenya Vision 2030 is the National Policy Economic Blueprint
that entrenches Kenya Vision 2030 as the long term development strategy for Kenya. The Kenya Vision
2030 aims to transform Kenya into a modern, globally competitive, middle income country providing a
high quality of life to all its citizens. Kenya Vision 2030 is a product of a highly participatory, consultative
and inclusive stakeholder’s process conducted throughout the country and in all sectors of the

The broad key priority areas of the Second MTP of Vision 2030 include: employment creation;
development of human resource through expansion and improvement in quality education, health and
other social services; reducing the dependence of the economy on rain fed agriculture through
expansion of irrigation; higher investment in alternative and green sources of energy; improving the
economy’s competitiveness through increased investment and modernization of infrastructure;

increasing the ratio of saving, investment and exports to GDP; implementation of key Kenya Vision 2030
Flagship projects including development of the LAPSSET Corridor. This policy recognizes this
opportunity as major determinants of some of the priorities that the water sector has to respond to
both in the medium and short term.

2.2.1 The Draft National Water Policy

The Draft National Water Policy of 2012 (NWP 2012) which was developed in response to the
mandate, vision and mission of the ministry responsible for Water and Irrigation in Kenya was informed
by the gains made during the past decade of implementation of reforms in the water sector anchored on
the National Water Policy of 1999 (NWP 1999) also referred to as Sessional Paper No. 1 on National
Policy on Water Resources Management and Development, the Water Act 2002, existing related policy
documents, and the globally recognized Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) approach.
These reforms culminated into the development of the WSSP 2009 – 2014, which was designed to
institutionalize a stakeholder and participatory approach to the management of water affairs in the

The draft policy takes into account requirements of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 with regard to (1)
consideration of water as a natural resource, and (2) the right to water by all; the Kenya Vision 2030;
the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and other national policies and Strategies. In this regard it
will inform the development of the Water Bill 2014 which will replace the Water Act 2002. The policy
therefore consolidates the highlights of previous Water Sector reforms and the key elements of the
good governance initiatives in the sector over the past 10 years which include;

• Subsidiarity and decentralization – In line with the government’s overall decentralization policy,
decisions in the water sector are made at the lowest appropriate level, making sector
institutions more autonomous. For example, water utilities have been transformed into
autonomous, registered and regulated shareholder companies, owned by the counties.
• Separation of service delivery, policy formulation and regulation to achieve higher efficiency and
• Increased equity achieved by aligning the sector with the human right to water and sanitation
and by adopting a pro-poor approach in sector policies and strategies.
• Transparency and accountability measures include efforts by sector institutions reporting
regularly to the public and by stronger enforcement of regulations and complaint mechanisms.
• The participation and empowerment of water users and consumers through more than 400
WRUAs, WAGs and mechanisms such as public hearings at community level.

2.2.2 The National Hygiene and Sanitation Strategy

The National Hygiene and Sanitation Strategy recognize that sanitation is now a constitutional right in
Kenya. To rapidly increase sanitation hygiene coverage and attain the sanitation for all people by 2015,
the stakeholders in sanitation and hygiene led by The Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation (MoPHS)
developed the strategy document to implement the National Environmental Sanitation Hygiene Policy
(2007) and also to guide strategic thinking towards the afore mentioned goal. In addition, the strategy
recognizes that sanitation services have now been devolved to County level necessitating a
reconfiguration of the operational aspects.

The national sanitation and hygiene strategy has the overall goal of; Sanitation for all by 2020

This is pursued through 6 key objectives developed towards attaining the goal;
 To eradicate open defecation (OD) in Kenya by 2015.
 To significantly improve hand washing practice to over 90% by 2015

 To significantly improve the safe at point of use for all households in Kenya by 2015
 To ensure that all solid and liquid waste is properly managed by 2020.
 To have an effective emergency preparedness and response mechanism for sanitation by
 To strengthen coordination of sanitation hygiene systems and enabling framework on
anon-going basis

2.5 The Turkana County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP)

The Turkana County Integrated Development Plan developed in 2014 through a broad based
participatory process outlines the main framework of the County’s development priorities in achieving
its developmental mandate over the 2013-2017 five year development period. The main emphasis in the
CIDP lies in the Turkana County Government will give the communities in Turkana greater control over
their affairs, and there will be enhanced resources directed towards this once marginalized area. On the
other hand, it is possible that regional inequalities may actually deepen under devolution, as counties
with greater technical competencies and resources forge ahead, while those with inadequate resources
and capacities may continue to lag behind. It is hope of many that Turkana County does not fall within
the latter category of Counties due to its low capacity in a number of areas, despite the discovery of
commercially viable petroleum deposits.

Although all parts of Kenya will face challenges in adjusting to the new constitutional dispensation,
Turkana County just like others in the arid regions may particularly be disadvantaged due to the many
past years of neglect and marginalization. This situation has resulted in weak Institutional and human
resource capacities, poverty, poor infrastructure, insecurity and high levels of illiteracy. The hot and dry
climatic conditions of Turkana County are limiting to agricultural productivity and economic
opportunities to a certain extent. However, the recent discovery of petroleum deposits and the likely
improvement in infrastructure may draw investors into the County. Ng’iturkana have to get ready for
this reality and adjust accordingly so that they are not pushed to the periphery and be marginalized
further as in the past, not by the Central Government, but by other more empowered and politically
astute Kenyans.

The significance of County Integrated Development Planning within the broader system of county
governments was highlighted by the 2010 constitution that was promulgated to usher devolution in
Kenya. This key policy document will provide content to the new developmental roles and
responsibilities for Turkana County Government as set out in the Constitution of the Republic of
Kenya. The Turkana CIDP utilizes a participatory approach to integrate economic, sectoral, spatial,
social, institutional, environmental and fiscal strategies in order to support the optimal allocation of
scarce resources between sectors and geographical areas and across the population in a manner that
provides sustainable growth, equity and the empowerment of the poor and the marginalized in the vast

The CIDP policy framework will however allow for maximum flexibility and ingenuity in the local sphere
of the county government, without compromising the crucial tasks of alignment and co-ordination of
planning, budgeting and delivery/spending within and between spheres in the County of Turkana. The
CIDP has been developed principally to: link, integrate and co-ordinate plans and development proposals
and other strategies, plans and frameworks for the county; act as the policy framework and basis on
which the annual budget for the county must be based; align the financial resources and human capacity
of the county with the implementation of strategies, projects and programmes that will address the
prioritized needs of the most deprived, and maintain the existing infrastructure and economic activities

in the county; and assist Turkana County to focus on the environmental sustainability of their delivery
and developmental strategies.

2.3 County Water Sector Policy Framework

The Turkana County Water Sector policy outlines the County Water Sector Strategic direction. It also
articulates the vision of the water sector in Turkana County which was derived from the overall County
vision and other development challenges. The policy further articulates the various strategic goals for
each sub-sector beginning with a broad overview of the situation analysis of the sub-sector, the strategic
goal, objectives and policy measures the County Government will implement to realize these objectives
and goals. The policy covers seven key interrelated sectors that include the following;

1. Water resources: To promote the optimal, sustainable and equitable development and use
of water resources in the county
2. Water Supply: To strengthen the provision of sustainable water supply and sanitation
services in all rural and urban areas in the county.
3. Livestock water: To provide adequate, safe, affordable and accessible water for the
4. Water for Irrigation: To provide adequate and quality water for efficient use in irrigation.
5. Rural and Urban Sanitation: o scale up improved rural and urban sanitation and hygiene in
the county.
6. Water for Public Institutions: To improve the provision and access to safe water and proper
sanitation services in public institutions.
7. Water Sector Governance: To improve planning, coordination and management of the
water sector.

