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A complication – a syntactical process based on derivation and results in structural

(M) Active Voice – voice that shows that the person or thing denoted by the subj complication of a syntactical unit (part of the sentence). A certain syntactical unit
is the doer of the action expressed by the predicate. For example, I will clean the is basic, other syntactical structures are derived from it Example:( She laughed. -
house every Saturday. She began to laugh).
Aspect – is a grammatical category that shiws the way in which the action composite sentence – sentence which have more than one predication. . Example:
develops, whether it`s in process or completed. Aspect is closely connected with The government has set up an agency called Future builders.
time semantics For example, tense-aspect forms.: the present continuous – I am compound sentence – composite sentence with two or more coordinated clauses.
working; the past continuous – I was working; the past perfect and the past Example: I didn’t recognize the girl, nor did I remember her name.
indefinite – I had done my work before he came,  compression – a syntactical process of reduction  type which always accompanies
(S) Adjoining – a means of expressing syntactical connections within a expansion coord. structure allow us to shorten a sentence Ex:(Flora ate the food
subordinate phrase, when the constituents are joined without any specific change but (she) left the drink.)
of the form of the dependent word but only by their mutual position, the condensation – a syntactical process  of reduction-type closely connected with
dependent gram. function of the tale word and the meaning of the head word and with nominalization and secondary predication, which bring about compression of
the tale word. Example: The task was rather difficult, the game was just the subordinate clauses.Example( I imagined her beautiful)
same, we’ll settle this right now contamination – a syntactical process in which 2 synt. Units  merge to 1
adverbial modifier – a secondary part of sentence  which modifier a verb, an Example:( The moon rose red. The moon rose + The moon was red)
adjective or an adverb. Example: John lives in England( of place), Schools were Coordination- syntagmatic relation of independence i.e. all constituents are equal
closed because of heavy snowfall(of cause) on rank. Example: our friend, your  teacher, our friend and your teacher sent
Agreement – such a mean of expressing syntactic dependence when a tale-word greetings.
takes a gram. Form identical to that of the headword, and expresses the same
gram. categories. Example: (in person) I am-He is, (in number) I am- We are F
Asyndetical – denoting a grammatical connection, in which constituents are (M) Functional PoS – pr.of sp.that serves as connector between notional parts of
connected without conjunctions or connective., Example: Slowly, stealthily, he sp., has no independent meaning. For example, the article, the pronoun, the
crept towards his victim. preposition, the conjunction, the particle, the modal words, and the interjection
Attribute- a secondary part of sentence which qualifies a noun, a pronoun or any E
other part of speech, that has s nominal character. Example: His voice shook. (S) ellipsization – a syntactical process which resulrs in lessening the form of a
(Here the attribute is the possessive adjective his.) unit whereas it`s content remains complete. Example:( What a movie?)
expansion – a syntactical process, which is based on conjunction that is joined
C by elements which are syntactically equal in rank. Example:( red and green
(M) Case – indicates the relations of the noun (or pronoun) to the other pencils).
words in the sentence. For example, Subjective Case (I, you), Objective Case extension a syntactical process results in the multiplication of the construction
(me), Possessive Case (poss.determiner - my, poss.pronoun - mine), Vocative due to adjoining. Example:(red pencils of ballpoint type).
Case (Ladies and gentleman, please take your seats)
Combinability – ability to combine with other parts of speech. For example, G
book of John, John and Marry, this is John, the boy must leave (M) Gr.Category – a systematic opposition of different morph.forms, possessing
(S) complex sentence - composite sentence with two or more subordinate clauses. different referential meanings. For example, nouns have the categories of number
Example:  That’s what I want you to do. How the book will sell depends on its and case.
plot and the author. Gr.Form – a morph. Variant of a word which express certain gr.meaning and can
be combined with other word-forms. Traditional grammars refer to grammatical
forms as “parts of speech.” For example, the grammatical form of the word dog is MORPHOLOGY (a part of grammar that treats meaning and use of classes of
noun, of the word bite is verb, and of the word tiny is adjective. words-parts of speech as they are traditionally referred to) 
Gr.Meaning – an abstract meaning added to the lexical meaning of the word, N
expresses its relations to other words and classes of words. For example, the part Notional PoS – pr.of sp.that possesses an independent notional meaning of its
of meaning that varies from one inflectional form to another (as from plays to own and fills the main positions in sentence. For example, Noun, Adjective,
played to playing) Numeral, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb
Gr.Opposition – is minimum set of words revealing the particular manifestation Noun – a notional PoS possessing the meaning of thingness or substantivity
of some general gr.meaning. For example,  expressed in the forms of number and case. For example, cat, sock, ship, hero,
Gr.Structure – the system of gr.devices and meanings, peculiar to a language. monkey, baby, match
For example, morphology skills require an understanding and use of the Number – by the opposition of plural form to the singular form
appropriate structure of a word, such as word roots, prefixes, and affixes (called of the noun. For example, table — tables, man — men, child — children
Government –the use of the dependent word on a certain but not identical
grammatically required by its headword. Example: to kiss her, mother’s room.
(S) Object – a secondary part of sentence which restrict or completes the
(S) Government –the use of the dependent word on a certain but not identical
meaning of a verb or sometimes an adjective, a word denoting state. Example: I
grammatically required by its headword. Example: to kiss her, mother’s room.
saw the boys( noun in common case), I saw them ( objective case, He decided to
stop ( infinitive)
(M) Imperative Mood – mood that express a command or request. For example,
Stay here! Don’t go there. P
Indicative Mood – mood that shows that the action or state expressed by the verb (M) Part of Speech (PoS) – class of words having the similar meaning,
is presented as a fact. For example, I am going to discuss it. morph.forms and functions. For example, noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun,
Inner-Flexion – manifestation of gr.meaning by root vowel. For example, child preposition, conjunction, interjection.
