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Phase 1: Your family is looking for a better place to live!


presentado por:
Laura Isabel Chaparro
ID 757455
Laura Sofia Gutiérrez
ID 761053
Heidy Katherine Lucena
ID 768327


INGLÉS 1 NRC: 6936

● Hello there (todas)
● how are they todas

● I was born in Bogotá 26 years ago and this city, despite its chaos, is a city that has
many things to offer us, such as the great commerce it has, in various parts of the city
there is a great variety of commerce, we also find job opportunities and study is for
this reason that people who live in neighboring towns always come to this great city.

● There we find a great gastronomic variety such as the typical dishes in which we find
the changua, ajiaco santafereño, the fritanga, the empanadas, fruit salads and the
delicious wafers.(yo)

● We also find a large amount of public transport such as Transmilenio, bus, SITP,
bicycle, motorcycle, taxi, we have the El Dorado airport.heiidy)(

● It has many tourist sites to visit and know what they are like, the Monserrate hill, the
amusement parks, the center, the Bolívar square, Colpatria tower, colon theater,
campin, Nariño house, the Quevedo jet and the candelaria .(laura)

● The routines in this city are to work, rest, go for a walk.(yo)

● One of the cities in which I would like to take my family to live since I have heard
that they have better opportunities to grow professionally and obtain a well-paying job
is New York, since I have heard that it is a city where the currency is much more
valued, it has better transportation, you can enjoy the 4 seasons of the year, people are
friendlier, they are always living in fashion, although the disadvantages of this city are
the rents that are too expensive and some streets are not in good condition.(heiidy)
● There is a great variety of gastronomy such as bagels with cream cheese, nuts that you
sell in the streets, pizza, hamburgers, hot dogs, chikeen dishes and waffles.(laura)

● It has some beautiful tourist sites such as the statue of liberty, time square, brooklin
bridges, central park, museums, fifth avenue, broasdwey, Queen the new york, oran
central, woy streep.(yo)
● And within the public transport we find bus, taxi, subway, car bus, cars, cable
subway, airplanes and bicycles.(heiidy)

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