In summary, the policy recognizes that because the Water Sector determines the development
outcomes of multiple sectors, its governance and coordination framework shall also be multi-sectoral in
which different departments, agencies, organizations and other stakeholders collaborate in planning,
implementation and monitoring. In order to enhance this process, the policy defines the roles and
functions of various structures for multi-sectoral collaboration under the overall leadership and
coordination of the department of Water in collaboration with the Department of Health and
Sanitation. The policy also makes a strong case for increasing the allocation of financial resources to
improve sector performance and service delivery in general.

In the context of devolution, roles between national and county governments and also between counties
and even within the county will often be shared. Due to the multiplicity of actors involved in the two
levels of governments, stakeholders need to work together. As such, a proper governance and
coordination framework is necessary to provide guidance on role allocation, mechanisms for
accountability, collaboration and, knowledge and information sharing. The table below gives a summary
of the main national and county level institutions responsible for water resources and services delivery
in Turkana County;

Table 3: Main Institutions responsible for Water resources and Services delivery in Kenya
and Turkana County
Sector Name of Current roles and function
institution/platform inc
Water Water resource  Management and regulation e.g. to avoid over
Resource management authority abstraction upstream
Management (WRMA)  Issuance of permits
 Capacity building of WRUAS

Water Resources User  Protection of catchment areas

Association (WRUA)  Capacity building of water users
 Provision of water and sewerage in rural areas
 Management and maintenance of water and sewerage
systems in rural area
 Sensitization and awareness to users
County County Department of  Policy development
Government Water  Oversight of water service delivery
 Sector leadership
 Financing
 Infrastructural development
 Capacity building WSPs
LOWASCO  Provision & maintenance of water & sewerage
services in urban centres
 Sewerage services
 Infrastructure development
Non State Civil society organizations  Awareness creation;
Actors e.g. SNV/AHADI/MWA  Infrastructure development
 Advocacy
 Service delivery
Cross sectoral CSG  Planning and coordination stakeholders;
platforms  Identification tasks;
 Forum for resource mobilisation;
 Information sharing;
 Technical working groups,
 Regulation, supervision and

 Monitoring, internal audits
WESCOORD Coordination of WASH programmes in county
Food security groups Coordination and information sharing
Financing Turkana County Gov Coordination & planning; setting priorities; CIDP;
resource mobilization; (co)financing; regulations; capacity
building of partners; supervision; M&E; internal audits
NSA’s / CBO’s / Donors / Resource mobilization; capacity building at grassroots
Private individuals / Private level; direct implementation; support
National Government – Cash transfer program to pro poor
National Drought Contingency planning and interventions
Management Authority
Capacity WESCOORD Train their members; forum for joint learning &
building, coordination
monitoring & CSG Information sharing among stakeholders
evaluation & Academia e.g. Drylands Capacity building of students; academic research
learning Training Institute and
University of Nairobi
WRMA Training of Water Resources Users Associations
Kenya Meteorological Early warning
Kenya Food Security Early warning
Steering Group
Controller and Auditor Capacity building; resource mobilization
Public Local Communities  Active participation in sector governance
 Payment for water services
 Governance of COWOs
 Public participation
 Holding government and service providers
 Resources mobilization
 Adoption of proper sanitation and hygiene practices
 Water resources management
 Protection of water resources and service delivery


The vision of the water sector in Turkana County is derived from the overall County Vision and other
development challenges.
The Vision;
The Vision;
A water secure County with effective governance structures for improved water service
delivery and sustainable livelihoods.”

The Mission of the water sector is;

To effectively develop and manage the county’s water resources for sustainable

3.1 Strategic Goals

In pursuit of the vision, and in line with the sector mission, the department will implement clearly
defined strategies over the next five years under each of the five pillars below;

Goal 1: To promote the optimal, sustainable and equitable development and use of water
resources in the county
Goal 2: To strengthen the provision of sustainable water supply and sewerage services in all
rural and urban areas in the county.
Goal 3: To scale up improved rural and urban sanitation and hygiene in the county.
Goal 4: To improve planning, coordination and management of the water sector.

3.2 Guiding Sector Principles

The implementation of this strategic plan will be guided by the following key sector principles:
 Right to water with a pro-poor orientation
 Separation of WRM and WSS
 Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) approach
 Sector Wide Approach (SWAp) for enhanced development
 Separation of policy from regulation and operation / implementation
 Devolution of functions to the lowest appropriate level
 Gender provisions in the management of WSIs and safeguarding of water
 Socially responsive commercialization for service delivery
 Professionalizing the sector
 Autonomy of WSIs
 Good governance practices on all levels
 Ring fencing of income as long as universal access to rights are not achieved
 Participatory approach for enhanced water management
 Public Private Partnership (PPP)
 “User pays and polluter pays” principles.

3.3 GOAL 1: To promote the optimal, sustainable and equitable development and
use of water resources in the county

The rainfall in Turkana is bimodal though it is very erratic and sparsely distributed. Long rains are
experienced between March and May while short rain starts in October and end in December during a
normal year. The spatial variation in rainfall is mainly influenced by altitude. South Turkana and areas
bordering Uganda receive more rain than the other parts of the county. The rainfall ranges between 120
mm and 500 mm per year; the western parts and areas of higher elevation in the District receive more
rainfall. The rainfall is erratic in distribution and timing . The drier the area, the more unreliable the rain
is. (Hijmans et al., 2004).

The County also faces both physical and economic water scarcity interchangeably during and between
seasons. Efforts should as much as possible, be made to ensure that water infrastructure impedes losses
emanating from evaporation, seepage and inefficient applications. For an optimal use, all water resources
should be considered conjunctively. This means that the best combination of available water resources
i.e. direct precipitation, surface water and underground water bodies should be applied according to the
prevailing conditions temporal and spatial circumstances.

Except for Lake Turkana, naturally occurring surface water bodies are negligible due to the high
evaporation rates. The Lake is situated in the eastern side of the County, with fishing as the major
activity. Water in the lake region has high fluoride content thus not suitable for consumption by humans
and animals due to its negative effect. However, it is used both domestically and for livestock during dry

In order to improve the sustainable management of water resources in the county, the county will
implement the following strategies;

Strategy 1: Improve water conservation, protection of catchments and water sources

In Turkana County, other than the naturally occurring surface water bodies, there are also the man-
made ones such as pans and dams. These should use off -stream conveyance mechanisms to reduce on
siltation. The county has in recent years experienced increased construction of water harvesting
structures such as dams, water pans, sub surface dams etc. They are evenly spread throughout the
county and are able to hold water after rainy season. Water in these structures is mainly used both for
domestic and livestock purposes. It is an important source of water for livestock especially during the
dry season.

In order to improve water conservation and protect the water sources and catchments, the county will
undertake the following activities;

 Increase tree cover, particularly in water catchments and promote agro-forestry and social
 Promote low maintenance water technologies with an emphasis on water harvesting, which can
deal with both abundance and scarcity under changing climate
 Development of buffer areas of crop and forage production for use during crises
 Support Water Resources Users Association in catchment and riparian areas protection
 Develop/harmonize regulations governing riparian areas/catchment areas and wetlands.
 Establish a planning, design and construction unit for water conservation structures and systems;
 Develop guidelines for rainwater harvesting and storm-water conveyance systems in built-up

 Map and maintain an active database of water sources

Strategy 2: Increase community awareness and participation in the management of water

resources and catchments

In almost the entire County, grazing or browsing has a positive and negative effect on vegetation growth.
The positive is akin to pruning, removing unnecessary growth to make room for more productive
growth needed by plants for reproduction. This maintains a healthy vegetation cover that protects the
soil from erosion thus maintaining its water holding capacity. The negative effects are noted when the
grazing pressure is excessive leading to exhausted plant regeneration, eventually degrading the soils by
leaving them bare and stripping the capacity to hold any water as well as releasing lose soil into water
bodies. The result of this has been that droughts and water stress persist due to poor catchment
management, slow responses, disconnected institutions, information blockages and lack of capacities. At
the local level, there is a need for improved capacities among local communities to improve outcomes of
participatory community-driven approaches in management of water resources. Vertical integration
between national, county and local-level water management happens through the planning processes
which are informed by these bottom-up planning processes.

