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Ejemplos oraciones pasado continuo

Practical use of the continuous past

One of the most important uses of the continuous past is to talk about an activity in progress
that is interrupted by another action (structured in the simple past) that took place at the
same time.

In summary; is going to be used:

Past continuous: Main action

Past Simple: Switch action

The continuous past, as its name indicates, refers to a time in which we talk about an activity
that was being executed at a specific time in the past. If combined with a simple past tense, an
action can be described that interrupts this activity taking place.

She was reading the newspaper in the living room when you arrived. (Ella estaba
leyendo el periódico en la sala cuando llegaste)
 You were working very hard yesterday. (Tú estabas trabajando muy duro ayer)
 They were playing in the park. (Ellos estaban jugando en el parque)
 She was doing the work of two people. (Ella estaba haciendo el trabajo de dos
 He was speaking German. (Él estaba hablando alemán)
 The plane was leaving the airport. (El avión estaba saliendo del aeropuerto)
 He was playing in the park. (Él estaba jugando en el parque)
 They were selling books there. (Ellos estaban vendiendo libros allí)
 They were playing chess. (Ellos estaban jugando ajedrez)
 The boy was crying because his toy is broken. (El niño estaba llorando porque su
juguete está roto)

The past continuous and the past simple help us to show how two past actions or
situations are connected.

Past simple

The past simple shows us that an action was in the past, not in the present. Regular past
simple verbs have -ed at the end (e.g. called, played, arrived). Irregular verbs have a
different form, usually with a different vowel sound (e.g. wake → woke, break →
broke, feel → felt).


Apple / Manzana. I had an apple for dessert. / Comí una manzana de postre.

 Grams / gramos. Add once hundred grams of sugar to the preparation. / Agregue cien
gramos de azúcar.

 Leaf / Hojas. Two leaves fell from the tree. / Dos hojas cayeron del árbol

 Plane / avión. Two planes are leaving for Rio today. / Dos aviones salen para Rio hoy.

 Piece / porción. They had two pieces of cake. / Comieron dos porciones de pastel.

 Man / hombre. Three men came to see you. / Tres hombres vinieron a verlo.

 Window / ventana. The room has two windows. / La habitación tiene dos ventanas.

 Neighbor / vecino. I know some of my neighbors. / Conozco a algunos de mis vecinos.

 Floor / piso. That building has eight floors. / Este edificio tiene ocho pisos.

 Brush / Cepillo. There are two brushes in the box. / Hay dos cepillos en la caja.

 Tiger / tigre. I have a pictura of a tiger. / Tengo una fotografía de un tigre.

 Litre / Litro. You must drink two litres of water every day. / Debes tomar dos litros de agua
cada día.

 Family / Familia. I have met many families in the neighborhood. / He conocido a muchas
familias en el barrio.

 Thunder / Trueno. If you hear a thunder, it means it will start raining. / Si escuchas un
trueno, significa que comenzará a llover.

 Student / Estudiante. Those five students were punished. / Esos cinco estudiantes fueron

 Meter / metro. It’s two meters away. / Está a dos metros de distancia.

 Kilograms / kilogramos. This month we bought one hundred kilograms of flour. / Este mes
compramos cien kilos de harina.

 Song / canción. I will learn a new song today. / Hoy aprenderé una nueva canción.

 Chair / silla. They need to buy six chairs. / Necesitan comprar seis sillas.

 Balloon / globo. There were six balloons in the door. / Había seis globos en la puerta.

 Shirt / Camisa. We will give his a shirt for his birthday. / Le regalaremos una camisa por su

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