[t∫aild] — «ребенок» — children [t∫ildrən] — «дети», внутренняя флексия Passive Voice – voice that shows that the person or thing denoted by the subj is
[t∫aild] — [t∫ild-] и аффиксация (нуль в child и-еп в children) acted upon. For example, The house will be cleaned by me every Saturday.
Intransitive Verbs – Those verbs that can’t take a direct object. For example, Pluralia tantum – uncountable noun those have no singular forms, mostly
They jumped. The dog ran. She sang. A light was shining. composed by nouns denoting objects consisting of 2 or more parts, complex
(S) insertion – a syntactical process of enlargement achieved by adding phenomena or ceremonies. For example,   trousers, pants, scissors, clothes
independent elements – direct address, parenthesis Example:( You, my friend, (S) Predicate – the second principal part of a two-member sentence which
will have to travel alone). express an action, state or quality of person or thing denoted by the subject. In
most cases it agrees with subject un number and person. Example: Children grow
older every day. You look healthy and fit 
Predication – a form of a syntagmatic relation of independence , the components
(M) Middle Voice – approximate type of grammatical voice in which the subject
are  interconnected. Example: Their corruption is evident.
both performs and receives the action expressed by the verb. In other words, the
Primary – sentence level predications is observed between the subject and the
subject acts as both the agent and the receiver . For example, “The cat is
predicate. Example: John went home
scratching itself.” (The cat is the agent and itself is the receiver of the action.)
Mood – a indicates the attitude of the speaker towards the action
expressed by the verb from the point of view of its reality. For example, I am
going to discuss it (indicative), Stay here! (imperative)
(M) Reciprocal Voice – voice that denotes the action performed by the subj on substitution – a syntactical process, is  achieved by means of substitute word
one another. For example, John and Sarah divorced two years after their called pro-forms Example:( When John entered the room he (john) found his
marriage; The friends will be meeting one another wife there ( in the room)
Reduplication – a doubling of a root or a stem of a word. For example, knock-  Syndetical – denoting a grammatical connection, in which constituents are
knock, bye-bye connected by conjunctions or connectives. Ex: Slowly and stealthily, he crept
Reflexive Voice – voice that denoted action that is performed by the subj upon towards his victim.
itself. For example, I will wash myself  syntactical processes of enlargement-type – are accomplice as additions ,
(S) representation –kind of reduction, in which the components of the synt. Unit presupposes the enlargement of a sentenceExample: red pencils which are on
is  used to represent the content of the whole unit Example:( They suspected that the table, dark red pencils. 
he had given her a ring and he had ( had given her a ring) syntactical processes of  reduction-type  - process, those result is lessening the
amount of syntactic units, but the unit is not destroyed. It`s wholeness being
S compensated in its content and in its form. Example: He stood beside me in
(M) Singularia tantum – uncountable noun those have no plural forms. For silence, his candle in his hand. (C. Doyle)
example, kindness, weather, courage, information, tea, water, fruit, money, hair SYNTAX (a subdivision of grammar that deals with the structure of speech
Subjunctive Mood – mood that shows that the action or state expressed by the utterances that make a sentence or a part of a sentence) 
verb is presented as a non-fact, as something imaginary or desired. For example,
If he were not busy, he would call on me. T
Supplitivity – a gr.mean that is based on the correlation of different roots as a (M) Tense – denotes the relation of the action either to the moment of
means of paradigmatic differentiation. For example,  speaking or to some definite moment in the past of future. For example, I was
(S) Secondary – phrase level predications, is observed between non-finite forms happy (past tense), I am happy (present tense), I will be happy (future tense)
of the verb and notional elements within a sentence. Example: I saw her dancing Transitive Verbs – verbs that are connected with their object words directly, they
 sentence (3)- sentence is is a communication unit, an expression of a thought or express the action which passes on to a person or a thing directly. For example,
feeling by means of a word or words used in such form and manner as to convey address, borrow, bring, discuss, raise, offer, pay, write. e.g. Please bring coffee
the meaning intended (G. Curme "A Grammar of the English Language"). For (Please bring! (bring what? where’s the object?)
example: the cat stretched 
 simple sentence – sentence which have only one predication. Example: Where
do you live?( interrogative, special), come to the blackboard!(imperative V
sentence) (M) Verb – notional PoS which has categorial meaning of process, typical stem
 specification – a syntactical process is achieved via a syn. Element, mollified building elements, of tense, aspect, time, voice, mood, person, number; can
by one or more element called appended modifiers Example:(cry here, on my be combined with nouns (pronouns) and adverbs. For example, Run. Dance.
shoulder) Slide. Jump. Think. Do. Go. Stand
subject – the  principal part of a two-member sentence which is grammatically Voice – the verb which indicates the relation of the predicate to the subj
independent from the other parts of the sentence and on which the predicate is and the obj. For example, I will clean the house every Saturday (active voice), The
grammatically dependent. Example: After lunch I will call my mother, Jack house will be cleaned by me every Saturday. (passive voice)
walked to the store
 Subordination  - syntagmatic relation of dependence i. e. phrase consists of a W
headword and an adjunct,  which is syntactically dependent of the headword. (S) Word-group (phrase, Word-combination)- a syntagmatic unity of two or
Example: black dog, with patience, clean the bathroom.  more notional word/ - a group of words, which contain two or more notional
words, forming a grammatical unit. Example: boys and girls, coffee, tea and
milk (coordinative), nice flowers, to see her.

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