In order to increase community awareness and participation in the management of water resources and
catchments, the county will undertake the following activities;
 Strengthen Water Resources Users Associations, CFAs and other self help groups
 Support the participation of women in water resources management
 Increase tree cover, particularly in water catchments and promote agro-forestry and social
 Ensure sound environmental management in line with regard the management of community
 Develop incentives for promoting communities for environmental services, including
ecosystem services
 Educate and train on environmental conservation and management;
 Support Water Resources Users Association and CFAs in catchment and riparian areas
protection activities;

Strategy 3: Strengthen engagement with other counties and national government

institutions on water resources management

The Constitution of Kenya 2010, in Schedule 4 outlines the mandate of the County Governments in the
management water resources ie, implementation of national policies on the management and
conservation of natural resources. However, actions by County Governments influence the state
(quantity and quality) of water available to downstream users through the disposal of wastewater and
other functions such as land-use planning. They therefore have a significant role to play in implementing
IWRM. Similarly, the investment in water infrastructure to develop the resource especially water for
livestock can have an impact on within and across the borders one specifc county. Quite often,
relationships between local communities in Turkana and the bordering counties in West Pokot, Marsabit
and Samburu Counties are constrained due to the pressure on these resources resulting in physical

In order to reduce the impact of such conflict and increase peace and stability in the border
communities, the county government will undertake the following activities;
 Set up and strengthen community mechanism for conflict management including upstream-
downstream catchment areas and inter-counties issues.
 Improve local observation networks for abstraction of ground and surface water resources
 Support implementation of national government policies in the management for water

3.4 GOAL 2: To strengthen the provision of sustainable water supply and sewerage
services in all rural and urban areas in the county.

3.4.1 Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Services

The Lodwar Water and Sanitation Company Ltd (LOWASCO) is a corporate entity that was established
in 2007under the Companies Act, Cap 286 Laws of Kenya with the sole purpose of ensuring the
provision of efficient and affordable water and sewerage services to the residents of its area of
jurisdiction as defined in the Service Provision Agreement (SPA). The other urban centres are managed
by Water Service Providers while most rural water points get water from the boreholes, and shallow
wells which respective Water Users Associations manage. As at 2016, LOWASCO serves
approximately 33,000 households (just under half of the coverage area) in Lodwar town and its environs
and owns nine (9) boreholes located along River Turkwel, Its total number of conenctions as per the
latest Impact report was 6,947 out of which 6,630 were active. WASREB ranked the performance of
LOWASCO at 119 medium water service providers and overall, 56 out of 84 WSPs in Kenya.

In general, outside Lodwar town, the distance to and from the nearest water points are varied
depending on the areas but on average is between 5-10 kilometres. In urban centres and some market
centres, different Water Users Associations have managed to pipe water closer to settlements thus
reducing the distance to the nearest water points. However, in far flung areas like Kibish, Lorengippi,
Lomelo and Mogila, distances covered is much higher ranging from 10-20 kilometres.

3.4.2 Rural Water Supply

The main sources of water in rural parts boreholes and boreholes. More than half (61%) of rural
households use unimproved water sources with majority relying on unprotected wells and streams.
However the majority of these households are found in Turkana North district where 60% of rural
households rely on unimproved water sources. (Source. VWM Report, SNV 2014). At the time the
county government took over, most of the existing water and sanitation facilities in the county were old
and dilapidated and required rehabilitation and augmentation in order to meet the present and future
demands of the fast growing population. However there has been considerable change in water
infrastructure with over 200 boreholes being drilled and several water schemes being upgraded or
rehabilitated. This is so due to increased budgetary provision and prioritization of water resources
development by the County Government.

3.4.3 Water for Livestock

Within the water sector, often water for livestock is not included in the designs of community water
supplies. Lack of water for livestock results in constant migrations by livestock keepers in search for
water. This can lead to contamination and destruction of water sources, which in turn can initiate or
enhance water use conflicts among water users. Currently, the county does not have any ranch.

However, it has one holding ground at Lomidat abattoir in Turkana West Constituency and another
holding ground under construction at Napelilim in Loima Sub-County. The county also had a holding
ground at Kainuk in Turkana South Constituency but due persistent cattle rustling, it collapsed. This
holding ground had four boreholes which was developed by Norwegian Agency for Development
Cooperation (NORAD).

3.4.4 Water for Irrigation

The available water for irrigation from Turkwel river has been estimated using long-term release from
the Turkwel Gorge dam (12.825 m3/s), flows from Malmate river (7.795 m3/s) and flow analysis of the
gauge at Lodwar bridge. In a 2013 study undertaken by FAO under the EU funded program on
Opportunities and Threats of Irrigation Development in Kenya’s Drylands in 2013, the study concluded
that there is about 19.8 m3/s to be shared among various uses. The flow in Kerio river is estimated at
10.5 m3/s using the gauge at Lokori. Hitherto, the yields of groundwater are rather low for irrigation
purposes. However, this is likely to change if further resources mapping udenrtaken by UNESCO on the
ground water potential in the region reveal any new fresh water resources which can be used for

In order to accelerate investment in water services infrastructure to improve affordability and access to
water for all uses, the county will implement the following strategies;

Strategy 1: Develop and maintain adequate, quality water storage and delivery
The main policy issues and challenges to urban domestic water supply in Turkana County include;
unavailability of adequate water sources and conveyance system due to underdevelopment of water
sources and inadequate delivery infrastructure; production, storage and distribution are also issues of
concern due to high production costs, low quantity of water in the available resources, inadequate
reticulation system and dilapidated distribution system. The high costs of production, operations and
maintenance subsequently lead to high water tariffs and contamination of water sources. Further, the
population in urban areas is expected to grow at much higher rate as compared to rural depending on
location, social stability and economic activities.

In order to develop and maintain adequate, quality water storage and delivery infrastructure, the county
will undertake the following activities;
 Develop and rehabilitate source, water storage and reticulation infrastructure for urban
water supply
 Increase investment in operations and maintenance community water points
 Establish big water dams that will hold water for longer period like Kobebe dam in Uganda.
 Harvest water from seasonal rivers that goes into waste during rainy season e.gTarach
 Establish water pans of bigger capacity that will hold water for longer period.

 Map irrigation potential and corresponding water demand taking to account drought and
flood patterns
 Improve use of solar energy, wind and other renewable energy in rural water points
 Increase funding for the construction and maintenance of WASH facilities for schools and
communities in public places
 Develop and rehabilitate source and infrastructure for rural water supplies especially sand
dams, boreholes, water pans and shallow wells

Strategy 2: Rehabilitate, construct and effectively maintain livestock watering points while
ensuring equitable spread across the County

The nomadic pastoralist economy of Turkana, which has one of the highest numbers of livestock in the
country, is based on goats, sheep, cattle, camels, donkeys and poultry. As pastoralists, the Turkana rely
heavily on extensive livestock production as their principal livelihood. The majority of their wealth is
held in the form of livestock (Barrett 2001) and virtually all their cash earnings come from either sales of
livestock or livestock products. Without a water source, it is difficult to keep livestock in an area long
enough to achieve proper utilization of forage. Consequently, large numbers of animals concentrate on
the few water points leading to heavy grazing pressure and trampling of soil within several kilometers of
a water point. Water availability especially in the dry season is therefore a critical tool in rangeland
management and limiting livestock populations and pasture access.

In order to rehabilitate, construct and effectively maintain livestock watering points while ensuring
equitable spread across the County, the County government will undertake the following activities;
 Fence the dams and water pans and provide watering troughs for livestock to prevent
animals from silting and contaminating the water (Use standard specifications for water
 Strategic placement of water points for livestock considering: Stock routes, Dry season
grazing areas and areas with high livestock population.
 Establishment of Range water unit in the county- Initially under Range management division.

