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Health and Wellness T-Chart (30 points)

Directions: Complete the T-Chart by explaining the characteristics of a healthy
versus unhealthy person in each aspect of health and wellness. For each
wellness category, provide examples of three healthy characteristics and three
unhealthy characteristics.

Healthy Person Unhealthy Person

Emotional Wellness Emotional Wellness

1. has control of emotions 1. emosinly insurer

2. good mental health 2. bad mantle health

3. on top of emotional health 3. not on top of emotional health

Physical Wellness Physical Wellness

1. physically fit 1. not physically fit

2. controls wate 2. obese

3. physically active 3. not physically active

Career Wellness Career Wellness

1. good job 1. hates there job

2. on time 2. late

3. confident t work 3. not confident at work

Spiritual Wellness Spiritual Wellness

1. active in spiritual activities 1. not active in spiritual activities

2. religious person 2. not a religious person

3. spritely uplifting 3. not spritely uplifting

Social Wellness Social Wellness

1. has good social life 1. does not have a good social life

2. being social 2. is antisocial

3. have a social life 3. no social life

Environmental Wellness Environmental Wellness

1. recycles 1. liters

2. dose not liter 2. wastes reusable materials

3. uses reusable recourses 3. dose not care for the invierment

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