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4TH QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 3

Task List

Week 3 lessons focus on Logic as an essential part of discourse of the

mathematical language. It covers propositional logic, which entails evaluation of
truth values of simple and compound propositions and statements. Predicate logic is
also discussed where evaluation of quantified statements in terms of their truth
values is also discussed.

Keep track of your progress in this lesson by checking the box corresponding to
each task.

_____ 1. Read/Watch Module 1 Lesson 7 Lecture

_____ 2. Read/Watch Module 1 Lesson 8 Lecture

_____ 3. Answer HW3 in Blackboard.

_____ 4. Prepare for/Take Module 1 Quiz

_____ 5. Finalize and submit Module 1 Project.

_____ 6. Prepare and submit the documentation of project.

_____ 7. Submit WGN Week 3.

4TH QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 3

Lesson 7. Propositional Logic


A. What are the five type of compound statements/propositions?

1. Negation
2. Disjunction
3. Conjunction
4. Conditional
5. Biconditional

B. Given the conditional proposition 𝑝 → ~𝑞. Write the symbolic form of the
following related propositions:

1. Negation - ~

2. Converse - 𝑞 → 𝑝

3. Inverse - ~ 𝑝 → ~ 𝑞

4. Contrapositive - ~ 𝑞 → ~ 𝑝

C. Define a tautology, a contradiction and a contingency.

• Tautology – it is composed of compound sentences which is always true

despite of the truth values of its constituent statements.
• Contradiction - regardless of the truth values of the component
assertions, this statement is always false.
• Contingency – it is a compound statement that is neither true or
false/tautology or contradiction.
4TH QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 3

Lesson 8. Predicate Logic


A. Define and give 2 examples of universal quantification.

Universal Quantification is defined as the assignment of a property or

relationship to each domain member. It uses “all” and “every” in its sentences and
uses an upside-down A as its quantifier (∀) .

1. If S a set and P(x) is a statement about the element x, then the

• ∀𝑥 𝑆 𝑃(𝑥) - “For all x in S, P(x) is true” or “P(x) is true for every
x in S”.
2. Let B be the set of all species of non-extinct birds, and b be a predicate
variable such that b B. Let Q be the statement "b can fly."
• ∀b B Q(b)– "for all birds b that are in the set of non-extinct
species of birds, b can fly."

B. Define and give 2 examples of existential quantification.

Existential Quantification is a statement that is true if the statement is true

for at least one variable inside the variable's domain. It uses “some and “there
exists” and uses flipped E as its quantifier (∃).

1. Let B be the set of all species of non-extinct birds, and b be a predicate
variable such that b B. Let R be the statement "b is either carnivorous
or is not."
• ∃b B, R(b) - "For some birds b that are in the set of non-extinct
species of birds, b can fly."
2. Additional from (1) predicate W(b), where W stands for "is bigger than
an elephant".
• ∃b B, W(b)- "There exists a bird which is bigger than an
elephant." This statement is false, since no member of set B is
bigger than an elephant.
4TH QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 3

C. Explain how to negate a universal and existential quantification. Give 2

examples of each.

The negation of a universal quantification ("all are") is logically equivalent to

an existential quantification ("Some are not"). On the other hand, The negation of an
existential quantification ("some are") is logically equivalent to a universal
quantification ("all are not"). In other words, add (~) to negate the statement.

Examples for the negation of Universal Quantification:

Let B be the set of all species of non-extinct birds, and b be a predicate

variable such that b B. Let Q be the statement "b can fly."

1. ~(∀b B | Q(b)) - ~(All birds fly).

2. ∃b B | ~Q(b) – Some birds do not fly.

Examples for the negation of Existential Quantification:

*From Existential Quantification Example.

1. ~(∃b B | Q(b)) – ~(Some birds are bigger than elephants)

2. ∀b B | ~Q(b) – No birds are bigger than elephants.

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