Strategy 3: Ensure effective, efficient and sustainable management of both urban and rural
water and services

In urban areas, the effective performance of LOWASCO remains critical to the realization of the
county’s water sector development targets. The County government will continue to invest in its
oversight function of the LOWASCO, increase investments to expand coverage and operational
efficiency of the current and future infrastructure. In the rural areas, the active participation of rural
communities in planning and management of rural water schemes remains the best option for ensuring
ownership and sustainability of the schemes. Most water points are owned by Community based
organizations and Institutions while the rest are owned and the remaining by faith based organizations,
parastatals and NGOS . MFor the rural water supply, most of the water committees in Turkana are ad
hoc organizations (not registered, therefore no bank account), lacking a written code of conduct or
bylaws, (Mati, 2013). It is important to build institutions such as water committees.

At the same time, the costs to water users in all of the rural water supply systems are still mainly
determined by the energy costs for pumping and transporting the water either through pipes, canals or
trucking systems. Some reductions in these costs have been enabled through investments in solar-
powered systems, and further such reductions may still be possible.

In order to ensure effective, efficient and sustainable management of both urban and rural water
services, the county will undertake the following activities;
• Strengthen the operational capacity of LOWASCO
• Develop a database of all rural community water points
• Build the capacity of rural community water committees
• Develop and implement rules and regulations for the management of rural community water

3.5 GOAL 3: To scale up improved rural and urban sanitation and hygiene in the

Currently, The Turkana County Government is currently making effort to build and expand the
sewerage system in Lodwar and other towns and to enable all urban households to be able to connect
to the sewer line. In solid waste management, the main issues of concern revolve around storage,
collection, transportation and disposal of waste. further, the county lack of storage facilities, inadequate
knowledge in proper waste management, inadequate street orderlies, inefficiency in garbage collection,
unavailability of designated zoning; waste segregation is not practiced, low coverage of sewer lines, few
garbage haulers, indiscriminate waste disposal, poor site protection, improper sites and designs and lack
of adequate disposal sites.

In the rural areas currently, a large majority of the population in the county population use open defecation and
have no access to improved sanitation facilities. This is mainly attributed to the fact that large proportion of the
communities in these counties practice nomadic lifestyles where the need for sanitation is not always seen as a
priority. At the same time, this policy recognises the rapid rate of urbanization projected that by 2030 more
than 30 per cent of the county’s population will be living in urban areas. Urbanization will generate higher levels
of pollution and larger quantities of liquid and solid waste requiring effective waste disposal management
systems including proper sludge management and treatment. Presently, there is no sewerage service coverage
at all urban centres in Turkana County which create significant health risks. Particularly in Lodwar, liquid and
solid waste disposal still remains a growing and key challenge.
In order to accelerate investment in rural sanitation and hygiene to improve affordability and access to
water for all uses, the county will implement the following strategies;

Strategy 1: Invest in safe and sustainable sanitation and hygiene to achieve universal access
Currently, every sub county is served by a sub county hospital with hygiene and sanitation issues being
spearheaded by the sub county public health officer (SCPHO). The health care services are skewed to
the urban areas with poorly equipped and manned dispensaries operating in the rural areas. According
to the CIDP, the latrine coverage in the county in 2013 was between 6 to14 percent and this requires
much attention. However, through the GOK/UNICEF WASH Programme that is putting up latrines in
primary schools, latrine coverage is being improved.

In order to invest in safe and sustainable sanitation and hygiene to achieve universal access, the County
Government will implement the following activities;

 Minimize the rate of waste generation through health education and waste reduction
 Improve street cleansing.
 Improve on zoning and proper design of sanitary infrastructure
 Develop and enforce rules and regulations pertaining to urban waste management
 Regulation and licensing of waste management service providers
 Setting up of regulations pertaining to indiscriminate waste disposal

Strategy 2: Reduce the prevalence of WASH-related diseases through rapid hygiene

promotion and appropriate environmental sanitation practices.

Already, the County has rolled out a Community Strategy to improve public health outcomes. This
includes entrenching of the Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) that focuses on the behavioral

change needed to ensure real and sustainable improvements – investing in community mobilization
instead of hardware, and shifting the focus from toilet construction for individual households to the
creation of open defecation-free villages. By raising awareness that as long as even a minority continues
to defecate in the open everyone is at risk of disease, CLTS triggers the community’s desire for
collective change, propels people into action and encourages innovation, mutual support and appropriate
local solutions, thus leading to greater ownership and sustainability.

In order to reduce the prevalence of WASH-related diseases through rapid hygiene promotion and
appropriate environmental sanitation practices, the County Government will implement the following

 Integrate health and hygiene promotion activities and programs with all water supply
 Promote proper hygiene practices in water handling from source, collection,
transportation, storage and use.
 Undertake regular surveys to gain an understanding of the comprehension of drivers of
WASH behaviour change
 Invest in demonstrations such as drinking water quality testing, training and distributions
of HWT options.
 Support communities to develop their own water safety plans.
 Promote Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS)
 Promotion of low cost water treatment methods.

Strategy 3: Improve the provision and access to safe water and proper sanitation
services in public/private institutions.
A good number of markets, schools and health centres in Turkana Country lack adequate and
safe water sources in their premises, which places significant limitations on education
opportunities and health outcomes on the students and patients. Where insufficient sources
exist, school children have to carry water with them for drinking and cooking. This results in a
significant wastage of learning time. There is also the risk that water is from unsafe sources and
the associated health impacts result in increased absenteeism of school children. In health
centres, the lack of safe and sufficient water for use by patients – particularly women and
children –limits the effectiveness of treatment provided.
For school going children, limited knowledge of good personal hygiene and poor hygiene
practice (such as hand washing with soap) also contribute to ill health resulting to absenteeism.
Lack of sufficient, private, appropriate, and gender separated/sensitive sanitation facilities. This
has significant impact on attendance and retention rates of female students in particular, who are
constrained from going to school during their menstrual period, and may ultimately drop out of
school completely.
In order to improve the provision and access to safe water and proper sanitation services in
public/private institutions across the County, the County government will undertake the
following activities;
 Increase investment in WASH facilities in public/private institutions.
 Invest in a database on water and sanitation hygiene in schools and other public/ private
 Improve the development of rain water harvesting facilities
 Connect learning and health institutions to proximal water sources.

 Invest in solar pumps or hand pumps for schools and health facilities
 Promotion of open defection free communities within school and health facilities
catchment areas.

3.6 GOAL 4: To improve planning, coordination and management of the water


Water sector governance can be a complex process. In a system of governance such as Kenya’s
devolved system, it may lead to conflicted and duplicated roles between national and county
governments and also between counties and even within the county due to the multiplicity of actors
involved and therefore, the two levels of governments needs to work together towards effective and
efficiency in the management of water. As such, a proper governance and coordination framework is
necessary to provide guidance on role allocation, mechanisms for accountability, collaboration and,
knowledge and information sharing.

According to The Constitution of Kenya 2010, the devolution of water services to county governments
provides an opportunity to deepen the water sector reforms of 2002 by enhancing the gains realized
and improving on service delivery. As such, water services provision is a shared function. However, to
ensure growth in water service provision, there is need for sound legislation to guide the process of
devolving water services. Sound legislation is necessary to minimize conflict between national and
county governments. The national government has an obligation to ensure the progressive realization of
the right to water and sanitation by setting a transparent national infrastructure system, budgeting for
adequate resources, setting standards, monitoring and reporting on sector performance. On the other
hand, county governments bear the constitutional obligation of ensuring that WSPs under their
jurisdiction are commercially sustainable, operate efficiently and embrace proper governance practices in
their operations.

In order to strengthen water sector governance in the county to improve transparency, accountability
and efficiency, the county government will implement the following strategies;

Strategy 1: Strengthen water sector governance, coordination and leadership

In order to improve governance of the water sector, the department will dedicate efforts toe ensure
appropriate governance instruments are in place to support service delivery and sector coordination.
For example, the county water legislation is anticipated to follow soon after the enactment of the water
policy. This will be followed by the development of sector rules and regulations especially for the
coordination of operations of Rural water supplies which are traditionally not included within
WASREB’s regulatory regime.

