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Birth order affects the personality of firstborns

1. Lời văn
Because firstborns are the oldest siblings in the family, they often have to be
responsible for their younger siblings, know how to take care of them
instead of their parents. Therefore, they will take the initiative in all
situations and often have a very high sense of responsibility. It is these
characteristics of the eldest children that helps them gain certain experiences
and achievements in life, which are sharing, caring, helping others, high
determination leading to advancement in life.

Any of the oldest children was once the youngest in their families, so when
the siblings were born, they had to learn how to share. Being an eldest child,
I feel that sharing personality is right. I always have to be aware of my
responsibility to my younger brother, care and worry about him. If my
younger brother likes anything, I always give it to him. Despite the fact that
I want it too, as an older sister, I think giving is one of my duties. As an
oldest child, I was trained in confidence, assertiveness, prudence and
forward-thinking, which has helped me a lot in life.

In addition, they also have the minds of leaders thanks to their decisiveness,
self-confidence, reliability... According to the Forbes poll in 2015, five out
of ten the most powerful women are the oldest first born. For instance,
Christine Lagarde, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Angela Merkel, Susan Wojcicki
and Sheryl Sandberg.

First-born children are often very hardworking and always want to please
their parents or teachers. Therefore, first-born children are also susceptible
to psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, stress, etc. Moreover,
children are also easy to feel jealous and insecure when parents do not pay
much attention to themselves and other children in the family.

2. Tóm tắt để đưa vào PP

● Achiever and leader <= Family expectations; forged personalities.

● Can be protective or helpful towards others Be the oldest

● Reliable and responsible siblings in the family.

● Feels must have superiority over other children

● Strives to please others
● May have difficulty when the second child is born, such as feeling unloved
or neglected

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