At the same time, Water services cannot be properly managed by the County unless there is proper
knowledge of where the resource is, in what quantity and quality, and how variable it is likely to be in
the foreseeable future. Currently, there are no proper mechanism under which the County government
can access this information for planning, designing, operating and maintaining multipurpose water
management and service delivery systems. At the same time, in the County requires a lot of information
and data support in the management of the water facilities at the communal level especially with respect
to the number of water sources, status of systems of management especially among water committee,
facility ownership, capacity requirements, operational reliability of water sources etc. However,
currently there is no system in place to support knowledge management, monitoring and evaluation
resulting to erratic and unreliable decision making at the county level.

In order to strengthen water sector governance coordination and leadership, the county government
will undertake the following activities;

• Finalize and disseminate the county water sector policy and strategic plan
• Enact the county water law as well as sector rules and regulations
• Establish and strengthen the County Water Sector Coordination forum through regular
sector meetings
• Set up an Intergovernmental Liaison Office in the Department of Water to facilitate linkages
between county and national government institutions especially on the implementation of
shared functions
• Set up a monitoring and evaluation system for water services delivery in the county
• Capacity building for county water sector leaders
• Ensure all water sector institutions develop and operationalize a services charter

Strategy 2: Strengthen participation of local communities and other stakeholders in sector

The Constitution of Kenya 2010, and other statutes such as the County Government Act, 2012 and
other laws make adequate provisions for citizen participation in the county government affairs. In the
water Act 2016, this is further reinforced by the provision of public participation platforms such as
WRUAs and WUAs where communities get effective representation in management of water resources
and services. However, the levels of participation in the water sector is still low due to the weaknesses
and inadequacy of these platforms.

In order to strengthen public voice and accountability in the water sector, the county government will
undertake the following activities;

• Develop and disseminate county annual water sector performance reports

• Establish a functional public feedback mechanism for water service delivery
• Strengthen the capacity of CBOs to participate in water sector programs and activities
• Undertake continuous community awareness and capacity building in the water sector
• Establish and build the capacity of Water Action Groups

Strategy 3: Increase the capacity of water sector human resources

The development of human resources is at the core of sustainable development and management of
water resources. Currently, the county water sector workforce is grossly inadequate in terms of
numbers and those in place lack the necessary knowledge and skills to enable them perform their
functions effectively. At the same time, devolution and the enactment of county policies, plans and laws
will require a new set of skills and other operational demands on officers which require training and
orientation so that they can understand and support the implementation of county development
priorities. However, the County currently lacks a consolidated capacity development plan that captures
all these aspects of their human resource needs.

In order to increase the capacity of water sector human resources, the county government will
undertake the following activities;
• Develop an appropriate establishment for the department
• Allocate more resources to fill human resource gaps
• Undertake a sector capacity building needs assessment

• Develop and implement a capacity building plan for all staff
• Establish a training unit for the department
• Invest in adequate physical, human technological capacity to enable the waters sector to run

Strategy 4: Mobilize additional resources for the water sector

In the FY 2014/15, the County’s recurrent budget estimates stood at Ksh. 4.06B and development
estimates at Ksh. 8.9B. For the water, irrigation and agriculture department, recurrent budget estimates
was Ksh.160M and development budget estimates was Ksh.968M. Over the four year period to 2017/18,
the overall county budget estimates is expected to rise even further. However, these allocations are
still far below the resources requirements for the county to achieve its water and sanitation goals.

In order to mobilize additional resources for the water sector, the county government will undertake
the following activities;
 Mobilize additional financial resource from public sources and other development partners
 Mobilize private sector participation in water and sanitation
 Preparation and implementation of a sector investment plan
 Increase ability of county local communities and stakeholders to access public funds in the
waters sector
 Ring fencing of water revenues and development of guidelines for the utilization of such funds
 Develop water sector partnerships with external agencies


The Department of Water, Irrigation and Agriculture will be undertaken through a process a system of
institutional and regulatory measures once the County Water Act is in place. At the department level
and to successfully implement this strategic plan, there will organization structure will be built on the
basis of establishing a technical relationship between strategy and structure capable of delivering value to
stakeholders in a cost effective manner.

The following will be the key characteristics of the new structure:

 In future however, there will be established different units for County Water Resources,
Water Supply and Sewerage Services, Irrigation and Policy Delivery. At the same time, sub-
county offices will act as links between the county and local communities with the
Department’s key responsibility being limited to support functions such as regulation,
planning, administration, and financing. Specifically, the roles of the department will include;

 Developing, coordinating and managing policies, strategies and plans for water
resources management and sanitation services in collaboration with the national or
other county governments initiating
 Facilitating public awareness and participation on sustainable water resources,
sanitation and storm water management
 Promoting and facilitating adoption and use of water conservation systems and
methods, including water harvesting

 Developing and coordinating implementation of water and sanitation services
management information system
 Develop and promote policies, strategies and mechanisms for climate change
mitigation and adaptation in the water sector
 Mobilization resources for water resources management and development and
sanitation services
 Developing performance management system and overseeing its implementation by
the agencies established under the County Water and Sanitation Services Act
 Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the County Water and Sanitation
Services Act
 Conducting and facilitating research and appropriate surveys for water resources
management and facilitating dissemination and implementation of research findings
 Acting as the repository of information and data on water sector
 Regulate water and sanitation services in the county
 Issuance of permits and regulate the provision of sanitation services
 Ensure compliance with the established standards related to water and sanitation
services and works;
 Receive and address complaints from water consumers
 Advising the executive member on the necessary policy to be adopted for
sustainable water resources management.

 The County Water Supply and Sewerage services will oversee institutions responsible for
oversight over urban and community water supplies
 The County Executive Committee Member will be the political leader of the Department
performing the roles of liaison, spokesperson and representative of the County Government
in all forums, including county cabinet and before the assembly. The functions of the CEC
Member will be to provide leadership and exercise control over county water services,
conservation and irrigation matters in exercise of powers given by the Governor and
contained in the County Water and Sewerage Sewerage Services Act. The functions of the
CEC will specifically include;
 Exercising control over water services delivery
 Promoting the investigation, conservation and proper use of water resources
and ensuring the effective performance of every person or authority charged
with the responsibility of the management of water resources and provision of
water services
 Formulating county water strategies
 Appointing members of the LOWASCO Board in consultation with nomination
agents of stakeholders
 Providing leadership on matters relating to irrigation, drainage and land

 The County Chief Officer will be the accounting officer tasked with managing the
Department’s mandate, policy formulation and execution, strategic focus and ensuring
integrity. The CO is the link between administration/management and the County
Government and co-ordinates inter-departmental functions on a day to day basis. The
Department’s administration and management team will be responsible for the day-to-day
management of the Department within the policy guidelines provided by the County

 Reform and inheritance of the of the Lodwar Water and Sanitation Services Company
which shall be the successor to the water and sanitation companies and operating in the
county established under the Water Act, 2002.


The Department of Water, Irrigation and Agriculture has various specific goals it has been mandated to
achieve in the pursuit of the county’s sector development goals which have been outlined in this
strategic plan. The county government will continuously provide leadership in dedicating public finance
for the implementation of the plan before the mobilization of additional resources from the national
government and external partners. This means that the implementation of the strategic plan will be
shared between multiple players including the county government, national government and
development partners.

Financing the 2017-2021 Strategic Plan

The cost of the implementation of the Strategic Plan (2017-2021) will be shared between the county and
national government, development partners, local communities and the private sector. This strategic
plan outlines the key activities to be carried out by the department in a five year phase. The funds
required for year one will be high due to the initial financial requirements to implement the strategies as
outlined in the strategic plan. If the initial financial requirements are provided, years three, four and five
is likely to require less funding if partnerships with the private sector take off as envisaged in the plan. In
the first year, a stand alone investment plan will be developed to articulate the infrastructure component
of the strategic plan. That investment plan will not be a substitute for the cost elements estimated under
this strategic plan but will highlight greater details of the the key infrastructure drivers and project
portfolios necessary to help increase access to water and sanitation in the county.

In order to improve sector efficiency in both the short and medium term , the need for financial
planning will be critical in this process to ensure the proper allocation of funds. Financial planning will be
necessary to meet capital needs (especially infrastructure), operations and maintenance, for financing
private sector Partnerships and local community engagement initiatives.

Internal Financing sources

Over the plan period, the department will continue to rationalize the budgetary preparation process to
improve the allocation of resources to core priorities and flagship projects as reflected in the Strategic
Plan to avoid wastage. The non-core activities that will be identified through an internal process of

Secondly, the department will dedicate resources to the development of approriate capacity to
utilize/absorb funds from the current 30-40% to a much higher level. This will be done by addressing
internal problems related to project formulation and development, in addition to overall management of
the programmes, procurement, audit and disbursements.

Establishing a sustainable mechanism for financing the water sector that attracts funding from key
financing agencies, government budget, users of services as well as the private sector will continue to
remain a key priority during the plan period. This also means that the setting of tariffs will be undertaken
to ensure generation of adequate resources for operation and maintenance (O&M), depreciation and a

reasonable return on assets, while ensuring equity and access to low income populations. This will be
supported by planned demand assessments or surveys to help gather information on the type of service
that corresponds to what people want and are willing to pay for. In addition, providing incentives for
people to clear their water debts and addressing unaccounted for water (UFW) will improve the
amount of revenue collected.

External Financing
Both County and National Government funding, as outlined above, has so far been insufficient to run all
the programmes envisaged by the department. In this regard and in relation to the importance of the
water sector, the financing gaps have been met through the complementary financing from various
development partners such as USAID, EU, the World Bank, JICA, UNICEF, DFID, KFW, SIDA, ADF and
DANIDA as well as Non Governmental Organizations and private foundations. This has accelerated
developments in the water sector, despite gaps in government funding.

Considering the enormous resources involved, the ongoing process of developing an investment
plan for the department will be critical to the achievement of the county water sector goals as well as
ensuring that duplication of effort is minimized. Once completed, the Investment plan will clearly define
areas where government funding will be targeted as well gaps for mobilization of external resource
where various development partners as well as the local private sector will be mobilized to invest and
develop the existing infrastructure.

Similarly, a unit to coordinate the investments made by non-governmental organization to ensure that
the funds are effectively utilized to complement county government priorities in a more coordinated and
harmonious way than previously.

Community Participation
Local communities continue to support the water sector through the payment of revenues and other
taxes to the county government. This cannot be overemphasized. In some cases, contributions has been
in the form of provision of labour, land for construction of water tanks, time and other resources which
help to improve the linkage between the department, water sector regulators, and water service
providers. As such, increasing the involvement of the community in this process is critical to the success
of water sector reforms, both in urban and rural areas. Over the last four years, the county government
has not been very deliberate in documenting the full extent of the contributions from local communities
in financing the sector. This will be given a high priority to help reflect more accurately these


In monitoring the implementation of this strategic plan, the department will compare the execution
performance against parameters outlined in the detailed implementation matrix of this plan and take
corrective action, where necessary within the constraints of defined time, available resources and quality
parameters. The monitoring and evaluation framework will aim at ensuring that:-

 An M&E Unit will be established in the department and resourced appropriately. This unit
will also liaise with other implementation partners including national government,
development partners and NGOs to consolidate all planning and implementation data and
information and a single database
 Mechanisms for collecting programme data on all activities and programmes are enhanced;

 Information on all key performance indicators is available bi-annually and on an incremental
 A database is established to capture information on all activities implemented
 An annual review is undertaken on the progress in implementation of activities which shall
be reported at the Annual County Water Sector Conference
 Responsibilities are assigned for the collection, analysis and evaluation of performance
 There is a mechanism for capturing, storing and sharing lessons learnt and best practices;
 A mid-term review of the strategy will be carried out after four years so as to up -date the
second half of the Strategic Plan as necessary and project the next strategy planning phase


Key Result Area Water Resources Management Program Sub Program

Water and catchment protection Conservation
Goal To promote the optimal, sustainable and equitable development and use of water resources in the county
Strategic To strengthen the implementation of national water resources in the county
Strategy Improve water conservation, protection of catchments and water sources
Activities Indicator Target Budge Respons.
Baseline Target Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10 (in
Expand the %increase in 30% 90% 40% 45% 50% 60% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 90% 500,000,00 CO water
utilization of utilization of sand 0
sand/sub-surface and subsurface
dams dams
Support WRA in #abstraction N/A 210 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 10,000,000 Sub regional
monitoring monitoring reports manager
abstraction of (surface and ground WRA
water resources in water points)
the country shared with WRA
Increase awareness #water resources N/A 35 7 7 7 7 7 5,000,000 Sub
on improved responsive catchment
human and regulations in place management
unplanned human officer WRA
settlement ( along
riparian land)
Promote integrated #joint activities in N/A 70 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 20,000,000 Stakeholders
and inter-sectoral water catchment relations
approaches to the management at officer WRA
management of county government
water catchment and community
areas levels
Establish dedicated Volume of funds Nil KSH. 90M 90M 90M 90M 90M 90M 90M 90M 90M 90M 900,000,00 CEC water
mechanism for dedicated to water 950M 0
financing water conservation
structures such as
sand dams and
shallow wells

Demarcate, #of activities aimed N/A 350 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 120,000,00 CO MEENR
rehabilitate and at rehabilitation and (continu 0
protect riparian and catchment ous and
degraded protection concurre
catchment areas -re-afforestation nt)
- soil and water
-create awareness
-fencing/ enclosing
Develop and RWH guidelines in Nil Develop “ “ “ “ “ 2,000,000 Sub regional
enforce guidelines place and in use guideline manager
for rainwater s WRA
harvesting and
systems sewerage
systems and
treatment plants in
built-up areas
Map and maintain Database in place 600 1400 900 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 60 60 10.000,000 Director
an active database and active (existi water
of water sources ng)

Key Result Area Water Resources Management Program Sub Program

Public participation Community Participation
Goal To promote the optimal, sustainable and equitable development and use of water resources in the county
Strategic To strengthen community participation in water resources management so as to mitigate conflicts over the resource.
Strategy To Increase community awareness and participation in the management of water resources and catchments
Activities Indicator Target Budget Respons.
Baseline Target Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10
Strengthen Water #of trainings and 8 48 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 10,000,0 Stakeholder
Resources Users exchange visits by 00 relations
Associations, CFAs WRUAS and officer
and other self-help CFAs

Improve awareness # of good water N/A Ten Conti “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 10,000,0 SRM
among local management activities nuous 00
communities on practices adopted done
better water by communities continuo
resources -metering usly
management -installation of
practices deeper line
through RGS
Support the % of women in 28% 50% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 3,000,00 SRM
participation of water 0
women in water management
resources committees

Key Result Area Water Resources Management Program Sub Program

Public Participation Partnership Building
Goal To promote the optimal, sustainable and equitable development and use of water resources in the county
Strategic To raise public awareness and broaden stakeholder participation in the planning and management of water resources
Strategy Strengthen engagement with other counties, partners and national government institutions on water resources management
Activities Indicator Target Budget Respons.
Baseline Target Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10
Set up and %reduction in 50% Continu Conti Con Cont Con Con Con Con Conti Conti Contin 20,000,0 CAAC
strengthen number of cross ous nuous tinu inuo tinu tinu tinu tinu nuou nuous uous 00
community border conflict ous us ous ous ous ous s
mechanism for incidents
conflict reported
including upstream-

catchment areas
and inter-counties
Improvement of % increase in N/A 90% 50% 50% 60% 60% 805 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 20,000,0
ground water successful 00
exploration boreholes
techniques to
utilize both shallow
& deep
Improve local # of observation 12 15 Conti Con Cont Con Con Con Con Conti Conti Contin Director
observation networks in place nuous tinu inuo tinu tinu tinu tinu nuou nuous uous water
networks for at community ous us ous ous ous ous s
abstraction of level for ground
ground and surface and surface water
water resources -2No surface
-4No. Tullow
-1No. Lowasco
-2No. GW
-3No. NRC
Development of
Lotikipi water
Support # of joint 4 5 Conti Con Cont Con Con Con Con Conti Conti Contin 15,000,0 CEC water
implementation of activities - nuous tinu inuo tinu tinu tinu tinu nuou nuous uous 00
national implemented with transbou ous us ous ous ous ous s
government national ndary
policies in the government conflicts
management for agencies -
water resources -trainings integrati
-policy on

Key Result Area Water Supply and Sanitation Services Program Sub Program
Water Supply and Storage Water Infrastructure
Goal Strengthen sustainable water supply and sanitation services
Strategic To provide adequate and quality water for water supply and irrigation use
Strategy Develop and maintain adequate, quality water storage and delivery infrastructure
Activities Indicator Target Budget Respons.
Baseline Target Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10
Develop and number of new 746 no. b/h Drilling 30 50 50 20 4 30 40 60 20 4 1,500,00 Tcg and
rehabilitate source, water supply and 0,000 partners
water storage and systems equippin
reticulation established g 308
infrastructure for no. of urban w/s borehole
urban water supply systems s.
no. of households
with water
Increase investment 1 32 no. 3 4 4 3 2 3 4 4 3 2 200,000,
in operations and 200 000
maintenance cubic
community water meter
points Steel

Increase and Number of 0 600 40 80 80 60 40 60 60 60 60 60 1,800,00 Tcg and

rehabilitate operational 0,000 partners
irrigation water community water
storage and points
Map irrigation increase in N/A 300% 50% 75% 75% 70% 30% 5,000,00 TCG
potential and financing 0 ,LOWASCO
corresponding dedicated to & partners
water demand O&M for
taking to account community water
drought and flood points
patterns Increase in N/A 92 no. 12 15 10 7 2 12 15 10 7 2 300,000, Tcg and
storage volume of storage 000 partners

water for of
irrigation approx.
Install water No. of water N/A 12 no. of 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 5,000,00
hydrants supplies with water 0
hydrants supply
Upgrade WUAs No. of WUAs 10 26 No. 1 2 4 4 2 1 2 4 4 2 13,000,0
upgraded WUAs 00
Improve use of 42 no 4 6 8 2 1 4 6 8 2 1 300,000, Tcg and
solar energy, wind borehole 000 partners
and other s for drip
renewable energy irrigation
in rural water
Increase funding for 60 spate 6 8 8 6 2 6 8 8 6 2 200,000, Tcg and
the construction diversion 000 partners
and maintenance of s for
WASH facilities for crop
schools and producti
communities in on and
public places fodder
Develop and Report of N/A Map and 1 5,000,00 Tcg and
rehabilitate source potential demand acerage 0 partners
and infrastructure assessment of
for rural water irrigation
supplies especially potential.
sand dams,
boreholes, water
pans and shallow

Key Result Water Supply and Sanitation Services Program Sub Program
Area Water Supply and Storage Water for Livestock
Goal Strengthen sustainable water supply and sanitation services
Strategic To provide adequate, safe, affordable and accessible water for the livestock
Strategy Rehabilitate, construct and effectively maintain livestock watering points while ensuring equitable spread across the county
Activities Indicator Target Budget Respons.
Baseline Target Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10
Construct # of strategic N/A
strategically, livestock water
equitably located, points constructed
designed and
watering points
Rehabilitate # of strategic
existing livestock livestock watering
watering points points rehabilitated
Acquire water # of wards N/A No of
trucking facilities regularly served by livesock
strategically water trucking watered.
located for dry during dry season
seasons use
Establish Guidelines in place N/A Establish 1
guidelines and and in use for range
capacity for livestock water water
operation and points unit in
maintenance for the
livestock watering county
points Develop 1
s for
Capacity 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 30,000,0
build 30 00

ty based
s (@
Develop drought Contingency plan in Nil drought Imme 5,000,00
contingency plan place continge diatel 0
and monitoring ncy plan y
mechanisms of develope
condition and d
performance of Monitori 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5,000,00
livestock watering ng and 0
points evaluatio

Key Result Water Supply and Sanitation Services Program Sub Program
Area Water Supply and Storage Institutional Strengthening
Goal Strengthen sustainable water supply and sanitation services
Strategic To strengthen the institutional framework for better coordination and governance of the water sector
Strategy Ensure effective, efficient and sustainable management of both urban and rural water services
Activities Indicator Target Budget Respons.
Baseline Target Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10
Strengthen the # capacity building N/A 45 5 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 45,000,0 TCG/
operational workshops 00 Partners.
capacity of undertaken for
Develop a # of rural N/A
database of all community water TCG/
rural community points in database Partners
water points
Build the capacity # of capacity N/A 45 5 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 45,000,0
of rural building activities 00 TCG/

community water for community partners
committees water committees
Develop and Rules and Nil 45 5 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 20,000,0
implement rules regulations in place 00 TCG/
and regulations and enforced partners.
for the
management of
rural community
water points

Key Rural and Urban Sanitation and Hygiene Program Sub Program
Result Area Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Capacity Building
Goal Improved rural and urban sanitation and hygiene
Strategic To increase access to sustainable, safe water and environmental sanitation
Strategy Invest in safe and sustainable sanitation and hygiene to achieve universal access
Activities Indicator Target Budget Respons.
Baseline Target Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10
Capacity build Number of staffs 35% 100% 50% 70% 85% 95% 100% 5,000,00 TCG MOH&
staffs on capacity build on 0 partners
implementation of the new strategy
new strategy
Build capacity, #of hygiene 10% 100% 10% 15% 25% 25% 30% 45% 60% 75% 85% 100% 20,000,0 TCG MOH&
behavioural promoting activities 00 partners
change and undertaken
skills among the
rural communities
Strengthen inter- # of inter sectoral N/A 40 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 10,000,0 MWIA/MoH
sectoral meetings held 00
collaboration and
private sector
participation in
WASH value
Promote safe % of villages 5% 100% 30% 30% 40% 5,000,00 TCG MOH&
hygiene and attaining ODF 0 partners

sanitation status
practices including
CLTS and
Construct % of latrine TBD 100 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 100,000, TCG
adequate coverage in public 000 (MOH,MOE,
sanitation facilities institutions and ML,MW)
in strategic public places
Establish #of Regulations for Nil 1 1 5,000,00 TCG
mechanisms for RWH and storm 0 (MOH,MOE,
regulation of water management ML,MW
wastewater and in place and
storm water enforced
management in
municipal areas
Develop and # of dissemination Nil 4 1 5,000,00 TCG
disseminate meetings held 0 MOH,MW,
guidelines for ML
hygienic onsite

Key Result Rural and Urban Sanitation and Hygiene Program Sub Program
Area Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Hygiene Promotion
Goal Improved rural and urban sanitation and hygiene
Strategic To promote the reduction of water- and waste-related diseases and the optimization of the health benefits for sustainable water safety and proper waste
objective management
Strategy Reduce the prevalence of WASH-related diseases through rapid hygiene promotion and appropriate environmental sanitation practices.
Activities Indicator Target Budget Respons.
Baseline Target Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10
Integrate health # of inter sectoral 4 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 40,000,0 TCG MOH
and hygiene activities held 00 MW
promotion &WASH
activities and partners
programs with all

water supply
Promote proper % of population 10% 100% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 20,000,0 TCG MOH
hygiene practices who adopt proper 00 MOE, MOW
in water handling hygiene practices
from source,
storage and use.
Undertake #of regular surveys N/A 5 1 1 1 1 1 5,000,00 TCG MOH
regular surveys to undertaken 0
gain an
understanding of
comprehension of
drivers of WASH
behaviour change
Invest in # number of 1969 19690 1969 196 1969 1969 1969 1969 196 1969 1969 1969 200,000,
procurement of households 9 9 000
household water
treatment kits
Invest in # of 2004 20040 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 200,000, TCG MOH,
demonstrations demonstrations 000
such as drinking held
water quality
training and
distributions of
HWT options.

Undertake # of water quality N/A 840 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84,000,0

monthly water test undertaken 00
quality monitoring
Support # of sub counties Nil 7 7 35,000,0 TCG
communities to who develop their 00 MOH,MOW
develop their safety plans and WASH
own water safety partners

Key Result Rural and Urban Sanitation and Hygiene Program Sub Program
Area Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Public Sanitation Services
Goal Improved rural and urban sanitation and hygiene
Strategic To improve water, sanitation and hygiene facilities in public/ private institutions for better health and well-being
Strategy Improve the provision and access to safe water and proper sanitation services in public/private institutions.
Activities Indicator Target Budget Respons.
Baseline Target Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10
Increase %increase in 50% 100 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 100,000, TCG
investment in WASH investments 000 MOH,MOW
WASH facilities in in public institutions and WASH
public/private partners
Invest in a Database on 10% 100% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10,000,0
database on WASH in schools 00
water and and markets
sanitation hygiene
in schools and
other public/
Improve the # of guidelines N/A 1 5,000,00
development of developed 0
rain water
Connect learning % of learning and N/A 100 20 20 20 20 20 100,000,
and health health institutions 000
institutions to connected to water
proximal water sources
Invest in solar % of water systems N/A 60 0 15 15 15 15 100,000,
pumps or hand with upgraded 0000
pumps for energy technologies
schools and eg. solar and wind
health facilities pumping
Promotion of #of ODF villages 5% 100% 10% 15% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10,000,0 TCG
open defection declared 00 MOH,MOW

free communities and WASH
within school and partners
health facilities
catchment areas.

Key Result Water Sector Governance Program Sub Program

Area Planning and Coordination Regulatory and Policy
Goal Improved planning, coordination and management
Strategic To strengthen the institutional framework for better coordination and governance of the water sector
Strategy Strengthen water sector governance, coordination and leadership
Activities Indicator Target Budget Respons.
Baseline Target Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10
Finalize and # of dissemination Nil 1 1 1,000,00 Directorate
disseminate the meetings held for 0 of water
county water the policy and plan
sector policy and
strategic plan
Enact the county #County water law, Nil 1 1 5,000,00 County
water law as well rules and 0 assembly
as sector rules regulations enacted and
and regulations Directorate
Establish and # of quarterly N/A 40 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 10,000,0 Water
strengthen the sector forums held 00 directorate
County Water
forum through
regular sector
Set up an Liaison office in Nil 1 1 10,000,0 County
Intergovernmenta place 00 directorate
l Liaison Office in of water and
the Department national
of Water to water dept
facilitate linkages

between county
and partners
partners and
Private sector)
including national
especially on the
implementation of
shared functions
Capacity building # of capacity N/A 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5,000,00 County
for county water building activities 0 directorate
sector staff developed and and HR
implemented from department
a plan
Ensure all water # of water sector N/A 1 1 5,000,00 County
sector institutions institutions with an 0 directorate
develop and operational charter of water
operationalize a
services charter

Key Result Water Sector Governance Program Sub Program

Area Stakeholder Participation Capacity Building
Goal Improved planning, coordination and management
Strategic To strengthen community participation in governance of water service delivery and resources management
Strategy Strengthen participation of local communities and other stakeholders in sector governance
Activities Indicator Target Budget Respons.
Baseline Target Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10
Develop and # of water sector N/A 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10,000,0 County
disseminate performance 00 water
county annual reports director
water sector

Establish a #of complaints and N/A 1 1 1,000,00 County
functional public compliments 0 director and
feedback mechanism administrato
mechanism for established rs, sub
water services # of complaints and N/A 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5,000,00 county
compliments 0 water
received and acted officers
Strengthen the # of capacity N/A 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5,000,00 County
capacity of building activities 0 water
WUAs/CBOs to undertaken for directorate
participate in WUAs/CBOs and sub
water sector county
programs and water
activities officers
Undertake # of community N/A 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5,000,00 County
continuous awareness meetings 0 director and
community held administrato
awareness and rs, sub
capacity building county
in the water water
sector officers
Establish and build # of WAGs set up N/A 2 1 1 1,000,00 County
the capacity of 0 water
Water Action directorate
Groups and sub

Key Result Water Sector Governance Program Sub Program

Area Planning and Coordination Human Resources Development
Goal Improved planning, coordination and management
Strategic To strengthen the capacity of the county water department to fulfil mandate
Strategy Increase the capacity of water sector human resources
Activities Indicator Target Budget Respons.

Baseline Target Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10
Strengthen the # of staff recruited 1 3 1 1 1,000,00 County
institutional set 0 directorate
up of the for the of water
Allocate more % of annual 10 100 18 18 18 18 18 10,000,0 Chief officer
resources to fill allocation of 00 finance,
human resource resource dedicated Chief officer
gaps to HRD water and
Undertake a Capacity building N/A 2 1 1 3,000,00 Director
sector capacity plan in place 0 water and
building needs HR
Develop and # of capacity N/A 20 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 20,000,0 Director
implement a building activities 00 water and
capacity building implemented HR
plan for all staff
Establish a Training N/A 1 1 3,000,00 Chief officer
training unit for coordination unit in 0 finance,
the department place and Chief officer
operational water and
Invest in adequate # of staff with N/A 350 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35,000,0 Chief officer
physical, human reasonable access 00 finance,
technological to physical and IT Chief officer
capacity to resources water and
enable the waters director
sector to run water

Key Result Water Sector Governance Program Sub Program

Area Planning and Coordination Resource Mobilization
Goal Improved planning, coordination and management
Strategic To increase resources for the water sector development and management

Strategy Mobilize additional resources for the water sector
Activities Indicator Target Budget Respons.
Baseline Target Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10
Mobilize #of MOUs signed N/A 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 500,000, Chief officer
additional financial 000 finance,
resource from Chief officer
public sources water,
and other director
development water and
partners partners
Establish a WASH # of private sector N/A 1 1 1,000,00 Chief officer
private sector forums established 0 finance,
engagement Chief officer
forum water,
water and
Mobilize private # in contribution of N/A 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10,000,0 Chief officer
sector private sector funds 0 finance,
participation in Chief officer
water and water and
sanitation director
water and
Preparation and Water sector Nil 2 1 1 5,000,00 Chief officer
implementation of investment plan 0 water and
a sector developed director
investment plan water
Ring fencing of Guidelines in place N/A 1 1 3,000,00 Chief officer
water revenues for water revenue 0 finance,
and development funds utilisation Chief officer
of guidelines for water and
the utilization of director
such funds water
Develop water # of partnerships N/A 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1,000,00 Chief officer
sector with other 0 finance,
partnerships with development actors Chief officer
external agencies water,

water and

Key Result Water Sector Governance Program Sub Program

Area Planning and Coordination Monitoring and Evaluation
Goal Improved planning, coordination and management
Strategic To establish an effective monitoring and evaluation system for the sector
Strategy Data and information management system for informing decision making
Activities Indicator Target Budget Respons.
Baseline Target Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10
Set up and staff a M& E Unit in place N/A 1 1 5,000,00 County
monitoring and and in use 0 water
evaluation Unit directorate
for the water
Establish data and Variety of data and N/A 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20,000,0
information information sets 00
management available
system for the
water sector

Knowledge # of knowledge N/A 1 1 5,000,00

management management 0
systems in place
Capacity building # of decision N/A 200 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 10,000,0
for data driven makers trained 00
decision making
for sector leaders


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